blob: afa35d72805259bc559a066d40922c95ee3ed549 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart=2.9
// TODO(bkonyi): remove once package:devtools_server_api is available
// See
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:usage/usage_io.dart';
import 'file_system.dart';
/// Access the file '~/.flutter'.
class FlutterUsage {
/// Create a new Usage instance; [versionOverride] and [configDirOverride] are
/// used for testing.
String settingsName = 'flutter',
String versionOverride,
String configDirOverride,
}) {
_analytics = AnalyticsIO('', settingsName, '');
Analytics _analytics;
/// Does the .flutter store exist?
static bool get doesStoreExist {
return LocalFileSystem.flutterStoreExists();
bool get isFirstRun => _analytics.firstRun;
bool get enabled => _analytics.enabled;
set enabled(bool value) => _analytics.enabled = value;
String get clientId => _analytics.clientId;
// Access the DevTools on disk store (~/.devtools/.devtools).
class DevToolsUsage {
/// Create a new Usage instance; [versionOverride] and [configDirOverride] are
/// used for testing.
String versionOverride,
String configDirOverride,
}) {
properties = IOPersistentProperties(
documentDirPath: LocalFileSystem.devToolsDir(),
static const storeName = '.devtools';
/// The activeSurvey is the property name of a top-level property
/// existing or created in the file ~/.devtools
/// If the property doesn't exist it is created with default survey values:
/// properties[activeSurvey]['surveyActionTaken'] = false;
/// properties[activeSurvey]['surveyShownCount'] = 0;
/// It is a requirement that the API apiSetActiveSurvey must be called before
/// calling any survey method on DevToolsUsage (addSurvey, rewriteActiveSurvey,
/// surveyShownCount, incrementSurveyShownCount, or surveyActionTaken).
String _activeSurvey;
IOPersistentProperties properties;
static const _surveyActionTaken = 'surveyActionTaken';
static const _surveyShownCount = 'surveyShownCount';
void reset() {
properties['enabled'] = false;
bool get isFirstRun {
properties['firstRun'] = properties['firstRun'] == null;
return properties['firstRun'];
bool get enabled {
if (properties['enabled'] == null) {
properties['enabled'] = false;
return properties['enabled'];
set enabled(bool value) {
properties['enabled'] = value;
return properties['enabled'];
bool surveyNameExists(String surveyName) => properties[surveyName] != null;
void _addSurvey(String surveyName) {
assert(activeSurvey != null);
assert(activeSurvey == surveyName);
rewriteActiveSurvey(false, 0);
String get activeSurvey => _activeSurvey;
set activeSurvey(String surveyName) {
assert(surveyName != null);
_activeSurvey = surveyName;
if (!surveyNameExists(activeSurvey)) {
// Create the survey if property is non-existent in ~/.devtools
/// Need to rewrite the entire survey structure for property to be persisted.
void rewriteActiveSurvey(bool actionTaken, int shownCount) {
assert(activeSurvey != null);
properties[activeSurvey] = {
_surveyActionTaken: actionTaken,
_surveyShownCount: shownCount,
int get surveyShownCount {
assert(activeSurvey != null);
final prop = properties[activeSurvey];
if (prop[_surveyShownCount] == null) {
rewriteActiveSurvey(prop[_surveyActionTaken], 0);
return properties[activeSurvey][_surveyShownCount];
void incrementSurveyShownCount() {
assert(activeSurvey != null);
surveyShownCount; // Ensure surveyShownCount has been initialized.
final prop = properties[activeSurvey];
rewriteActiveSurvey(prop[_surveyActionTaken], prop[_surveyShownCount] + 1);
bool get surveyActionTaken {
assert(activeSurvey != null);
return properties[activeSurvey][_surveyActionTaken] == true;
set surveyActionTaken(bool value) {
assert(activeSurvey != null);
final prop = properties[activeSurvey];
rewriteActiveSurvey(value, prop[_surveyShownCount]);
abstract class PersistentProperties {
final String name;
dynamic operator [](String key);
void operator []=(String key, dynamic value);
/// Re-read settings from the backing store.
/// May be a no-op on some platforms.
void syncSettings();
const JsonEncoder _jsonEncoder = JsonEncoder.withIndent(' ');
class IOPersistentProperties extends PersistentProperties {
String name, {
String documentDirPath,
}) : super(name) {
final String fileName = name.replaceAll(' ', '_');
documentDirPath ??= LocalFileSystem.devToolsDir();
_file = File(path.join(documentDirPath, fileName));
if (!_file.existsSync()) {
_file.createSync(recursive: true);
IOPersistentProperties.fromFile(File file) : super(path.basename(file.path)) {
_file = file;
if (!_file.existsSync()) {
_file.createSync(recursive: true);
File _file;
Map _map;
dynamic operator [](String key) => _map[key];
void operator []=(String key, dynamic value) {
if (value == null && !_map.containsKey(key)) return;
if (_map[key] == value) return;
if (value == null) {
} else {
_map[key] = value;
try {
_file.writeAsStringSync(_jsonEncoder.convert(_map) + '\n');
} catch (_) {}
void syncSettings() {
try {
String contents = _file.readAsStringSync();
if (contents.isEmpty) contents = '{}';
_map = jsonDecode(contents);
} catch (_) {
_map = {};
void remove(String propertyName) {