blob: 211aec6f54359b82e0694b2ae07ee9483c35545e [file] [log] [blame]
// Expectation for test:
// // This test illustrates an opportunity to remove redundant code by
// // propagating inforamtion after inlining.
// //
// // The code below inlines `foo` twice, but we don't propagate that we already
// // know from the first `foo` that `a` is an int, so the second check can be
// // removed entirely.
// import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
// main() {
// var a = nextNumber();
// action(foo(a));
// action(foo(a));
// }
// foo(x) {
// if (x is! int) throw "error 1";
// return x + 5 % 100;
// }
// @NoInline() @AssumeDynamic()
// nextNumber() => int.parse('33');
// @NoInline()
// action(v) => print(v);
function() {
var a = V.nextNumber();
if (typeof a !== "number" || Math.floor(a) !== a)
throw H.wrapException("error 1");
a += 5;