blob: 23f44f0f160089c4f4a6f8548814eec8e5e2ae82 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js_info.src.table;
import 'dart:math' show max;
/// Helper class to present data on the command-line in a table form.
class Table {
int _totalColumns = 0;
int get totalColumns => _totalColumns;
/// Abbreviations, used to make headers shorter.
Map<String, String> abbreviations = {};
/// Width of each column.
List<int> widths = <int>[];
/// The header for each column (`header.length == totalColumns`).
List header = [];
/// The color for each column (`color.length == totalColumns`).
List colors = [];
/// Each row on the table. Note that all rows have the same size
/// (`rows[*].length == totalColumns`).
List<List> rows = [];
/// Columns to skip, for example, if they are all zero entries.
final List<bool> _skipped = <bool>[];
/// Whether we started adding entries. Indicates that no more columns can be
/// added.
bool _sealed = false;
/// Current row being built by [addEntry].
List _currentRow;
/// Add a column with the given [name].
void declareColumn(String name,
{bool abbreviate = false, String color = _noColor}) {
var headerName = name;
if (abbreviate) {
// abbreviate the header by using only the initials of each word
headerName =
name.split(' ').map((s) => s.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()).join('');
while (abbreviations[headerName] != null) {
headerName = "$headerName'";
abbreviations[headerName] = name;
widths.add(max(5, headerName.length + 1));
_skipped.add(_totalColumns > 0);
/// Add an entry in the table, creating a new row each time [totalColumns]
/// entries are added.
void addEntry(entry) {
if (_currentRow == null) {
_sealed = true;
_currentRow = [];
int pos = _currentRow.length;
assert(pos < _totalColumns);
widths[pos] = max(widths[pos], '$entry'.length + 1);
if (entry is int && entry != 0) {
_skipped[pos] = false;
if (pos + 1 == _totalColumns) {
_currentRow = [];
/// Add an empty row to divide sections of the table.
void addEmptyRow() {
var emptyRow = [];
for (int i = 0; i < _totalColumns; i++) {
emptyRow.add('-' * widths[i]);
/// Enter the header titles. OK to do so more than once in long tables.
void addHeader() {
/// Generates a string representation of the table to print on a terminal.
// TODO(sigmund): add also a .csv format
String toString() {
var sb = StringBuffer();
for (var row in rows) {
var lastColor = _noColor;
for (int i = 0; i < _totalColumns; i++) {
if (_skipped[i]) continue;
var entry = row[i];
var color = colors[i];
if (lastColor != color) {
lastColor = color;
// Align first column to the left, everything else to the right.
i == 0 ? entry.padRight(widths[i]) : entry.padLeft(widths[i] + 1));
if (lastColor != _noColor) sb.write(_noColor);
for (var id in abbreviations.keys) {
sb.write(' $id:'.padRight(7));
sb.write(' ${abbreviations[id]}\n');
return sb.toString();
const _noColor = "\x1b[0m";