blob: ce3612d4a237c36ccc8523be82a52046ffa02888 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
// Test that an omitted `new` is allowed for a generic constructor invocation.
class C<T> {
final T x;
C(this.x); // Not const constructor.
const C.c(this.x); // Const constructor.
operator <(other) => this;
operator >(other) => other;
operator -() => this;
C<T> get self => this;
C<T> method() => self;
T id<T>(T x) => x;
main() {
const cc = const C<int>.c(42); // Canonicalized.
var x = 42; // Avoid constant parameter for constant constructor.
var c0 = new C<int>.c(x); // Original syntax.
// Uses of `C<int>.c(x)` in various contexts.
var c1 = C<int>.c(x);
var c2 = [C<int>.c(x)][0];
var c3 = {C<int>.c(x): 0}.keys.first;
var c4 = {0: C<int>.c(x)}.values.first;
var c5 = id(C<int>.c(x));
var c6 = C<int>.c(x).self;
var c7 = C<int>.c(x).method();
var c8 = C(C<int>.c(x)).x;
var c9 = -C<int>.c(x);
var c10 = C<int>.c(x) < 9;
var c11 = C(null) > C<int>.c(x);
var c12 = (c10 == c11) ? null : C<int>.c(x);
var c13 = C<int>.c(x)..method();
var c14;
try {
throw C<int>.c(x);
} catch (e) {
c14 = e;
switch (C<int>.c(x)) {
case cc:"Should not be const");
// Success.
for (C<int>.c(x); false; C<int>.c(x), C<int>.c(x)) {"Unreachable");
var values =
[cc, c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11, c12, c13, c14];
Expect.allDistinct(values); // Non of them create constants.
for (var value in values) {
Expect.isTrue(value is C<int>);
Expect.equals(42, (value as C<int>).x);