blob: 9510608cfb160815d45cd3b771398ac2d38f350f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
// We want to run each test with and without inlining of the target functions.
// We accomplish this by using VM options in the yes-inlining variant to set the
// "enable_inlining" constant variable to true. This maximizes code sharing
// between the two variants, which are otherwise identical.
const pragma NeverInline = const bool.fromEnvironment("enable_inlining")
? null
: pragma('vm:never-inline');
// In AOT we need to force some functions to be inlined since we only build the
// unchecked entry-point when inlining.
const pragma AlwaysInline = const bool.fromEnvironment("enable_inlining")
? pragma('vm:prefer-inline')
: null;
// All these tests can be run in test mode or in benchmark mode. In benchmark
// mode, there is introspection is omitted and the tests runs for many more
// iterations.
const bool benchmarkMode = const bool.fromEnvironment("benchmark_mode");
class TargetCalls {
int checked = 0;
int unchecked = 0;
// Leave a little room for some cases which always use the checked entry, like
// lazy compile stub.
static const int wiggle = 10;
void expectChecked(int iterations) {
print("$checked, $unchecked");
Expect.isTrue(checked >= iterations - wiggle && unchecked == 0);
void expectUnchecked(int iterations) {
print("$checked, $unchecked");
Expect.isTrue(checked <= wiggle && unchecked >= iterations - wiggle);
TargetCalls entryPoint = TargetCalls();
TargetCalls tearoffEntryPoint = TargetCalls();
_validateHelper(int ep, TargetCalls calls) {
calls ??= entryPoint;
if (ep < 0 || ep > 2) {"ERROR: invalid entry-point ($ep) passed by VM.");
if (ep == 0) {
} else {
void _validateFn(String _, int ep) => _validateHelper(ep, null);
// Invocation of tearoffs go through a tearoff wrapper. We want to independently
// test which entrypoint was used for the tearoff wrapper vs. which was used for
// actual target.
_validateTearoffFn(String name, int ep) {
ep, name.endsWith("#tearoff") ? tearoffEntryPoint : entryPoint);
@pragma("vm:entry-point", "get")
const validate = benchmarkMode ? null : _validateFn;
@pragma("vm:entry-point", "get")
const validateTearoff = benchmarkMode ? null : _validateTearoffFn;