blob: 440da58b6329e5d0991d3440f8ed5e31002243f5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library kernel.class_hierarchy;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'ast.dart';
import 'core_types.dart';
import 'type_algebra.dart';
import 'src/heap.dart';
import 'src/legacy_erasure.dart';
import 'src/nnbd_top_merge.dart';
import 'src/norm.dart';
typedef HandleAmbiguousSupertypes = void Function(Class, Supertype, Supertype);
abstract class MixinInferrer {
void infer(ClassHierarchy hierarchy, Class classNode);
/// Core interface for answering queries needed to compute the subtyping
/// relation.
abstract class ClassHierarchyBase {
CoreTypes get coreTypes;
/// Returns the instantiation of [superclass] that is implemented by [type],
/// or `null` if [type] does not implement [superclass] at all.
InterfaceType? getTypeAsInstanceOf(
InterfaceType type, Class superclass, Library clientLibrary);
/// Returns the type arguments of the instantiation of [superclass] that is
/// implemented by [type], or `null` if [type] does not implement [superclass]
/// at all.
List<DartType>? getTypeArgumentsAsInstanceOf(
InterfaceType type, Class superclass);
/// Returns the least upper bound of two interface types, as defined by Dart
/// 1.0.
/// Given two interfaces I and J, let S_I be the set of superinterfaces of I,
/// let S_J be the set of superinterfaces of J, and let
/// S = (I union S_I) intersect (J union S_J). Furthermore, we define
/// S_n = {T | T in S and depth(T) = n} for any finite n where depth(T) is
/// the number of steps in the longest inheritance path from T to Object. Let
/// q be the largest number such that S_q has cardinality one. The least
/// upper bound of I and J is the sole element of S_q.
/// This is called the "legacy" least upper bound to distinguish it from the
/// Dart 2 least upper bound, which has special behaviors in the case where
/// one type is a subtype of the other, or where both types are based on the
/// same class.
InterfaceType getLegacyLeastUpperBound(
InterfaceType type1, InterfaceType type2, Library clientLibrary);
abstract class ClassHierarchyMembers {
/// Returns the possibly abstract interface member of [class_] with the given
/// [name].
/// If [setter] is `false`, only fields, methods, and getters with that name
/// will be found. If [setter] is `true`, only non-final fields and setters
/// will be found.
/// If multiple members with that name are inherited and not overridden, the
/// member from the first declared supertype is returned.
Member? getInterfaceMember(Class class_, Name name, {bool setter: false});
/// Interface for answering various subclassing queries.
abstract class ClassHierarchy
implements ClassHierarchyBase, ClassHierarchyMembers {
factory ClassHierarchy(Component component, CoreTypes coreTypes,
{HandleAmbiguousSupertypes? onAmbiguousSupertypes,
MixinInferrer? mixinInferrer}) {
onAmbiguousSupertypes ??= (Class cls, Supertype a, Supertype b) {
// See
throw "$cls can't implement both $a and $b";
return new ClosedWorldClassHierarchy._internal(
coreTypes, onAmbiguousSupertypes, mixinInferrer)
void set coreTypes(CoreTypes coreTypes);
void set onAmbiguousSupertypes(
HandleAmbiguousSupertypes onAmbiguousSupertypes);
void set mixinInferrer(MixinInferrer mixinInferrer);
/// Given the [unordered] classes, return them in such order that classes
/// occur after their superclasses. If some superclasses are not in
/// [unordered], they are not included.
Iterable<Class> getOrderedClasses(Iterable<Class> unordered);
// Returns the instantiation of each generic supertype implemented by this
// class (e.g. getClassAsInstanceOf applied to all superclasses and
// interfaces).
List<Supertype> genericSupertypesOf(Class class_);
/// Returns the instantiation of [superclass] that is implemented by [class_],
/// or `null` if [class_] does not implement [superclass] at all.
Supertype? getClassAsInstanceOf(Class class_, Class superclass);
/// Returns the instantiation of [superclass] that is implemented by [type],
/// or `null` if [type] does not implement [superclass]. [superclass] must
/// be a generic class.
Supertype? asInstantiationOf(Supertype type, Class superclass);
/// Returns the instance member that would respond to a dynamic dispatch of
/// [name] to an instance of [class_], or `null` if no such member exists.
/// If [setter] is `false`, the name is dispatched as a getter or call,
/// and will return a field, getter, method, or operator (or null).
/// If [setter] is `true`, the name is dispatched as a setter, roughly
/// corresponding to `name=` in the Dart specification, but note that the
/// returned member will not have a name ending with `=`. In this case,
/// a non-final field or setter (or null) will be returned.
/// If the class is abstract, abstract members are ignored and the dispatch
/// is resolved if the class was not abstract.
Member? getDispatchTarget(Class class_, Name name, {bool setter: false});
/// Returns the list of potential targets of dynamic dispatch to an instance
/// of [class_].
/// If [setters] is `false`, only potential targets of a getter or call
/// dispatch are returned. If [setters] is `true`, only potential targets
/// of a setter dispatch are returned.
/// See [getDispatchTarget] for more details.
/// The returned list should not be modified.
List<Member> getDispatchTargets(Class class_, {bool setters: false});
/// Returns the list of members denoting the interface for [class_], which
/// may include abstract members.
/// The list may contain multiple members with a given name. This happens
/// when members are inherited through different supertypes and not overridden
/// in the class.
/// Also see [getInterfaceMember].
List<Member> getInterfaceMembers(Class class_, {bool setters: false});
/// Returns the list of members declared in [class_], including abstract
/// members.
/// Members are sorted by name so that they may be efficiently compared across
/// classes.
List<Member> getDeclaredMembers(Class class_, {bool setters: false});
/// True if [subclass] inherits from [superclass] though zero or more
/// `extends` relationships.
bool isSubclassOf(Class subclass, Class superclass);
/// True if [subtype] inherits from [superclass] though zero or more
/// `extends`, `with`, and `implements` relationships.
bool isSubtypeOf(Class subtype, Class superclass);
/// True if the given class is used as the right-hand operand to a
/// mixin application (i.e. [Class.mixedInType]).
bool isUsedAsMixin(Class class_);
/// True if the given class is extended by another class using `extends`.
bool isExtended(Class class_);
/// Returns the set of libraries for which this class hierarchy can be
/// queried.
/// Classes outside the set of known libraries are not part of the internal
/// model and queries about such classes will fail.
Iterable<Library> get knownLibraries;
/// Invokes [callback] for every member declared in or inherited by [class_]
/// that overrides or implements a member in a supertype of [class_]
/// (or in rare cases, overrides a member declared in [class_]).
/// We use the term "inheritable" for members that are candidates for
/// inheritance but may have been overridden. The "declared" members of a
/// mixin application are those declared in the mixed-in type. The callback is
/// invoked in the following cases:
/// 1. A member declared in the class overrides a member inheritable through
/// one of the supertypes of the class.
/// 2. A non-abstract member is inherited from a superclass, and in the
/// context of this class, it overrides an abstract member inheritable through
/// one of its superinterfaces.
/// 3. A non-abstract member is inherited from a superclass, and it overrides
/// an abstract member declared in this class.
/// This method will not report that a member overrides itself. A given pair
/// may be reported multiple times when there are multiple inheritance paths
/// to the overridden member.
/// It is possible for two methods to override one another in both directions.
/// By default getters and setters are overridden separately. The [isSetter]
/// callback parameter determines which type of access is being overridden.
void forEachOverridePair(Class class_,
callback(Member declaredMember, Member interfaceMember, bool isSetter));
/// This method is invoked by the client after a change: removal, addition,
/// or modification of classes (via libraries).
/// For modified classes specify a class as both removed and added: Some of
/// the information that this hierarchy might have cached, is not valid
/// anymore.
/// Note, that it is the clients responsibility to mark all subclasses as
/// changed too.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Support class hierarchy changes directly. Currently
// we can handle added superclasses but not removed superclasses.
ClassHierarchy applyTreeChanges(Iterable<Library> removedLibraries,
Iterable<Library> ensureKnownLibraries, Iterable<Class> updatedClasses,
{Component reissueAmbiguousSupertypesFor});
/// This method is invoked by the client after a member change on classes:
/// Some of the information that this hierarchy might have cached,
/// is not valid anymore.
/// Note, that it is the clients responsibility to mark all subclasses as
/// changed too, or - if [findDescendants] is true, the ClassHierarchy will
/// spend the time to find them for the caller.
ClassHierarchy applyMemberChanges(Iterable<Class> classes,
{bool findDescendants: false});
/// Merges two sorted lists.
/// If a given member occurs in both lists, the merge will attempt to exclude
/// the duplicate member, but is not strictly guaranteed to do so.
/// The sort has the following stability properties:
/// - If both x and y came from the same input list, and x preceded y in the
/// input list, x will precede y in the output list. This holds even if x
/// and y have matching names.
/// - If m is a contiguous subsequence of the output list containing at least
/// one element from each input list, and all elements of m have matching
/// names, then the elements of m from [first] will precede the elements of
/// m from [second].
static List<Member> mergeSortedLists(
List<Member> first, List<Member> second) {
if (first.isEmpty) return second;
if (second.isEmpty) return first;
List<Member> result = new List<Member>.filled(
first.length + second.length, dummyMember,
growable: true);
int storeIndex = 0;
int i = 0, j = 0;
while (i < first.length && j < second.length) {
Member firstMember = first[i];
Member secondMember = second[j];
int compare = ClassHierarchy.compareMembers(firstMember, secondMember);
if (compare <= 0) {
result[storeIndex++] = firstMember;
// If the same member occurs in both lists, skip the duplicate.
if (identical(firstMember, secondMember)) {
} else {
result[storeIndex++] = secondMember;
while (i < first.length) {
result[storeIndex++] = first[i++];
while (j < second.length) {
result[storeIndex++] = second[j++];
result.length = storeIndex;
return result;
/// Compares members by name, using the same sort order as
/// [getDeclaredMembers] and [getInterfaceMembers].
static int compareMembers(Member first, Member second) {
if (first == second) return 0;
return compareNames(,;
/// Compares names, using the same sort order as [getDeclaredMembers] and
/// [getInterfaceMembers].
/// This is an arbitrary as-fast-as-possible sorting criterion.
static int compareNames(Name firstName, Name secondName) {
int firstHash = firstName.hashCode;
int secondHash = secondName.hashCode;
if (firstHash != secondHash) return firstHash - secondHash;
String firstString = firstName.text;
String secondString = secondName.text;
int firstLength = firstString.length;
int secondLength = secondString.length;
if (firstLength != secondLength) {
return firstLength - secondLength;
Library? firstLibrary = firstName.library;
Library? secondLibrary = secondName.library;
if (firstLibrary != secondLibrary) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (firstLibrary == null) return -1;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (secondLibrary == null) return 1;
return firstLibrary.compareTo(secondLibrary);
for (int i = 0; i < firstLength; ++i) {
int firstUnit = firstString.codeUnitAt(i);
int secondUnit = secondString.codeUnitAt(i);
int delta = firstUnit - secondUnit;
if (delta != 0) return delta;
return 0;
/// Returns the member with the given name, or `null` if no member has the
/// name. In case the list contains multiple members with the given name,
/// the one that occurs first in the list is returned.
/// The list is assumed to be sorted according to [compareMembers].
static Member? findMemberByName(List<Member> members, Name name) {
int low = 0, high = members.length - 1;
while (low <= high) {
int mid = low + ((high - low) >> 1);
Member pivot = members[mid];
int comparison = compareNames(name,;
if (comparison < 0) {
high = mid - 1;
} else if (comparison > 0) {
low = mid + 1;
} else if (high != mid) {
// Ensure we find the first element of the given name.
high = mid;
} else {
return pivot;
return null;
abstract class ClassHierarchySubtypes {
/// Returns the subtypes of [class_] as an interval list.
ClassSet getSubtypesOf(Class class_);
/// Returns the single concrete target for invocation of the given interface
/// target, or `null` if it could not be resolved or there are multiple
/// possible targets.
Member? getSingleTargetForInterfaceInvocation(Member interfaceTarget,
{bool setter: false});
class _ClassInfoSubtype {
final _ClassInfo classInfo;
int topDownIndex = -1;
/// Top-down indices of all subclasses of this class, represented as
/// interleaved begin/end interval end points.
late final Uint32List subtypeIntervalList;
class _ClosedWorldClassHierarchySubtypes implements ClassHierarchySubtypes {
final ClosedWorldClassHierarchy hierarchy;
final List<Class?> _classesByTopDownIndex;
final Map<Class, _ClassInfoSubtype> _infoMap = <Class, _ClassInfoSubtype>{};
bool invalidated = false;
: _classesByTopDownIndex =
new List<Class?>.filled(hierarchy._infoMap.length, null) {
hierarchy.allBetsOff = true;
if (hierarchy._infoMap.isNotEmpty) {
for (Class class_ in hierarchy._infoMap.keys) {
_infoMap[class_] = new _ClassInfoSubtype(hierarchy._infoMap[class_]!);
/// Downwards traversal of the class hierarchy that orders classes so local
/// hierarchies have contiguous indices.
int _topDownSortIndex = 0;
void _topDownSortVisit(_ClassInfoSubtype subInfo) {
if (subInfo.topDownIndex != -1) return;
int index = _topDownSortIndex++;
subInfo.topDownIndex = index;
_classesByTopDownIndex[index] = subInfo.classInfo.classNode;
_IntervalListBuilder subtypeSetBuilder = new _IntervalListBuilder()
for (_ClassInfo subtype in subInfo.classInfo.directExtenders) {
_ClassInfoSubtype subtypeInfo = _infoMap[subtype.classNode]!;
for (_ClassInfo subtype in subInfo.classInfo.directMixers) {
_ClassInfoSubtype subtypeInfo = _infoMap[subtype.classNode]!;
for (_ClassInfo subtype in subInfo.classInfo.directImplementers) {
_ClassInfoSubtype subtypeInfo = _infoMap[subtype.classNode]!;
subInfo.subtypeIntervalList = subtypeSetBuilder.buildIntervalList();
Member? getSingleTargetForInterfaceInvocation(Member interfaceTarget,
{bool setter: false}) {
if (invalidated) throw "This data structure has been invalidated";
Name name =;
Member? target = null;
ClassSet subtypes = getSubtypesOf(interfaceTarget.enclosingClass!);
for (Class c in subtypes) {
if (!c.isAbstract) {
Member? candidate =
hierarchy.getDispatchTarget(c, name, setter: setter);
if ((candidate != null) && !candidate.isAbstract) {
if (target == null) {
target = candidate;
} else if (target != candidate) {
return null;
return target;
ClassSet getSubtypesOf(Class class_) {
if (invalidated) throw "This data structure has been invalidated";
Set<Class> result = new Set<Class>();
Uint32List list = _infoMap[class_]!.subtypeIntervalList;
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i += 2) {
int from = list[i];
int to = list[i + 1];
for (int j = from; j < to; j++) {
return new ClassSet(result);
/// Implementation of [ClassHierarchy] for closed world.
class ClosedWorldClassHierarchy implements ClassHierarchy {
CoreTypes coreTypes;
late HandleAmbiguousSupertypes _onAmbiguousSupertypes;
late HandleAmbiguousSupertypes _onAmbiguousSupertypesNotWrapped;
MixinInferrer? mixinInferrer;
void set onAmbiguousSupertypes(
HandleAmbiguousSupertypes onAmbiguousSupertypes) {
_onAmbiguousSupertypesNotWrapped = onAmbiguousSupertypes;
_onAmbiguousSupertypes = (Class class_, Supertype a, Supertype b) {
onAmbiguousSupertypes(class_, a, b);
List<Supertype>? recorded = _recordedAmbiguousSupertypes[class_];
if (recorded == null) {
recorded = <Supertype>[];
_recordedAmbiguousSupertypes[class_] = recorded;
/// The insert order is important.
final Map<Class, _ClassInfo> _infoMap =
new LinkedHashMap<Class, _ClassInfo>();
List<ForTestingClassInfo> getTestingClassInfo() {
List<ForTestingClassInfo> result = <ForTestingClassInfo>[];
for (_ClassInfo info in _infoMap.values) {
result.add(new ForTestingClassInfo._(info));
return result;
List<Class> getAllSupertypeClassesForTesting(Class class_) {
List<Class?> allClassesByIndex =
new List<Class?>.filled(_infoMap.length, null);
for (MapEntry<Class, _ClassInfo> c in _infoMap.entries) {
allClassesByIndex[c.value.topologicalIndex] = c.key;
List<Class> result = [];
Uint32List list = _infoMap[class_]!.supertypeIntervalList;
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i += 2) {
int from = list[i];
int to = list[i + 1];
for (int j = from; j < to; j++) {
return result;
_ClassInfo infoFor(Class cls) {
_ClassInfo? info = _infoMap[cls];
if (info == null) {
throw "${cls.fileUri}: No class info for ${}";
info.used = true;
return info;
List<Class> getUsedClasses() {
List<Class> result = <Class>[];
for (_ClassInfo classInfo in _infoMap.values) {
if (classInfo.used) {
return result;
void resetUsed() {
for (_ClassInfo classInfo in _infoMap.values) {
classInfo.used = false;
allBetsOff = false;
final Set<Library> knownLibraries = new Set<Library>();
bool allBetsOff = false;
/// Recorded errors for classes we have already calculated the class hierarchy
/// for, but will have to be reissued when re-using the calculation.
final Map<Class, List<Supertype>> _recordedAmbiguousSupertypes =
new LinkedHashMap<Class, List<Supertype>>();
Iterable<Class> get classes {
allBetsOff = true;
return _infoMap.keys;
int get numberOfClasses {
allBetsOff = true;
return _infoMap.length;
_ClosedWorldClassHierarchySubtypes? _cachedClassHierarchySubtypes;
HandleAmbiguousSupertypes onAmbiguousSupertypes, this.mixinInferrer) {
this.onAmbiguousSupertypes = onAmbiguousSupertypes;
ClassHierarchySubtypes computeSubtypesInformation() {
_cachedClassHierarchySubtypes ??=
new _ClosedWorldClassHierarchySubtypes(this);
return _cachedClassHierarchySubtypes!;
Iterable<Class> getOrderedClasses(Iterable<Class> unordered) {
Set<Class> unorderedSet = unordered.toSet();
for (Class c in unordered) {
_infoMap[c]?.used = true;
return _infoMap.keys.where(unorderedSet.contains);
bool isSubclassOf(Class subclass, Class superclass) {
if (identical(subclass, superclass)) return true;
return infoFor(subclass).isSubclassOf(infoFor(superclass));
bool isSubtypeOf(Class subtype, Class superclass) {
if (identical(subtype, superclass)) return true;
return infoFor(subtype).isSubtypeOf(infoFor(superclass));
bool isUsedAsMixin(Class class_) {
return infoFor(class_).directMixers.isNotEmpty;
bool isExtended(Class class_) {
return infoFor(class_).directExtenders.isNotEmpty;
List<_ClassInfo> _getRankedSuperclassInfos(_ClassInfo info) {
if (info.leastUpperBoundInfos != null) return info.leastUpperBoundInfos!;
_LubHeap heap = new _LubHeap()..add(info);
List<_ClassInfo> chain = <_ClassInfo>[];
info.leastUpperBoundInfos = chain;
_ClassInfo? lastInfo = null;
while (heap.isNotEmpty) {
_ClassInfo nextInfo = heap.remove();
if (identical(nextInfo, lastInfo)) continue;
lastInfo = nextInfo;
Class classNode = nextInfo.classNode;
void addToHeap(Supertype supertype) {
Supertype? supertype = classNode.supertype;
if (supertype != null) {
Supertype? mixedInType = classNode.mixedInType;
if (mixedInType != null) {
return chain;
InterfaceType getLegacyLeastUpperBound(
InterfaceType type1, InterfaceType type2, Library clientLibrary) {
// The algorithm is: first we compute a list of superclasses for both types,
// ordered from greatest to least depth, and ordered by topological sort
// index within each depth. Due to the sort order, we can find the
// intersection of these lists by a simple walk.
// Then, for each class in the intersection, determine the exact type that
// is implemented by type1 and type2. If the types match, that type is a
// candidate (it's a member of S_n). As soon as we find a candidate which
// is unique for its depth, we return it.
// As an optimization, if the class for I is a subtype of the class for J,
// then we know that the list of superclasses of J is a subset of the list
// of superclasses for I; therefore it is sufficient to compute just the
// list of superclasses for J. To avoid complicating the code below (which
// intersects the two lists), we set both lists equal to the list of
// superclasses for J. And vice versa with the role of I and J swapped.
// Compute the list of superclasses for both types, with the above
// optimization.
// LLUB(Null, List<dynamic>*) works differently for opt-in and opt-out
// libraries. In opt-out libraries the legacy behavior is preserved, so
// LLUB(Null, List<dynamic>*) = List<dynamic>*. In opt-in libraries the
// rules imply that LLUB(Null, List<dynamic>*) = List<dynamic>?.
if (!clientLibrary.isNonNullableByDefault) {
if (type1 is NullType) return type2;
if (type2 is NullType) return type1;
_ClassInfo info1 = infoFor(type1.classNode);
_ClassInfo info2 = infoFor(type2.classNode);
List<_ClassInfo> classes1;
List<_ClassInfo> classes2;
if (identical(info1, info2) || info1.isSubtypeOf(info2)) {
classes1 = classes2 = _getRankedSuperclassInfos(info2);
} else if (info2.isSubtypeOf(info1)) {
classes1 = classes2 = _getRankedSuperclassInfos(info1);
} else {
classes1 = _getRankedSuperclassInfos(info1);
classes2 = _getRankedSuperclassInfos(info2);
// Walk the lists finding their intersection, looking for a depth that has a
// single candidate.
int i1 = 0;
int i2 = 0;
InterfaceType? candidate = null;
int currentDepth = -1;
int numCandidatesAtThisDepth = 0;
while (true) {
_ClassInfo next = classes1[i1];
_ClassInfo next2 = classes2[i2];
if (!identical(next, next2)) {
if (_LubHeap.sortsBeforeStatic(next, next2)) {
} else {
if (next.classNode.isAnonymousMixin) {
// Never find unnamed mixin application in least upper bound.
if (next.depth != currentDepth) {
if (numCandidatesAtThisDepth == 1) {
return candidate!;
currentDepth = next.depth;
numCandidatesAtThisDepth = 0;
candidate = null;
} else if (numCandidatesAtThisDepth > 1) {
// For each class in the intersection, find the exact type that is
// implemented by type1 and type2. If they match, it's a candidate.
// Two additional optimizations:
// - If this class lacks type parameters, we know there is a match without
// needing to substitute.
// - If the depth is 0, we have reached Object, so we can return it
// immediately. Since all interface types are subtypes of Object, this
// ensures the loop terminates.
if (next.classNode.typeParameters.isEmpty) {
candidate = coreTypes.rawType(next.classNode,
uniteNullabilities(type1.nullability, type2.nullability));
if (currentDepth == 0) return candidate;
} else {
InterfaceType superType1 = identical(info1, next)
? type1
: Substitution.fromInterfaceType(type1).substituteType(
as InterfaceType;
InterfaceType superType2 = identical(info2, next)
? type2
: Substitution.fromInterfaceType(type2).substituteType(
as InterfaceType;
if (!clientLibrary.isNonNullableByDefault) {
superType1 = legacyErasure(superType1) as InterfaceType;
superType2 = legacyErasure(superType2) as InterfaceType;
if (superType1 == superType2) {
candidate = superType1.withDeclaredNullability(
uniteNullabilities(type1.nullability, type2.nullability));
Supertype? getClassAsInstanceOf(Class class_, Class superclass) {
if (identical(class_, superclass)) return class_.asThisSupertype;
_ClassInfo info = infoFor(class_);
_ClassInfo superInfo = infoFor(superclass);
if (!info.isSubtypeOf(superInfo)) return null;
if (superclass.typeParameters.isEmpty) return superclass.asRawSupertype;
"No canonical instance of $superclass found for $class_.");
return info.genericSuperType![superclass];
InterfaceType? getTypeAsInstanceOf(
InterfaceType type, Class superclass, Library clientLibrary) {
List<DartType>? typeArguments =
getTypeArgumentsAsInstanceOf(type, superclass);
if (typeArguments == null) return null;
// The return value should be a legacy type if it's computed for an
// opted-out library, unless the return value is Null? which is always
// nullable.
Nullability nullability = clientLibrary.isNonNullableByDefault
? type.nullability
: Nullability.legacy;
return new InterfaceType(superclass, nullability, typeArguments);
List<DartType>? getTypeArgumentsAsInstanceOf(
InterfaceType type, Class superclass) {
if (type.classNode == superclass) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): This is necessary because [getClassAsInstanceOf]
// returns a [Supertype] whose type arguments are type parameter types
// whose nullability is set to the default nullability of the
// enclosing library. If for instance [type] is `A<int!>` but `A` is
// declared in an opt-out library, the substitution below will combine
// nullabilities of the type arguments in [type] with the type parameters
// and thus give the result `A<int*>`. See issue #42792.
// For now we bypass the substitution but long term we need to ensure
// that [getClassAsInstanceOf] doesn't cause similar problems in other
// situations.
return type.typeArguments;
Supertype? castedType = getClassAsInstanceOf(type.classNode, superclass);
if (castedType == null) return null;
if (superclass.typeParameters.isEmpty) return const <DartType>[];
return Substitution.fromInterfaceType(type)
Member? getDispatchTarget(Class class_, Name name, {bool setter: false}) {
List<Member> list =
_buildImplementedMembers(class_, infoFor(class_), setters: setter);
Member? member = ClassHierarchy.findMemberByName(list, name);
member == null || !member.isAbstract,
"Abstract member $member found as dispatch target "
"for $name on $class_");
return member;
List<Member> getDispatchTargets(Class class_, {bool setters: false}) {
return _buildImplementedMembers(class_, infoFor(class_), setters: setters);
Member? getInterfaceMember(Class class_, Name name, {bool setter: false}) {
List<Member> list = getInterfaceMembers(class_, setters: setter);
return ClassHierarchy.findMemberByName(list, name);
List<Member> getInterfaceMembers(Class class_, {bool setters: false}) {
return _buildInterfaceMembers(class_, infoFor(class_), setters: setters);
List<Member> getDeclaredMembers(Class class_, {bool setters: false}) {
return _buildDeclaredMembers(class_, infoFor(class_), setters: setters);
void forEachOverridePair(Class class_,
callback(Member declaredMember, Member interfaceMember, bool isSetter),
{bool crossGettersSetters: false}) {
_ClassInfo info = infoFor(class_);
for (Supertype supertype in class_.supers) {
Class superclass = supertype.classNode;
List<Member> superGetters = getInterfaceMembers(superclass);
List<Member> superSetters =
getInterfaceMembers(superclass, setters: true);
_reportOverrides(_buildDeclaredMembers(class_, info, setters: false),
superGetters, callback);
_reportOverrides(_buildDeclaredMembers(class_, info, setters: true),
superSetters, callback,
isSetter: true);
static void _reportOverrides(
List<Member> declaredList,
List<Member> inheritedList,
callback(Member declaredMember, Member interfaceMember, bool isSetter),
{bool isSetter: false}) {
int i = 0, j = 0;
while (i < declaredList.length && j < inheritedList.length) {
Member declared = declaredList[i];
Member inherited = inheritedList[j];
int comparison = ClassHierarchy.compareMembers(declared, inherited);
if (comparison < 0) {
} else if (comparison > 0) {
} else {
if (!identical(declared, inherited)) {
callback(declared, inherited, isSetter);
// A given declared member may override multiple interface members,
// so only move past the interface member.
List<Supertype> genericSupertypesOf(Class class_) {
Map<Class, Supertype>? supertypes = infoFor(class_).genericSuperType;
if (supertypes == null) return const <Supertype>[];
return supertypes.values.toList();
ClassHierarchy applyTreeChanges(Iterable<Library> removedLibraries,
Iterable<Library> ensureKnownLibraries, Iterable<Class> updatedClasses,
{Component? reissueAmbiguousSupertypesFor}) {
Set<_ClassInfo> changedClasses = <_ClassInfo>{};
void removeClass(Class cls) {
_ClassInfo? info = _infoMap[cls];
if (info == null) return;
Supertype? supertype = cls.supertype;
if (supertype != null) {
Supertype? mixedInType = cls.mixedInType;
if (mixedInType != null) {
for (Supertype supertype in cls.implementedTypes) {
// Remove from directMixers too as the mixin transformation will
// "move" the type here.
if (cls.isAnonymousMixin || cls.isEliminatedMixin) {
void invalidateClass(_ClassInfo? info) {
if (info == null) return;
if (!changedClasses.add(info)) return;
for (_ClassInfo i in info.directExtenders.toList()) {
for (_ClassInfo i in info.directMixers.toList()) {
for (_ClassInfo i in info.directImplementers.toList()) {
for (Class cls in updatedClasses) {
// Remove all references to the removed classes.
for (Library lib in removedLibraries) {
if (!knownLibraries.contains(lib)) continue;
for (Class class_ in lib.classes) {
// If we have a cached computation of subtypes, invalidate it and stop
// caching it.
if (_cachedClassHierarchySubtypes != null) {
_cachedClassHierarchySubtypes!.invalidated = true;
if (_recordedAmbiguousSupertypes.isNotEmpty &&
reissueAmbiguousSupertypesFor != null) {
Set<Library> libs =
new Set<Library>.of(reissueAmbiguousSupertypesFor.libraries);
for (Class class_ in _recordedAmbiguousSupertypes.keys) {
if (!libs.contains(class_.enclosingLibrary)) continue;
List<Supertype> recorded = _recordedAmbiguousSupertypes[class_]!;
for (int i = 0; i < recorded.length; i += 2) {
class_, recorded[i], recorded[i + 1]);
// Add the new classes.
List<Class> addedClassesSorted = <Class>[];
int expectedStartIndex = _topSortIndex;
for (Library lib in ensureKnownLibraries) {
if (knownLibraries.contains(lib)) continue;
for (Class class_ in lib.classes) {
_topologicalSortVisit(class_, new Set<Class>(),
orderedList: addedClassesSorted);
for (_ClassInfo info in changedClasses) {
_topologicalSortVisit(info.classNode, new Set<Class>(),
orderedList: addedClassesSorted);
addedClassesSorted, expectedStartIndex);
return this;
ClassHierarchy applyMemberChanges(Iterable<Class> classes,
{bool findDescendants: false}) {
if (classes.isEmpty) return this;
List<_ClassInfo> infos = <_ClassInfo>[];
if (findDescendants) {
Set<_ClassInfo> processedClasses = new Set<_ClassInfo>();
List<_ClassInfo> worklist = <_ClassInfo>[];
for (Class class_ in classes) {
_ClassInfo info = infoFor(class_);
while (worklist.isNotEmpty) {
_ClassInfo info = worklist.removeLast();
if (processedClasses.add(info)) {
} else {
for (Class class_ in classes) {
_ClassInfo info = infoFor(class_);
for (_ClassInfo info in infos) {
info.lazyDeclaredGettersAndCalls = null;
info.lazyDeclaredSetters = null;
info.lazyImplementedGettersAndCalls = null;
info.lazyImplementedSetters = null;
info.lazyInterfaceGettersAndCalls = null;
info.lazyInterfaceSetters = null;
return this;
bool sanityChecks() {
Map<String, List<Class>> map = {};
for (Class c in _infoMap.keys) {
String className = "${c.enclosingLibrary.importUri}::${}";
List<Class>? list = map[className];
if (list == null) {
map[className] = list = [];
StringBuffer? sb;
for (MapEntry<String, List<Class>> entry in map.entries) {
if (entry.value.length != 1) {
sb ??= new StringBuffer();
sb.writeln("Found ${entry.value.length} entries for ${entry.key}");
if (sb != null) throw new StateError(sb.toString());
for (Class c in _infoMap.keys) {
if (!knownLibraries.contains(c.enclosingLibrary)) {
throw new StateError("Didn't know library of $c (from ${c.fileUri})");
for (_ClassInfo info in _infoMap.values) {
for (_ClassInfo subInfo in info.directExtenders) {
if (!_infoMap.containsKey(subInfo.classNode)) {
throw new StateError(
"Found $subInfo (${subInfo.classNode}) in directExtenders");
for (_ClassInfo subInfo in info.directMixers) {
if (!_infoMap.containsKey(subInfo.classNode)) {
throw new StateError(
"Found $subInfo (${subInfo.classNode}) in directMixers");
for (_ClassInfo subInfo in info.directImplementers) {
if (!_infoMap.containsKey(subInfo.classNode)) {
throw new StateError(
"Found $subInfo (${subInfo.classNode}) in directImplementers");
return true;
Supertype? asInstantiationOf(Supertype type, Class superclass) {
// This is similar to getTypeAsInstanceOf, except that it assumes that
// superclass is a generic class. It thus does not rely on being able
// to answer isSubtypeOf queries and so can be used before we have built
// the intervals needed for those queries.
if (type.classNode == superclass) {
return superclass.asThisSupertype;
Map<Class, Supertype>? map = infoFor(type.classNode).genericSuperType;
return map == null ? null : map[superclass];
void _initialize(List<Library> libraries) {
// Build the class ordering based on a topological sort.
for (Library library in libraries) {
for (Class classNode in library.classes) {
_topologicalSortVisit(classNode, new Set<Class>());
_initializeTopologicallySortedClasses(_infoMap.keys, 0);
/// - Build index of direct children.
/// - Build list of super classes and super types.
/// - Infer and record supertypes for the classes.
/// - Record interface members.
/// - Perform some sanity checking.
/// Do this after the topological sort so that super types always occur
/// before subtypes.
void _initializeTopologicallySortedClasses(
Iterable<Class> classes, int expectedStartingTopologicalIndex) {
int i = expectedStartingTopologicalIndex;
for (Class class_ in classes) {
_ClassInfo? info = _infoMap[class_];
if (info == null) {
throw "No info for ${} from ${class_.fileUri}.";
if (class_.supertype != null) {
if (class_.mixedInType != null) {
for (Supertype supertype in class_.implementedTypes) {
Supertype? supertype = class_.supertype;
if (supertype != null) {
_recordSuperTypes(info, supertype);
Supertype? mixedInType = class_.mixedInType;
if (mixedInType != null) {
mixinInferrer?.infer(this, class_);
_recordSuperTypes(info, mixedInType);
for (Supertype supertype in class_.implementedTypes) {
_recordSuperTypes(info, supertype);
if (info.topologicalIndex != i) {
throw "Unexpected topologicalIndex (${info.topologicalIndex} != $i) "
"for ${} from ${class_.fileUri}.";
/// Upwards traversal of the class hierarchy that orders classes so super
/// types before their subtypes.
/// Returns the depth of the visited class (the number of steps in the longest
/// inheritance path to the root class).
int _topSortIndex = 0;
int _topologicalSortVisit(Class classNode, Set<Class> beingVisited,
{List<Class>? orderedList}) {
_ClassInfo? info = _infoMap[classNode];
if (info != null) {
return info.depth;
if (!beingVisited.add(classNode)) {
throw 'Cyclic inheritance involving ${}';
info = new _ClassInfo(classNode);
int superDepth = -1;
if (classNode.supertype != null) {
superDepth = max(
_topologicalSortVisit(classNode.supertype!.classNode, beingVisited,
orderedList: orderedList));
if (classNode.mixedInType != null) {
superDepth = max(
_topologicalSortVisit(classNode.mixedInType!.classNode, beingVisited,
orderedList: orderedList));
for (Supertype supertype in classNode.implementedTypes) {
superDepth = max(
_topologicalSortVisit(supertype.classNode, beingVisited,
orderedList: orderedList));
info.topologicalIndex = _topSortIndex++;
_infoMap[classNode] = info;
return info.depth = superDepth + 1;
List<Member> _buildImplementedMembers(Class classNode, _ClassInfo info,
{required bool setters}) {
List<Member>? members = setters
? info.lazyImplementedSetters
: info.lazyImplementedGettersAndCalls;
if (members != null) return members;
List<Member> inherited;
Supertype? supertype = classNode.supertype;
if (supertype == null) {
inherited = const <Member>[];
} else {
Class superClassNode = supertype.classNode;
_ClassInfo superInfo = _infoMap[superClassNode]!;
inherited =
_buildImplementedMembers(superClassNode, superInfo, setters: setters);
members = _inheritMembers(
_buildDeclaredMembers(classNode, info, setters: setters), inherited,
skipAbstractMembers: true);
if (setters) {
info.lazyImplementedSetters = members;
} else {
info.lazyImplementedGettersAndCalls = members;
return members;
List<Member> _buildDeclaredMembers(Class classNode, _ClassInfo info,
{required bool setters}) {
List<Member>? members =
setters ? info.lazyDeclaredSetters : info.lazyDeclaredGettersAndCalls;
if (members != null) return members;
// To support that mixin application can declare their own members, for
// instance cloned mixin members and concrete forwarding stubs, we first
// collect the members in a map before creating the list of members, so that
// declared members can replace mixed in members.
Map<Name, Member> memberMap = {};
if (classNode.mixedInType != null) {
Class mixedInClassNode = classNode.mixedInType!.classNode;
_ClassInfo mixedInInfo = _infoMap[mixedInClassNode]!;
for (Member mixinMember in _buildDeclaredMembers(
mixedInClassNode, mixedInInfo,
setters: setters)) {
if (mixinMember is! Procedure || !mixinMember.isSynthetic) {
memberMap[] = mixinMember;
for (Procedure procedure in classNode.procedures) {
if (procedure.isStatic) continue;
if (procedure.kind == ProcedureKind.Setter) {
if (setters) {
memberMap[] = procedure;
} else {
if (!setters) {
memberMap[] = procedure;
for (Field field in classNode.fields) {
if (field.isStatic) continue;
if (!setters) {
memberMap[] = field;
if (setters && field.hasSetter) {
memberMap[] = field;
members = memberMap.values.toList();
if (setters) {
info.lazyDeclaredSetters = members;
} else {
info.lazyDeclaredGettersAndCalls = members;
return members;
List<Member> _buildInterfaceMembers(Class classNode, _ClassInfo info,
{required bool setters}) {
List<Member>? members =
setters ? info.lazyInterfaceSetters : info.lazyInterfaceGettersAndCalls;
if (members != null) return members;
List<Member> allInheritedMembers = <Member>[];
List<Member> declared =
_buildDeclaredMembers(classNode, info, setters: setters);
void inheritFrom(Supertype? type) {
if (type == null) return;
List<Member> inherited = _buildInterfaceMembers(
type.classNode, _infoMap[type.classNode]!,
setters: setters);
inherited = _getUnshadowedInheritedMembers(declared, inherited);
allInheritedMembers =
ClassHierarchy.mergeSortedLists(allInheritedMembers, inherited);
members = _inheritMembers(declared, allInheritedMembers);
if (setters) {
info.lazyInterfaceSetters = members;
} else {
info.lazyInterfaceGettersAndCalls = members;
return members;
/// Computes the list of implemented members, based on the declared instance
/// members and inherited instance members.
/// Both lists must be sorted by name beforehand.
static List<Member> _inheritMembers(
List<Member> declared, List<Member> inherited,
{bool skipAbstractMembers: false}) {
List<Member> result = new List<Member>.filled(
declared.length + inherited.length, dummyMember,
growable: true);
// Since both lists are sorted, we can fuse them like in merge sort.
int storeIndex = 0;
int i = 0, j = 0;
while (i < declared.length && j < inherited.length) {
Member declaredMember = declared[i];
Member inheritedMember = inherited[j];
if (skipAbstractMembers && declaredMember.isAbstract) {
if (skipAbstractMembers && inheritedMember.isAbstract) {
int comparison =
ClassHierarchy.compareMembers(declaredMember, inheritedMember);
if (comparison < 0) {
result[storeIndex++] = declaredMember;
} else if (comparison > 0) {
result[storeIndex++] = inheritedMember;
} else {
result[storeIndex++] = declaredMember;
++j; // Move past overridden member.
// One of the two lists is now exhausted, copy over the remains.
while (i < declared.length) {
Member declaredMember = declared[i++];
if (skipAbstractMembers && declaredMember.isAbstract) continue;
result[storeIndex++] = declaredMember;
while (j < inherited.length) {
Member inheritedMember = inherited[j++];
if (skipAbstractMembers && inheritedMember.isAbstract) continue;
result[storeIndex++] = inheritedMember;
result.length = storeIndex;
return result;
/// Returns the subset of members in [inherited] for which a member with the
/// same name does not occur in [declared].
/// The input lists must be sorted, and the returned list is sorted.
static List<Member> _getUnshadowedInheritedMembers(
List<Member> declared, List<Member> inherited) {
List<Member> result =
new List<Member>.filled(inherited.length, dummyMember, growable: true);
int storeIndex = 0;
int i = 0, j = 0;
while (i < declared.length && j < inherited.length) {
Member declaredMember = declared[i];
Member inheritedMember = inherited[j];
int comparison =
ClassHierarchy.compareMembers(declaredMember, inheritedMember);
if (comparison < 0) {
} else if (comparison > 0) {
result[storeIndex++] = inheritedMember;
} else {
// Move past the shadowed member, but retain the declared member, as
// it may shadow multiple members.
// If the list of declared members is exhausted, copy over the remains of
// the inherited members.
while (j < inherited.length) {
result[storeIndex++] = inherited[j++];
result.length = storeIndex;
return result;
void _recordSuperTypes(_ClassInfo subInfo, Supertype supertype) {
_ClassInfo superInfo = _infoMap[supertype.classNode]!;
if (supertype.typeArguments.isEmpty) {
if (superInfo.genericSuperTypes == null) return;
// Copy over the super type entries.
subInfo.genericSuperType ??= <Class, Supertype>{};
subInfo.genericSuperTypes ??= <Class, List<Supertype>>{};
superInfo.genericSuperType?.forEach((Class key, Supertype type) {
coreTypes, key, type, _onAmbiguousSupertypes);
} else {
// Copy over all transitive generic super types, and substitute the
// free variables with those provided in [supertype].
Class superclass = supertype.classNode;
Substitution substitution = Substitution.fromPairs(
superclass.typeParameters, supertype.typeArguments);
subInfo.genericSuperType ??= <Class, Supertype>{};
subInfo.genericSuperTypes ??= <Class, List<Supertype>>{};
superInfo.genericSuperType?.forEach((Class key, Supertype type) {
subInfo.recordGenericSuperType(coreTypes, key,
substitution.substituteSupertype(type), _onAmbiguousSupertypes);
coreTypes, superclass, supertype, _onAmbiguousSupertypes);
/// Build lists of super types and super classes.
/// Note that the super class and super types of the class must already have
/// had their supers collected.
void _collectSupersForClass(Class class_) {
_ClassInfo info = _infoMap[class_]!;
_IntervalListBuilder superclassSetBuilder = new _IntervalListBuilder()
_IntervalListBuilder supertypeSetBuilder = new _IntervalListBuilder()
if (class_.supertype != null) {
_ClassInfo supertypeInfo = _infoMap[class_.supertype!.classNode]!;
if (class_.mixedInType != null) {
_ClassInfo mixedInTypeInfo = _infoMap[class_.mixedInType!.classNode]!;
for (Supertype supertype in class_.implementedTypes) {
_ClassInfo supertypeInfo = _infoMap[supertype.classNode]!;
info.superclassIntervalList = superclassSetBuilder.buildIntervalList();
info.supertypeIntervalList = supertypeSetBuilder.buildIntervalList();
/// Creates a histogram such that index `N` contains the number of classes
/// that have `N` intervals in its supertype set.
/// The more numbers are condensed near the beginning, the more efficient the
/// internal data structure is.
List<int> getExpenseHistogram() {
List<int> result = <int>[];
for (Class class_ in _infoMap.keys) {
_ClassInfo info = _infoMap[class_]!;
int intervals = info.supertypeIntervalList.length ~/ 2;
while (result.length <= intervals) {
result[intervals] += 1;
return result;
/// Returns the average number of intervals per supertype relation (less
/// is better, 1.0 is bad).
/// This is an estimate of the memory use compared to a data structure that
/// enumerates all superclass/supertype pairs.
double getCompressionRatio() {
int intervals = 0;
int sizes = 0;
for (Class class_ in _infoMap.keys) {
_ClassInfo info = _infoMap[class_]!;
intervals += (info.superclassIntervalList.length +
info.supertypeIntervalList.length) ~/
sizes += _intervalListSize(info.superclassIntervalList) +
return sizes == 0 ? 1.0 : intervals / sizes;
/// Returns the number of entries in hash tables storing hierarchy data.
int getSuperTypeHashTableSize() {
int sum = 0;
for (Class class_ in _infoMap.keys) {
sum += _infoMap[class_]!.genericSuperTypes?.length ?? 0;
return sum;
class _IntervalListBuilder {
final List<int> events = <int>[];
void addInterval(int start, int end) {
// Add an event point for each interval end point, using the low bit to
// distinguish opening from closing end points. Closing end points should
// have the high bit to ensure they occur after an opening end point.
events.add(start << 1);
events.add((end << 1) + 1);
void addSingleton(int x) {
addInterval(x, x + 1);
void addIntervalList(Uint32List intervals) {
for (int i = 0; i < intervals.length; i += 2) {
addInterval(intervals[i], intervals[i + 1]);
Uint32List buildIntervalList() {
// Sort the event points and sweep left to right while tracking how many
// intervals we are currently inside. Record an interval end point when the
// number of intervals drop to zero or increase from zero to one.
// Event points are encoded so that an opening end point occur before a
// closing end point at the same value.
int insideCount = 0; // The number of intervals we are currently inside.
int storeIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < events.length; ++i) {
int event = events[i];
if (event & 1 == 0) {
// Start point
if (insideCount == 1) {
// Store the results temporarily back in the event array.
events[storeIndex++] = event >> 1;
} else {
// End point
if (insideCount == 0) {
events[storeIndex++] = event >> 1;
// Copy the results over to a typed array of the correct length.
Uint32List result = new Uint32List(storeIndex);
for (int i = 0; i < storeIndex; ++i) {
result[i] = events[i];
return result;
bool _intervalListContains(Uint32List intervalList, int x) {
int low = 0, high = intervalList.length - 1;
if (high == -1 || x < intervalList[0] || intervalList[high] <= x) {
return false;
// Find the lower bound of x in the list.
// If the lower bound is at an even index, the lower bound is an opening point
// of an interval that contains x, otherwise it is a closing point of an
// interval below x and there is no interval containing x.
while (low < high) {
int mid = high - ((high - low) >> 1); // Get middle, rounding up.
int pivot = intervalList[mid];
if (pivot <= x) {
low = mid;
} else {
high = mid - 1;
return low == high && (low & 1) == 0;
int _intervalListSize(Uint32List intervalList) {
int size = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < intervalList.length; i += 2) {
size += intervalList[i + 1] - intervalList[i];
return size;
class ForTestingClassInfo {
final Class classNode;
final List<Member>? lazyDeclaredGettersAndCalls;
final List<Member>? lazyDeclaredSetters;
final List<Member>? lazyImplementedGettersAndCalls;
final List<Member>? lazyImplementedSetters;
final List<Member>? lazyInterfaceGettersAndCalls;
final List<Member>? lazyInterfaceSetters;
ForTestingClassInfo._(_ClassInfo c)
: classNode = c.classNode,
lazyDeclaredGettersAndCalls = c.lazyDeclaredGettersAndCalls,
lazyDeclaredSetters = c.lazyDeclaredSetters,
lazyImplementedGettersAndCalls = c.lazyImplementedGettersAndCalls,
lazyImplementedSetters = c.lazyImplementedSetters,
lazyInterfaceGettersAndCalls = c.lazyInterfaceGettersAndCalls,
lazyInterfaceSetters = c.lazyInterfaceSetters;
class _ClassInfo {
bool used = false;
final Class classNode;
int topologicalIndex = 0;
int depth = 0;
// Super types must always occur before subtypes in these lists.
// For example:
// class A extends Object
// class B extends Object implements A
// Here `A` must occur before `B` in the list of direct extenders of Object,
// because `B` is a subtype of `A`.
final Set<_ClassInfo> directExtenders = new LinkedHashSet<_ClassInfo>();
final Set<_ClassInfo> directMixers = new LinkedHashSet<_ClassInfo>();
final Set<_ClassInfo> directImplementers = new LinkedHashSet<_ClassInfo>();
late final Uint32List superclassIntervalList;
late final Uint32List supertypeIntervalList;
List<_ClassInfo>? leastUpperBoundInfos;
/// Maps generic supertype classes to the instantiations implemented by this
/// class.
/// E.g. `List` maps to `List<String>` for a class that directly or indirectly
/// implements `List<String>`.
Map<Class, List<Supertype>>? genericSuperTypes;
/// Maps generic supertype classes to the canonical instantiation implemented
/// by this class.
/// E.g. `List` maps to `List<String>` for a class that directly or indirectly
/// implements `List<String>`.
Map<Class, Supertype>? genericSuperType;
/// Instance fields, getters, methods, and operators declared in this class
/// or its mixed-in class, sorted according to [_compareMembers].
List<Member>? lazyDeclaredGettersAndCalls;
/// Non-final instance fields and setters declared in this class or its
/// mixed-in class, sorted according to [_compareMembers].
List<Member>? lazyDeclaredSetters;
/// Instance fields, getters, methods, and operators implemented by this class
/// (declared or inherited).
List<Member>? lazyImplementedGettersAndCalls;
/// Non-final instance fields and setters implemented by this class
/// (declared or inherited).
List<Member>? lazyImplementedSetters;
List<Member>? lazyInterfaceGettersAndCalls;
List<Member>? lazyInterfaceSetters;
bool isSubclassOf(_ClassInfo other) {
return _intervalListContains(
superclassIntervalList, other.topologicalIndex);
bool isSubtypeOf(_ClassInfo other) {
return _intervalListContains(supertypeIntervalList, other.topologicalIndex);
void recordGenericSuperType(CoreTypes coreTypes, Class cls, Supertype type,
HandleAmbiguousSupertypes onAmbiguousSupertypes) {
Supertype? canonical = genericSuperType![cls];
if (canonical == null) {
if (!classNode.enclosingLibrary.isNonNullableByDefault) {
canonical = legacyErasureSupertype(type);
} else {
canonical = type;
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(canonical != null,
"No canonical instantiation computed for $cls in $classNode.");
genericSuperType![cls] = canonical;
genericSuperTypes![cls] = <Supertype>[type];
} else {
if (classNode.enclosingLibrary.isNonNullableByDefault) {
Supertype? result = nnbdTopMergeSupertype(
normSupertype(coreTypes, type),
normSupertype(coreTypes, canonical));
if (result == null) {
onAmbiguousSupertypes(classNode, canonical, type);
} else {
genericSuperType![cls] = result;
} else {
type = legacyErasureSupertype(type);
if (type != canonical) {
onAmbiguousSupertypes(classNode, canonical, type);
"No canonical instantiation computed for $cls in $classNode.");
"No instantiations computed for $cls in $classNode.");
/// An immutable set of classes.
class ClassSet extends IterableBase<Class> {
final Set<Class> _classes;
bool contains(Object? class_) {
return _classes.contains(class_);
ClassSet union(ClassSet other) {
Set<Class> result = new Set<Class>.of(_classes);
return new ClassSet(result);
Iterator<Class> get iterator => _classes.iterator;
/// Heap for use in computing least upper bounds.
/// The heap is sorted such that classes that are deepest in the hierarchy
/// are removed first; in the case of ties, classes with lower topological sort
/// index are removed first.
class _LubHeap extends Heap<_ClassInfo> {
bool sortsBefore(_ClassInfo a, _ClassInfo b) => sortsBeforeStatic(a, b);
static bool sortsBeforeStatic(_ClassInfo a, _ClassInfo b) {
if (a.depth > b.depth) return true;
if (a.depth < b.depth) return false;
return a.topologicalIndex < b.topologicalIndex;