Null Safety Migration Tooling

Note: the null safety migration tooling and workflow is in an early state; this doc will be updated as the steps and workflow are simplified.

Building the NNBD sdk

In order to run the tool currently you have to be able to build your own copy of the Dart SDK.

To do this, run:

./tools/ -mrelease --nnbd create_sdk

The NNBD sdk now lives under the ReleaseX64NNBD sub-directory of your build directory, e.g.


Migrating a package

  • build a NNBD version of the SDK (see above)
  • select a package to work on
  • in that package, edit the analysis_options.yaml to enable the NNBD experiment from the POV of the analyzer:
    - non-nullable
  • run pub get for the package (and, verify that the .dart_tool/package_config.json file was created)

Then, run the migration tool from the top-level of the package directory:

<sdk-repo>/xcodebuild/ReleaseX64NNBD/dart <sdk-repo>/pkg/dartdev/bin/dartdev.dart migrate .

The migration tool will run, print the proposed changes to the console, and display a url for the preview tool. Open that url from a browser to see a rich preview of the proposed null safety changes.

Using the tool