blob: 6850eced75951a5059b4b1c92825250e69cb050a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/flutter/flutter_outline_computer.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol_server.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/driver.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../../abstract_context.dart';
import '../utilities/flutter_util.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class FlutterOutlineComputerTest extends AbstractContextTest {
String testPath;
String testCode;
void setUp() {
testPath = resourceProvider.convertPath('/test.dart');
Folder libFolder = configureFlutterPackage(resourceProvider);
packageMap['flutter'] = [libFolder];
test_attribute_namedExpression() async {
FlutterOutline unitOutline = await _computeOutline('''
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
main() {
return new WidgetA(
value: 42,
); // WidgetA
class WidgetA extends StatelessWidget {
WidgetA({int value});
var main = unitOutline.children[0];
var widget = main.children[0];
expect(widget.attributes, hasLength(1));
var attribute = widget.attributes[0];
expect(, 'value');
expect(attribute.label, '42');
test_attributes_bool() async {
var attribute = await _getAttribute('test', 'true');
expect(attribute.label, 'true');
expect(attribute.literalValueBoolean, true);
test_attributes_functionExpression_hasParameters_blockExpression() async {
var attribute = await _getAttribute('test', '(a) {}');
expect(attribute.label, '(…) { … }');
test_attributes_functionExpression_hasParameters_bodyExpression() async {
var attribute = await _getAttribute('test', '(a) => 1');
expect(attribute.label, '(…) => …');
test_attributes_functionExpression_noParameters_blockExpression() async {
var attribute = await _getAttribute('test', '() {}');
expect(attribute.label, '() { … }');
test_attributes_functionExpression_noParameters_bodyExpression() async {
var attribute = await _getAttribute('test', '() => 1');
expect(attribute.label, '() => …');
test_attributes_int() async {
var attribute = await _getAttribute('test', '42');
expect(attribute.label, '42');
expect(attribute.literalValueInteger, 42);
test_attributes_listLiteral() async {
var attribute = await _getAttribute('test', '[1, 2, 3]');
expect(attribute.label, '[…]');
test_attributes_mapLiteral() async {
var attribute = await _getAttribute('test', '{1: 10, 2: 20}');
expect(attribute.label, '{…}');
test_attributes_multiLine() async {
var attribute = await _getAttribute('test', '1 +\n 2');
expect(attribute.label, '…');
test_attributes_string_interpolation() async {
FlutterOutline unitOutline = await _computeOutline(r'''
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
var name = 'Foo';
return const Text('Hello, $name!')
var myWidget = unitOutline.children[0];
var build = myWidget.children[0];
var textOutline = build.children[0];
expect(textOutline.attributes, hasLength(1));
FlutterOutlineAttribute attribute = textOutline.attributes[0];
expect(, 'data');
expect(attribute.label, r"'Hello, $name!'");
expect(attribute.literalValueString, isNull);
test_attributes_string_literal() async {
var attribute = await _getAttribute('test', "'my text'");
expect(attribute.label, "'my text'");
expect(attribute.literalValueString, 'my text');
test_attributes_unresolved() async {
FlutterOutline unitOutline = await _computeOutline('''
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return const Row(1, foo: 2)
var myWidget = unitOutline.children[0];
var build = myWidget.children[0];
var rowOutline = build.children[0];
expect(rowOutline.attributes, isEmpty);
test_children() async {
FlutterOutline unitOutline = await _computeOutline('''
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new Column(children: [
const Text('aaa'),
const Text('bbb'),
]); // Column
expect(_toText(unitOutline), r'''
(D) MyWidget
(D) build
var myWidget = unitOutline.children[0];
var build = myWidget.children[0];
var columnOutline = build.children[0];
int offset = testCode.indexOf('new Column');
int length = testCode.indexOf('; // Column') - offset;
_expect(columnOutline, offset: offset, length: length);
var textOutline = columnOutline.children[0];
String text = "const Text('aaa')";
int offset = testCode.indexOf(text);
_expect(textOutline, offset: offset, length: text.length);
var textOutline = columnOutline.children[1];
String text = "const Text('bbb')";
int offset = testCode.indexOf(text);
_expect(textOutline, offset: offset, length: text.length);
test_genericLabel_invocation() async {
FlutterOutline unitOutline = await _computeOutline(r'''
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new Row(children: [
Text createEmptyText() {
return new Text('');
Text createText(int index) {
return new Text('index: $index');
class WidgetFactory {
static Text createMyText() => new Text('');
var myWidget = unitOutline.children[0];
var build = myWidget.children[0];
expect(build.children, hasLength(1));
var row = build.children[0];
expect(row.kind, FlutterOutlineKind.NEW_INSTANCE);
expect(row.className, 'Row');
expect(row.children, hasLength(3));
var text = row.children[0];
expect(text.kind, FlutterOutlineKind.GENERIC);
expect(text.className, 'Text');
expect(text.label, 'createText(…)');
var text = row.children[1];
expect(text.kind, FlutterOutlineKind.GENERIC);
expect(text.className, 'Text');
expect(text.label, 'createEmptyText()');
var text = row.children[2];
expect(text.kind, FlutterOutlineKind.GENERIC);
expect(text.className, 'Text');
expect(text.label, 'WidgetFactory.createMyText()');
test_parentAssociationLabel() async {
newFile('/a.dart', content: r'''
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
class WidgetA extends StatelessWidget {
final Widget top;
final Widget bottom;
WidgetA({, this.bottom});
FlutterOutline unitOutline = await _computeOutline('''
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'a.dart';
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new WidgetA(
top: const Text('aaa'),
bottom: const Text('bbb'),
); // WidgetA
expect(_toText(unitOutline), r'''
(D) MyWidget
(D) build
top: Text
bottom: Text
test_variableName() async {
FlutterOutline unitOutline = await _computeOutline('''
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
var text = new Text('aaa');
return new Center(child: text); // Center
var myWidget = unitOutline.children[0];
var build = myWidget.children[0];
expect(build.children, hasLength(2));
var textNew = build.children[0];
expect(textNew.kind, FlutterOutlineKind.NEW_INSTANCE);
expect(textNew.className, 'Text');
var center = build.children[1];
expect(center.kind, FlutterOutlineKind.NEW_INSTANCE);
expect(center.className, 'Center');
expect(center.children, hasLength(1));
var textRef = center.children[0];
expect(textRef.kind, FlutterOutlineKind.VARIABLE);
expect(textRef.className, 'Text');
expect(textRef.variableName, 'text');
Future<FlutterOutline> _computeOutline(String code) async {
testCode = code;
newFile(testPath, content: code);
AnalysisResult analysisResult = await driver.getResult(testPath);
return new FlutterOutlineComputer(
testPath, testCode, analysisResult.lineInfo, analysisResult.unit)
void _expect(FlutterOutline outline,
{@required int offset, @required int length}) {
expect(outline.offset, offset);
expect(outline.length, length);
Future<FlutterOutlineAttribute> _getAttribute(
String name, String value) async {
FlutterOutline unitOutline = await _computeOutline('''
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
main() {
new MyWidget($value);
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return const Text('')
var main = unitOutline.children[0];
var newMyWidget = main.children[0];
expect(newMyWidget.attributes, hasLength(1));
var attribute = newMyWidget.attributes[0];
expect(, name);
return attribute;
static String _toText(FlutterOutline outline) {
var buffer = new StringBuffer();
void writeOutline(FlutterOutline outline, String indent) {
if (outline.kind == FlutterOutlineKind.DART_ELEMENT) {
buffer.write('(D) ');
} else {
if (outline.kind == FlutterOutlineKind.NEW_INSTANCE) {
if (outline.parentAssociationLabel != null) {
buffer.write(': ');
} else {
fail('Unknown kind: ${outline.kind}');
if (outline.children != null) {
for (var child in outline.children) {
writeOutline(child, '$indent ');
for (var child in outline.children) {
writeOutline(child, '');
return buffer.toString();