blob: 05e1b8f44bd5172edbbe6572589718a0c089b949 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// StringReferences are 'holes' in the generated JavaScript that are filled in
/// by the emitter with code to access a large string.
/// The Dart code
/// foo1() => 'A very long string';
/// might be compiled to something like the following, where StringReference1 is
/// assocatied with the string `'A very long string'`.
/// foo1: function() {
/// return StringReference1;
/// }
/// The dart method `foo2` would be compiled separately, with the generated code
/// containing StringReference2, also 3 referring to `int`:
/// foo2() => 'A very long string';
/// -->
/// foo2: function() {
/// return StringReference2;
/// }
/// When the code for an output unit (main unit or deferred loaded unit) is
/// assembled, there will also be a StringReferenceResource 'hole', so the
/// assembled looks something like
/// foo: function() {
/// return StringReference1;
/// }
/// foo2: function() {
/// return StringReference2;
/// }
/// ...
/// StringReferenceResource
/// The StringReferenceFinalizer decides on a strategy for accessing the
/// strings. In most cases a string will have one reference and it should be
/// generated in-place. Shared strings can be referenced via a object. The
/// StringReference nodes are filled in with property access expressions and the
/// StringReferenceResource is filled in with the precomputed data, something
/// like:
/// foo1: function() {
/// return string$.A_very;
/// }
/// foo2: function() {
/// return string$.A_very;
/// }
/// ...
/// var string$ = {
/// A_very: "A very long string",
/// };
/// In minified mode, the properties (`A_very`) can be replaced by shorter
/// names.
library js_backend.string_reference;
import '../constants/values.dart' show StringConstantValue;
import '../js/js.dart' as js;
import '../serialization/serialization.dart';
import '../util/util.dart' show Hashing;
import 'frequency_assignment.dart';
import 'name_sequence.dart';
import 'string_abbreviation.dart';
class StringReferencePolicy {
/// Minimum length to generate a StringReference for further processing.
static const int minimumLength = 11;
/// Strings shorter that [shortestSharedLength] are not shared.
// TODO(sra): Split this into different settings depending on code contexts
// (hot, cold, execute-once, etc).
static const int shortestSharedLength = 40;
// TODO(sra): Add policy for huge non-shared strings, strings occuring in
// run-once code, etc. Maybe make policy settings assignable for testing or
// command-line configuration.
/// A [StringReference] is a deferred JavaScript expression that refers to the
/// runtime representation of a ground type or ground type environment. The
/// deferred expression is filled in by the StringReferenceFinalizer which is
/// called from the fragment emitter. The replacement expression could be any
/// expression, e.g. a call, or a reference to a variable, or property of a
/// variable.
class StringReference extends js.DeferredExpression implements js.AstContainer {
static const String tag = 'string-reference';
final StringConstantValue constant;
js.Expression _value;
final js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation sourceInformation;
StringReference(this.constant) : sourceInformation = null;
StringReference._(this.constant, this._value, this.sourceInformation);
factory StringReference.readFromDataSource(DataSource source) {
StringConstantValue constant = source.readConstant() as StringConstantValue;
return StringReference(constant);
void writeToDataSink(DataSink sink) {
set value(js.Expression value) {
assert(!isFinalized && value != null);
_value = value;
js.Expression get value {
assert(isFinalized, 'StringReference is unassigned');
return _value;
bool get isFinalized => _value != null;
// Precedence will be CALL or LEFT_HAND_SIDE depending on what expression the
// reference is resolved to.
int get precedenceLevel => value.precedenceLevel;
StringReference withSourceInformation(
js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation newSourceInformation) {
if (newSourceInformation == sourceInformation) return this;
if (newSourceInformation == null) return this;
return StringReference._(constant, _value, newSourceInformation);
Iterable<js.Node> get containedNodes => isFinalized ? [_value] : const [];
/// A [StringReferenceResource] is a deferred JavaScript statement determined
/// by the finalization of string references. It is the injection point for data
/// or code to support string references. For example, if the
/// [StringReferenceFinalizer] decides that a string should be referred to via a
/// variable, the [StringReferenceResource] would be set to code that declares
/// and initializes the variable.
class StringReferenceResource extends js.DeferredStatement
implements js.AstContainer {
js.Statement _statement;
final js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation sourceInformation;
StringReferenceResource() : sourceInformation = null;
StringReferenceResource._(this._statement, this.sourceInformation);
set statement(js.Statement statement) {
assert(!isFinalized && statement != null);
_statement = statement;
js.Statement get statement {
assert(isFinalized, 'StringReferenceResource is unassigned');
return _statement;
bool get isFinalized => _statement != null;
StringReferenceResource withSourceInformation(
js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation newSourceInformation) {
if (newSourceInformation == sourceInformation) return this;
if (newSourceInformation == null) return this;
return StringReferenceResource._(_statement, newSourceInformation);
Iterable<js.Node> get containedNodes => isFinalized ? [_statement] : const [];
void visitChildren<T>(js.NodeVisitor<T> visitor) {
void visitChildren1<R, A>(js.NodeVisitor1<R, A> visitor, A arg) {
_statement?.accept1<R, A>(visitor, arg);
abstract class StringReferenceFinalizer {
/// Collects StringReference and StringReferenceResource nodes from the
/// JavaScript AST [code];
void addCode(js.Node code);
/// Performs analysis on all collected StringReference nodes finalizes the
/// values to expressions to access the types.
void finalize();
class StringReferenceFinalizerImpl implements StringReferenceFinalizer {
final bool _minify;
final int shortestSharedLength; // Configurable for testing.
/*late final*/ _StringReferenceCollectorVisitor _visitor;
StringReferenceResource _resource;
/// Maps the recipe (type expression) to the references with the same recipe.
/// Much of the algorithm's state is stored in the _ReferenceSet objects.
Map<StringConstantValue, _ReferenceSet> _referencesByString = {};
{this.shortestSharedLength =
StringReferencePolicy.shortestSharedLength}) {
_visitor = _StringReferenceCollectorVisitor(this);
void addCode(js.Node code) {
void finalize() {
assert(_resource != null, 'StringReferenceFinalizer needs resource');
// Called from collector visitor.
void registerStringReference(StringReference node) {
StringConstantValue constant = node.constant;
_ReferenceSet refs =
_referencesByString[constant] ??= _ReferenceSet(constant);
// Called from collector visitor.
void registerStringReferenceResource(StringReferenceResource node) {
assert(_resource == null);
_resource = node;
void _updateReferences() {
// Emit generate-at-use references.
for (_ReferenceSet referenceSet in _referencesByString.values) {
if (referenceSet.generateAtUse) {
StringConstantValue constant = referenceSet.constant;
js.Expression reference =
js.js.escapedString(constant.stringValue, ascii: true);
for (StringReference ref in referenceSet._references) {
ref.value = reference;
List<_ReferenceSet> referenceSetsUsingProperties =
_referencesByString.values.where((ref) => !ref.generateAtUse).toList();
// Sort by string (which is unique and stable) so that similar strings are
// grouped together.
List<js.Property> properties = [];
for (_ReferenceSet referenceSet in referenceSetsUsingProperties) {
String string = referenceSet.constant.stringValue;
var propertyName = js.string(referenceSet.propertyName);
js.Property(propertyName, js.js.escapedString(string, ascii: true)));
var access = js.js('#.#', [holderLocalName, propertyName]);
for (StringReference ref in referenceSet._references) {
ref.value = access;
if (properties.isEmpty) {
_resource.statement = js.Block.empty();
} else {
js.Expression initializer =
js.ObjectInitializer(properties, isOneLiner: false);
_resource.statement = js.js.statement(
r'var # = #', [js.VariableDeclaration(holderLocalName), initializer]);
// This is a top-level local name in the generated JavaScript top-level
// function, so will be minified automatically. The name should not collide
// with any other locals.
static const holderLocalName = r'string$';
void _allocateNames() {
// Filter out generate-at-use cases and allocate unique names to the rest.
List<_ReferenceSet> referencesInTable = [];
for (final referenceSet in _referencesByString.values) {
String text = referenceSet.constant.stringValue;
if (referenceSet.count == 1) continue;
// TODO(sra): We might want to always extract very large strings,
// e.g. replace above with:
// if (referenceSet.count == 1 && text.length < 1000) continue;
if (text.length <= shortestSharedLength) continue;
if (referencesInTable.isEmpty) return;
List<String> names = abbreviateToIdentifiers( => r.constant.stringValue));
assert(referencesInTable.length == names.length);
for (int i = 0; i < referencesInTable.length; i++) {
referencesInTable[i].name = names[i];
if (!_minify) {
// For unminified code, use the characteristic names as property names.
for (final referenceSet in referencesInTable) {
referenceSet.propertyName =;
// Step 2. Sort by frequency to arrange common entries have shorter property
// names.
List<_ReferenceSet> referencesByFrequency = referencesInTable.toList()
..sort((a, b) {
assert( !=;
int r = b.count.compareTo(a.count); // Decreasing frequency.
if (r != 0) return r;
// Tie-break with raw string.
return _ReferenceSet.compareByString(a, b);
for (final referenceSet in referencesByFrequency) {
// TODO(sra): Assess the dispersal of this hash function in the
// semistableFrequencyAssignment algorithm.
// TODO(sra): Consider a cheaper but stable hash. We are generally hashing
// a relatively small set of large strings.
referenceSet.hash = Hashing.stringHash(referenceSet.constant.stringValue);
int hashOf(int index) => referencesByFrequency[index].hash;
int countOf(int index) => referencesByFrequency[index].count;
void assign(int index, String name) {
if (_minify) {
referencesByFrequency[index].propertyName = name;
} else {
var refSet = referencesByFrequency[index];
refSet.propertyName = name + '_' +;
generalMinifiedNameSequence(), hashOf, countOf, assign);
/// Set of references to a single recipe.
class _ReferenceSet {
final StringConstantValue constant;
// Number of times a StringReference for [constant] occurs in the tree-scan of
// the JavaScript ASTs.
int count = 0;
// It is possible for the JavaScript AST to be a DAG, so collect
// [StringReference]s as set so we don't try to update one twice.
final Set<StringReference> _references = Set.identity();
/// Characteristic name of the recipe - this can be used as a property name
/// for emitting unminified code, and as a stable hash source for minified
/// names. [name] is `null` if [recipe] should always be generated at use.
String name;
/// Property name for 'indexing' into the precomputed types.
String propertyName;
/// A stable hash code that can be used for picking stable minified names.
int hash = 0;
// If we don't assign a name it means we should not precompute the recipe.
bool get generateAtUse => name == null;
static int compareByString(_ReferenceSet a, _ReferenceSet b) {
return a.constant.stringValue.compareTo(b.constant.stringValue);
/// Scans a JavaScript AST to collect all the StringReference nodes.
/// The state is kept in the finalizer so that this scan could be extended to
/// look for other deferred expressions in one pass.
// TODO(sra): Merge with TypeReferenceCollectorVisitor.
class _StringReferenceCollectorVisitor extends js.BaseVisitor<void> {
final StringReferenceFinalizerImpl _finalizer;
void visitNode(js.Node node) {
assert(node is! StringReference);
assert(node is! StringReferenceResource);
if (node is js.AstContainer) {
for (js.Node element in node.containedNodes) {
} else {
void visitDeferredExpression(js.DeferredExpression node) {
if (node is StringReference) {
} else {
void visitDeferredStatement(js.DeferredStatement node) {
if (node is StringReferenceResource) {
} else {