blob: c71ff180f711454be4b7b5ae4a32fea8aa8f6b6f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/idl.dart';
* A [NameFilter] represents the set of filtering rules implied by zero or more
* combinators in an `export` or `import` statement.
class NameFilter {
* A [NameFilter] representing no filtering at all (i.e. no combinators).
static final NameFilter identity =
new NameFilter._(hiddenNames: new Set<String>());
* If this [NameFilter] accepts a finite number of names and hides all
* others, the (possibly empty) set of names it accepts. Otherwise `null`.
final Set<String> shownNames;
* If [shownNames] is `null`, the (possibly empty) set of names not accepted
* by this filter (all other names are accepted). If [shownNames] is not
* `null`, then [hiddenNames] will be `null`.
final Set<String> hiddenNames;
* Create a [NameFilter] based on the given [combinator].
factory NameFilter.forNamespaceCombinator(NamespaceCombinator combinator) {
if (combinator is ShowElementCombinator) {
return new NameFilter._(shownNames: combinator.shownNames.toSet());
} else if (combinator is HideElementCombinator) {
return new NameFilter._(hiddenNames: combinator.hiddenNames.toSet());
} else {
throw new StateError(
'Unexpected combinator type ${combinator.runtimeType}');
* Create a [NameFilter] based on the given (possibly empty) sequence of
* [combinators].
factory NameFilter.forNamespaceCombinators(
List<NamespaceCombinator> combinators) {
NameFilter result = identity;
for (NamespaceCombinator combinator in combinators) {
result = result.merge(new NameFilter.forNamespaceCombinator(combinator));
return result;
* Create a [NameFilter] based on the given [combinator].
factory NameFilter.forUnlinkedCombinator(UnlinkedCombinator combinator) {
if (combinator.shows.isNotEmpty) {
return new NameFilter._(shownNames: combinator.shows.toSet());
} else {
return new NameFilter._(hiddenNames: combinator.hides.toSet());
* Create a [NameFilter] based on the given (possibly empty) sequence of
* [combinators].
factory NameFilter.forUnlinkedCombinators(
List<UnlinkedCombinator> combinators) {
NameFilter result = identity;
for (UnlinkedCombinator combinator in combinators) {
result = result.merge(new NameFilter.forUnlinkedCombinator(combinator));
return result;
const NameFilter._({this.shownNames, this.hiddenNames});
* Determine if the given [name] is accepted by this [NameFilter].
bool accepts(String name) {
if (name.endsWith('=')) {
name = name.substring(0, name.length - 1);
if (shownNames != null) {
return shownNames.contains(name);
} else {
return !hiddenNames.contains(name);
* Produce a new [NameFilter] by combining this [NameFilter] with another
* one. The new [NameFilter] will only accept names that would be accepted
* by both input filters.
NameFilter merge(NameFilter other) {
if (shownNames != null) {
if (other.shownNames != null) {
return new NameFilter._(
shownNames: shownNames.intersection(other.shownNames));
} else {
return new NameFilter._(
shownNames: shownNames.difference(other.hiddenNames));
} else {
if (other.shownNames != null) {
return new NameFilter._(
shownNames: other.shownNames.difference(hiddenNames));
} else {
return new NameFilter._(
hiddenNames: hiddenNames.union(other.hiddenNames));