blob: 4d2414ff18ff5f5336e2db9c6f8bd402d2856f44 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/standard_ast_factory.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/member.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/fasta/resolution_storer.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/base/syntactic_entity.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/scanner/token.dart';
import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart' as kernel;
/// Visitor that applies resolution data from the front end (obtained via
/// [ResolutionStorer]) to an analyzer AST.
class ResolutionApplier extends GeneralizingAstVisitor {
final LibraryElement _enclosingLibraryElement;
final TypeContext _typeContext;
final List<Element> _declaredElements;
int _declaredElementIndex = 0;
final List<Element> _referencedElements;
int _referencedElementIndex = 0;
final List<kernel.DartType> _types;
int _typeIndex = 0;
/// The current label scope. Each [Block] adds a new one.
_LabelScope _labelScope = new _LabelScope(null);
/// Indicates whether we are applying resolution to an annotation.
/// When this field is `true`, [PropertyInducingElement]s should be replaced
/// with corresponding getters.
bool _inAnnotation = false;
ResolutionApplier(this._enclosingLibraryElement, this._typeContext,
this._declaredElements, this._referencedElements, this._types);
/// Apply resolution to annotations of the given [node].
void applyToAnnotations(AnnotatedNode node) {
_inAnnotation = true;
_inAnnotation = false;
/// Verifies that all types passed to the constructor have been applied.
void checkDone() {
if (_declaredElementIndex != _declaredElements.length) {
throw new StateError('Some declarations were not consumed, starting at '
if (_referencedElementIndex != _referencedElements.length) {
throw new StateError('Some references were not consumed, starting at '
if (_typeIndex != _types.length) {
throw new StateError(
'Some types were not consumed, starting at ${_types[_typeIndex]}');
void visitAdjacentStrings(AdjacentStrings node) {
node.staticType = _typeContext.stringType;
void visitAnnotation(Annotation node) {
SimpleIdentifier constructorName = node.constructorName;
// Peek forward and check if the next element is a PrefixElement.
SimpleIdentifier topEntity;
if (_referencedElements[_referencedElementIndex] is PrefixElement) {
PrefixedIdentifier prefixedIdentifier =;
SimpleIdentifier prefix = prefixedIdentifier.prefix;
PrefixElement prefixElement = _getReferenceFor(prefix);
_getTypeFor(prefix); // prefix type
prefix.staticElement = prefixElement;
topEntity = prefixedIdentifier.identifier;
} else {
topEntity =;
Element element = _getReferenceFor(topEntity);
DartType type = _getTypeFor(topEntity);
node.element = element;
if (element is ConstructorElement) {
topEntity.staticElement = element.enclosingElement;
if (constructorName != null) {
constructorName.staticElement = element;
constructorName.staticType = element.type;
ArgumentList argumentList = node.arguments;
if (argumentList != null) {
_resolveNamedArguments(argumentList, element.parameters);
} else {
topEntity.staticElement = element;
topEntity.staticType = type;
if (constructorName != null) {
node.element = constructorName.staticElement;
void visitAsExpression(AsExpression node) {
_enclosingLibraryElement, _getTypeFor(node.asOperator), node.type);
node.staticType = _getTypeFor(node.asOperator);
void visitAssignmentExpression(AssignmentExpression node) {
SyntacticEntity entity = _getAssignmentEntity(node.leftHandSide);
node.staticElement = _getReferenceFor(entity);
node.staticType = _getTypeFor(entity);
void visitBinaryExpression(BinaryExpression node) {
TokenType operatorType = node.operator.type;
if (operatorType != TokenType.QUESTION_QUESTION &&
operatorType != TokenType.AMPERSAND_AMPERSAND &&
operatorType != TokenType.BAR_BAR) {
node.staticElement = _getReferenceFor(node.operator);
_getTypeFor(node.operator); // callee type
_getTypeFor(node.operator); // invocation type
_getTypeFor(node.operator); // type arguments
// Record the return type of the expression.
node.staticType = _getTypeFor(node.operator);
// Skip the synthetic Not for `!=`.
if (operatorType == TokenType.BANG_EQ) {
_getTypeFor(null, synthetic: true);
void visitBlock(Block node) {
_labelScope = new _LabelScope(_labelScope);
_labelScope = _labelScope.parent;
void visitBreakStatement(BreakStatement node) {
SimpleIdentifier label = node.label;
if (label != null) {
LabelElement labelElement = _labelScope[];
label.staticElement = labelElement;
void visitCascadeExpression(CascadeExpression node) {
node.staticType =;
void visitCatchClause(CatchClause node) {
DartType guardType = _getTypeFor(node.onKeyword ?? node.catchKeyword);
if (node.exceptionType != null) {
_enclosingLibraryElement, guardType, node.exceptionType);
SimpleIdentifier exception = node.exceptionParameter;
if (exception != null) {
LocalVariableElementImpl element = _getDeclarationFor(exception);
DartType type = _getTypeFor(exception);
element.type = type;
exception.staticElement = element;
exception.staticType = type;
SimpleIdentifier stackTrace = node.stackTraceParameter;
if (stackTrace != null) {
LocalVariableElementImpl element = _getDeclarationFor(stackTrace);
DartType type = _getTypeFor(stackTrace);
element.type = type;
stackTrace.staticElement = element;
stackTrace.staticType = type;
void visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpression node) {
node.staticType = _getTypeFor(node.question);
void visitConstructorFieldInitializer(ConstructorFieldInitializer node) {
FieldElement fieldElement = _getReferenceFor(node.equals);
node.fieldName.staticElement = fieldElement;
node.fieldName.staticType = fieldElement.type;
void visitContinueStatement(ContinueStatement node) {
SimpleIdentifier label = node.label;
if (label != null) {
LabelElement labelElement = _labelScope[];
label.staticElement = labelElement;
void visitExpression(Expression node) {
node.staticType = _getTypeFor(node);
void visitForEachStatement(ForEachStatement node) {
DeclaredIdentifier loopVariable = node.loopVariable;
if (loopVariable != null) {
SimpleIdentifier identifier = loopVariable.identifier;
DartType type = _getTypeFor(identifier);
identifier.staticType = type;
if (loopVariable.type != null) {
_enclosingLibraryElement, type, loopVariable.type);
VariableElementImpl element = _getDeclarationFor(identifier);
if (element != null) {
identifier.staticElement = element;
element.type = type;
} else {
node.identifier.staticElement = _getReferenceFor(node.identifier);
node.identifier.staticType = _getTypeFor(node.identifier);
void visitFormalParameterList(FormalParameterList parameterList) {
for (var parameter in parameterList.parameters) {
if (parameter is DefaultFormalParameter) {
if (parameter.defaultValue == null) {
// Consume the Null type, for the implicit default value.
_getTypeFor(null, synthetic: true);
} else {
void visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
FunctionExpression functionExpression = node.functionExpression;
FormalParameterList parameterList = functionExpression.parameters;
// Apply resolution to default values.
FunctionElementImpl element = _getDeclarationFor(node);
if (node.returnType != null && element != null) {
_enclosingLibraryElement, element.returnType, node.returnType);
// Associate the elements with the nodes.
if (element != null) {
functionExpression.element = element; = element; = element.type;
TypeParameterList typeParameterList = functionExpression.typeParameters;
if (typeParameterList != null) {
List<TypeParameter> typeParameters = typeParameterList.typeParameters;
for (var i = 0; i < typeParameters.length; i++) {
TypeParameter typeParameter = typeParameters[i];
assert(typeParameter.bound == null); = element.typeParameters[i]; = _typeContext.typeType;
_enclosingLibraryElement, element.parameters, parameterList);
void visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) {
FormalParameterList parameterList = node.parameters;
FunctionElementImpl element = _getDeclarationFor(node);
// Associate the elements with the nodes.
if (element != null) {
node.element = element;
node.staticType = element.type;
_enclosingLibraryElement, element.parameters, parameterList);
// Apply resolution to default values.
void visitFunctionExpressionInvocation(FunctionExpressionInvocation node) {
DartType invokeType = _getTypeFor(node.argumentList);
node.staticInvokeType = invokeType;
DartType typeArgumentsDartType = _getTypeFor(node.argumentList);
if (node.typeArguments != null &&
typeArgumentsDartType is TypeArgumentsDartType) {
_applyTypeArgumentsToList(_enclosingLibraryElement, typeArgumentsDartType,
DartType resultType = _getTypeFor(node.argumentList);
node.staticType = resultType;
void visitIndexExpression(IndexExpression node) {;
DartType targetType =;
MethodElement element = _getReferenceFor(node.leftBracket);
// Convert the raw element into a member.
if (targetType is InterfaceType) {
MethodElement member = MethodMember.from(element, targetType);
node.staticElement = member;
_getTypeFor(node.leftBracket); // callee type
_getTypeFor(node.leftBracket); // invoke type
_getTypeFor(node.leftBracket); // type arguments
node.staticType = _getTypeFor(node.leftBracket);
void visitInstanceCreationExpression(InstanceCreationExpression node) {
ConstructorName constructorName = node.constructorName;
// Peek forward and check if the next element is a PrefixElement.
PrefixElement prefix;
AstNode constructorEntity = constructorName;
if (_referencedElements[_referencedElementIndex] is PrefixElement) {
PrefixedIdentifier typeIdentifier =;
prefix = _getReferenceFor(typeIdentifier.prefix);
_getTypeFor(typeIdentifier.prefix); // prefix type
constructorEntity = typeIdentifier.identifier;
ConstructorElement constructor = _getReferenceFor(constructorEntity);
DartType type = _getTypeFor(constructorEntity);
_enclosingLibraryElement, prefix, constructor, type, constructorName);
node.staticElement = constructor;
node.staticType = type;
ArgumentList argumentList = node.argumentList;
_resolveNamedArguments(argumentList, constructor?.parameters);
void visitIsExpression(IsExpression node) {
_enclosingLibraryElement, _getTypeFor(node.isOperator), node.type);
node.staticType = _getTypeFor(node.isOperator);
void visitLabel(Label node) {
SimpleIdentifier label = node.label;
String name =;
var element = new LabelElementImpl(name, label.offset, false, false);
_labelScope.add(name, element);
label.staticElement = element;
void visitListLiteral(ListLiteral node) {
DartType type = _getTypeFor(node.constKeyword ?? node.leftBracket);
node.staticType = type;
if (node.typeArguments != null) {
_enclosingLibraryElement, type, node.typeArguments.arguments);
void visitMapLiteral(MapLiteral node) {
DartType type = _getTypeFor(node.constKeyword ?? node.leftBracket);
node.staticType = type;
if (node.typeArguments != null) {
_enclosingLibraryElement, type, node.typeArguments.arguments);
void visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {;
ArgumentList argumentList = node.argumentList;
Element invokeElement = _getReferenceFor(node.methodName);
_getTypeFor(node.methodName); // static element type
DartType invokeType = _getTypeFor(argumentList);
DartType typeArgumentsDartType = _getTypeFor(argumentList);
DartType resultType = _getTypeFor(argumentList);
if (invokeElement is PropertyInducingElement) {
PropertyInducingElement property = invokeElement;
invokeElement = property.getter;
node.staticInvokeType = invokeType;
node.staticType = resultType;
if ( == 'call' && invokeElement == null) {
// Don't resolve explicit call() invocation of function types.
} else {
node.methodName.staticElement = invokeElement;
node.methodName.staticType = invokeType;
if (invokeType is FunctionType) {
if (node.typeArguments != null &&
typeArgumentsDartType is TypeArgumentsDartType) {
typeArgumentsDartType, node.typeArguments.arguments);
var elementForParameters = invokeElement;
if (elementForParameters is PropertyAccessorElement) {
PropertyAccessorElement accessor = elementForParameters;
elementForParameters = accessor.returnType.element;
if (elementForParameters is FunctionTypedElement) {
List<ParameterElement> parameters = elementForParameters.parameters;
_resolveNamedArguments(argumentList, parameters);
void visitNativeFunctionBody(NativeFunctionBody node) {
// nothing to resolve
void visitParenthesizedExpression(ParenthesizedExpression node) {
node.staticType = node.expression.staticType;
void visitPostfixExpression(PostfixExpression node) {
SyntacticEntity entity = _getAssignmentEntity(node.operand);
node.staticElement = _getReferenceFor(entity);
node.staticType = _getTypeFor(entity);
void visitPrefixedIdentifier(PrefixedIdentifier node) {
node.staticType = node.identifier.staticType;
void visitPrefixExpression(PrefixExpression node) {
TokenType tokenType = node.operator.type;
if (tokenType.isIncrementOperator) {
// ++v;
// This is an assignment, it is associated with the operand.
SyntacticEntity entity = _getAssignmentEntity(node.operand);
node.staticElement = _getReferenceFor(entity);
node.staticType = _getTypeFor(entity);
} else if (tokenType == TokenType.BANG) {
// !boolExpression;
node.staticType = _getTypeFor(node);
} else {
// ~v;
// This is a method invocation, it is associated with the operator.
SyntacticEntity entity = node.operator;
node.staticElement = _getReferenceFor(entity);
_getTypeFor(entity); // The static function type of the operator.
_getTypeFor(entity); // The invoke function type of the operator.
_getTypeFor(entity); // The type arguments (empty).
node.staticType = _getTypeFor(entity);
void visitPropertyAccess(PropertyAccess node) {;
node.staticType = node.propertyName.staticType;
void visitRedirectingConstructorInvocation(
RedirectingConstructorInvocation node) {
SimpleIdentifier constructorName = node.constructorName;
ConstructorElement element = _getReferenceFor(constructorName ?? node);
node.staticElement = element;
constructorName?.staticElement = element;
ArgumentList argumentList = node.argumentList;
_resolveNamedArguments(argumentList, element?.parameters);
void visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
node.staticElement = _getReferenceFor(node);
void visitStringInterpolation(StringInterpolation node) {
for (var element in node.elements) {
if (element is InterpolationString) {
if (element.value.isNotEmpty) {
} else if (element is InterpolationExpression) {
node.staticType = _typeContext.stringType;
void visitSuperConstructorInvocation(SuperConstructorInvocation node) {
SimpleIdentifier constructorName = node.constructorName;
var superElement = _typeContext.enclosingClassElement.supertype.element;
ConstructorElement element;
if (constructorName == null) {
element = superElement.unnamedConstructor;
} else {
String name =;
element = superElement.getNamedConstructor(name);
constructorName.staticElement = element;
node.staticElement = element;
ArgumentList argumentList = node.argumentList;
_resolveNamedArguments(argumentList, element?.parameters);
void visitSuperExpression(SuperExpression node) {
node.staticType = _typeContext.enclosingClassElement?.type;
void visitThisExpression(ThisExpression node) {
node.staticType = _typeContext.enclosingClassElement?.type;
void visitTypeAnnotation(TypeAnnotation node) {
applyToTypeAnnotation(_enclosingLibraryElement, _getTypeFor(node), node);
void visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) {
AstNode parent = node.parent;
if (parent is VariableDeclarationList &&
(parent.parent is TopLevelVariableDeclaration ||
parent.parent is FieldDeclaration)) {
// Don't visit the name; resolution for it will come from the outline.
} else {
DartType type = _getTypeFor(; = type;
VariableElementImpl element = _getDeclarationFor(;
if (element != null) {
_typeContext.encloseVariable(element); = element;
element.type = type;
void visitVariableDeclarationList(VariableDeclarationList node) {
if (node.parent is TopLevelVariableDeclaration) {
} else {
if (node.metadata.isNotEmpty) {
// TODO(paulberry): handle this case
throw new UnimplementedError('Metadata on a variable declaration list');
if (node.type != null) {
DartType type = node.variables[0].name.staticType;
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Understand why the type is sometimes `null`.
if (type != null) {
applyToTypeAnnotation(_enclosingLibraryElement, type, node.type);
/// Apply resolution to arguments of the [argumentList].
void _applyResolutionToArguments(ArgumentList argumentList) {
for (var argument in argumentList.arguments) {
if (argument is NamedExpression) {
} else {
/// Return the [SyntacticEntity] with which the front-end associates
/// assignment to the given [leftHandSide].
SyntacticEntity _getAssignmentEntity(Expression leftHandSide) {
if (leftHandSide is SimpleIdentifier) {
return leftHandSide;
} else if (leftHandSide is PrefixedIdentifier) {
return leftHandSide.identifier;
} else if (leftHandSide is PropertyAccess) {
return leftHandSide.propertyName;
} else if (leftHandSide is IndexExpressionImpl) {
return leftHandSide.leftBracket;
} else {
throw new StateError(
'Unexpected LHS (${leftHandSide.runtimeType}) $leftHandSide');
/// Return the element associated with the declaration represented by the
/// given [node].
Element _getDeclarationFor(AstNode node) {
return _declaredElements[_declaredElementIndex++];
/// Return the element associated with the reference represented by the
/// given [entity].
Element _getReferenceFor(SyntacticEntity entity) {
Element element = _referencedElements[_referencedElementIndex++];
if (_inAnnotation && element is PropertyInducingElement) {
return element.getter;
return element;
/// Return the type associated with the given [entity].
/// If [synthetic] is `true`, the [entity] must be `null` and the type is
/// an implicit type, e.g. the type of the absent default values of an
/// optional parameter (i.e. [Null]).
DartType _getTypeFor(SyntacticEntity entity, {bool synthetic: false}) {
assert(!synthetic || entity == null);
kernel.DartType kernelType = _types[_typeIndex++];
return _typeContext.translateType(kernelType);
/// Apply resolution to named arguments of the [argumentList].
void _resolveNamedArguments(
ArgumentList argumentList, List<ParameterElement> parameters) {
if (parameters != null) {
for (var argument in argumentList.arguments) {
if (argument is NamedExpression) {
SimpleIdentifier identifier =;
for (var parameter in parameters) {
if ( == {
identifier.staticElement = parameter;
/// Apply the [type] that is created by the [constructorName] and the
/// [constructorElement] it references.
static void applyConstructorElement(
LibraryElement enclosingLibraryElement,
PrefixElement prefixElement,
ConstructorElement constructorElement,
DartType type,
ConstructorName constructorName) {
constructorName.staticElement = constructorElement;
ClassElement classElement = constructorElement?.enclosingElement;
Identifier typeIdentifier =;
if (prefixElement != null) {
PrefixedIdentifier prefixedTypeIdentifier = typeIdentifier;
prefixedTypeIdentifier.staticType = type;
prefixedTypeIdentifier.prefix.staticElement = prefixElement;
SimpleIdentifier classNode = prefixedTypeIdentifier.identifier;
classNode.staticElement = classElement;
classNode.staticType = type;
} else {
if (typeIdentifier is SimpleIdentifier) {
typeIdentifier.staticElement = classElement;
typeIdentifier.staticType = type;
} else if (typeIdentifier is PrefixedIdentifier) {
constructorName.type = astFactory.typeName(typeIdentifier.prefix, null);
constructorName.period = typeIdentifier.period; = typeIdentifier.identifier;
} = constructorElement;
applyToTypeAnnotation(enclosingLibraryElement, type, constructorName.type);
/// Apply the types of the [parameterElements] to the [parameterList] that
/// have an explicit type annotation.
static void applyParameters(
LibraryElement enclosingLibraryElement,
List<ParameterElement> parameterElements,
FormalParameterList parameterList) {
List<FormalParameter> parameters = parameterList.parameters;
int length = parameterElements.length;
if (parameters.length != length) {
throw new StateError('Parameter counts do not match');
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
ParameterElementImpl element = parameterElements[i];
FormalParameter parameter = parameters[i];
NormalFormalParameter normalParameter;
if (parameter is NormalFormalParameter) {
normalParameter = parameter;
} else if (parameter is DefaultFormalParameter) {
normalParameter = parameter.parameter;
assert(normalParameter != null);
if (normalParameter is SimpleFormalParameterImpl) {
normalParameter.element = element;
if (normalParameter.identifier != null) {
element.nameOffset = normalParameter.identifier.offset;
normalParameter.identifier.staticElement = element;
normalParameter.identifier.staticType = element.type;
// Apply the type or the return type, if a function typed parameter.
TypeAnnotation functionReturnType;
FormalParameterList functionParameterList;
if (normalParameter is SimpleFormalParameter) {
enclosingLibraryElement, element.type, normalParameter.type);
} else if (normalParameter is FunctionTypedFormalParameter) {
functionReturnType = normalParameter.returnType;
functionParameterList = normalParameter.parameters;
} else if (normalParameter is FieldFormalParameter) {
if (normalParameter.parameters == null) {
enclosingLibraryElement, element.type, normalParameter.type);
} else {
functionReturnType = normalParameter.type;
functionParameterList = normalParameter.parameters;
if (functionParameterList != null) {
FunctionType elementType = element.type;
if (functionReturnType != null) {
applyToTypeAnnotation(enclosingLibraryElement, elementType.returnType,
applyParameters(enclosingLibraryElement, elementType.parameters,
/// Apply the [type] to the [typeAnnotation] by setting the type of the
/// [typeAnnotation] to the [type] and recursively applying each of the type
/// arguments of the [type] to the corresponding type arguments of the
/// [typeAnnotation].
static void applyToTypeAnnotation(LibraryElement enclosingLibraryElement,
DartType type, TypeAnnotation typeAnnotation) {
if (typeAnnotation is GenericFunctionTypeImpl) {
if (type is! FunctionType) {
throw new StateError('Non-function type ($type) '
'for generic function annotation ($typeAnnotation)');
FunctionType functionType = type;
typeAnnotation.type = type;
applyToTypeAnnotation(enclosingLibraryElement, functionType.returnType,
applyParameters(enclosingLibraryElement, functionType.parameters,
} else if (typeAnnotation is TypeNameImpl) {
typeAnnotation.type = type;
Identifier typeIdentifier =;
SimpleIdentifier typeName;
if (typeIdentifier is PrefixedIdentifier) {
if (enclosingLibraryElement != null) {
String prefixName =;
for (var import in enclosingLibraryElement.imports) {
if (import.prefix?.name == prefixName) {
typeIdentifier.prefix.staticElement = import.prefix;
typeName = typeIdentifier.identifier;
} else {
typeName = typeIdentifier;
Element typeElement = type.element;
if (typeElement is GenericFunctionTypeElement &&
typeElement.enclosingElement is GenericTypeAliasElement) {
typeElement = typeElement.enclosingElement;
typeName.staticElement = typeElement;
typeName.staticType = type;
if (typeAnnotation is NamedType) {
TypeArgumentList typeArguments = typeAnnotation.typeArguments;
if (typeArguments != null) {
enclosingLibraryElement, type, typeArguments.arguments);
/// Recursively apply each of the type arguments of the [type] to the
/// corresponding type arguments of the [typeArguments].
static void _applyTypeArgumentsToList(LibraryElement enclosingLibraryElement,
DartType type, List<TypeAnnotation> typeArguments) {
if (type != null && type.isUndefined) {
for (TypeAnnotation argument in typeArguments) {
applyToTypeAnnotation(enclosingLibraryElement, type, argument);
} else if (type is ParameterizedType) {
List<DartType> argumentTypes = type.typeArguments;
int argumentCount = argumentTypes.length;
if (argumentCount != typeArguments.length) {
throw new StateError('Found $argumentCount argument types '
'for ${typeArguments.length} type arguments');
for (int i = 0; i < argumentCount; i++) {
enclosingLibraryElement, argumentTypes[i], typeArguments[i]);
} else {
throw new StateError('Attempting to apply a non-parameterized type '
'(${type.runtimeType}) to type arguments');
/// A container with [typeArguments].
class TypeArgumentsDartType implements ParameterizedType {
final List<DartType> typeArguments;
bool get isUndefined => false;
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
String toString() {
return '<${typeArguments.join(', ')}>';
/// Context for translating types.
abstract class TypeContext {
/// The enclosing [ClassElement], or `null` if not in a class.
ClassElement get enclosingClassElement;
DartType get stringType;
DartType get typeType;
/// Attach the variable [element] to the current executable.
void encloseVariable(ElementImpl element);
/// Finalize the given function [element] - set all types for it.
/// Then make it the current executable.
void enterLocalFunction(FunctionElementImpl element);
/// Restore the current executable that was before the [element].
void exitLocalFunction(FunctionElementImpl element);
/// Return the Analyzer [DartType] for the given [kernelType].
DartType translateType(kernel.DartType kernelType);
/// Visitor that applies resolution data from the front end (obtained via
/// [ResolutionStorer]) to an analyzer AST, and also checks file offsets to
/// verify that the types are applied to the correct subexpressions.
class ValidatingResolutionApplier extends ResolutionApplier {
/// The offset that is used when the actual offset is not know.
/// The applier should not validate this offset.
static const UNKNOWN_OFFSET = -2;
/// Indicates whether debug messages should be printed.
static const bool _debug = false;
final List<int> _declaredElementOffsets;
final List<int> _referencedElementOffsets;
final List<int> _typeOffsets;
LibraryElement enclosingLibraryElement,
TypeContext typeContext,
List<Element> declaredElements,
List<Element> referencedElements,
List<kernel.DartType> types,
: super(enclosingLibraryElement, typeContext, declaredElements,
referencedElements, types);
void checkDone() {
if (_declaredElementIndex != _declaredElements.length) {
throw new StateError('Some declarations were not consumed, starting at '
'offset ${_declaredElementOffsets[_declaredElementIndex]}');
if (_referencedElementIndex != _referencedElements.length) {
throw new StateError('Some references were not consumed, starting at '
'offset ${_referencedElementOffsets[_referencedElementIndex]}');
if (_typeIndex != _types.length) {
throw new StateError('Some types were not consumed, starting at offset '
Element _getDeclarationFor(AstNode node) {
int nodeOffset = node.offset;
if (_debug) {
print('Getting declaration element for $node at $nodeOffset');
if (_declaredElementIndex >= _declaredElements.length) {
throw new StateError(
'No declaration information for $node at $nodeOffset');
int elementOffset = _declaredElementOffsets[_declaredElementIndex];
if (nodeOffset != elementOffset) {
throw new StateError(
'Expected element declaration for analyzer offset $nodeOffset; '
'got one for kernel offset $elementOffset');
return super._getDeclarationFor(node);
Element _getReferenceFor(SyntacticEntity entity) {
int entityOffset = entity.offset;
if (_debug) {
print('Getting reference element for $entity at $entityOffset');
if (_referencedElementIndex >= _referencedElements.length) {
throw new StateError(
'No reference information for $entity at $entityOffset');
int elementOffset = _referencedElementOffsets[_referencedElementIndex];
if (elementOffset != UNKNOWN_OFFSET && entityOffset != elementOffset) {
throw new StateError(
'Expected element reference for analyzer offset $entityOffset; '
'got one for kernel offset $elementOffset');
return super._getReferenceFor(entity);
DartType _getTypeFor(SyntacticEntity entity, {bool synthetic: false}) {
var entityOffset = synthetic ? -1 : entity.offset;
if (_debug) {
print('Getting type for $entity at $entityOffset');
if (_typeIndex >= _types.length) {
throw new StateError('No type information for $entity at $entityOffset');
int typeOffset = _typeOffsets[_typeIndex];
if (typeOffset != UNKNOWN_OFFSET &&
entity != null &&
entityOffset != typeOffset) {
throw new StateError('Expected a type for $entity at $entityOffset; '
'got one for kernel offset $typeOffset');
return super._getTypeFor(entity);
/// The hierarchical scope for labels.
class _LabelScope {
final _LabelScope parent;
final Map<String, LabelElement> elements = {};
LabelElement operator [](String name) {
var element = elements[name];
if (element != null) {
return element;
if (parent != null) {
return parent[name];
return null;
void add(String name, LabelElement element) {
elements[name] = element;