blob: 7058e70ed295571454023b607fab6e7d8a2ec0c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library build_dart;
import "dart:io";
import "package:args/args.dart";
bool cleanBuild;
bool fullBuild;
bool useMachineInterface;
List<String> changedFiles;
List<String> removedFiles;
* If the file is named 'build.dart' and is placed in the root directory of a
* project or in a directory containing a pubspec.yaml file, then the Editor
* will automatically invoke that file whenever a file in that project changes.
* See the source code of [processArgs] for information about the legal command
* line options.
void main(List<String> arguments) {
if (cleanBuild) {
} else if (fullBuild) {
} else {
// Return a non-zero code to indicate a build failure.
* Handle --changed, --removed, --clean, --full, and --help command-line args.
void processArgs(List<String> arguments) {
var parser = new ArgParser();
help: "the file has changed since the last build", allowMultiple: true);
help: "the file was removed since the last build", allowMultiple: true);
parser.addFlag("clean", negatable: false, help: "remove any build artifacts");
parser.addFlag("full", negatable: false, help: "perform a full build");
negatable: false, help: "produce warnings in a machine parseable format");
parser.addFlag("help", negatable: false, help: "display this help and exit");
var args = parser.parse(arguments);
if (args["help"]) {
changedFiles = args["changed"];
removedFiles = args["removed"];
useMachineInterface = args["machine"];
cleanBuild = args["clean"];
fullBuild = args["full"];
* Delete all generated files.
void handleCleanCommand() {
Directory current = Directory.current;
current.list(recursive: true).listen((FileSystemEntity entity) {
if (entity is File) _maybeClean(entity);
* Recursively scan the current directory looking for .foo files to process.
void handleFullBuild() {
var files = <String>[];
Directory.current.list(recursive: true).listen((entity) {
if (entity is File) {
files.add((entity as File).resolveSymbolicLinksSync());
}, onDone: () => handleChangedFiles(files));
* Process the given list of changed files.
void handleChangedFiles(List<String> files) {
* Process the given list of removed files.
void handleRemovedFiles(List<String> files) {}
* Convert a .foo file to a .foobar file.
void _processFile(String arg) {
if (arg.endsWith(".foo")) {
print("processing: ${arg}");
File file = new File(arg);
String contents = file.readAsStringSync();
File outFile = new File("${arg}bar");
IOSink out = outFile.openWrite();
out.writeln("// processed from ${file.path}:");
if (contents != null) {
print("wrote: ${outFile.path}");
void _findErrors(String arg) {
File file = new File(arg);
List lines = file.readAsLinesSync();
for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
if (lines[i].contains("woot") && !lines[i].startsWith("//")) {
if (useMachineInterface) {
// Ideally, we should emit the charStart and charEnd params as well.
'"message":"woot not supported"}}]');
* If this file is a generated file (based on the extension), delete it.
void _maybeClean(File file) {
if (file.path.endsWith(".foobar")) {