blob: 58a259c29570bd67c8db10ad1b602b4ed534bfc2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Type flow summary of a member, function or initializer.
library vm.transformations.type_flow.summary;
import 'dart:core' hide Type;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' hide Statement, StatementVisitor;
import 'calls.dart';
import 'types.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
abstract class CallHandler {
Type applyCall(
Call callSite, Selector selector, Args<Type> args, bool isResultUsed);
/// Base class for all statements in a summary.
abstract class Statement extends TypeExpr {
/// Index of this statement in the [Summary].
int index = -1;
Type getComputedType(List<Type> types) {
final type = types[index];
assertx(type != null);
return type;
String get name => "t$index";
String toString() => name;
/// Prints body of this statement.
String dump();
/// Visit this statement by calling a corresponding [visitor] method.
void accept(StatementVisitor visitor);
/// Execute this statement and compute its resulting type.
Type apply(List<Type> computedTypes, TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy,
CallHandler callHandler);
/// Statement visitor.
class StatementVisitor {
void visitDefault(TypeExpr expr) {}
void visitParameter(Parameter expr) => visitDefault(expr);
void visitNarrow(Narrow expr) => visitDefault(expr);
void visitJoin(Join expr) => visitDefault(expr);
void visitCall(Call expr) => visitDefault(expr);
/// Input parameter of the summary.
class Parameter extends Statement {
final String _name;
final Type staticType;
Type defaultValue;
Type _argumentType = const EmptyType();
Parameter(this._name, this.staticType);
String get name => _name != null ? "%$_name" :;
void accept(StatementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitParameter(this);
String dump() => "$name = _Parameter #$index [$staticType]";
Type apply(List<Type> computedTypes, TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy,
CallHandler callHandler) =>
throw 'Unable to apply _Parameter';
Type get argumentType => _argumentType;
void _observeArgumentType(Type argType, TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy) {
_argumentType = _argumentType.union(argType, typeHierarchy);
/// Narrows down [arg] to [type].
class Narrow extends Statement {
TypeExpr arg;
Type type;
Narrow(this.arg, this.type);
void accept(StatementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitNarrow(this);
String dump() => "$name = _Narrow ($arg to $type)";
Type apply(List<Type> computedTypes, TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy,
CallHandler callHandler) =>
arg.getComputedType(computedTypes).intersection(type, typeHierarchy);
/// Joins values from multiple sources. Its type is a union of [values].
class Join extends Statement {
final String _name;
final DartType staticType;
final List<TypeExpr> values = <TypeExpr>[]; // TODO(alexmarkov): Set
Join(this._name, this.staticType);
String get name => _name ??;
void accept(StatementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitJoin(this);
String dump() => "$name = _Join [$staticType] (${values.join(", ")})";
Type apply(List<Type> computedTypes, TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy,
CallHandler callHandler) {
Type type = null;
for (var value in values) {
final valueType = value.getComputedType(computedTypes);
type = type != null ? type.union(valueType, typeHierarchy) : valueType;
return type;
/// Call site.
class Call extends Statement {
final Selector selector;
final Args<TypeExpr> args;
Call(this.selector, this.args);
void accept(StatementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitCall(this);
String dump() => "$name${isResultUsed ? '*' : ''} = _Call $selector $args";
Type apply(List<Type> computedTypes, TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy,
CallHandler callHandler) {
final List<Type> argTypes = new List<Type>(args.values.length);
for (int i = 0; i < args.values.length; i++) {
final Type type = args.values[i].getComputedType(computedTypes);
if (type == const EmptyType()) {
debugPrint("Optimized call with empty arg");
return const EmptyType();
argTypes[i] = type;
if (selector is! DirectSelector) {
final Type result = callHandler.applyCall(this, selector,
new Args<Type>(argTypes, names: args.names), isResultUsed);
if (isResultUsed) {
_observeResultType(result, typeHierarchy);
return result;
// --- Inferred call site information. ---
int _flags = 0;
Type _resultType = const EmptyType();
static const int kMonomorphic = (1 << 0);
static const int kPolymorphic = (1 << 1);
static const int kNullableReceiver = (1 << 2);
static const int kResultUsed = (1 << 3);
static const int kReachable = (1 << 4);
Member _monomorphicTarget;
Member get monomorphicTarget => _monomorphicTarget;
bool get isMonomorphic => (_flags & kMonomorphic) != 0;
bool get isPolymorphic => (_flags & kPolymorphic) != 0;
bool get isNullableReceiver => (_flags & kNullableReceiver) != 0;
bool get isResultUsed => (_flags & kResultUsed) != 0;
bool get isReachable => (_flags & kReachable) != 0;
Type get resultType => _resultType;
void setResultUsed() {
_flags |= kResultUsed;
void setReachable() {
_flags |= kReachable;
void setPolymorphic() {
_flags = (_flags & ~kMonomorphic) | kPolymorphic;
_monomorphicTarget = null;
void addTarget(Member target) {
if (!isPolymorphic) {
if (isMonomorphic) {
if (_monomorphicTarget != target) {
} else {
_flags |= kMonomorphic;
_monomorphicTarget = target;
void _observeReceiverType(Type receiver) {
if (receiver is NullableType) {
_flags |= kNullableReceiver;
void _observeResultType(Type result, TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy) {
_resultType = _resultType.union(result, typeHierarchy);
/// Summary is a linear sequence of statements representing a type flow in
/// one member, function or initializer.
class Summary {
final int parameterCount;
final int requiredParameterCount;
List<Statement> _statements = <Statement>[];
TypeExpr result = null;
Summary({this.parameterCount: 0, this.requiredParameterCount: 0});
List<Statement> get statements => _statements;
Statement add(Statement op) {
op.index = _statements.length;
return op;
void reset() {
_statements = <Statement>[];
String toString() {
return => op.dump()).join("\n") +
"\n" +
"RESULT: ${result}";
/// Apply this summary to the given arguments and return the resulting type.
Type apply(Args<Type> arguments, TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy,
CallHandler callHandler) {
// TODO(alexmarkov): take named parameters into account
final args = arguments.positional;
assertx(args.length >= requiredParameterCount);
assertx(args.length <= parameterCount);
// Interpret statements sequentially, calculating the result type
// of each statement and putting it into the 'types' list parallel
// to `_statements`.
// After normalization, statements can only reference preceding statements
// (they can't have forward references or loops).
// The first `parameterCount` statements are Parameters.
List<Type> types = new List<Type>(_statements.length);
types.setAll(0, args);
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
Parameter param = _statements[i] as Parameter;
param._observeArgumentType(args[i], typeHierarchy);
types[i] = args[i].intersection(param.staticType, typeHierarchy);
for (int i = args.length; i < parameterCount; i++) {
Parameter param = _statements[i] as Parameter;
param._observeArgumentType(param.defaultValue, typeHierarchy);
types[i] = param.defaultValue;
assertx(types[i] != null);
for (int i = parameterCount; i < _statements.length; i++) {
// Test if tracing is enabled to avoid expensive message formatting.
if (kPrintTrace) {
tracePrint("EVAL ${_statements[i].dump()}");
types[i] = _statements[i].apply(types, typeHierarchy, callHandler);
if (kPrintTrace) {
tracePrint("RESULT ${types[i]}");
return result.getComputedType(types);
Args<Type> get argumentTypes {
final positional = new List<Type>(parameterCount);
for (int i = 0; i < parameterCount; i++) {
Parameter param = _statements[i] as Parameter;
positional[i] = param.argumentType;
// TODO(alexmarkov): support named parameters
return new Args<Type>(positional);