blob: 7b0bcaf44acec119cf34a3447d917a87461d494f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/file_state.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/api_signature.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/link.dart' as graph
show DependencyWalker, Node;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
/// Ensure that the [FileState.libraryCycle] for the [file] and anything it
/// depends on is computed.
void computeLibraryCycle(Uint32List linkedSalt, FileState file) {
var libraryWalker = new _LibraryWalker(linkedSalt);
/// Information about libraries that reference each other, so form a cycle.
class LibraryCycle {
/// The libraries that belong to this cycle.
final List<FileState> libraries = [];
/// The library cycles that this cycle references directly.
final Set<LibraryCycle> directDependencies = new Set<LibraryCycle>();
/// The cycles that use this cycle, used to [invalidate] transitively.
final List<LibraryCycle> _directUsers = [];
/// The transitive signature of this cycle.
/// It is based on the API signatures of all files of the [libraries], and
/// transitive signatures of the cycles that the [libraries] reference
/// directly. So, indirectly it is based on the transitive closure of all
/// files that [libraries] reference (but we don't compute these files).
String _transitiveSignature;
/// The map from a library in [libraries] to its transitive signature.
/// It is almost the same as [_transitiveSignature], but is also based on
/// the URI of this specific library. Currently we store each linked library
/// with its own key, so we need unique keys. However practically we never
/// can use just *one* library of a cycle, we always use the whole cycle.
/// TODO(scheglov) Switch to loading the whole cycle maybe?
final Map<FileState, String> transitiveSignatures = {};
LibraryCycle.external() : _transitiveSignature = '<external>';
/// Invalidate this cycle and any cycles that directly or indirectly use it.
/// Practically invalidation means that we clear the library cycle in all the
/// [libraries] that share this [LibraryCycle] instance.
void invalidate() {
for (var library in libraries) {
library.internal_setLibraryCycle(null, null);
for (var user in _directUsers) {
String toString() {
return '[' + libraries.join(', ') + ']';
/// Node in [_LibraryWalker].
class _LibraryNode extends graph.Node<_LibraryNode> {
final _LibraryWalker walker;
final FileState file;
_LibraryNode(this.walker, this.file);
bool get isEvaluated => file.internal_libraryCycle != null;
List<_LibraryNode> computeDependencies() {
/// Helper that organizes dependencies of a library into topologically
/// sorted [LibraryCycle]s.
class _LibraryWalker extends graph.DependencyWalker<_LibraryNode> {
final Uint32List _linkedSalt;
final Map<FileState, _LibraryNode> nodesOfFiles = {};
void evaluate(_LibraryNode v) {
void evaluateScc(List<_LibraryNode> scc) {
var cycle = new LibraryCycle();
var signature = new ApiSignature();
// Sort libraries to produce stable signatures.
scc.sort((first, second) {
var firstPath = first.file.path;
var secondPath = second.file.path;
return firstPath.compareTo(secondPath);
// Append direct referenced cycles.
for (var node in scc) {
var file = node.file;
_appendDirectlyReferenced(cycle, signature, file.importedFiles);
_appendDirectlyReferenced(cycle, signature, file.exportedFiles);
// Fill the cycle with libraries.
for (var node in scc) {
for (var file in node.file.libraryFiles) {
// Compute the general library cycle signature.
cycle._transitiveSignature = signature.toHex();
// Compute library specific signatures.
for (var node in scc) {
var librarySignatureBuilder = new ApiSignature()
var librarySignature = librarySignatureBuilder.toHex();
_LibraryNode getNode(FileState file) {
return nodesOfFiles.putIfAbsent(file, () => new _LibraryNode(this, file));
void _appendDirectlyReferenced(
LibraryCycle cycle,
ApiSignature signature,
List<FileState> directlyReferenced,
) {
for (var referencedLibrary in directlyReferenced) {
var referencedCycle = referencedLibrary.internal_libraryCycle;
// We get null when the library is a part of the cycle being build.
if (referencedCycle == null) continue;
if (cycle.directDependencies.add(referencedCycle)) {