blob: 01649b74c5830e3e5dae269e703f7fd65a8162f7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of js_ast;
abstract class NodeVisitor<T> implements TypeRefVisitor<T> {
T visitProgram(Program node);
T visitBlock(Block node);
T visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement node);
T visitEmptyStatement(EmptyStatement node);
T visitIf(If node);
T visitFor(For node);
T visitForIn(ForIn node);
T visitForOf(ForOf node);
T visitWhile(While node);
T visitDo(Do node);
T visitContinue(Continue node);
T visitBreak(Break node);
T visitReturn(Return node);
T visitThrow(Throw node);
T visitTry(Try node);
T visitCatch(Catch node);
T visitSwitch(Switch node);
T visitCase(Case node);
T visitDefault(Default node);
T visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node);
T visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node);
T visitLiteralStatement(LiteralStatement node);
T visitDartYield(DartYield node);
T visitLiteralExpression(LiteralExpression node);
T visitVariableDeclarationList(VariableDeclarationList node);
T visitAssignment(Assignment node);
T visitVariableInitialization(VariableInitialization node);
T visitConditional(Conditional cond);
T visitNew(New node);
T visitCall(Call node);
T visitBinary(Binary node);
T visitPrefix(Prefix node);
T visitPostfix(Postfix node);
T visitSpread(Spread node);
T visitYield(Yield node);
T visitIdentifier(Identifier node);
T visitThis(This node);
T visitSuper(Super node);
T visitAccess(PropertyAccess node);
T visitRestParameter(RestParameter node);
T visitNamedFunction(NamedFunction node);
T visitFun(Fun node);
T visitArrowFun(ArrowFun node);
T visitLiteralBool(LiteralBool node);
T visitLiteralString(LiteralString node);
T visitLiteralNumber(LiteralNumber node);
T visitLiteralNull(LiteralNull node);
T visitArrayInitializer(ArrayInitializer node);
T visitArrayHole(ArrayHole node);
T visitObjectInitializer(ObjectInitializer node);
T visitProperty(Property node);
T visitRegExpLiteral(RegExpLiteral node);
T visitTemplateString(TemplateString node);
T visitTaggedTemplate(TaggedTemplate node);
T visitAwait(Await node);
T visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration node);
T visitClassExpression(ClassExpression node);
T visitMethod(Method node);
T visitImportDeclaration(ImportDeclaration node);
T visitExportDeclaration(ExportDeclaration node);
T visitExportClause(ExportClause node);
T visitNameSpecifier(NameSpecifier node);
T visitModule(Module node);
T visitComment(Comment node);
T visitCommentExpression(CommentExpression node);
T visitInterpolatedExpression(InterpolatedExpression node);
T visitInterpolatedLiteral(InterpolatedLiteral node);
T visitInterpolatedParameter(InterpolatedParameter node);
T visitInterpolatedSelector(InterpolatedSelector node);
T visitInterpolatedStatement(InterpolatedStatement node);
T visitInterpolatedMethod(InterpolatedMethod node);
T visitInterpolatedIdentifier(InterpolatedIdentifier node);
T visitArrayBindingPattern(ArrayBindingPattern node);
T visitObjectBindingPattern(ObjectBindingPattern node);
T visitDestructuredVariable(DestructuredVariable node);
T visitSimpleBindingPattern(SimpleBindingPattern node);
abstract class TypeRefVisitor<T> {
T visitQualifiedTypeRef(QualifiedTypeRef node);
T visitGenericTypeRef(GenericTypeRef node);
T visitUnionTypeRef(UnionTypeRef node);
T visitRecordTypeRef(RecordTypeRef node);
T visitOptionalTypeRef(OptionalTypeRef node);
T visitFunctionTypeRef(FunctionTypeRef node);
T visitAnyTypeRef(AnyTypeRef node);
T visitUnknownTypeRef(UnknownTypeRef node);
T visitArrayTypeRef(ArrayTypeRef node);
class BaseVisitor<T> implements NodeVisitor<T> {
T visitNode(Node node) {
return null;
T visitProgram(Program node) => visitNode(node);
T visitStatement(Statement node) => visitModuleItem(node);
T visitLoop(Loop node) => visitStatement(node);
T visitJump(Statement node) => visitStatement(node);
T visitBlock(Block node) => visitStatement(node);
T visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement node) => visitStatement(node);
T visitEmptyStatement(EmptyStatement node) => visitStatement(node);
T visitIf(If node) => visitStatement(node);
T visitFor(For node) => visitLoop(node);
T visitForIn(ForIn node) => visitLoop(node);
T visitForOf(ForOf node) => visitLoop(node);
T visitWhile(While node) => visitLoop(node);
T visitDo(Do node) => visitLoop(node);
T visitContinue(Continue node) => visitJump(node);
T visitBreak(Break node) => visitJump(node);
T visitReturn(Return node) => visitJump(node);
T visitThrow(Throw node) => visitJump(node);
T visitTry(Try node) => visitStatement(node);
T visitSwitch(Switch node) => visitStatement(node);
T visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) => visitStatement(node);
T visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) => visitStatement(node);
T visitLiteralStatement(LiteralStatement node) => visitStatement(node);
T visitCatch(Catch node) => visitNode(node);
T visitCase(Case node) => visitNode(node);
T visitDefault(Default node) => visitNode(node);
T visitExpression(Expression node) => visitNode(node);
T visitLiteralExpression(LiteralExpression node) => visitExpression(node);
T visitVariableDeclarationList(VariableDeclarationList node) =>
T visitAssignment(Assignment node) => visitExpression(node);
T visitVariableInitialization(VariableInitialization node) {
if (node.value != null) {
return visitAssignment(node);
} else {
return visitExpression(node);
T visitConditional(Conditional node) => visitExpression(node);
T visitNew(New node) => visitExpression(node);
T visitCall(Call node) => visitExpression(node);
T visitBinary(Binary node) => visitExpression(node);
T visitPrefix(Prefix node) => visitExpression(node);
T visitPostfix(Postfix node) => visitExpression(node);
T visitSpread(Spread node) => visitPrefix(node);
T visitYield(Yield node) => visitExpression(node);
T visitAccess(PropertyAccess node) => visitExpression(node);
T visitIdentifier(Identifier node) => visitExpression(node);
T visitThis(This node) => visitExpression(node);
T visitSuper(Super node) => visitExpression(node);
T visitRestParameter(RestParameter node) => visitNode(node);
T visitNamedFunction(NamedFunction node) => visitExpression(node);
T visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) => visitExpression(node);
T visitFun(Fun node) => visitFunctionExpression(node);
T visitArrowFun(ArrowFun node) => visitFunctionExpression(node);
T visitLiteral(Literal node) => visitExpression(node);
T visitLiteralBool(LiteralBool node) => visitLiteral(node);
T visitLiteralString(LiteralString node) => visitLiteral(node);
T visitLiteralNumber(LiteralNumber node) => visitLiteral(node);
T visitLiteralNull(LiteralNull node) => visitLiteral(node);
T visitArrayInitializer(ArrayInitializer node) => visitExpression(node);
T visitArrayHole(ArrayHole node) => visitExpression(node);
T visitObjectInitializer(ObjectInitializer node) => visitExpression(node);
T visitProperty(Property node) => visitNode(node);
T visitRegExpLiteral(RegExpLiteral node) => visitExpression(node);
T visitTemplateString(TemplateString node) => visitExpression(node);
T visitTaggedTemplate(TaggedTemplate node) => visitExpression(node);
T visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration node) => visitStatement(node);
T visitClassExpression(ClassExpression node) => visitExpression(node);
T visitMethod(Method node) => visitProperty(node);
T visitModuleItem(ModuleItem node) => visitNode(node);
T visitImportDeclaration(ImportDeclaration node) => visitModuleItem(node);
T visitExportDeclaration(ExportDeclaration node) => visitModuleItem(node);
T visitExportClause(ExportClause node) => visitNode(node);
T visitNameSpecifier(NameSpecifier node) => visitNode(node);
T visitModule(Module node) => visitNode(node);
T visitInterpolatedNode(InterpolatedNode node) => visitNode(node);
T visitInterpolatedExpression(InterpolatedExpression node) =>
T visitInterpolatedLiteral(InterpolatedLiteral node) =>
T visitInterpolatedParameter(InterpolatedParameter node) =>
T visitInterpolatedSelector(InterpolatedSelector node) =>
T visitInterpolatedStatement(InterpolatedStatement node) =>
T visitInterpolatedMethod(InterpolatedMethod node) =>
T visitInterpolatedIdentifier(InterpolatedIdentifier node) =>
// Ignore comments by default.
T visitComment(Comment node) => null;
T visitCommentExpression(CommentExpression node) => null;
T visitAwait(Await node) => visitExpression(node);
T visitDartYield(DartYield node) => visitStatement(node);
T visitBindingPattern(BindingPattern node) => visitNode(node);
T visitArrayBindingPattern(ArrayBindingPattern node) =>
T visitObjectBindingPattern(ObjectBindingPattern node) =>
T visitDestructuredVariable(DestructuredVariable node) => visitNode(node);
T visitSimpleBindingPattern(SimpleBindingPattern node) => visitNode(node);
T visitTypeRef(TypeRef node) => visitNode(node);
T visitQualifiedTypeRef(QualifiedTypeRef node) => visitTypeRef(node);
T visitGenericTypeRef(GenericTypeRef node) => visitTypeRef(node);
T visitOptionalTypeRef(OptionalTypeRef node) => visitTypeRef(node);
T visitRecordTypeRef(RecordTypeRef node) => visitTypeRef(node);
T visitUnionTypeRef(UnionTypeRef node) => visitTypeRef(node);
T visitFunctionTypeRef(FunctionTypeRef node) => visitTypeRef(node);
T visitAnyTypeRef(AnyTypeRef node) => visitTypeRef(node);
T visitUnknownTypeRef(UnknownTypeRef node) => visitTypeRef(node);
T visitArrayTypeRef(ArrayTypeRef node) => visitTypeRef(node);
abstract class Node {
/// Sets the source location of this node. For performance reasons, we allow
/// setting this after construction.
Object sourceInformation;
/// Closure annotation of this node.
ClosureAnnotation closureAnnotation;
accept(NodeVisitor visitor);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor);
// Shallow clone of node. Does not clone positions since the only use of this
// private method is create a copy with a new position.
Node _clone();
// Returns a node equivalent to [this], but with new source position and end
// source position.
Node withSourceInformation(sourceInformation) {
if (sourceInformation == this.sourceInformation) {
return this;
Node clone = _clone();
// TODO(sra): Should existing data be 'sticky' if we try to overwrite with
// `null`?
clone.sourceInformation = sourceInformation;
return clone;
bool get isCommaOperator => false;
Statement toStatement() {
throw new UnsupportedError('toStatement');
Statement toReturn() {
throw new UnsupportedError('toReturn');
// For debugging
String toString() {
var context = new SimpleJavaScriptPrintingContext();
var opts = new JavaScriptPrintingOptions(allowKeywordsInProperties: true);
context.buffer.write('js_ast `');
accept(new Printer(opts, context));
return context.getText();
// TODO(jmesserly): rename to Module.
class Program extends Node {
/// Script tag hash-bang, e.g. `#!/usr/bin/env node`
final String scriptTag;
/// Top-level statements in the program.
final List<ModuleItem> body;
/// The module's own name.
/// This is not used in ES6, but is provided to allow module lowering.
final String name;
Program(this.body, {this.scriptTag,});
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitProgram(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
for (ModuleItem statement in body) statement.accept(visitor);
Program _clone() => new Program(body);
abstract class Statement extends ModuleItem {
static Statement from(List<Statement> statements) {
// TODO(jmesserly): empty block singleton? Should this use empty statement?
if (statements.length == 0) return new Block([]);
if (statements.length == 1) return statements[0];
return new Block(statements);
/// True if this declares any name from [names].
/// This predicate is true if the statement declares a variable via `let` or
/// `const` with any name in the set. This does not include variables nested
/// inside of blocks. The predicate tests whether adding a declaration of one
/// of the named variables to a block containing this statement will be a
/// JavaScript syntax error due to a redeclared identifier.
bool shadows(Set<String> names) => false;
/// If this statement [shadows] any name from [names], this will wrap it in a
/// new scoped [Block].
Statement toScopedBlock(Set<String> names) {
return shadows(names) ? new Block([this], isScope: true) : this;
Statement toStatement() => this;
Statement toReturn() => new Block([this, new Return()]);
Block toBlock() => new Block([this]);
class Block extends Statement {
final List<Statement> statements;
/// True to preserve this [Block] for scoping reasons.
final bool isScope;
Block(this.statements, {this.isScope: false}) {
assert(statements.every((s) => s is Statement));
: statements = <Statement>[],
isScope = false;
Block toBlock() => this;
bool shadows(Set<String> names) =>
!isScope && statements.any((s) => s.shadows(names));
Statement toScopedBlock(Set<String> names) {
var scoped = statements.any((s) => s.shadows(names));
if (scoped == isScope) return this;
return new Block(statements, isScope: scoped)
..sourceInformation = sourceInformation;
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitBlock(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
for (Statement statement in statements) statement.accept(visitor);
Block _clone() => new Block(statements);
class ExpressionStatement extends Statement {
final Expression expression;
bool shadows(Set<String> names) {
Expression expression = this.expression;
return expression is VariableDeclarationList && expression.shadows(names);
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitExpressionStatement(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
ExpressionStatement _clone() => new ExpressionStatement(expression);
class EmptyStatement extends Statement {
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitEmptyStatement(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {}
EmptyStatement _clone() => new EmptyStatement();
class If extends Statement {
final Expression condition;
final Node then;
final Node otherwise;
If(this.condition, this.then, this.otherwise);
If.noElse(this.condition, this.then) : this.otherwise = null;
bool get hasElse => otherwise != null;
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitIf(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
if (otherwise != null) otherwise.accept(visitor);
If _clone() => new If(condition, then, otherwise);
abstract class Loop extends Statement {
final Statement body;
class For extends Loop {
final Expression init;
final Expression condition;
final Expression update;
For(this.init, this.condition, this.update, Statement body) : super(body);
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitFor(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
if (init != null) init.accept(visitor);
if (condition != null) condition.accept(visitor);
if (update != null) update.accept(visitor);
For _clone() => new For(init, condition, update, body);
class ForIn extends Loop {
// Note that [VariableDeclarationList] is a subclass of [Expression].
// Therefore we can type the leftHandSide as [Expression].
final Expression leftHandSide;
final Expression object;
ForIn(this.leftHandSide, this.object, Statement body) : super(body);
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitForIn(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
ForIn _clone() => new ForIn(leftHandSide, object, body);
class ForOf extends Loop {
// Note that [VariableDeclarationList] is a subclass of [Expression].
// Therefore we can type the leftHandSide as [Expression].
final Expression leftHandSide;
final Expression iterable;
ForOf(this.leftHandSide, this.iterable, Statement body) : super(body);
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitForOf(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
ForIn _clone() => new ForIn(leftHandSide, iterable, body);
class While extends Loop {
final Node condition;
While(this.condition, Statement body) : super(body);
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitWhile(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
While _clone() => new While(condition, body);
class Do extends Loop {
final Expression condition;
Do(Statement body, this.condition) : super(body);
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitDo(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
Do _clone() => new Do(body, condition);
class Continue extends Statement {
final String targetLabel; // Can be null.
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitContinue(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {}
Continue _clone() => new Continue(targetLabel);
class Break extends Statement {
final String targetLabel; // Can be null.
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitBreak(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {}
Break _clone() => new Break(targetLabel);
class Return extends Statement {
final Expression value; // Can be null.
Return([this.value = null]);
Statement toReturn() => this;
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitReturn(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
if (value != null) value.accept(visitor);
Return _clone() => new Return(value);
static bool foundIn(Node node) {
_returnFinder.found = false;
return _returnFinder.found;
final _returnFinder = new _ReturnFinder();
class _ReturnFinder extends BaseVisitor {
bool found = false;
visitReturn(Return node) {
found = true;
visitNode(Node node) {
if (!found) super.visitNode(node);
class Throw extends Statement {
final Expression expression;
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitThrow(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
Throw _clone() => new Throw(expression);
class Try extends Statement {
final Block body;
final Catch catchPart; // Can be null if [finallyPart] is non-null.
final Block finallyPart; // Can be null if [catchPart] is non-null.
Try(this.body, this.catchPart, this.finallyPart) {
assert(catchPart != null || finallyPart != null);
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitTry(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
if (catchPart != null) catchPart.accept(visitor);
if (finallyPart != null) finallyPart.accept(visitor);
Try _clone() => new Try(body, catchPart, finallyPart);
class Catch extends Node {
final Identifier declaration;
final Block body;
Catch(this.declaration, this.body);
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitCatch(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
Catch _clone() => new Catch(declaration, body);
class Switch extends Statement {
final Expression key;
final List<SwitchClause> cases;
Switch(this.key, this.cases);
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitSwitch(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
for (SwitchClause clause in cases) clause.accept(visitor);
Switch _clone() => new Switch(key, cases);
abstract class SwitchClause extends Node {
final Block body;
class Case extends SwitchClause {
final Expression expression;
Case(this.expression, Block body) : super(body);
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitCase(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
Case _clone() => new Case(expression, body);
class Default extends SwitchClause {
Default(Block body) : super(body);
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitDefault(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
Default _clone() => new Default(body);
class FunctionDeclaration extends Statement {
final Identifier name;
final Fun function;
FunctionDeclaration(, this.function);
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitFunctionDeclaration(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
FunctionDeclaration _clone() => new FunctionDeclaration(name, function);
class LabeledStatement extends Statement {
final String label;
final Statement body;
LabeledStatement(this.label, this.body);
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitLabeledStatement(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
LabeledStatement _clone() => new LabeledStatement(label, body);
class LiteralStatement extends Statement {
final String code;
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitLiteralStatement(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {}
LiteralStatement _clone() => new LiteralStatement(code);
// Not a real JavaScript node, but represents the yield statement from a dart
// program translated to JavaScript.
class DartYield extends Statement {
final Expression expression;
final bool hasStar;
DartYield(this.expression, this.hasStar);
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitDartYield(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
DartYield _clone() => new DartYield(expression, hasStar);
abstract class Expression extends Node {
factory Expression.binary(List<Expression> exprs, String op) {
Expression comma = null;
for (var node in exprs) {
comma = (comma == null) ? node : new Binary(op, comma, node);
return comma;
int get precedenceLevel;
Statement toStatement() => new ExpressionStatement(toVoidExpression());
Statement toReturn() => new Return(this);
// TODO(jmesserly): make this return a Yield?
Statement toYieldStatement({bool star: false}) =>
new ExpressionStatement(new Yield(this, star: star));
Expression toVoidExpression() => this;
Expression toAssignExpression(Expression left, [String op]) =>
new Assignment.compound(left, op, this);
// TODO(jmesserly): make this work for more cases?
Statement toVariableDeclaration(Identifier name) =>
new VariableDeclarationList(
'let', [new VariableInitialization(name, this)]).toStatement();
class LiteralExpression extends Expression {
final String template;
final List<Expression> inputs;
LiteralExpression(this.template) : inputs = const [];
LiteralExpression.withData(this.template, this.inputs);
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitLiteralExpression(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
if (inputs != null) {
for (Expression expr in inputs) expr.accept(visitor);
LiteralExpression _clone() =>
new LiteralExpression.withData(template, inputs);
// Code that uses JS must take care of operator precedences, and
// put parenthesis if needed.
int get precedenceLevel => PRIMARY;
* [VariableDeclarationList] is a subclass of [Expression] to simplify the
* AST.
class VariableDeclarationList extends Expression {
* The `var` or `let` or `const` keyword used for this variable declaration
* list.
final String keyword;
final List<VariableInitialization> declarations;
VariableDeclarationList(this.keyword, this.declarations);
/// True if this declares any name from [names].
/// Analogous to the predicate [Statement.shadows].
bool shadows(Set<String> names) {
if (keyword == 'var') return false;
for (var d in declarations) if (d.declaration.shadows(names)) return true;
return false;
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitVariableDeclarationList(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
for (VariableInitialization declaration in declarations) {
VariableDeclarationList _clone() =>
new VariableDeclarationList(keyword, declarations);
int get precedenceLevel => EXPRESSION;
class Assignment extends Expression {
final Expression leftHandSide;
final String op; // Null, if the assignment is not compound.
final Expression value; // May be null, for [VariableInitialization]s.
Assignment(leftHandSide, value) : this.compound(leftHandSide, null, value);
Assignment.compound(this.leftHandSide, this.op, this.value);
int get precedenceLevel => ASSIGNMENT;
bool get isCompound => op != null;
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitAssignment(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
if (value != null) value.accept(visitor);
Assignment _clone() => new Assignment.compound(leftHandSide, op, value);
class VariableInitialization extends Assignment {
/** [value] may be null. */
VariableInitialization(VariableBinding declaration, Expression value)
: super(declaration, value);
VariableBinding get declaration => leftHandSide;
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitVariableInitialization(this);
VariableInitialization _clone() =>
new VariableInitialization(declaration, value);
abstract class VariableBinding extends Expression {
/// True if this binding declares any name from [names].
/// Analogous to the predicate [Statement.shadows].
bool shadows(Set<String> names);
class DestructuredVariable extends Expression implements Parameter {
/// [LiteralString] or [Identifier].
final Expression name;
final BindingPattern structure;
final Expression defaultValue;
final TypeRef type;
{, this.structure, this.defaultValue, this.type}) {
assert(name != null || structure != null);
bool shadows(Set<String> names) {
Expression name =;
return names.contains(
name is LiteralString ? name.value : (name as Identifier).name);
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitDestructuredVariable(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
/// Avoid parenthesis when pretty-printing.
int get precedenceLevel => PRIMARY;
Node _clone() => new DestructuredVariable(
name: name, structure: structure, defaultValue: defaultValue);
abstract class BindingPattern extends Expression implements VariableBinding {
final List<DestructuredVariable> variables;
bool shadows(Set<String> names) {
for (var v in variables) if (v.shadows(names)) return true;
return false;
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
for (DestructuredVariable v in variables) v.accept(visitor);
class SimpleBindingPattern extends BindingPattern {
final Identifier name;
SimpleBindingPattern(Identifier name)
: name = name,
super([new DestructuredVariable(name: name)]);
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitSimpleBindingPattern(this);
bool shadows(Set<String> names) => names.contains(;
/// Avoid parenthesis when pretty-printing.
int get precedenceLevel => PRIMARY;
Node _clone() => new SimpleBindingPattern(name);
class ObjectBindingPattern extends BindingPattern {
ObjectBindingPattern(List<DestructuredVariable> variables) : super(variables);
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitObjectBindingPattern(this);
/// Avoid parenthesis when pretty-printing.
int get precedenceLevel => PRIMARY;
Node _clone() => new ObjectBindingPattern(variables);
class ArrayBindingPattern extends BindingPattern {
ArrayBindingPattern(List<DestructuredVariable> variables) : super(variables);
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitArrayBindingPattern(this);
/// Avoid parenthesis when pretty-printing.
int get precedenceLevel => PRIMARY;
Node _clone() => new ObjectBindingPattern(variables);
class Conditional extends Expression {
final Expression condition;
final Expression then;
final Expression otherwise;
Conditional(this.condition, this.then, this.otherwise);
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitConditional(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
Conditional _clone() => new Conditional(condition, then, otherwise);
int get precedenceLevel => ASSIGNMENT;
class Call extends Expression {
Expression target;
List<Expression> arguments;
Call(, this.arguments);
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitCall(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
for (Expression arg in arguments) arg.accept(visitor);
Call _clone() => new Call(target, arguments);
int get precedenceLevel => CALL;
class New extends Call {
New(Expression cls, List<Expression> arguments) : super(cls, arguments);
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitNew(this);
New _clone() => new New(target, arguments);
int get precedenceLevel => ACCESS;
class Binary extends Expression {
final String op;
final Expression left;
final Expression right;
Binary(this.op, this.left, this.right);
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitBinary(this);
Binary _clone() => new Binary(op, left, right);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
bool get isCommaOperator => op == ',';
Expression toVoidExpression() {
if (!isCommaOperator) return super.toVoidExpression();
var l = left.toVoidExpression();
var r = right.toVoidExpression();
if (l == left && r == right) return this;
return new Binary(',', l, r);
Statement toStatement() {
if (!isCommaOperator) return super.toStatement();
return new Block([left.toStatement(), right.toStatement()]);
Statement toReturn() {
if (!isCommaOperator) return super.toReturn();
return new Block([left.toStatement(), right.toReturn()]);
Statement toYieldStatement({bool star: false}) {
if (!isCommaOperator) return super.toYieldStatement(star: star);
return new Block([left.toStatement(), right.toYieldStatement(star: star)]);
List<Expression> commaToExpressionList() {
if (!isCommaOperator) throw new StateError('not a comma expression');
var exprs = <Expression>[];
_flattenComma(exprs, left);
_flattenComma(exprs, right);
return exprs;
static void _flattenComma(List<Expression> exprs, Expression node) {
if (node is Binary && node.isCommaOperator) {
_flattenComma(exprs, node.left);
_flattenComma(exprs, node.right);
} else {
int get precedenceLevel {
// TODO(floitsch): switch to constant map.
switch (op) {
case "*":
case "/":
case "%":
case "+":
case "-":
return ADDITIVE;
case "<<":
case ">>":
case ">>>":
return SHIFT;
case "<":
case ">":
case "<=":
case ">=":
case "instanceof":
case "in":
case "==":
case "===":
case "!=":
case "!==":
return EQUALITY;
case "&":
return BIT_AND;
case "^":
return BIT_XOR;
case "|":
return BIT_OR;
case "&&":
case "||":
return LOGICAL_OR;
case ',':
throw "Internal Error: Unhandled binary operator: $op";
class Prefix extends Expression {
final String op;
final Expression argument;
Prefix(this.op, this.argument);
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitPrefix(this);
Prefix _clone() => new Prefix(op, argument);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
int get precedenceLevel => UNARY;
// SpreadElement isn't really a prefix expression, as it can only appear in
// certain places such as ArgumentList and BindingPattern, but we pretend
// it is for simplicity's sake.
class Spread extends Prefix {
Spread(Expression operand) : super('...', operand);
int get precedenceLevel => SPREAD;
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitSpread(this);
Spread _clone() => new Spread(argument);
class Postfix extends Expression {
final String op;
final Expression argument;
Postfix(this.op, this.argument);
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitPostfix(this);
Postfix _clone() => new Postfix(op, argument);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
int get precedenceLevel => UNARY;
abstract class Parameter implements Expression, VariableBinding {
TypeRef get type;
class Identifier extends Expression implements Parameter, VariableBinding {
final String name;
final bool allowRename;
final TypeRef type;
Identifier(, {this.allowRename: true, this.type}) {
if (!_identifierRE.hasMatch(name)) {
throw new ArgumentError.value(name, "name", "not a valid identifier");
static RegExp _identifierRE = new RegExp(r'^[A-Za-z_$][A-Za-z_$0-9]*$');
bool shadows(Set<String> names) => names.contains(name);
Identifier _clone() => new Identifier(name, allowRename: allowRename);
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitIdentifier(this);
int get precedenceLevel => PRIMARY;
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {}
// This is an expression for convenience in the AST.
class RestParameter extends Expression implements Parameter {
final Identifier parameter;
TypeRef get type => null;
bool shadows(Set<String> names) => names.contains(;
RestParameter _clone() => new RestParameter(parameter);
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitRestParameter(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
int get precedenceLevel => PRIMARY;
class This extends Expression {
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitThis(this);
This _clone() => new This();
int get precedenceLevel => PRIMARY;
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {}
static bool foundIn(Node node) {
_thisFinder.found = false;
return _thisFinder.found;
final _thisFinder = new _ThisFinder();
class _ThisFinder extends BaseVisitor {
bool found = false;
visitThis(This node) {
found = true;
visitNode(Node node) {
if (!found) super.visitNode(node);
// `super` is more restricted in the ES6 spec, but for simplicity we accept
// it anywhere that `this` is accepted.
class Super extends Expression {
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitSuper(this);
Super _clone() => new Super();
int get precedenceLevel => PRIMARY;
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {}
class NamedFunction extends Expression {
final Identifier name;
final Fun function;
// A heuristic to force extra parens around this function. V8 and other
// engines use this IIFE (immediately invoked function expression) heuristic
// to eagerly parse a function.
final bool immediatelyInvoked;
NamedFunction(, this.function, [this.immediatelyInvoked = false]);
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitNamedFunction(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
NamedFunction _clone() =>
new NamedFunction(name, function, immediatelyInvoked);
int get precedenceLevel =>
abstract class FunctionExpression extends Expression {
List<Parameter> get params;
get body; // Expression or block
/// Type parameters passed to this generic function, if any. `null` otherwise.
// TODO(ochafik): Support type bounds.
List<Identifier> get typeParams;
/// Return type of this function, if any. `null` otherwise.
TypeRef get returnType;
class Fun extends FunctionExpression {
final List<Parameter> params;
final Block body;
final List<Identifier> typeParams;
final TypeRef returnType;
/** Whether this is a JS generator (`function*`) that may contain `yield`. */
final bool isGenerator;
final AsyncModifier asyncModifier;
Fun(this.params, this.body,
{this.isGenerator: false,
this.asyncModifier: const AsyncModifier.sync(),
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitFun(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
for (Parameter param in params) param.accept(visitor);
Fun _clone() => new Fun(params, body,
isGenerator: isGenerator, asyncModifier: asyncModifier);
int get precedenceLevel => PRIMARY_LOW_PRECEDENCE;
class ArrowFun extends FunctionExpression {
final List<Parameter> params;
final body; // Expression or Block
final List<Identifier> typeParams;
final TypeRef returnType;
ArrowFun(this.params, this.body, {this.typeParams, this.returnType});
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitArrowFun(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
for (Parameter param in params) param.accept(visitor);
int get precedenceLevel => PRIMARY_LOW_PRECEDENCE;
ArrowFun _clone() => new ArrowFun(params, body);
* The Dart sync, sync*, async, and async* modifier.
* See [DartYield].
* This is not used for JS functions.
class AsyncModifier {
final bool isAsync;
final bool isYielding;
final String description;
const AsyncModifier.sync()
: isAsync = false,
isYielding = false,
description = "sync";
const AsyncModifier.async()
: isAsync = true,
isYielding = false,
description = "async";
const AsyncModifier.asyncStar()
: isAsync = true,
isYielding = true,
description = "async*";
const AsyncModifier.syncStar()
: isAsync = false,
isYielding = true,
description = "sync*";
toString() => description;
class PropertyAccess extends Expression {
final Expression receiver;
final Expression selector;
PropertyAccess(this.receiver, this.selector);
PropertyAccess.field(this.receiver, String fieldName)
: selector = new LiteralString('"$fieldName"');
PropertyAccess.indexed(this.receiver, int index)
: selector = new LiteralNumber('$index');
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitAccess(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
PropertyAccess _clone() => new PropertyAccess(receiver, selector);
int get precedenceLevel => ACCESS;
abstract class Literal extends Expression {
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {}
int get precedenceLevel => PRIMARY;
class LiteralBool extends Literal {
final bool value;
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitLiteralBool(this);
// [visitChildren] inherited from [Literal].
LiteralBool _clone() => new LiteralBool(value);
class LiteralNull extends Literal {
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitLiteralNull(this);
LiteralNull _clone() => new LiteralNull();
class LiteralString extends Literal {
final String value;
* Constructs a LiteralString from a string value.
* The constructor does not add the required quotes. If [value] is not
* surrounded by quotes and property escaped, the resulting object is invalid
* as a JS value.
* TODO(sra): Introduce variants for known valid strings that don't allocate a
* new string just to add quotes.
/// Gets the value inside the string without the beginning and end quotes.
String get valueWithoutQuotes => value.substring(1, value.length - 1);
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitLiteralString(this);
LiteralString _clone() => new LiteralString(value);
class LiteralNumber extends Literal {
final String value; // Must be a valid JavaScript number literal.
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitLiteralNumber(this);
LiteralNumber _clone() => new LiteralNumber(value);
* Use a different precedence level depending on whether the value contains a
* dot to ensure we generate `(1).toString()` and `1.0.toString()`.
int get precedenceLevel => value.contains('.') ? PRIMARY : UNARY;
class ArrayInitializer extends Expression {
final List<Expression> elements;
final bool multiline;
ArrayInitializer(this.elements, {this.multiline: false});
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitArrayInitializer(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
for (Expression element in elements) element.accept(visitor);
ArrayInitializer _clone() => new ArrayInitializer(elements);
int get precedenceLevel => PRIMARY;
* An empty place in an [ArrayInitializer].
* For example the list [1, , , 2] would contain two holes.
class ArrayHole extends Expression {
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitArrayHole(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {}
ArrayHole _clone() => new ArrayHole();
int get precedenceLevel => PRIMARY;
class ObjectInitializer extends Expression {
final List<Property> properties;
final bool _multiline;
* Constructs a new object-initializer containing the given [properties].
ObjectInitializer(, {multiline: false})
: _multiline = multiline;
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitObjectInitializer(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
for (Property init in properties) init.accept(visitor);
ObjectInitializer _clone() => new ObjectInitializer(properties);
int get precedenceLevel => PRIMARY;
* If set to true, forces a vertical layout when using the [Printer].
* Otherwise, layout will be vertical if and only if any [properties]
* are [FunctionExpression]s.
bool get multiline {
return _multiline || properties.any((p) => p.value is FunctionExpression);
class Property extends Node {
final Expression name;
final Expression value;
Property(, this.value);
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitProperty(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
Property _clone() => new Property(name, value);
// TODO(jmesserly): parser does not support this yet.
class TemplateString extends Expression {
* The parts of this template string: a sequence of [String]s and
* [Expression]s. Strings and expressions will alternate, for example:
* `foo${1 + 2} bar ${'hi'}`
* would be represented by [strings]:
* ['foo', ' bar ', '']
* and [interpolations]:
* [new JS.Binary('+', js.number(1), js.number(2)),
* new JS.LiteralString("'hi'")]
* There should be exactly one more string than interpolation expression.
final List<String> strings;
final List<Expression> interpolations;
TemplateString(this.strings, this.interpolations) {
assert(strings.length == interpolations.length + 1);
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitTemplateString(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
for (var element in interpolations) {
TemplateString _clone() => new TemplateString(strings, interpolations);
int get precedenceLevel => PRIMARY;
// TODO(jmesserly): parser does not support this yet.
class TaggedTemplate extends Expression {
final Expression tag;
final TemplateString template;
TaggedTemplate(this.tag, this.template);
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitTaggedTemplate(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
TaggedTemplate _clone() => new TaggedTemplate(tag, template);
int get precedenceLevel => CALL;
// TODO(jmesserly): parser does not support this yet.
class Yield extends Expression {
final Expression value; // Can be null.
* Whether this yield expression is a `yield*` that iterates each item in
* [value].
final bool star;
Yield(this.value, { false});
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitYield(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
if (value != null) value.accept(visitor);
Yield _clone() => new Yield(value);
int get precedenceLevel => YIELD;
class ClassDeclaration extends Statement {
final ClassExpression classExpr;
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitClassDeclaration(this);
visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) => classExpr.accept(visitor);
ClassDeclaration _clone() => new ClassDeclaration(classExpr);
class ClassExpression extends Expression {
final Identifier name;
final Expression heritage; // Can be null.
final List<Method> methods;
/// Type parameters of this class, if any. `null` otherwise.
// TODO(ochafik): Support type bounds.
final List<Identifier> typeParams;
/// Field declarations of this class (TypeScript / ES6_TYPED).
final List<VariableDeclarationList> fields;
ClassExpression(, this.heritage, this.methods,
{this.typeParams, this.fields});
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitClassExpression(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
if (heritage != null) heritage.accept(visitor);
for (Method element in methods) element.accept(visitor);
if (fields != null) {
for (var field in fields) {
if (typeParams != null) {
for (var typeParam in typeParams) {
ClassDeclaration toStatement() => new ClassDeclaration(this);
ClassExpression _clone() => new ClassExpression(name, heritage, methods,
typeParams: typeParams, fields: fields);
int get precedenceLevel => PRIMARY_LOW_PRECEDENCE;
class Method extends Property {
final bool isGetter;
final bool isSetter;
final bool isStatic;
Method(Expression name, Fun function,
{this.isGetter: false, this.isSetter: false, this.isStatic: false})
: super(name, function) {
assert(!isGetter || function.params.length == 0);
assert(!isSetter || function.params.length == 1);
assert(!isGetter && !isSetter || !function.isGenerator);
Fun get function => super.value;
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitMethod(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
Method _clone() => new Method(name, function,
isGetter: isGetter, isSetter: isSetter, isStatic: isStatic);
/// Tag class for all interpolated positions.
abstract class InterpolatedNode implements Node {
get nameOrPosition;
bool get isNamed => nameOrPosition is String;
bool get isPositional => nameOrPosition is int;
class InterpolatedExpression extends Expression with InterpolatedNode {
final nameOrPosition;
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitInterpolatedExpression(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {}
InterpolatedExpression _clone() => new InterpolatedExpression(nameOrPosition);
int get precedenceLevel => PRIMARY;
class InterpolatedLiteral extends Literal with InterpolatedNode {
final nameOrPosition;
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitInterpolatedLiteral(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {}
InterpolatedLiteral _clone() => new InterpolatedLiteral(nameOrPosition);
class InterpolatedParameter extends Expression
with InterpolatedNode
implements Identifier {
final nameOrPosition;
TypeRef get type => null;
String get name {
throw " must not be invoked";
bool shadows(Set<String> names) => false;
bool get allowRename => false;
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitInterpolatedParameter(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {}
InterpolatedParameter _clone() => new InterpolatedParameter(nameOrPosition);
int get precedenceLevel => PRIMARY;
class InterpolatedSelector extends Expression with InterpolatedNode {
final nameOrPosition;
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitInterpolatedSelector(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {}
InterpolatedSelector _clone() => new InterpolatedSelector(nameOrPosition);
int get precedenceLevel => PRIMARY;
class InterpolatedStatement extends Statement with InterpolatedNode {
final nameOrPosition;
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitInterpolatedStatement(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {}
InterpolatedStatement _clone() => new InterpolatedStatement(nameOrPosition);
// TODO(jmesserly): generalize this to InterpolatedProperty?
class InterpolatedMethod extends Expression
with InterpolatedNode
implements Method {
final nameOrPosition;
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitInterpolatedMethod(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {}
InterpolatedMethod _clone() => new InterpolatedMethod(nameOrPosition);
int get precedenceLevel => PRIMARY;
Expression get name => _unsupported;
Expression get value => _unsupported;
bool get isGetter => _unsupported;
bool get isSetter => _unsupported;
bool get isStatic => _unsupported;
Fun get function => _unsupported;
get _unsupported => throw '$runtimeType does not support this member.';
class InterpolatedIdentifier extends Expression
with InterpolatedNode
implements Identifier {
final nameOrPosition;
TypeRef get type => null;
bool shadows(Set<String> names) => false;
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitInterpolatedIdentifier(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {}
InterpolatedIdentifier _clone() => new InterpolatedIdentifier(nameOrPosition);
int get precedenceLevel => PRIMARY;
String get name => throw '$runtimeType does not support this member.';
bool get allowRename => false;
* [RegExpLiteral]s, despite being called "Literal", do not inherit from
* [Literal]. Indeed, regular expressions in JavaScript have a side-effect and
* are thus not in the same category as numbers or strings.
class RegExpLiteral extends Expression {
/** Contains the pattern and the flags.*/
final String pattern;
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitRegExpLiteral(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {}
RegExpLiteral _clone() => new RegExpLiteral(pattern);
int get precedenceLevel => PRIMARY;
* An asynchronous await.
* Not part of JavaScript. We desugar this expression before outputting.
* Should only occur in a [Fun] with `asyncModifier` async or asyncStar.
class Await extends Expression {
/** The awaited expression. */
final Expression expression;
int get precedenceLevel => UNARY;
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitAwait(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) => expression.accept(visitor);
Await _clone() => new Await(expression);
* A comment.
* Extends [Statement] so we can add comments before statements in
* [Block] and [Program].
class Comment extends Statement {
final String comment;
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitComment(this);
Comment _clone() => new Comment(comment);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {}
* A comment for expressions.
* Extends [Expression] so we can add comments before expressions.
* Has the highest possible precedence, so we don't add parentheses around it.
class CommentExpression extends Expression {
final String comment;
final Expression expression;
CommentExpression(this.comment, this.expression);
int get precedenceLevel => PRIMARY;
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitCommentExpression(this);
CommentExpression _clone() => new CommentExpression(comment, expression);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) => expression.accept(visitor);
* Represents allowed module items:
* [Statement], [ImportDeclaration], and [ExportDeclaration].
abstract class ModuleItem extends Node {}
class ImportDeclaration extends ModuleItem {
final Identifier defaultBinding; // Can be null.
// Can be null, a single specifier of `* as name`, or a list.
final List<NameSpecifier> namedImports;
final LiteralString from;
ImportDeclaration({this.defaultBinding, this.namedImports, this.from}) {
assert(from != null);
/** The `import "name.js"` form of import */
ImportDeclaration.all(LiteralString module) : this(from: module);
/** If this import has `* as name` returns the name, otherwise null. */
Identifier get importStarAs {
if (namedImports != null &&
namedImports.length == 1 &&
namedImports[0].isStar) {
return namedImports[0].asName;
return null;
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitImportDeclaration(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
if (namedImports != null) {
for (NameSpecifier name in namedImports) name.accept(visitor);
ImportDeclaration _clone() => new ImportDeclaration(
defaultBinding: defaultBinding, namedImports: namedImports, from: from);
class ExportDeclaration extends ModuleItem {
* Exports a name from this module.
* This can be a [ClassDeclaration] or [FunctionDeclaration].
* If [isDefault] is true, it can also be an [Expression].
* Otherwise it can be a [VariableDeclarationList] or an [ExportClause].
final Node exported;
/** True if this is an `export default`. */
final bool isDefault;
ExportDeclaration(this.exported, {this.isDefault: false}) {
assert(exported is ClassDeclaration ||
exported is FunctionDeclaration ||
? exported is Expression
: exported is VariableDeclarationList || exported is ExportClause);
/// Gets the list of names exported by this export declaration, or `null`
/// if this is an `export *`.
/// This can be useful for lowering to other module formats.
List<Identifier> get exportedNames {
if (isDefault) return [new Identifier('default')];
var exported = this.exported;
if (exported is ClassDeclaration) return [];
if (exported is FunctionDeclaration) return [];
if (exported is VariableDeclarationList) {
return => i.declaration).toList();
if (exported is ExportClause) {
if (exported.exportStar) return null;
return =>;
throw new StateError('invalid export declaration');
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitExportDeclaration(this);
visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) => exported.accept(visitor);
ExportDeclaration _clone() =>
new ExportDeclaration(exported, isDefault: isDefault);
class ExportClause extends Node {
final List<NameSpecifier> exports;
final LiteralString from; // Can be null.
ExportClause(this.exports, {this.from});
/** The `export * from 'name.js'` form. */ from)
: this([new], from: from);
/** True if this is an `export *`. */
bool get exportStar => exports.length == 1 && exports[0].isStar;
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitExportClause(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
for (NameSpecifier name in exports) name.accept(visitor);
if (from != null) from.accept(visitor);
ExportClause _clone() => new ExportClause(exports, from: from);
/** An import or export specifier. */
class NameSpecifier extends Node {
final Identifier name;
final Identifier asName; // Can be null.
NameSpecifier(, {this.asName}); : this(null);
/** True if this is a `* as someName` specifier. */
bool get isStar => name == null;
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitNameSpecifier(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {}
NameSpecifier _clone() => new NameSpecifier(name, asName: asName);
// TODO(jmesserly): should this be related to [Program]?
class Module extends Node {
/// The module's name
// TODO(jmesserly): this is not declared in ES6, but is known by the loader.
// We use this because some ES5 desugarings require it.
final String name;
final List<ModuleItem> body;
Module(this.body, {});
accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitModule(this);
void visitChildren(NodeVisitor visitor) {
for (ModuleItem item in body) item.accept(visitor);
Module _clone() => new Module(body);