blob: 72903a854ee93b5a5c8bebec3280b9ee895a6a1e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol_custom_generated.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol_generated.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol_special.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/lsp/constants.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/lsp/handlers/handlers.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/lsp/lsp_analysis_server.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/lsp/mapping.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/results.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/session.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart' as analyzer;
import 'package:analyzer/src/util/comment.dart' as analyzer;
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/utilities/change_builder/change_builder_core.dart';
class CompletionResolveHandler
extends MessageHandler<CompletionItem, CompletionItem> {
/// The last completion item we asked to be resolved.
/// Used to abort previous requests in async handlers if another resolve request
/// arrives while the previous is being processed (for clients that don't send
/// cancel events).
CompletionItem? _latestCompletionItem;
CompletionResolveHandler(LspAnalysisServer server) : super(server);
Method get handlesMessage => Method.completionItem_resolve;
LspJsonHandler<CompletionItem> get jsonHandler => CompletionItem.jsonHandler;
Future<ErrorOr<CompletionItem>> handle(
CompletionItem item,
CancellationToken token,
) async {
final resolutionInfo =;
if (resolutionInfo is DartCompletionItemResolutionInfo) {
return resolveDartCompletion(item, resolutionInfo, token);
} else if (resolutionInfo is PubPackageCompletionItemResolutionInfo) {
return resolvePubPackageCompletion(item, resolutionInfo, token);
} else {
return success(item);
Future<ErrorOr<CompletionItem>> resolveDartCompletion(
CompletionItem item,
DartCompletionItemResolutionInfo data,
CancellationToken token,
) async {
final clientCapabilities = server.clientCapabilities;
if (clientCapabilities == null) {
// This should not happen unless a client misbehaves.
return error(ErrorCodes.ServerNotInitialized,
'Requests not before server is initilized');
final file = data.file;
final lineInfo = server.getLineInfo(file);
if (lineInfo == null) {
return error(
'Line info not available for $file',
// TODO(dantup): This logic is all repeated from domain_completion and needs
// extracting (with support for the different types of responses between
// the servers). Where is an appropriate place to put it?
var library = server.declarationsTracker?.getLibrary(data.libId);
if (library == null) {
return error(
'Library ID is not valid: ${data.libId}',
// If filterText is different to the label, it's because label has parens/args
// appended and we should take the basic label. We cannot use insertText as
// it may include snippets, whereas filterText is always just the pure string.
var requestedName = item.filterText ?? item.label;
// The label might be `MyEnum.myValue`, but we import only `MyEnum`.
if (requestedName.contains('.')) {
requestedName = requestedName.substring(
const timeout = Duration(milliseconds: 1000);
var timer = Stopwatch()..start();
_latestCompletionItem = item;
while (item == _latestCompletionItem && timer.elapsed < timeout) {
try {
final analysisDriver = server.getAnalysisDriver(file);
final session = analysisDriver?.currentSession;
// We shouldn't not get a driver/session, but if we did perhaps the file
// was removed from the analysis set so assume the request is no longer
// valid.
if (session == null || token.isCancellationRequested) {
return cancelled();
analyzer.LibraryElement requestedLibraryElement;
final result = await session.getLibraryByUri(library.uriStr);
if (result is LibraryElementResult) {
requestedLibraryElement = result.element;
} else {
return error(
'Invalid library URI: ${library.uriStr}',
if (token.isCancellationRequested) {
return cancelled();
var requestedElement =
if (requestedElement == null) {
return error(
'No such element: $requestedName in ${library.uriStr}',
var newInsertText = item.insertText ?? item.label;
final builder = ChangeBuilder(session: session);
await builder.addDartFileEdit(file, (builder) {
final result = builder.importLibraryElement(library.uri);
if (result.prefix != null) {
newInsertText = '${result.prefix}.$newInsertText';
if (token.isCancellationRequested) {
return cancelled();
final changes = builder.sourceChange;
final thisFilesChanges =
changes.edits.where((e) => e.file == file).toList();
final otherFilesChanges =
changes.edits.where((e) => e.file != file).toList();
// If this completion involves editing other files, we'll need to build
// a command that the client will call to apply those edits later.
Command? command;
if (otherFilesChanges.isNotEmpty) {
final workspaceEdit =
createPlainWorkspaceEdit(server, otherFilesChanges);
command = Command(
title: 'Add import',
command: Commands.sendWorkspaceEdit,
arguments: [workspaceEdit]);
// Documentation is added on during resolve for LSP.
final formats = clientCapabilities.completionDocumentationFormats;
final supportsInsertReplace =
final dartDoc =
final documentation =
dartDoc != null ? asStringOrMarkupContent(formats, dartDoc) : null;
return success(CompletionItem(
label: item.label,
kind: item.kind,
tags: item.tags,
detail: thisFilesChanges.isNotEmpty
? "Auto import from '${data.displayUri}'\n\n${item.detail ?? ''}"
: item.detail,
documentation: documentation,
deprecated: item.deprecated,
preselect: item.preselect,
sortText: item.sortText,
filterText: item.filterText,
insertText: newInsertText,
insertTextFormat: item.insertTextFormat,
textEdit: supportsInsertReplace && data.iLength != data.rLength
? Either2<TextEdit, InsertReplaceEdit>.t2(
insert: toRange(lineInfo, data.rOffset, data.iLength),
replace: toRange(lineInfo, data.rOffset, data.rLength),
newText: newInsertText,
: Either2<TextEdit, InsertReplaceEdit>.t1(
range: toRange(lineInfo, data.rOffset, data.rLength),
newText: newInsertText,
additionalTextEdits: thisFilesChanges
.expand((change) => => toTextEdit(lineInfo, edit)))
commitCharacters: item.commitCharacters,
command: command ?? item.command,
} on InconsistentAnalysisException {
// Loop around to try again.
// Timeout or abort, send the empty response.
return error(
'Request was cancelled for taking too long or another request being received',
Future<ErrorOr<CompletionItem>> resolvePubPackageCompletion(
CompletionItem item,
PubPackageCompletionItemResolutionInfo data,
CancellationToken token,
) async {
// Fetch details for this package. This may come from the cache or trigger
// a real web request to the Pub API.
final packageDetails =
await server.pubPackageService.packageDetails(data.packageName);
if (token.isCancellationRequested) {
return cancelled();
final description = packageDetails?.description;
return success(CompletionItem(
label: item.label,
kind: item.kind,
tags: item.tags,
detail: item.detail,
documentation: description != null
? Either2<String, MarkupContent>.t1(description)
: null,
deprecated: item.deprecated,
preselect: item.preselect,
sortText: item.sortText,
filterText: item.filterText,
insertText: item.insertText,
insertTextFormat: item.insertTextFormat,
textEdit: item.textEdit,
additionalTextEdits: item.additionalTextEdits,
commitCharacters: item.commitCharacters,
command: item.command,