| // Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| part of masks; |
| |
| class UnionTypeMask implements TypeMask { |
| final Iterable<FlatTypeMask> disjointMasks; |
| |
| static const int MAX_UNION_LENGTH = 4; |
| |
| // Set this flag to `true` to perform a set-membership based containment check |
| // instead of relying on normalized types. This is quite slow but can be |
| // helpful in debugging. |
| static const bool PERFORM_EXTRA_CONTAINS_CHECK = false; |
| |
| UnionTypeMask._internal(this.disjointMasks) { |
| assert(disjointMasks.length > 1); |
| assert(disjointMasks.every((TypeMask mask) => !mask.isUnion)); |
| } |
| |
| static TypeMask unionOf(Iterable<TypeMask> masks, ClosedWorld closedWorld) { |
| assert( |
| masks.every((mask) => TypeMask.assertIsNormalized(mask, closedWorld))); |
| List<FlatTypeMask> disjoint = <FlatTypeMask>[]; |
| unionOfHelper(masks, disjoint, closedWorld); |
| if (disjoint.isEmpty) return new TypeMask.nonNullEmpty(); |
| if (disjoint.length > MAX_UNION_LENGTH) { |
| return flatten(disjoint, closedWorld); |
| } |
| if (disjoint.length == 1) return disjoint[0]; |
| UnionTypeMask union = new UnionTypeMask._internal(disjoint); |
| assert(TypeMask.assertIsNormalized(union, closedWorld)); |
| return union; |
| } |
| |
| static void unionOfHelper(Iterable<TypeMask> masks, |
| List<FlatTypeMask> disjoint, ClosedWorld closedWorld) { |
| // TODO(johnniwinther): Impose an order on the mask to ensure subclass masks |
| // are preferred to subtype masks. |
| for (TypeMask mask in masks) { |
| mask = TypeMask.nonForwardingMask(mask); |
| if (mask.isUnion) { |
| UnionTypeMask union = mask; |
| unionOfHelper(union.disjointMasks, disjoint, closedWorld); |
| } else if (mask.isEmpty) { |
| continue; |
| } else { |
| FlatTypeMask flatMask = mask; |
| int inListIndex = -1; |
| bool covered = false; |
| |
| // Iterate over [disjoint] to find out if one of the mask |
| // already covers [mask]. |
| for (int i = 0; i < disjoint.length; i++) { |
| FlatTypeMask current = disjoint[i]; |
| if (current == null) continue; |
| TypeMask newMask = flatMask.union(current, closedWorld); |
| // If we have found a disjoint union, continue iterating. |
| if (newMask.isUnion) continue; |
| covered = true; |
| // We found a mask that is either equal to [mask] or is a |
| // supertype of [mask]. |
| if (current == newMask) break; |
| |
| // [mask] is a supertype of [current], replace the [disjoint] |
| // list with [newMask] instead of [current]. Note that |
| // [newMask] may contain different information than [mask], |
| // like nullability. |
| disjoint[i] = newMask; |
| flatMask = newMask; |
| |
| if (inListIndex != -1) { |
| // If the mask was already covered, we remove the previous |
| // place where it was inserted. This new mask subsumes the |
| // previously covered one. |
| disjoint.removeAt(inListIndex); |
| i--; |
| } |
| // Record where the mask was inserted. |
| inListIndex = i; |
| } |
| // If none of the masks in [disjoint] covers [mask], we just |
| // add [mask] to the list. |
| if (!covered) disjoint.add(flatMask); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static TypeMask flatten(List<FlatTypeMask> masks, ClosedWorld closedWorld) { |
| // TODO(johnniwinther): Move this computation to [ClosedWorld] and use the |
| // class set structures. |
| assert(masks.length > 1); |
| // If either type mask is a subtype type mask, we cannot use a |
| // subclass type mask to represent their union. |
| bool useSubclass = masks.every((e) => !e.isSubtype); |
| bool isNullable = masks.any((e) => e.isNullable); |
| |
| List masksBases = masks.map((mask) => mask.base).toList(); |
| Iterable<Entity> candidates = closedWorld.commonSupertypesOf(masksBases); |
| |
| // Compute the best candidate and its kind. |
| Entity bestElement; |
| int bestKind; |
| int bestSize; |
| for (Entity candidate in candidates) { |
| bool isInstantiatedStrictSubclass(cls) => |
| cls != candidate && |
| closedWorld.isExplicitlyInstantiated(cls) && |
| closedWorld.isSubclassOf(cls, candidate); |
| |
| int size; |
| int kind; |
| if (useSubclass && masksBases.every(isInstantiatedStrictSubclass)) { |
| // If both [this] and [other] are subclasses of the supertype, |
| // then we prefer to construct a subclass type mask because it |
| // will always be at least as small as the corresponding |
| // subtype type mask. |
| kind = FlatTypeMask.SUBCLASS; |
| // TODO(sigmund, johnniwinther): computing length here (and below) is |
| // expensive. If we can't prevent `flatten` from being called a lot, it |
| // might be worth caching results. |
| size = closedWorld.strictSubclassCount(candidate); |
| assert(size <= closedWorld.strictSubtypeCount(candidate)); |
| } else { |
| kind = FlatTypeMask.SUBTYPE; |
| size = closedWorld.strictSubtypeCount(candidate); |
| } |
| // Update the best candidate if the new one is better. |
| if (bestElement == null || size < bestSize) { |
| bestElement = candidate; |
| bestSize = size; |
| bestKind = kind; |
| } |
| } |
| return new TypeMask(bestElement, bestKind, isNullable, closedWorld); |
| } |
| |
| TypeMask union(var other, ClosedWorld closedWorld) { |
| other = TypeMask.nonForwardingMask(other); |
| if (!other.isUnion && disjointMasks.contains(other)) return this; |
| |
| List<FlatTypeMask> newList = new List<FlatTypeMask>.from(disjointMasks); |
| if (!other.isUnion) { |
| newList.add(other); |
| } else { |
| assert(other is UnionTypeMask); |
| newList.addAll(other.disjointMasks); |
| } |
| return new TypeMask.unionOf(newList, closedWorld); |
| } |
| |
| TypeMask intersection(var other, ClosedWorld closedWorld) { |
| other = TypeMask.nonForwardingMask(other); |
| if (!other.isUnion && disjointMasks.contains(other)) return other; |
| if (other.isUnion && this == other) return this; |
| |
| List<TypeMask> intersections = <TypeMask>[]; |
| for (TypeMask current in disjointMasks) { |
| if (other.isUnion) { |
| if (other.disjointMasks.contains(current)) { |
| intersections.add(current); |
| } else { |
| for (FlatTypeMask flatOther in other.disjointMasks) { |
| intersections.add(current.intersection(flatOther, closedWorld)); |
| } |
| } |
| } else { |
| intersections.add(current.intersection(other, closedWorld)); |
| } |
| } |
| return new TypeMask.unionOf(intersections, closedWorld); |
| } |
| |
| bool isDisjoint(TypeMask other, ClosedWorld closedWorld) { |
| for (var current in disjointMasks) { |
| if (!current.isDisjoint(other, closedWorld)) return false; |
| } |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| TypeMask nullable() { |
| if (isNullable) return this; |
| List<FlatTypeMask> newList = new List<FlatTypeMask>.from(disjointMasks); |
| newList[0] = newList[0].nullable(); |
| return new UnionTypeMask._internal(newList); |
| } |
| |
| TypeMask nonNullable() { |
| if (!isNullable) return this; |
| Iterable<FlatTypeMask> newIterable = |
| disjointMasks.map((e) => e.nonNullable()); |
| return new UnionTypeMask._internal(newIterable); |
| } |
| |
| bool get isEmptyOrNull => false; |
| bool get isEmpty => false; |
| bool get isNull => false; |
| bool get isNullable => disjointMasks.any((e) => e.isNullable); |
| bool get isExact => false; |
| bool get isUnion => true; |
| bool get isContainer => false; |
| bool get isMap => false; |
| bool get isDictionary => false; |
| bool get isForwarding => false; |
| bool get isValue => false; |
| |
| /** |
| * Checks whether [other] is contained in this union. |
| * |
| * Invariants: |
| * - [other] may not be a [UnionTypeMask] itself |
| * - the cheap test matching against individual members of [disjointMasks] |
| * must have failed. |
| */ |
| bool slowContainsCheck(TypeMask other, ClosedWorld closedWorld) { |
| // Unions should never make it here. |
| assert(!other.isUnion); |
| // Ensure the cheap test fails. |
| assert(!disjointMasks.any((mask) => mask.containsMask(other, closedWorld))); |
| // If we cover object, we should never get here. |
| assert(!contains(closedWorld.coreClasses.objectClass, closedWorld)); |
| // Likewise, nullness should be covered. |
| assert(isNullable || !other.isNullable); |
| // The fast test is precise for exact types. |
| if (other.isExact) return false; |
| // We cannot contain object. |
| if (other.contains(closedWorld.coreClasses.objectClass, closedWorld)) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| FlatTypeMask flat = TypeMask.nonForwardingMask(other); |
| // Check we cover the base class. |
| if (!contains(flat.base, closedWorld)) return false; |
| // Check for other members. |
| Iterable<Entity> members; |
| if (flat.isSubclass) { |
| members = closedWorld.strictSubclassesOf(flat.base); |
| } else { |
| assert(flat.isSubtype); |
| members = closedWorld.strictSubtypesOf(flat.base); |
| } |
| return members.every((Entity cls) => this.contains(cls, closedWorld)); |
| } |
| |
| bool isInMask(TypeMask other, ClosedWorld closedWorld) { |
| other = TypeMask.nonForwardingMask(other); |
| if (isNullable && !other.isNullable) return false; |
| if (other.isUnion) { |
| UnionTypeMask union = other; |
| bool containedInAnyOf(FlatTypeMask mask, Iterable<FlatTypeMask> masks) { |
| // null is not canonicalized for the union but stored only on some |
| // masks in [disjointMask]. It has been checked in the surrounding |
| // context, so we can safely ignore it here. |
| FlatTypeMask maskDisregardNull = mask.nonNullable(); |
| return masks.any((FlatTypeMask other) { |
| return other.containsMask(maskDisregardNull, closedWorld); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| return disjointMasks.every((FlatTypeMask disjointMask) { |
| bool contained = containedInAnyOf(disjointMask, union.disjointMasks); |
| !contained && |
| union.slowContainsCheck(disjointMask, closedWorld)) { |
| throw "TypeMask based containment check failed for $this and $other."; |
| } |
| return contained; |
| }); |
| } |
| return disjointMasks.every((mask) => mask.isInMask(other, closedWorld)); |
| } |
| |
| bool containsMask(TypeMask other, ClosedWorld closedWorld) { |
| other = TypeMask.nonForwardingMask(other); |
| if (other.isNullable && !isNullable) return false; |
| if (other.isUnion) return other.isInMask(this, closedWorld); |
| other = other.nonNullable(); // nullable is not canonicalized, so drop it. |
| bool contained = |
| disjointMasks.any((mask) => mask.containsMask(other, closedWorld)); |
| !contained && |
| slowContainsCheck(other, closedWorld)) { |
| throw "TypeMask based containment check failed for $this and $other."; |
| } |
| return contained; |
| } |
| |
| bool containsOnlyInt(ClosedWorld closedWorld) { |
| return disjointMasks.every((mask) => mask.containsOnlyInt(closedWorld)); |
| } |
| |
| bool containsOnlyDouble(ClosedWorld closedWorld) { |
| return disjointMasks.every((mask) => mask.containsOnlyDouble(closedWorld)); |
| } |
| |
| bool containsOnlyNum(ClosedWorld closedWorld) { |
| return disjointMasks.every((mask) { |
| return mask.containsOnlyNum(closedWorld); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| bool containsOnlyBool(ClosedWorld closedWorld) { |
| return disjointMasks.every((mask) => mask.containsOnlyBool(closedWorld)); |
| } |
| |
| bool containsOnlyString(ClosedWorld closedWorld) { |
| return disjointMasks.every((mask) => mask.containsOnlyString(closedWorld)); |
| } |
| |
| bool containsOnly(Entity element) { |
| return disjointMasks.every((mask) => mask.containsOnly(element)); |
| } |
| |
| bool satisfies(Entity cls, ClosedWorld closedWorld) { |
| return disjointMasks.every((mask) => mask.satisfies(cls, closedWorld)); |
| } |
| |
| bool contains(Entity cls, ClosedWorld closedWorld) { |
| return disjointMasks.any((e) => e.contains(cls, closedWorld)); |
| } |
| |
| bool containsAll(ClosedWorld closedWorld) { |
| return disjointMasks.any((mask) => mask.containsAll(closedWorld)); |
| } |
| |
| Entity singleClass(ClosedWorld closedWorld) => null; |
| |
| bool needsNoSuchMethodHandling(Selector selector, ClosedWorld closedWorld) { |
| return disjointMasks |
| .any((e) => e.needsNoSuchMethodHandling(selector, closedWorld)); |
| } |
| |
| bool canHit(Element element, Selector selector, ClosedWorld closedWorld) { |
| return disjointMasks.any((e) => e.canHit(element, selector, closedWorld)); |
| } |
| |
| Element locateSingleElement(Selector selector, ClosedWorld closedWorld) { |
| Element candidate; |
| for (FlatTypeMask mask in disjointMasks) { |
| Element current = mask.locateSingleElement(selector, closedWorld); |
| if (current == null) { |
| return null; |
| } else if (candidate == null) { |
| candidate = current; |
| } else if (candidate != current) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| } |
| return candidate; |
| } |
| |
| String toString() { |
| String masksString = |
| (disjointMasks.map((TypeMask mask) => mask.toString()).toList()..sort()) |
| .join(", "); |
| return 'Union of [$masksString]'; |
| } |
| |
| bool operator ==(other) { |
| if (identical(this, other)) return true; |
| |
| bool containsAll() { |
| return other.disjointMasks.every((e) { |
| var map = disjointMasks.map((e) => e.nonNullable()); |
| return map.contains(e.nonNullable()); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| return other is UnionTypeMask && |
| other.isNullable == isNullable && |
| other.disjointMasks.length == disjointMasks.length && |
| containsAll(); |
| } |
| |
| int get hashCode { |
| int hashCode = isNullable ? 86 : 43; |
| // The order of the masks in [disjointMasks] must not affect the |
| // hashCode. |
| for (var mask in disjointMasks) { |
| hashCode = (hashCode ^ mask.nonNullable().hashCode) & 0x3fffffff; |
| } |
| return hashCode; |
| } |
| } |