blob: db864040ea0aa15373b83a638b877e69a1544d74 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library analyzer.file_system.physical_file_system;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:core';
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source_io.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/source/source_resource.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart';
import 'package:watcher/watcher.dart';
* The name of the directory containing plugin specific subfolders used to
* store data across sessions.
const String _SERVER_DIR = ".dartServer";
* Returns the path to the user's home directory.
String _getStandardStateLocation() {
final home = io.Platform.isWindows
? io.Platform.environment['LOCALAPPDATA']
: io.Platform.environment['HOME'];
return home != null && io.FileSystemEntity.isDirectorySync(home)
? join(home, _SERVER_DIR)
: null;
* Return modification times for every file path in [paths].
* If a path is `null`, the modification time is also `null`.
* If any exception happens, the file is considered as a not existing and
* `-1` is its modification time.
List<int> _pathsToTimes(List<String> paths) {
return {
if (path != null) {
try {
io.File file = new io.File(path);
return file.lastModifiedSync().millisecondsSinceEpoch;
} catch (_) {
return -1;
} else {
return null;
* A `dart:io` based implementation of [ResourceProvider].
class PhysicalResourceProvider implements ResourceProvider {
static final String Function(String) NORMALIZE_EOL_ALWAYS =
(String string) => string.replaceAll(new RegExp('\r\n?'), '\n');
static final PhysicalResourceProvider INSTANCE =
new PhysicalResourceProvider(null);
* The path to the base folder where state is stored.
final String _stateLocation;
PhysicalResourceProvider(String Function(String) fileReadMode,
{String stateLocation})
: _stateLocation = stateLocation ?? _getStandardStateLocation() {
if (fileReadMode != null) {
FileBasedSource.fileReadMode = fileReadMode;
Context get pathContext => io.Platform.isWindows ? windows : posix;
File getFile(String path) {
path = normalize(path);
return new _PhysicalFile(new io.File(path));
Folder getFolder(String path) {
path = normalize(path);
return new _PhysicalFolder(new io.Directory(path));
Future<List<int>> getModificationTimes(List<Source> sources) async {
List<String> paths = => source.fullName).toList();
return _pathsToTimes(paths);
Resource getResource(String path) {
if (io.FileSystemEntity.isDirectorySync(path)) {
return getFolder(path);
} else {
return getFile(path);
Folder getStateLocation(String pluginId) {
if (_stateLocation != null) {
io.Directory directory = new io.Directory(join(_stateLocation, pluginId));
directory.createSync(recursive: true);
return new _PhysicalFolder(directory);
return null;
* A `dart:io` based implementation of [File].
class _PhysicalFile extends _PhysicalResource implements File {
_PhysicalFile(io.File file) : super(file);
Stream<WatchEvent> get changes => new FileWatcher(_entry.path).events;
int get lengthSync {
try {
return _file.lengthSync();
} on io.FileSystemException catch (exception) {
throw new FileSystemException(exception.path, exception.message);
int get modificationStamp {
try {
return _file.lastModifiedSync().millisecondsSinceEpoch;
} on io.FileSystemException catch (exception) {
throw new FileSystemException(exception.path, exception.message);
* Return the underlying file being represented by this wrapper.
io.File get _file => _entry as io.File;
File copyTo(Folder parentFolder) {
File destination = parentFolder.getChildAssumingFile(shortName);
return destination;
Source createSource([Uri uri]) {
return new FileSource(this, uri ?? pathContext.toUri(path));
bool isOrContains(String path) {
return path == this.path;
List<int> readAsBytesSync() {
try {
return _file.readAsBytesSync();
} on io.FileSystemException catch (exception) {
throw new FileSystemException(exception.path, exception.message);
String readAsStringSync() {
try {
return FileBasedSource.fileReadMode(_file.readAsStringSync());
} on io.FileSystemException catch (exception) {
throw new FileSystemException(exception.path, exception.message);
File renameSync(String newPath) {
try {
return new _PhysicalFile(_file.renameSync(newPath));
} on io.FileSystemException catch (exception) {
throw new FileSystemException(exception.path, exception.message);
File resolveSymbolicLinksSync() {
try {
return new _PhysicalFile(new io.File(_file.resolveSymbolicLinksSync()));
} on io.FileSystemException catch (exception) {
throw new FileSystemException(exception.path, exception.message);
Uri toUri() => new Uri.file(path);
void writeAsBytesSync(List<int> bytes) {
try {
} on io.FileSystemException catch (exception) {
throw new FileSystemException(exception.path, exception.message);
void writeAsStringSync(String content) {
try {
} on io.FileSystemException catch (exception) {
throw new FileSystemException(exception.path, exception.message);
* A `dart:io` based implementation of [Folder].
class _PhysicalFolder extends _PhysicalResource implements Folder {
_PhysicalFolder(io.Directory directory) : super(directory);
Stream<WatchEvent> get changes =>
new DirectoryWatcher(_entry.path).events.handleError((error) {},
test: (error) => error is io.FileSystemException);
* Return the underlying file being represented by this wrapper.
io.Directory get _directory => _entry as io.Directory;
String canonicalizePath(String relPath) {
return normalize(join(path, relPath));
bool contains(String path) {
return pathContext.isWithin(this.path, path);
Folder copyTo(Folder parentFolder) {
Folder destination = parentFolder.getChildAssumingFolder(shortName);
for (Resource child in getChildren()) {
return destination;
void create() {
_directory.createSync(recursive: true);
Resource getChild(String relPath) {
String canonicalPath = canonicalizePath(relPath);
return PhysicalResourceProvider.INSTANCE.getResource(canonicalPath);
_PhysicalFile getChildAssumingFile(String relPath) {
String canonicalPath = canonicalizePath(relPath);
io.File file = new io.File(canonicalPath);
return new _PhysicalFile(file);
_PhysicalFolder getChildAssumingFolder(String relPath) {
String canonicalPath = canonicalizePath(relPath);
io.Directory directory = new io.Directory(canonicalPath);
return new _PhysicalFolder(directory);
List<Resource> getChildren() {
try {
List<Resource> children = <Resource>[];
io.Directory directory = _entry as io.Directory;
List<io.FileSystemEntity> entries = directory.listSync(recursive: false);
int numEntries = entries.length;
for (int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) {
io.FileSystemEntity entity = entries[i];
if (entity is io.Directory) {
children.add(new _PhysicalFolder(entity));
} else if (entity is io.File) {
children.add(new _PhysicalFile(entity));
return children;
} on io.FileSystemException catch (exception) {
throw new FileSystemException(exception.path, exception.message);
bool isOrContains(String path) {
if (path == this.path) {
return true;
return contains(path);
Folder resolveSymbolicLinksSync() {
try {
return new _PhysicalFolder(
new io.Directory(_directory.resolveSymbolicLinksSync()));
} on io.FileSystemException catch (exception) {
throw new FileSystemException(exception.path, exception.message);
Uri toUri() => new;
* A `dart:io` based implementation of [Resource].
abstract class _PhysicalResource implements Resource {
final io.FileSystemEntity _entry;
bool get exists => _entry.existsSync();
get hashCode => path.hashCode;
Folder get parent {
String parentPath = pathContext.dirname(path);
if (parentPath == path) {
return null;
return new _PhysicalFolder(new io.Directory(parentPath));
String get path => _entry.absolute.path;
* Return the path context used by this resource provider.
Context get pathContext => io.Platform.isWindows ? windows : posix;
String get shortName => pathContext.basename(path);
bool operator ==(other) {
if (runtimeType != other.runtimeType) {
return false;
return path == other.path;
void delete() {
try {
_entry.deleteSync(recursive: true);
} on io.FileSystemException catch (exception) {
throw new FileSystemException(exception.path, exception.message);
String toString() => path;
* If the operating system is Windows and the resource references one of the
* device drivers, throw a [FileSystemException].
void _throwIfWindowsDeviceDriver() {
if (io.Platform.isWindows) {
String shortName = this.shortName.toUpperCase();
if (shortName == r'CON' ||
shortName == r'PRN' ||
shortName == r'AUX' ||
shortName == r'CLOCK$' ||
shortName == r'NUL' ||
shortName == r'COM1' ||
shortName == r'LPT1' ||
shortName == r'LPT2' ||
shortName == r'LPT3' ||
shortName == r'COM2' ||
shortName == r'COM3' ||
shortName == r'COM4') {
throw new FileSystemException(
path, 'Windows device drivers cannot be read.');