| // Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' as ir; |
| |
| import '../closure.dart'; |
| import '../common.dart'; |
| import '../common/codegen.dart' show CodegenRegistry, CodegenWorkItem; |
| import '../common/names.dart'; |
| import '../common/tasks.dart' show CompilerTask; |
| import '../compiler.dart'; |
| import '../constants/values.dart' |
| show |
| ConstantValue, |
| InterceptorConstantValue, |
| StringConstantValue, |
| TypeConstantValue; |
| import '../dart_types.dart'; |
| import '../elements/elements.dart'; |
| import '../io/source_information.dart'; |
| import '../js/js.dart' as js; |
| import '../js_backend/backend.dart' show JavaScriptBackend; |
| import '../kernel/kernel.dart'; |
| import '../native/native.dart' as native; |
| import '../resolution/tree_elements.dart'; |
| import '../tree/dartstring.dart'; |
| import '../tree/nodes.dart' show Node, BreakStatement; |
| import '../types/masks.dart'; |
| import '../universe/call_structure.dart' show CallStructure; |
| import '../universe/selector.dart'; |
| import '../universe/side_effects.dart' show SideEffects; |
| import '../universe/use.dart' show StaticUse; |
| import '../world.dart'; |
| import 'graph_builder.dart'; |
| import 'jump_handler.dart'; |
| import 'kernel_ast_adapter.dart'; |
| import 'kernel_string_builder.dart'; |
| import 'locals_handler.dart'; |
| import 'loop_handler.dart'; |
| import 'nodes.dart'; |
| import 'ssa_branch_builder.dart'; |
| import 'type_builder.dart'; |
| import 'types.dart' show TypeMaskFactory; |
| |
| class SsaKernelBuilderTask extends CompilerTask { |
| final JavaScriptBackend backend; |
| final SourceInformationStrategy sourceInformationFactory; |
| |
| String get name => 'SSA kernel builder'; |
| |
| SsaKernelBuilderTask(JavaScriptBackend backend, this.sourceInformationFactory) |
| : backend = backend, |
| super(backend.compiler.measurer); |
| |
| HGraph build(CodegenWorkItem work, ClosedWorld closedWorld) { |
| return measure(() { |
| AstElement element = work.element.implementation; |
| Kernel kernel = backend.kernelTask.kernel; |
| KernelSsaBuilder builder = new KernelSsaBuilder( |
| element, |
| work.resolvedAst, |
| backend.compiler, |
| closedWorld, |
| work.registry, |
| sourceInformationFactory, |
| kernel); |
| HGraph graph = builder.build(); |
| |
| if (backend.tracer.isEnabled) { |
| String name; |
| if (element.isClassMember) { |
| String className = element.enclosingClass.name; |
| String memberName = element.name; |
| name = "$className.$memberName"; |
| if (element.isGenerativeConstructorBody) { |
| name = "$name (body)"; |
| } |
| } else { |
| name = "${element.name}"; |
| } |
| backend.tracer.traceCompilation(name); |
| backend.tracer.traceGraph('builder', graph); |
| } |
| |
| return graph; |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class KernelSsaBuilder extends ir.Visitor with GraphBuilder { |
| ir.Node target; |
| final AstElement targetElement; |
| final ResolvedAst resolvedAst; |
| final ClosedWorld closedWorld; |
| final CodegenRegistry registry; |
| |
| /// Helper accessor for all kernel function-like targets (Procedure, |
| /// FunctionExpression, FunctionDeclaration) of the inner FunctionNode itself. |
| /// If the current target is not a function-like target, _targetFunction will |
| /// be null. |
| ir.FunctionNode _targetFunction; |
| |
| /// A stack of [DartType]s that have been seen during inlining of factory |
| /// constructors. These types are preserved in [HInvokeStatic]s and |
| /// [HCreate]s inside the inline code and registered during code generation |
| /// for these nodes. |
| // TODO(karlklose): consider removing this and keeping the (substituted) types |
| // of the type variables in an environment (like the [LocalsHandler]). |
| final List<DartType> currentImplicitInstantiations = <DartType>[]; |
| |
| HInstruction rethrowableException; |
| |
| @override |
| JavaScriptBackend get backend => compiler.backend; |
| |
| @override |
| TreeElements get elements => resolvedAst.elements; |
| |
| SourceInformationBuilder sourceInformationBuilder; |
| KernelAstAdapter astAdapter; |
| LoopHandler<ir.Node> loopHandler; |
| TypeBuilder typeBuilder; |
| |
| final Map<ir.VariableDeclaration, HInstruction> letBindings = |
| <ir.VariableDeclaration, HInstruction>{}; |
| |
| /// True if we are visiting the expression of a throw statement; we assume |
| /// this is a slow path. |
| bool _inExpressionOfThrow = false; |
| |
| KernelSsaBuilder( |
| this.targetElement, |
| this.resolvedAst, |
| Compiler compiler, |
| this.closedWorld, |
| this.registry, |
| SourceInformationStrategy sourceInformationFactory, |
| Kernel kernel) { |
| this.compiler = compiler; |
| this.loopHandler = new KernelLoopHandler(this); |
| typeBuilder = new TypeBuilder(this); |
| graph.element = targetElement; |
| // TODO(het): Should sourceInformationBuilder be in GraphBuilder? |
| this.sourceInformationBuilder = |
| sourceInformationFactory.createBuilderForContext(resolvedAst); |
| graph.sourceInformation = |
| sourceInformationBuilder.buildVariableDeclaration(); |
| this.localsHandler = new LocalsHandler(this, targetElement, null, compiler); |
| this.astAdapter = new KernelAstAdapter(kernel, compiler.backend, |
| resolvedAst, kernel.nodeToAst, kernel.nodeToElement); |
| Element originTarget = targetElement; |
| if (originTarget.isPatch) { |
| originTarget = originTarget.origin; |
| } |
| if (originTarget is FunctionElement) { |
| target = kernel.functions[originTarget]; |
| // Closures require a lookup one level deeper in the closure class mapper. |
| if (target == null) { |
| ClosureClassMap classMap = compiler.closureToClassMapper |
| .getClosureToClassMapping(originTarget.resolvedAst); |
| if (classMap.closureElement != null) { |
| target = kernel.localFunctions[classMap.closureElement]; |
| } |
| } |
| } else if (originTarget is FieldElement) { |
| target = kernel.fields[originTarget]; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| HGraph build() { |
| // TODO(het): no reason to do this here... |
| HInstruction.idCounter = 0; |
| if (target is ir.Procedure) { |
| _targetFunction = (target as ir.Procedure).function; |
| buildFunctionNode(_targetFunction); |
| } else if (target is ir.Field) { |
| buildField(target); |
| } else if (target is ir.Constructor) { |
| buildConstructor(target); |
| } else if (target is ir.FunctionExpression) { |
| _targetFunction = (target as ir.FunctionExpression).function; |
| buildFunctionNode(_targetFunction); |
| } else if (target is ir.FunctionDeclaration) { |
| _targetFunction = (target as ir.FunctionDeclaration).function; |
| buildFunctionNode(_targetFunction); |
| } else { |
| throw 'No case implemented to handle $target'; |
| } |
| assert(graph.isValid()); |
| return graph; |
| } |
| |
| void buildField(ir.Field field) { |
| openFunction(); |
| if (field.initializer != null) { |
| field.initializer.accept(this); |
| HInstruction fieldValue = pop(); |
| HInstruction checkInstruction = typeBuilder.potentiallyCheckOrTrustType( |
| fieldValue, astAdapter.getDartType(field.type)); |
| stack.add(checkInstruction); |
| } else { |
| stack.add(graph.addConstantNull(closedWorld)); |
| } |
| HInstruction value = pop(); |
| closeAndGotoExit(new HReturn(value, null)); |
| closeFunction(); |
| } |
| |
| /// Pops the most recent instruction from the stack and 'boolifies' it. |
| /// |
| /// Boolification is checking if the value is '=== true'. |
| @override |
| HInstruction popBoolified() { |
| HInstruction value = pop(); |
| if (typeBuilder.checkOrTrustTypes) { |
| return typeBuilder.potentiallyCheckOrTrustType( |
| value, compiler.coreTypes.boolType, |
| kind: HTypeConversion.BOOLEAN_CONVERSION_CHECK); |
| } |
| HInstruction result = new HBoolify(value, commonMasks.boolType); |
| add(result); |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| /// Builds generative constructors. |
| /// |
| /// Generative constructors are built in two stages. |
| /// |
| /// First, the field values for every instance field for every class in the |
| /// class hierarchy are collected. Then, create a function body that sets |
| /// all of the instance fields to the collected values and call the |
| /// constructor bodies for all constructors in the hierarchy. |
| void buildConstructor(ir.Constructor constructor) { |
| openFunction(); |
| |
| // Collect field values for the current class. |
| // TODO(het): Does kernel always put field initializers in the constructor |
| // initializer list? If so then this is unnecessary... |
| Map<ir.Field, HInstruction> fieldValues = |
| _collectFieldValues(constructor.enclosingClass); |
| |
| _buildInitializers(constructor, fieldValues); |
| |
| final constructorArguments = <HInstruction>[]; |
| astAdapter.getClass(constructor.enclosingClass).forEachInstanceField( |
| (ClassElement enclosingClass, FieldElement member) { |
| var value = fieldValues[astAdapter.getFieldFromElement(member)]; |
| constructorArguments.add(value); |
| }, includeSuperAndInjectedMembers: true); |
| |
| // TODO(het): If the class needs runtime type information, add it as a |
| // constructor argument. |
| HInstruction create = new HCreate( |
| astAdapter.getClass(constructor.enclosingClass), |
| constructorArguments, |
| new TypeMask.nonNullExact( |
| astAdapter.getClass(constructor.enclosingClass), closedWorld), |
| instantiatedTypes: <DartType>[ |
| astAdapter.getClass(constructor.enclosingClass).thisType |
| ], |
| hasRtiInput: false); |
| |
| add(create); |
| |
| // Generate calls to the constructor bodies. |
| |
| closeAndGotoExit(new HReturn(create, null)); |
| closeFunction(); |
| } |
| |
| /// Maps the fields of a class to their SSA values. |
| Map<ir.Field, HInstruction> _collectFieldValues(ir.Class clazz) { |
| final fieldValues = <ir.Field, HInstruction>{}; |
| |
| for (var field in clazz.fields) { |
| if (field.initializer == null) { |
| fieldValues[field] = graph.addConstantNull(closedWorld); |
| } else { |
| field.initializer.accept(this); |
| fieldValues[field] = pop(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return fieldValues; |
| } |
| |
| /// Collects field initializers all the way up the inheritance chain. |
| void _buildInitializers( |
| ir.Constructor constructor, Map<ir.Field, HInstruction> fieldValues) { |
| var foundSuperCall = false; |
| for (var initializer in constructor.initializers) { |
| if (initializer is ir.SuperInitializer) { |
| foundSuperCall = true; |
| var superConstructor = initializer.target; |
| var arguments = _normalizeAndBuildArguments( |
| superConstructor.function, initializer.arguments); |
| _buildInlinedSuperInitializers( |
| superConstructor, arguments, fieldValues); |
| } else if (initializer is ir.FieldInitializer) { |
| initializer.value.accept(this); |
| fieldValues[initializer.field] = pop(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // TODO(het): does kernel always set the super initializer at the end? |
| // If there was no super-call initializer, then call the default constructor |
| // in the superclass. |
| if (!foundSuperCall) { |
| if (constructor.enclosingClass != astAdapter.objectClass) { |
| var superclass = constructor.enclosingClass.superclass; |
| var defaultConstructor = superclass.constructors |
| .firstWhere((c) => c.name == '', orElse: () => null); |
| if (defaultConstructor == null) { |
| compiler.reporter.internalError( |
| NO_LOCATION_SPANNABLE, 'Could not find default constructor.'); |
| } |
| _buildInlinedSuperInitializers( |
| defaultConstructor, <HInstruction>[], fieldValues); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| List<HInstruction> _normalizeAndBuildArguments( |
| ir.FunctionNode function, ir.Arguments arguments) { |
| var signature = astAdapter.getFunctionSignature(function); |
| var builtArguments = <HInstruction>[]; |
| var positionalIndex = 0; |
| signature.forEachRequiredParameter((_) { |
| arguments.positional[positionalIndex++].accept(this); |
| builtArguments.add(pop()); |
| }); |
| if (!signature.optionalParametersAreNamed) { |
| signature.forEachOptionalParameter((ParameterElement element) { |
| if (positionalIndex < arguments.positional.length) { |
| arguments.positional[positionalIndex++].accept(this); |
| builtArguments.add(pop()); |
| } else { |
| var constantValue = |
| backend.constants.getConstantValue(element.constant); |
| assert(invariant(element, constantValue != null, |
| message: 'No constant computed for $element')); |
| builtArguments.add(graph.addConstant(constantValue, closedWorld)); |
| } |
| }); |
| } else { |
| signature.orderedOptionalParameters.forEach((ParameterElement element) { |
| var correspondingNamed = arguments.named.firstWhere( |
| (named) => named.name == element.name, |
| orElse: () => null); |
| if (correspondingNamed != null) { |
| correspondingNamed.value.accept(this); |
| builtArguments.add(pop()); |
| } else { |
| var constantValue = |
| backend.constants.getConstantValue(element.constant); |
| assert(invariant(element, constantValue != null, |
| message: 'No constant computed for $element')); |
| builtArguments.add(graph.addConstant(constantValue, closedWorld)); |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| return builtArguments; |
| } |
| |
| /// Inlines the given super [constructor]'s initializers by collecting it's |
| /// field values and building its constructor initializers. We visit super |
| /// constructors all the way up to the [Object] constructor. |
| void _buildInlinedSuperInitializers(ir.Constructor constructor, |
| List<HInstruction> arguments, Map<ir.Field, HInstruction> fieldValues) { |
| // TODO(het): Handle RTI if class needs it |
| fieldValues.addAll(_collectFieldValues(constructor.enclosingClass)); |
| |
| var signature = astAdapter.getFunctionSignature(constructor.function); |
| var index = 0; |
| signature.orderedForEachParameter((ParameterElement parameter) { |
| HInstruction argument = arguments[index++]; |
| // Because we are inlining the initializer, we must update |
| // what was given as parameter. This will be used in case |
| // there is a parameter check expression in the initializer. |
| parameters[parameter] = argument; |
| localsHandler.updateLocal(parameter, argument); |
| }); |
| |
| // TODO(het): set the locals handler state as if we were inlining the |
| // constructor. |
| _buildInitializers(constructor, fieldValues); |
| } |
| |
| HTypeConversion buildFunctionTypeConversion( |
| HInstruction original, DartType type, int kind) { |
| HInstruction reifiedType = buildFunctionType(type); |
| return new HTypeConversion.viaMethodOnType( |
| type, kind, original.instructionType, reifiedType, original); |
| } |
| |
| /// Builds a SSA graph for FunctionNodes, found in FunctionExpressions and |
| /// Procedures. |
| void buildFunctionNode(ir.FunctionNode functionNode) { |
| openFunction(); |
| functionNode.body.accept(this); |
| closeFunction(); |
| } |
| |
| void addImplicitInstantiation(DartType type) { |
| if (type != null) { |
| currentImplicitInstantiations.add(type); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void removeImplicitInstantiation(DartType type) { |
| if (type != null) { |
| currentImplicitInstantiations.removeLast(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void openFunction() { |
| HBasicBlock block = graph.addNewBlock(); |
| open(graph.entry); |
| |
| Node function; |
| if (resolvedAst.kind == ResolvedAstKind.PARSED) { |
| function = resolvedAst.node; |
| } |
| localsHandler.startFunction(targetElement, function); |
| close(new HGoto()).addSuccessor(block); |
| |
| open(block); |
| } |
| |
| void closeFunction() { |
| if (!isAborted()) closeAndGotoExit(new HGoto()); |
| graph.finalize(); |
| } |
| |
| /// Pushes a boolean checking [expression] against null. |
| pushCheckNull(HInstruction expression) { |
| push(new HIdentity(expression, graph.addConstantNull(closedWorld), null, |
| commonMasks.boolType)); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void defaultExpression(ir.Expression expression) { |
| // TODO(het): This is only to get tests working. |
| _trap('Unhandled ir.${expression.runtimeType} $expression'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void defaultStatement(ir.Statement statement) { |
| _trap('Unhandled ir.${statement.runtimeType} $statement'); |
| pop(); |
| } |
| |
| void _trap(String message) { |
| HInstruction nullValue = graph.addConstantNull(closedWorld); |
| HInstruction errorMessage = |
| graph.addConstantString(new DartString.literal(message), closedWorld); |
| HInstruction trap = new HForeignCode(js.js.parseForeignJS("#.#"), |
| commonMasks.dynamicType, <HInstruction>[nullValue, errorMessage]); |
| trap.sideEffects |
| ..setAllSideEffects() |
| ..setDependsOnSomething(); |
| push(trap); |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns the current source element. |
| /// |
| /// The returned element is a declaration element. |
| // TODO(efortuna): Update this when we implement inlining. |
| @override |
| Element get sourceElement => astAdapter.getElement(target); |
| |
| @override |
| void visitBlock(ir.Block block) { |
| assert(!isAborted()); |
| for (ir.Statement statement in block.statements) { |
| statement.accept(this); |
| if (!isReachable) { |
| // The block has been aborted by a return or a throw. |
| if (stack.isNotEmpty) { |
| compiler.reporter.internalError( |
| NO_LOCATION_SPANNABLE, 'Non-empty instruction stack.'); |
| } |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| assert(!current.isClosed()); |
| if (stack.isNotEmpty) { |
| compiler.reporter |
| .internalError(NO_LOCATION_SPANNABLE, 'Non-empty instruction stack'); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitEmptyStatement(ir.EmptyStatement statement) { |
| // Empty statement adds no instructions to current block. |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitExpressionStatement(ir.ExpressionStatement exprStatement) { |
| if (!isReachable) return; |
| ir.Expression expression = exprStatement.expression; |
| if (expression is ir.Throw) { |
| // TODO(sra): Prevent generating a statement when inlining. |
| _visitThrowExpression(expression.expression); |
| closeAndGotoExit(new HThrow(pop(), null)); |
| } else { |
| expression.accept(this); |
| pop(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitReturnStatement(ir.ReturnStatement returnStatement) { |
| HInstruction value; |
| if (returnStatement.expression == null) { |
| value = graph.addConstantNull(closedWorld); |
| } else { |
| assert(_targetFunction != null && _targetFunction is ir.FunctionNode); |
| returnStatement.expression.accept(this); |
| value = typeBuilder.potentiallyCheckOrTrustType( |
| pop(), astAdapter.getFunctionReturnType(_targetFunction)); |
| } |
| // TODO(het): Add source information |
| // TODO(het): Set a return value instead of closing the function when we |
| // support inlining. |
| closeAndGotoExit(new HReturn(value, null)); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitForStatement(ir.ForStatement forStatement) { |
| assert(isReachable); |
| assert(forStatement.body != null); |
| void buildInitializer() { |
| for (ir.VariableDeclaration declaration in forStatement.variables) { |
| declaration.accept(this); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| HInstruction buildCondition() { |
| if (forStatement.condition == null) { |
| return graph.addConstantBool(true, closedWorld); |
| } |
| forStatement.condition.accept(this); |
| return popBoolified(); |
| } |
| |
| void buildUpdate() { |
| for (ir.Expression expression in forStatement.updates) { |
| expression.accept(this); |
| assert(!isAborted()); |
| // The result of the update instruction isn't used, and can just |
| // be dropped. |
| pop(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void buildBody() { |
| forStatement.body.accept(this); |
| } |
| |
| loopHandler.handleLoop( |
| forStatement, buildInitializer, buildCondition, buildUpdate, buildBody); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitForInStatement(ir.ForInStatement forInStatement) { |
| if (forInStatement.isAsync) { |
| compiler.reporter.internalError(astAdapter.getNode(forInStatement), |
| "Cannot compile async for-in using kernel."); |
| } |
| // If the expression being iterated over is a JS indexable type, we can |
| // generate an optimized version of for-in that uses indexing. |
| if (astAdapter.isJsIndexableIterator(forInStatement, closedWorld)) { |
| _buildForInIndexable(forInStatement); |
| } else { |
| _buildForInIterator(forInStatement); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Builds the graph for a for-in node with an indexable expression. |
| /// |
| /// In this case we build: |
| /// |
| /// int end = a.length; |
| /// for (int i = 0; |
| /// i < a.length; |
| /// checkConcurrentModificationError(a.length == end, a), ++i) { |
| /// <declaredIdentifier> = a[i]; |
| /// <body> |
| /// } |
| _buildForInIndexable(ir.ForInStatement forInStatement) { |
| SyntheticLocal indexVariable = new SyntheticLocal('_i', targetElement); |
| |
| // These variables are shared by initializer, condition, body and update. |
| HInstruction array; // Set in buildInitializer. |
| bool isFixed; // Set in buildInitializer. |
| HInstruction originalLength = null; // Set for growable lists. |
| |
| HInstruction buildGetLength() { |
| HFieldGet result = new HFieldGet( |
| astAdapter.jsIndexableLength, array, commonMasks.positiveIntType, |
| isAssignable: !isFixed); |
| add(result); |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| void buildConcurrentModificationErrorCheck() { |
| if (originalLength == null) return; |
| // The static call checkConcurrentModificationError() is expanded in |
| // codegen to: |
| // |
| // array.length == _end || throwConcurrentModificationError(array) |
| // |
| HInstruction length = buildGetLength(); |
| push(new HIdentity(length, originalLength, null, commonMasks.boolType)); |
| _pushStaticInvocation( |
| astAdapter.checkConcurrentModificationError, |
| [pop(), array], |
| astAdapter.checkConcurrentModificationErrorReturnType); |
| pop(); |
| } |
| |
| void buildInitializer() { |
| forInStatement.iterable.accept(this); |
| array = pop(); |
| isFixed = astAdapter.isFixedLength(array.instructionType, closedWorld); |
| localsHandler.updateLocal( |
| indexVariable, graph.addConstantInt(0, closedWorld)); |
| originalLength = buildGetLength(); |
| } |
| |
| HInstruction buildCondition() { |
| HInstruction index = localsHandler.readLocal(indexVariable); |
| HInstruction length = buildGetLength(); |
| HInstruction compare = |
| new HLess(index, length, null, commonMasks.boolType); |
| add(compare); |
| return compare; |
| } |
| |
| void buildBody() { |
| // If we had mechanically inlined ArrayIterator.moveNext(), it would have |
| // inserted the ConcurrentModificationError check as part of the |
| // condition. It is not necessary on the first iteration since there is |
| // no code between calls to `get iterator` and `moveNext`, so the test is |
| // moved to the loop update. |
| |
| // Find a type for the element. Use the element type of the indexer of the |
| // array, as this is stronger than the iterator's `get current` type, for |
| // example, `get current` includes null. |
| // TODO(sra): The element type of a container type mask might be better. |
| TypeMask type = astAdapter.inferredIndexType(forInStatement); |
| |
| HInstruction index = localsHandler.readLocal(indexVariable); |
| HInstruction value = new HIndex(array, index, null, type); |
| add(value); |
| |
| localsHandler.updateLocal( |
| astAdapter.getLocal(forInStatement.variable), value); |
| |
| forInStatement.body.accept(this); |
| } |
| |
| void buildUpdate() { |
| // See buildBody as to why we check here. |
| buildConcurrentModificationErrorCheck(); |
| |
| // TODO(sra): It would be slightly shorter to generate `a[i++]` in the |
| // body (and that more closely follows what an inlined iterator would do) |
| // but the code is horrible as `i+1` is carried around the loop in an |
| // additional variable. |
| HInstruction index = localsHandler.readLocal(indexVariable); |
| HInstruction one = graph.addConstantInt(1, closedWorld); |
| HInstruction addInstruction = |
| new HAdd(index, one, null, commonMasks.positiveIntType); |
| add(addInstruction); |
| localsHandler.updateLocal(indexVariable, addInstruction); |
| } |
| |
| loopHandler.handleLoop(forInStatement, buildInitializer, buildCondition, |
| buildUpdate, buildBody); |
| } |
| |
| _buildForInIterator(ir.ForInStatement forInStatement) { |
| // Generate a structure equivalent to: |
| // Iterator<E> $iter = <iterable>.iterator; |
| // while ($iter.moveNext()) { |
| // <declaredIdentifier> = $iter.current; |
| // <body> |
| // } |
| |
| // The iterator is shared between initializer, condition and body. |
| HInstruction iterator; |
| |
| void buildInitializer() { |
| TypeMask mask = astAdapter.typeOfIterator(forInStatement); |
| forInStatement.iterable.accept(this); |
| HInstruction receiver = pop(); |
| _pushDynamicInvocation(forInStatement, mask, <HInstruction>[receiver], |
| selector: Selectors.iterator); |
| iterator = pop(); |
| } |
| |
| HInstruction buildCondition() { |
| TypeMask mask = astAdapter.typeOfIteratorMoveNext(forInStatement); |
| _pushDynamicInvocation(forInStatement, mask, <HInstruction>[iterator], |
| selector: Selectors.moveNext); |
| return popBoolified(); |
| } |
| |
| void buildBody() { |
| TypeMask mask = astAdapter.typeOfIteratorCurrent(forInStatement); |
| _pushDynamicInvocation(forInStatement, mask, [iterator], |
| selector: Selectors.current); |
| localsHandler.updateLocal( |
| astAdapter.getLocal(forInStatement.variable), pop()); |
| forInStatement.body.accept(this); |
| } |
| |
| loopHandler.handleLoop( |
| forInStatement, buildInitializer, buildCondition, () {}, buildBody); |
| } |
| |
| HInstruction callSetRuntimeTypeInfo( |
| HInstruction typeInfo, HInstruction newObject) { |
| // Set the runtime type information on the object. |
| ir.Procedure typeInfoSetterFn = astAdapter.setRuntimeTypeInfo; |
| // TODO(efortuna): Insert source information in this static invocation. |
| _pushStaticInvocation(typeInfoSetterFn, <HInstruction>[newObject, typeInfo], |
| commonMasks.dynamicType); |
| |
| // The new object will now be referenced through the |
| // `setRuntimeTypeInfo` call. We therefore set the type of that |
| // instruction to be of the object's type. |
| assert(invariant(CURRENT_ELEMENT_SPANNABLE, |
| stack.last is HInvokeStatic || stack.last == newObject, |
| message: "Unexpected `stack.last`: Found ${stack.last}, " |
| "expected ${newObject} or an HInvokeStatic. " |
| "State: typeInfo=$typeInfo, stack=$stack.")); |
| stack.last.instructionType = newObject.instructionType; |
| return pop(); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitWhileStatement(ir.WhileStatement whileStatement) { |
| assert(isReachable); |
| HInstruction buildCondition() { |
| whileStatement.condition.accept(this); |
| return popBoolified(); |
| } |
| |
| loopHandler.handleLoop(whileStatement, () {}, buildCondition, () {}, () { |
| whileStatement.body.accept(this); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitIfStatement(ir.IfStatement ifStatement) { |
| handleIf( |
| visitCondition: () => ifStatement.condition.accept(this), |
| visitThen: () => ifStatement.then.accept(this), |
| visitElse: () => ifStatement.otherwise?.accept(this)); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitAsExpression(ir.AsExpression asExpression) { |
| asExpression.operand.accept(this); |
| HInstruction expressionInstruction = pop(); |
| DartType type = astAdapter.getDartType(asExpression.type); |
| if (type.isMalformed) { |
| if (type is MalformedType) { |
| ErroneousElement element = type.element; |
| generateTypeError(asExpression, element.message); |
| } else { |
| assert(type is MethodTypeVariableType); |
| stack.add(expressionInstruction); |
| } |
| } else { |
| HInstruction converted = typeBuilder.buildTypeConversion( |
| expressionInstruction, |
| localsHandler.substInContext(type), |
| HTypeConversion.CAST_TYPE_CHECK); |
| if (converted != expressionInstruction) { |
| add(converted); |
| } |
| stack.add(converted); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void generateError(ir.Node node, String message, TypeMask typeMask) { |
| HInstruction errorMessage = |
| graph.addConstantString(new DartString.literal(message), closedWorld); |
| _pushStaticInvocation(node, [errorMessage], typeMask); |
| } |
| |
| void generateTypeError(ir.Node node, String message) { |
| generateError(node, message, astAdapter.throwTypeErrorType); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitAssertStatement(ir.AssertStatement assertStatement) { |
| if (!compiler.options.enableUserAssertions) return; |
| if (assertStatement.message == null) { |
| assertStatement.condition.accept(this); |
| _pushStaticInvocation(astAdapter.assertHelper, <HInstruction>[pop()], |
| astAdapter.assertHelperReturnType); |
| pop(); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // if (assertTest(condition)) assertThrow(message); |
| void buildCondition() { |
| assertStatement.condition.accept(this); |
| _pushStaticInvocation(astAdapter.assertTest, <HInstruction>[pop()], |
| astAdapter.assertTestReturnType); |
| } |
| |
| void fail() { |
| assertStatement.message.accept(this); |
| _pushStaticInvocation(astAdapter.assertThrow, <HInstruction>[pop()], |
| astAdapter.assertThrowReturnType); |
| pop(); |
| } |
| |
| handleIf(visitCondition: buildCondition, visitThen: fail); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitBreakStatement(ir.BreakStatement breakStatement) { |
| assert(!isAborted()); |
| JumpTarget target = astAdapter.getJumpTarget(breakStatement.target); |
| assert(target != null); |
| JumpHandler handler = jumpTargets[target]; |
| assert(handler != null); |
| handler.generateBreak(handler.labels.first); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitLabeledStatement(ir.LabeledStatement labeledStatement) { |
| JumpTarget target = astAdapter.getJumpTarget(labeledStatement); |
| JumpHandler handler = new JumpHandler(this, target); |
| |
| ir.Statement body = labeledStatement.body; |
| if (body is ir.WhileStatement || |
| body is ir.DoStatement || |
| body is ir.ForStatement || |
| body is ir.ForInStatement) { |
| // loops handle breaks on their own |
| body.accept(this); |
| return; |
| } |
| LocalsHandler beforeLocals = new LocalsHandler.from(localsHandler); |
| |
| HBasicBlock newBlock = openNewBlock(); |
| body.accept(this); |
| SubGraph bodyGraph = new SubGraph(newBlock, lastOpenedBlock); |
| |
| HBasicBlock joinBlock = graph.addNewBlock(); |
| List<LocalsHandler> breakHandlers = <LocalsHandler>[]; |
| handler.forEachBreak((HBreak breakInstruction, LocalsHandler locals) { |
| breakInstruction.block.addSuccessor(joinBlock); |
| breakHandlers.add(locals); |
| }); |
| |
| if (!isAborted()) { |
| goto(current, joinBlock); |
| breakHandlers.add(localsHandler); |
| } |
| |
| open(joinBlock); |
| localsHandler = beforeLocals.mergeMultiple(breakHandlers, joinBlock); |
| |
| // There was at least one reachable break, so the label is needed. |
| newBlock.setBlockFlow( |
| new HLabeledBlockInformation( |
| new HSubGraphBlockInformation(bodyGraph), handler.labels), |
| joinBlock); |
| handler.close(); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitConditionalExpression(ir.ConditionalExpression conditional) { |
| SsaBranchBuilder brancher = new SsaBranchBuilder(this, compiler); |
| brancher.handleConditional( |
| () => conditional.condition.accept(this), |
| () => conditional.then.accept(this), |
| () => conditional.otherwise.accept(this)); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitLogicalExpression(ir.LogicalExpression logicalExpression) { |
| SsaBranchBuilder brancher = new SsaBranchBuilder(this, compiler); |
| brancher.handleLogicalBinary(() => logicalExpression.left.accept(this), |
| () => logicalExpression.right.accept(this), |
| isAnd: logicalExpression.operator == '&&'); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitIntLiteral(ir.IntLiteral intLiteral) { |
| stack.add(graph.addConstantInt(intLiteral.value, closedWorld)); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitDoubleLiteral(ir.DoubleLiteral doubleLiteral) { |
| stack.add(graph.addConstantDouble(doubleLiteral.value, closedWorld)); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitBoolLiteral(ir.BoolLiteral boolLiteral) { |
| stack.add(graph.addConstantBool(boolLiteral.value, closedWorld)); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitStringLiteral(ir.StringLiteral stringLiteral) { |
| stack.add(graph.addConstantString( |
| new DartString.literal(stringLiteral.value), closedWorld)); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitSymbolLiteral(ir.SymbolLiteral symbolLiteral) { |
| stack.add(graph.addConstant( |
| astAdapter.getConstantForSymbol(symbolLiteral), closedWorld)); |
| registry?.registerConstSymbol(symbolLiteral.value); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitNullLiteral(ir.NullLiteral nullLiteral) { |
| stack.add(graph.addConstantNull(closedWorld)); |
| } |
| |
| /// Set the runtime type information if necessary. |
| HInstruction setListRuntimeTypeInfoIfNeeded( |
| HInstruction object, ir.ListLiteral listLiteral) { |
| InterfaceType type = localsHandler |
| .substInContext(astAdapter.getDartTypeOfListLiteral(listLiteral)); |
| if (!backend.classNeedsRti(type.element) || type.treatAsRaw) { |
| return object; |
| } |
| List<HInstruction> arguments = <HInstruction>[]; |
| for (DartType argument in type.typeArguments) { |
| arguments.add(typeBuilder.analyzeTypeArgument(argument, sourceElement)); |
| } |
| // TODO(15489): Register at codegen. |
| registry?.registerInstantiation(type); |
| return callSetRuntimeTypeInfoWithTypeArguments(type, arguments, object); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitListLiteral(ir.ListLiteral listLiteral) { |
| HInstruction listInstruction; |
| if (listLiteral.isConst) { |
| listInstruction = graph.addConstant( |
| astAdapter.getConstantFor(listLiteral), closedWorld); |
| } else { |
| List<HInstruction> elements = <HInstruction>[]; |
| for (ir.Expression element in listLiteral.expressions) { |
| element.accept(this); |
| elements.add(pop()); |
| } |
| listInstruction = |
| new HLiteralList(elements, commonMasks.extendableArrayType); |
| add(listInstruction); |
| listInstruction = |
| setListRuntimeTypeInfoIfNeeded(listInstruction, listLiteral); |
| } |
| |
| TypeMask type = |
| astAdapter.typeOfListLiteral(targetElement, listLiteral, closedWorld); |
| if (!type.containsAll(closedWorld)) { |
| listInstruction.instructionType = type; |
| } |
| stack.add(listInstruction); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitMapLiteral(ir.MapLiteral mapLiteral) { |
| if (mapLiteral.isConst) { |
| stack.add(graph.addConstant( |
| astAdapter.getConstantFor(mapLiteral), closedWorld)); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // The map literal constructors take the key-value pairs as a List |
| List<HInstruction> constructorArgs = <HInstruction>[]; |
| for (ir.MapEntry mapEntry in mapLiteral.entries) { |
| mapEntry.accept(this); |
| constructorArgs.add(pop()); |
| constructorArgs.add(pop()); |
| } |
| |
| // The constructor is a procedure because it's a factory. |
| ir.Procedure constructor; |
| List<HInstruction> inputs = <HInstruction>[]; |
| if (constructorArgs.isEmpty) { |
| constructor = astAdapter.mapLiteralConstructorEmpty; |
| } else { |
| constructor = astAdapter.mapLiteralConstructor; |
| HLiteralList argList = |
| new HLiteralList(constructorArgs, commonMasks.extendableArrayType); |
| add(argList); |
| inputs.add(argList); |
| } |
| |
| assert(constructor.kind == ir.ProcedureKind.Factory); |
| |
| InterfaceType type = localsHandler |
| .substInContext(astAdapter.getDartTypeOfMapLiteral(mapLiteral)); |
| |
| ir.Class cls = constructor.enclosingClass; |
| |
| if (backend.classNeedsRti(astAdapter.getElement(cls))) { |
| List<HInstruction> typeInputs = <HInstruction>[]; |
| type.typeArguments.forEach((DartType argument) { |
| typeInputs |
| .add(typeBuilder.analyzeTypeArgument(argument, sourceElement)); |
| }); |
| |
| // We lift this common call pattern into a helper function to save space |
| // in the output. |
| if (typeInputs.every((HInstruction input) => input.isNull())) { |
| if (constructorArgs.isEmpty) { |
| constructor = astAdapter.mapLiteralUntypedEmptyMaker; |
| } else { |
| constructor = astAdapter.mapLiteralUntypedMaker; |
| } |
| } else { |
| inputs.addAll(typeInputs); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // If runtime type information is needed and the map literal has no type |
| // parameters, 'constructor' is a static function that forwards the call to |
| // the factory constructor without type parameters. |
| assert(constructor.kind == ir.ProcedureKind.Factory); |
| |
| // The instruction type will always be a subtype of the mapLiteralClass, but |
| // type inference might discover a more specific type, or find nothing (in |
| // dart2js unit tests). |
| TypeMask mapType = new TypeMask.nonNullSubtype( |
| astAdapter.getElement(astAdapter.mapLiteralClass), closedWorld); |
| TypeMask returnTypeMask = TypeMaskFactory.inferredReturnTypeForElement( |
| astAdapter.getElement(constructor), globalInferenceResults); |
| TypeMask instructionType = |
| mapType.intersection(returnTypeMask, closedWorld); |
| |
| addImplicitInstantiation(type); |
| _pushStaticInvocation(constructor, inputs, instructionType); |
| removeImplicitInstantiation(type); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitMapEntry(ir.MapEntry mapEntry) { |
| // Visit value before the key because each will push an expression to the |
| // stack, so when we pop them off, the key is popped first, then the value. |
| mapEntry.value.accept(this); |
| mapEntry.key.accept(this); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitTypeLiteral(ir.TypeLiteral typeLiteral) { |
| ir.DartType type = typeLiteral.type; |
| if (type is ir.InterfaceType) { |
| ConstantValue constant = astAdapter.getConstantForType(type); |
| stack.add(graph.addConstant(constant, closedWorld)); |
| return; |
| } |
| if (type is ir.TypeParameterType) { |
| // TODO(sra): Convert the type logic here to use ir.DartType. |
| DartType dartType = astAdapter.getDartType(type); |
| dartType = localsHandler.substInContext(dartType); |
| HInstruction value = typeBuilder.analyzeTypeArgument( |
| dartType, sourceElement, |
| sourceInformation: null); |
| _pushStaticInvocation(astAdapter.runtimeTypeToString, |
| <HInstruction>[value], commonMasks.stringType); |
| _pushStaticInvocation(astAdapter.createRuntimeType, <HInstruction>[pop()], |
| astAdapter.createRuntimeTypeReturnType); |
| return; |
| } |
| // TODO(27394): 'dynamic' and function types observed. Where are they from? |
| defaultExpression(typeLiteral); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitStaticGet(ir.StaticGet staticGet) { |
| ir.Member staticTarget = staticGet.target; |
| if (staticTarget is ir.Procedure && |
| staticTarget.kind == ir.ProcedureKind.Getter) { |
| // Invoke the getter |
| _pushStaticInvocation(staticTarget, const <HInstruction>[], |
| astAdapter.returnTypeOf(staticTarget)); |
| } else if (staticTarget is ir.Field && staticTarget.isConst) { |
| assert(staticTarget.initializer != null); |
| stack.add(graph.addConstant( |
| astAdapter.getConstantFor(staticTarget.initializer), closedWorld)); |
| } else { |
| if (_isLazyStatic(staticTarget)) { |
| push(new HLazyStatic(astAdapter.getField(staticTarget), |
| astAdapter.inferredTypeOf(staticTarget))); |
| } else { |
| push(new HStatic(astAdapter.getMember(staticTarget), |
| astAdapter.inferredTypeOf(staticTarget))); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| bool _isLazyStatic(ir.Member target) { |
| return astAdapter.isLazyStatic(target); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitStaticSet(ir.StaticSet staticSet) { |
| staticSet.value.accept(this); |
| HInstruction value = pop(); |
| |
| var staticTarget = staticSet.target; |
| if (staticTarget is ir.Procedure) { |
| // Invoke the setter |
| _pushStaticInvocation(staticTarget, <HInstruction>[value], |
| astAdapter.returnTypeOf(staticTarget)); |
| pop(); |
| } else { |
| add(new HStaticStore( |
| astAdapter.getMember(staticTarget), |
| typeBuilder.potentiallyCheckOrTrustType( |
| value, astAdapter.getDartType(staticTarget.setterType)))); |
| } |
| stack.add(value); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitPropertyGet(ir.PropertyGet propertyGet) { |
| propertyGet.receiver.accept(this); |
| HInstruction receiver = pop(); |
| |
| _pushDynamicInvocation(propertyGet, astAdapter.typeOfGet(propertyGet), |
| <HInstruction>[receiver]); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitVariableGet(ir.VariableGet variableGet) { |
| ir.VariableDeclaration variable = variableGet.variable; |
| HInstruction letBinding = letBindings[variable]; |
| if (letBinding != null) { |
| stack.add(letBinding); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| Local local = astAdapter.getLocal(variableGet.variable); |
| stack.add(localsHandler.readLocal(local)); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitPropertySet(ir.PropertySet propertySet) { |
| propertySet.receiver.accept(this); |
| HInstruction receiver = pop(); |
| propertySet.value.accept(this); |
| HInstruction value = pop(); |
| |
| _pushDynamicInvocation( |
| propertySet, |
| astAdapter.typeOfSet(propertySet, closedWorld), |
| <HInstruction>[receiver, value]); |
| |
| pop(); |
| stack.add(value); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitVariableSet(ir.VariableSet variableSet) { |
| variableSet.value.accept(this); |
| HInstruction value = pop(); |
| _visitLocalSetter(variableSet.variable, value); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitVariableDeclaration(ir.VariableDeclaration declaration) { |
| Local local = astAdapter.getLocal(declaration); |
| if (declaration.initializer == null) { |
| HInstruction initialValue = graph.addConstantNull(closedWorld); |
| localsHandler.updateLocal(local, initialValue); |
| } else { |
| declaration.initializer.accept(this); |
| HInstruction initialValue = pop(); |
| |
| _visitLocalSetter(declaration, initialValue); |
| |
| // Ignore value |
| pop(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void _visitLocalSetter(ir.VariableDeclaration variable, HInstruction value) { |
| LocalElement local = astAdapter.getElement(variable); |
| |
| // Give the value a name if it doesn't have one already. |
| if (value.sourceElement == null) { |
| value.sourceElement = local; |
| } |
| |
| stack.add(value); |
| localsHandler.updateLocal( |
| local, |
| typeBuilder.potentiallyCheckOrTrustType( |
| value, astAdapter.getDartType(variable.type))); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitLet(ir.Let let) { |
| ir.VariableDeclaration variable = let.variable; |
| variable.initializer.accept(this); |
| HInstruction initializedValue = pop(); |
| // TODO(sra): Apply inferred type information. |
| letBindings[variable] = initializedValue; |
| let.body.accept(this); |
| } |
| |
| /// Extracts the list of instructions for the positional subset of arguments. |
| List<HInstruction> _visitPositionalArguments(ir.Arguments arguments) { |
| List<HInstruction> result = <HInstruction>[]; |
| for (ir.Expression argument in arguments.positional) { |
| argument.accept(this); |
| result.add(pop()); |
| } |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| /// Builds the list of instructions for the expressions in the arguments to a |
| /// dynamic target (member function). Dynamic targets use stubs to add |
| /// defaulted arguments, so (unlike static targets) we do not add the default |
| /// values. |
| List<HInstruction> _visitArgumentsForDynamicTarget( |
| Selector selector, ir.Arguments arguments) { |
| List<HInstruction> values = _visitPositionalArguments(arguments); |
| |
| if (arguments.named.isEmpty) return values; |
| |
| var namedValues = <String, HInstruction>{}; |
| for (ir.NamedExpression argument in arguments.named) { |
| argument.value.accept(this); |
| namedValues[argument.name] = pop(); |
| } |
| for (String name in selector.callStructure.getOrderedNamedArguments()) { |
| values.add(namedValues[name]); |
| } |
| |
| return values; |
| } |
| |
| /// Build argument list in canonical order for a static [target], including |
| /// filling in the defaulted argument value. |
| List<HInstruction> _visitArgumentsForStaticTarget( |
| ir.FunctionNode target, ir.Arguments arguments) { |
| // Visit arguments in source order, then re-order and fill in defaults. |
| var values = _visitPositionalArguments(arguments); |
| |
| while (values.length < target.positionalParameters.length) { |
| ir.VariableDeclaration parameter = |
| target.positionalParameters[values.length]; |
| values.add(_defaultValueForParameter(parameter)); |
| } |
| |
| if (arguments.named.isEmpty) return values; |
| |
| var namedValues = <String, HInstruction>{}; |
| for (ir.NamedExpression argument in arguments.named) { |
| argument.value.accept(this); |
| namedValues[argument.name] = pop(); |
| } |
| |
| // Visit named arguments in parameter-position order, selecting provided or |
| // default value. |
| // TODO(sra): Ensure the stored order is canonical so we don't have to |
| // sort. The old builder uses CallStructure.makeArgumentList which depends |
| // on the old element model. |
| var namedParameters = target.namedParameters.toList() |
| ..sort((ir.VariableDeclaration a, ir.VariableDeclaration b) => |
| a.name.compareTo(b.name)); |
| for (ir.VariableDeclaration parameter in namedParameters) { |
| HInstruction value = namedValues[parameter.name]; |
| if (value == null) { |
| values.add(_defaultValueForParameter(parameter)); |
| } else { |
| values.add(value); |
| namedValues.remove(parameter.name); |
| } |
| } |
| assert(namedValues.isEmpty); |
| |
| return values; |
| } |
| |
| HInstruction _defaultValueForParameter(ir.VariableDeclaration parameter) { |
| ir.Expression initializer = parameter.initializer; |
| if (initializer == null) return graph.addConstantNull(closedWorld); |
| // TODO(sra): Evaluate constant in ir.Node domain. |
| ConstantValue constant = |
| astAdapter.getConstantForParameterDefaultValue(initializer); |
| if (constant == null) return graph.addConstantNull(closedWorld); |
| return graph.addConstant(constant, closedWorld); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitStaticInvocation(ir.StaticInvocation invocation) { |
| ir.Procedure target = invocation.target; |
| if (astAdapter.isInForeignLibrary(target)) { |
| handleInvokeStaticForeign(invocation, target); |
| return; |
| } |
| TypeMask typeMask = astAdapter.returnTypeOf(target); |
| |
| // TODO(sra): For JS interop external functions, use a different function to |
| // build arguments. |
| List<HInstruction> arguments = |
| _visitArgumentsForStaticTarget(target.function, invocation.arguments); |
| |
| _pushStaticInvocation(target, arguments, typeMask); |
| } |
| |
| void handleInvokeStaticForeign( |
| ir.StaticInvocation invocation, ir.Procedure target) { |
| String name = target.name.name; |
| if (name == 'JS') { |
| handleForeignJs(invocation); |
| } else if (name == 'JS_CURRENT_ISOLATE_CONTEXT') { |
| handleForeignJsCurrentIsolateContext(invocation); |
| } else if (name == 'JS_CALL_IN_ISOLATE') { |
| handleForeignJsCallInIsolate(invocation); |
| } else if (name == 'DART_CLOSURE_TO_JS') { |
| handleForeignDartClosureToJs(invocation, 'DART_CLOSURE_TO_JS'); |
| } else if (name == 'RAW_DART_FUNCTION_REF') { |
| handleForeignRawFunctionRef(invocation, 'RAW_DART_FUNCTION_REF'); |
| } else if (name == 'JS_SET_STATIC_STATE') { |
| handleForeignJsSetStaticState(invocation); |
| } else if (name == 'JS_GET_STATIC_STATE') { |
| handleForeignJsGetStaticState(invocation); |
| } else if (name == 'JS_GET_NAME') { |
| handleForeignJsGetName(invocation); |
| } else if (name == 'JS_EMBEDDED_GLOBAL') { |
| handleForeignJsEmbeddedGlobal(invocation); |
| } else if (name == 'JS_BUILTIN') { |
| handleForeignJsBuiltin(invocation); |
| } else if (name == 'JS_GET_FLAG') { |
| handleForeignJsGetFlag(invocation); |
| } else if (name == 'JS_EFFECT') { |
| stack.add(graph.addConstantNull(closedWorld)); |
| } else if (name == 'JS_INTERCEPTOR_CONSTANT') { |
| handleJsInterceptorConstant(invocation); |
| } else if (name == 'JS_STRING_CONCAT') { |
| handleJsStringConcat(invocation); |
| } else { |
| compiler.reporter.internalError( |
| astAdapter.getNode(invocation), "Unknown foreign: ${name}"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| bool _unexpectedForeignArguments( |
| ir.StaticInvocation invocation, int minPositional, |
| [int maxPositional]) { |
| String pluralizeArguments(int count) { |
| if (count == 0) return 'no arguments'; |
| if (count == 1) return 'one argument'; |
| if (count == 2) return 'two arguments'; |
| return '$count arguments'; |
| } |
| |
| String name() => invocation.target.name.name; |
| |
| ir.Arguments arguments = invocation.arguments; |
| bool bad = false; |
| if (arguments.types.isNotEmpty) { |
| compiler.reporter.reportErrorMessage( |
| astAdapter.getNode(invocation), |
| MessageKind.GENERIC, |
| {'text': "Error: '${name()}' does not take type arguments."}); |
| bad = true; |
| } |
| if (arguments.positional.length < minPositional) { |
| String phrase = pluralizeArguments(minPositional); |
| if (maxPositional != minPositional) phrase = 'at least $phrase'; |
| compiler.reporter.reportErrorMessage( |
| astAdapter.getNode(invocation), |
| MessageKind.GENERIC, |
| {'text': "Error: Too few arguments. '${name()}' takes $phrase."}); |
| bad = true; |
| } |
| if (maxPositional != null && arguments.positional.length > maxPositional) { |
| String phrase = pluralizeArguments(maxPositional); |
| if (maxPositional != minPositional) phrase = 'at most $phrase'; |
| compiler.reporter.reportErrorMessage( |
| astAdapter.getNode(invocation), |
| MessageKind.GENERIC, |
| {'text': "Error: Too many arguments. '${name()}' takes $phrase."}); |
| bad = true; |
| } |
| if (arguments.named.isNotEmpty) { |
| compiler.reporter.reportErrorMessage( |
| astAdapter.getNode(invocation), |
| MessageKind.GENERIC, |
| {'text': "Error: '${name()}' does not take named arguments."}); |
| bad = true; |
| } |
| return bad; |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns the value of the string argument. The argument must evaluate to a |
| /// constant. If there is an error, the error is reported and `null` is |
| /// returned. |
| String _foreignConstantStringArgument( |
| ir.StaticInvocation invocation, int position, String methodName, |
| [String adjective = '']) { |
| ir.Expression argument = invocation.arguments.positional[position]; |
| argument.accept(this); |
| HInstruction instruction = pop(); |
| |
| if (!instruction.isConstantString()) { |
| compiler.reporter.reportErrorMessage( |
| astAdapter.getNode(argument), MessageKind.GENERIC, { |
| 'text': "Error: Expected String constant as ${adjective}argument " |
| "to '$methodName'." |
| }); |
| return null; |
| } |
| |
| HConstant hConstant = instruction; |
| StringConstantValue stringConstant = hConstant.constant; |
| return stringConstant.primitiveValue.slowToString(); |
| } |
| |
| void handleForeignJsCurrentIsolateContext(ir.StaticInvocation invocation) { |
| if (_unexpectedForeignArguments(invocation, 0, 0)) { |
| // Result expected on stack. |
| stack.add(graph.addConstantNull(closedWorld)); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (!backend.hasIsolateSupport) { |
| // If the isolate library is not used, we just generate code |
| // to fetch the static state. |
| String name = backend.namer.staticStateHolder; |
| push(new HForeignCode( |
| js.js.parseForeignJS(name), commonMasks.dynamicType, <HInstruction>[], |
| nativeBehavior: native.NativeBehavior.DEPENDS_OTHER)); |
| } else { |
| // Call a helper method from the isolate library. The isolate library uses |
| // its own isolate structure that encapsulates the isolate structure used |
| // for binding to methods. |
| ir.Procedure target = astAdapter.currentIsolate; |
| if (target == null) { |
| compiler.reporter.internalError(astAdapter.getNode(invocation), |
| 'Isolate library and compiler mismatch.'); |
| } |
| _pushStaticInvocation(target, <HInstruction>[], commonMasks.dynamicType); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void handleForeignJsCallInIsolate(ir.StaticInvocation invocation) { |
| if (_unexpectedForeignArguments(invocation, 2, 2)) { |
| // Result expected on stack. |
| stack.add(graph.addConstantNull(closedWorld)); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| List<HInstruction> inputs = _visitPositionalArguments(invocation.arguments); |
| |
| if (!backend.hasIsolateSupport) { |
| // If the isolate library is not used, we ignore the isolate argument and |
| // just invoke the closure. |
| push(new HInvokeClosure(new Selector.callClosure(0), |
| <HInstruction>[inputs[1]], commonMasks.dynamicType)); |
| } else { |
| // Call a helper method from the isolate library. |
| ir.Procedure callInIsolate = astAdapter.callInIsolate; |
| if (callInIsolate == null) { |
| compiler.reporter.internalError(astAdapter.getNode(invocation), |
| 'Isolate library and compiler mismatch.'); |
| } |
| _pushStaticInvocation(callInIsolate, inputs, commonMasks.dynamicType); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void handleForeignDartClosureToJs( |
| ir.StaticInvocation invocation, String name) { |
| // TODO(sra): Do we need to wrap the closure in something that saves the |
| // current isolate? |
| handleForeignRawFunctionRef(invocation, name); |
| } |
| |
| void handleForeignRawFunctionRef( |
| ir.StaticInvocation invocation, String name) { |
| if (_unexpectedForeignArguments(invocation, 1, 1)) { |
| // Result expected on stack. |
| stack.add(graph.addConstantNull(closedWorld)); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| ir.Expression closure = invocation.arguments.positional.single; |
| String problem = 'requires a static method or top-level method'; |
| if (closure is ir.StaticGet) { |
| ir.Member staticTarget = closure.target; |
| if (staticTarget is ir.Procedure) { |
| if (staticTarget.kind == ir.ProcedureKind.Method) { |
| ir.FunctionNode function = staticTarget.function; |
| if (function != null && |
| function.requiredParameterCount == |
| function.positionalParameters.length && |
| function.namedParameters.isEmpty) { |
| registry?.registerStaticUse( |
| new StaticUse.foreignUse(astAdapter.getMember(staticTarget))); |
| push(new HForeignCode( |
| js.js.expressionTemplateYielding(backend.emitter |
| .staticFunctionAccess(astAdapter.getMember(staticTarget))), |
| commonMasks.dynamicType, |
| <HInstruction>[], |
| nativeBehavior: native.NativeBehavior.PURE)); |
| return; |
| } |
| problem = 'does not handle a closure with optional parameters'; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| compiler.reporter.reportErrorMessage(astAdapter.getNode(invocation), |
| MessageKind.GENERIC, {'text': "'$name' $problem."}); |
| stack.add(graph.addConstantNull(closedWorld)); // Result expected on stack. |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| void handleForeignJsSetStaticState(ir.StaticInvocation invocation) { |
| if (_unexpectedForeignArguments(invocation, 1, 1)) { |
| // Result expected on stack. |
| stack.add(graph.addConstantNull(closedWorld)); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| List<HInstruction> inputs = _visitPositionalArguments(invocation.arguments); |
| |
| String isolateName = backend.namer.staticStateHolder; |
| SideEffects sideEffects = new SideEffects.empty(); |
| sideEffects.setAllSideEffects(); |
| push(new HForeignCode(js.js.parseForeignJS("$isolateName = #"), |
| commonMasks.dynamicType, inputs, |
| nativeBehavior: native.NativeBehavior.CHANGES_OTHER, |
| effects: sideEffects)); |
| } |
| |
| void handleForeignJsGetStaticState(ir.StaticInvocation invocation) { |
| if (_unexpectedForeignArguments(invocation, 0, 0)) { |
| // Result expected on stack. |
| stack.add(graph.addConstantNull(closedWorld)); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| push(new HForeignCode(js.js.parseForeignJS(backend.namer.staticStateHolder), |
| commonMasks.dynamicType, <HInstruction>[], |
| nativeBehavior: native.NativeBehavior.DEPENDS_OTHER)); |
| } |
| |
| void handleForeignJsGetName(ir.StaticInvocation invocation) { |
| if (_unexpectedForeignArguments(invocation, 1, 1)) { |
| // Result expected on stack. |
| stack.add(graph.addConstantNull(closedWorld)); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| ir.Node argument = invocation.arguments.positional.first; |
| argument.accept(this); |
| HInstruction instruction = pop(); |
| |
| if (instruction is HConstant) { |
| js.Name name = |
| astAdapter.getNameForJsGetName(argument, instruction.constant); |
| stack.add(graph.addConstantStringFromName(name, closedWorld)); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| compiler.reporter.reportErrorMessage( |
| astAdapter.getNode(argument), |
| MessageKind.GENERIC, |
| {'text': 'Error: Expected a JsGetName enum value.'}); |
| // Result expected on stack. |
| stack.add(graph.addConstantNull(closedWorld)); |
| } |
| |
| void handleForeignJsEmbeddedGlobal(ir.StaticInvocation invocation) { |
| if (_unexpectedForeignArguments(invocation, 2, 2)) { |
| // Result expected on stack. |
| stack.add(graph.addConstantNull(closedWorld)); |
| return; |
| } |
| String globalName = _foreignConstantStringArgument( |
| invocation, 1, 'JS_EMBEDDED_GLOBAL', 'second '); |
| js.Template expr = js.js.expressionTemplateYielding( |
| backend.emitter.generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess(globalName)); |
| |
| native.NativeBehavior nativeBehavior = |
| astAdapter.getNativeBehavior(invocation); |
| assert(invariant(astAdapter.getNode(invocation), nativeBehavior != null, |
| message: "No NativeBehavior for $invocation")); |
| |
| TypeMask ssaType = |
| astAdapter.typeFromNativeBehavior(nativeBehavior, closedWorld); |
| push(new HForeignCode(expr, ssaType, const <HInstruction>[], |
| nativeBehavior: nativeBehavior)); |
| } |
| |
| void handleForeignJsBuiltin(ir.StaticInvocation invocation) { |
| if (_unexpectedForeignArguments(invocation, 2)) { |
| // Result expected on stack. |
| stack.add(graph.addConstantNull(closedWorld)); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| List<ir.Expression> arguments = invocation.arguments.positional; |
| ir.Expression nameArgument = arguments[1]; |
| |
| nameArgument.accept(this); |
| HInstruction instruction = pop(); |
| |
| js.Template template; |
| if (instruction is HConstant) { |
| template = astAdapter.getJsBuiltinTemplate(instruction.constant); |
| } |
| if (template == null) { |
| compiler.reporter.reportErrorMessage( |
| astAdapter.getNode(nameArgument), |
| MessageKind.GENERIC, |
| {'text': 'Error: Expected a JsBuiltin enum value.'}); |
| // Result expected on stack. |
| stack.add(graph.addConstantNull(closedWorld)); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| List<HInstruction> inputs = <HInstruction>[]; |
| for (ir.Expression argument in arguments.skip(2)) { |
| argument.accept(this); |
| inputs.add(pop()); |
| } |
| |
| native.NativeBehavior nativeBehavior = |
| astAdapter.getNativeBehavior(invocation); |
| assert(invariant(astAdapter.getNode(invocation), nativeBehavior != null, |
| message: "No NativeBehavior for $invocation")); |
| |
| TypeMask ssaType = |
| astAdapter.typeFromNativeBehavior(nativeBehavior, closedWorld); |
| push(new HForeignCode(template, ssaType, inputs, |
| nativeBehavior: nativeBehavior)); |
| } |
| |
| void handleForeignJsGetFlag(ir.StaticInvocation invocation) { |
| if (_unexpectedForeignArguments(invocation, 1, 1)) { |
| stack.add( |
| // Result expected on stack. |
| graph.addConstantBool(false, closedWorld)); |
| return; |
| } |
| String name = _foreignConstantStringArgument(invocation, 0, 'JS_GET_FLAG'); |
| bool value = false; |
| switch (name) { |
| value = backend.mustRetainMetadata; |
| break; |
| value = compiler.options.useContentSecurityPolicy; |
| break; |
| default: |
| compiler.reporter.reportErrorMessage( |
| astAdapter.getNode(invocation), |
| MessageKind.GENERIC, |
| {'text': 'Error: Unknown internal flag "$name".'}); |
| } |
| stack.add(graph.addConstantBool(value, closedWorld)); |
| } |
| |
| void handleJsInterceptorConstant(ir.StaticInvocation invocation) { |
| // Single argument must be a TypeConstant which is converted into a |
| // InterceptorConstant. |
| if (_unexpectedForeignArguments(invocation, 1, 1)) { |
| // Result expected on stack. |
| stack.add(graph.addConstantNull(closedWorld)); |
| return; |
| } |
| ir.Expression argument = invocation.arguments.positional.single; |
| argument.accept(this); |
| HInstruction argumentInstruction = pop(); |
| if (argumentInstruction is HConstant) { |
| ConstantValue argumentConstant = argumentInstruction.constant; |
| if (argumentConstant is TypeConstantValue) { |
| // TODO(sra): Check that type is a subclass of [Interceptor]. |
| ConstantValue constant = |
| new InterceptorConstantValue(argumentConstant.representedType); |
| HInstruction instruction = graph.addConstant(constant, closedWorld); |
| stack.add(instruction); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| compiler.reporter.reportErrorMessage(astAdapter.getNode(invocation), |
| stack.add(graph.addConstantNull(closedWorld)); |
| } |
| |
| void handleForeignJs(ir.StaticInvocation invocation) { |
| if (_unexpectedForeignArguments(invocation, 2)) { |
| // Result expected on stack. |
| stack.add(graph.addConstantNull(closedWorld)); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| native.NativeBehavior nativeBehavior = |
| astAdapter.getNativeBehaviorForJsCall(invocation); |
| assert(invariant(astAdapter.getNode(invocation), nativeBehavior != null, |
| message: "No NativeBehavior for $invocation")); |
| |
| List<HInstruction> inputs = <HInstruction>[]; |
| for (ir.Expression argument in invocation.arguments.positional.skip(2)) { |
| argument.accept(this); |
| inputs.add(pop()); |
| } |
| |
| if (nativeBehavior.codeTemplate.positionalArgumentCount != inputs.length) { |
| compiler.reporter.reportErrorMessage( |
| astAdapter.getNode(invocation), MessageKind.GENERIC, { |
| 'text': 'Mismatch between number of placeholders' |
| ' and number of arguments.' |
| }); |
| // Result expected on stack. |
| stack.add(graph.addConstantNull(closedWorld)); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (native.HasCapturedPlaceholders.check(nativeBehavior.codeTemplate.ast)) { |
| compiler.reporter.reportErrorMessage( |
| astAdapter.getNode(invocation), MessageKind.JS_PLACEHOLDER_CAPTURE); |
| } |
| |
| TypeMask ssaType = |
| astAdapter.typeFromNativeBehavior(nativeBehavior, closedWorld); |
| |
| SourceInformation sourceInformation = null; |
| push(new HForeignCode(nativeBehavior.codeTemplate, ssaType, inputs, |
| isStatement: !nativeBehavior.codeTemplate.isExpression, |
| effects: nativeBehavior.sideEffects, |
| nativeBehavior: nativeBehavior)..sourceInformation = sourceInformation); |
| } |
| |
| void handleJsStringConcat(ir.StaticInvocation invocation) { |
| if (_unexpectedForeignArguments(invocation, 2, 2)) { |
| // Result expected on stack. |
| stack.add(graph.addConstantNull(closedWorld)); |
| return; |
| } |
| List<HInstruction> inputs = _visitPositionalArguments(invocation.arguments); |
| push(new HStringConcat(inputs[0], inputs[1], commonMasks.stringType)); |
| } |
| |
| void _pushStaticInvocation( |
| ir.Node target, List<HInstruction> arguments, TypeMask typeMask) { |
| HInvokeStatic instruction = new HInvokeStatic( |
| astAdapter.getMember(target), arguments, typeMask, |
| targetCanThrow: astAdapter.getCanThrow(target, closedWorld)); |
| if (currentImplicitInstantiations.isNotEmpty) { |
| instruction.instantiatedTypes = |
| new List<DartType>.from(currentImplicitInstantiations); |
| } |
| instruction.sideEffects = astAdapter.getSideEffects(target, closedWorld); |
| |
| push(instruction); |
| } |
| |
| void _pushDynamicInvocation( |
| ir.Node node, TypeMask mask, List<HInstruction> arguments, |
| {Selector selector}) { |
| HInstruction receiver = arguments.first; |
| List<HInstruction> inputs = <HInstruction>[]; |
| |
| selector ??= astAdapter.getSelector(node); |
| bool isIntercepted = astAdapter.isInterceptedSelector(selector); |
| |
| if (isIntercepted) { |
| HInterceptor interceptor = _interceptorFor(receiver); |
| inputs.add(interceptor); |
| } |
| inputs.addAll(arguments); |
| |
| TypeMask type = astAdapter.selectorTypeOf(selector, mask); |
| if (selector.isGetter) { |
| push(new HInvokeDynamicGetter(selector, mask, null, inputs, type)); |
| } else if (selector.isSetter) { |
| push(new HInvokeDynamicSetter(selector, mask, null, inputs, type)); |
| } else { |
| push(new HInvokeDynamicMethod( |
| selector, mask, inputs, type, isIntercepted)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| visitFunctionNode(ir.FunctionNode node) { |
| LocalFunctionElement methodElement = astAdapter.getElement(node); |
| ClosureClassMap nestedClosureData = compiler.closureToClassMapper |
| .getClosureToClassMapping(methodElement.resolvedAst); |
| assert(nestedClosureData != null); |
| assert(nestedClosureData.closureClassElement != null); |
| ClosureClassElement closureClassElement = |
| nestedClosureData.closureClassElement; |
| FunctionElement callElement = nestedClosureData.callElement; |
| // TODO(ahe): This should be registered in codegen, not here. |
| // TODO(johnniwinther): Is [registerStaticUse] equivalent to |
| // [addToWorkList]? |
| registry?.registerStaticUse(new StaticUse.foreignUse(callElement)); |
| |
| List<HInstruction> capturedVariables = <HInstruction>[]; |
| closureClassElement.closureFields.forEach((ClosureFieldElement field) { |
| Local capturedLocal = |
| nestedClosureData.getLocalVariableForClosureField(field); |
| assert(capturedLocal != null); |
| capturedVariables.add(localsHandler.readLocal(capturedLocal)); |
| }); |
| |
| TypeMask type = new TypeMask.nonNullExact(closureClassElement, closedWorld); |
| // TODO(efortuna): Add source information here. |
| push(new HCreate(closureClassElement, capturedVariables, type)); |
| |
| registry?.registerInstantiatedClosure(methodElement); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| visitFunctionDeclaration(ir.FunctionDeclaration declaration) { |
| assert(isReachable); |
| declaration.function.accept(this); |
| LocalFunctionElement localFunction = |
| astAdapter.getElement(declaration.function); |
| localsHandler.updateLocal(localFunction, pop()); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitFunctionExpression(ir.FunctionExpression funcExpression) { |
| funcExpression.function.accept(this); |
| } |
| |
| // TODO(het): Decide when to inline |
| @override |
| void visitMethodInvocation(ir.MethodInvocation invocation) { |
| // Handle `x == null` specially. When these come from null-aware operators, |
| // there is no mapping in the astAdapter. |
| if (_handleEqualsNull(invocation)) return; |
| invocation.receiver.accept(this); |
| HInstruction receiver = pop(); |
| Selector selector = astAdapter.getSelector(invocation); |
| _pushDynamicInvocation( |
| invocation, |
| astAdapter.typeOfInvocation(invocation, closedWorld), |
| <HInstruction>[receiver] |
| ..addAll( |
| _visitArgumentsForDynamicTarget(selector, invocation.arguments))); |
| } |
| |
| bool _handleEqualsNull(ir.MethodInvocation invocation) { |
| if (invocation.name.name == '==') { |
| ir.Arguments arguments = invocation.arguments; |
| if (arguments.types.isEmpty && |
| arguments.positional.length == 1 && |
| arguments.named.isEmpty) { |
| bool finish(ir.Expression comparand) { |
| comparand.accept(this); |
| pushCheckNull(pop()); |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| ir.Expression receiver = invocation.receiver; |
| ir.Expression argument = arguments.positional.first; |
| if (argument is ir.NullLiteral) return finish(receiver); |
| if (receiver is ir.NullLiteral) return finish(argument); |
| } |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| HInterceptor _interceptorFor(HInstruction intercepted) { |
| HInterceptor interceptor = |
| new HInterceptor(intercepted, commonMasks.nonNullType); |
| add(interceptor); |
| return interceptor; |
| } |
| |
| static ir.Class _containingClass(ir.TreeNode node) { |
| while (node != null) { |
| if (node is ir.Class) return node; |
| node = node.parent; |
| } |
| return null; |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitSuperMethodInvocation(ir.SuperMethodInvocation invocation) { |
| Selector selector = astAdapter.getSelector(invocation); |
| List<HInstruction> arguments = _visitArgumentsForStaticTarget( |
| invocation.interfaceTarget.function, invocation.arguments); |
| HInstruction receiver = localsHandler.readThis(); |
| ir.Class surroundingClass = _containingClass(invocation); |
| |
| List<HInstruction> inputs = <HInstruction>[]; |
| if (astAdapter.isIntercepted(invocation)) { |
| inputs.add(_interceptorFor(receiver)); |
| } |
| inputs.add(receiver); |
| inputs.addAll(arguments); |
| |
| HInstruction instruction = new HInvokeSuper( |
| astAdapter.getMethod(invocation.interfaceTarget), |
| astAdapter.getClass(surroundingClass), |
| selector, |
| inputs, |
| astAdapter.returnTypeOf(invocation.interfaceTarget), |
| null, |
| isSetter: selector.isSetter || selector.isIndexSet); |
| instruction.sideEffects = |
| closedWorld.getSideEffectsOfSelector(selector, null); |
| push(instruction); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitConstructorInvocation(ir.ConstructorInvocation invocation) { |
| ir.Constructor target = invocation.target; |
| // TODO(sra): For JS-interop targets, process arguments differently. |
| List<HInstruction> arguments = |
| _visitArgumentsForStaticTarget(target.function, invocation.arguments); |
| TypeMask typeMask = new TypeMask.nonNullExact( |
| astAdapter.getElement(target.enclosingClass), closedWorld); |
| _pushStaticInvocation(target, arguments, typeMask); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitIsExpression(ir.IsExpression isExpression) { |
| isExpression.operand.accept(this); |
| HInstruction expression = pop(); |
| push(buildIsNode(isExpression, isExpression.type, expression)); |
| } |
| |
| HInstruction buildIsNode( |
| ir.Node node, ir.DartType dart_type, HInstruction expression) { |
| // TODO(sra): Convert the type testing logic here to use ir.DartType. |
| DartType type = astAdapter.getDartType(dart_type); |
| |
| type = localsHandler.substInContext(type).unaliased; |
| |
| if (type is MethodTypeVariableType) { |
| return graph.addConstantBool(true, closedWorld); |
| } |
| |
| if (type is MalformedType) { |
| ErroneousElement element = type.element; |
| generateTypeError(node, element.message); |
| return new HIs.compound(type, expression, pop(), commonMasks.boolType); |
| } |
| |
| if (type.isFunctionType) { |
| List arguments = <HInstruction>[buildFunctionType(type), expression]; |
| _pushDynamicInvocation(node, commonMasks.boolType, arguments, |
| selector: new Selector.call( |
| new PrivateName('_isTest', astAdapter.jsHelperLibrary), |
| CallStructure.ONE_ARG)); |
| return new HIs.compound(type, expression, pop(), commonMasks.boolType); |
| } |
| |
| if (type.isTypeVariable) { |
| HInstruction runtimeType = |
| typeBuilder.addTypeVariableReference(type, sourceElement); |
| _pushStaticInvocation(astAdapter.checkSubtypeOfRuntimeType, |
| <HInstruction>[expression, runtimeType], commonMasks.boolType); |
| return new HIs.variable(type, expression, pop(), commonMasks.boolType); |
| } |
| |
| // TODO(sra): Type with type parameters. |
| |
| if (backend.hasDirectCheckFor(type)) { |
| return new HIs.direct(type, expression, commonMasks.boolType); |
| } |
| |
| // The interceptor is not always needed. It is removed by optimization |
| // when the receiver type or tested type permit. |
| HInterceptor interceptor = _interceptorFor(expression); |
| return new HIs.raw(type, expression, interceptor, commonMasks.boolType); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitThrow(ir.Throw throwNode) { |
| _visitThrowExpression(throwNode.expression); |
| if (isReachable) { |
| push(new HThrowExpression(pop(), null)); |
| isReachable = false; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void _visitThrowExpression(ir.Expression expression) { |
| bool old = _inExpressionOfThrow; |
| try { |
| _inExpressionOfThrow = true; |
| expression.accept(this); |
| } finally { |
| _inExpressionOfThrow = old; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitThisExpression(ir.ThisExpression thisExpression) { |
| stack.add(localsHandler.readThis()); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitNot(ir.Not not) { |
| not.operand.accept(this); |
| push(new HNot(popBoolified(), commonMasks.boolType)); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitStringConcatenation(ir.StringConcatenation stringConcat) { |
| KernelStringBuilder stringBuilder = new KernelStringBuilder(this); |
| stringConcat.accept(stringBuilder); |
| stack.add(stringBuilder.result); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitTryCatch(ir.TryCatch tryCatch) { |
| TryCatchFinallyBuilder tryBuilder = new TryCatchFinallyBuilder(this); |
| tryCatch.body.accept(this); |
| tryBuilder |
| ..closeTryBody() |
| ..buildCatch(tryCatch) |
| ..cleanUp(); |
| } |
| |
| /// `try { ... } catch { ... } finally { ... }` statements are a little funny |
| /// because a try can have one or both of {catch|finally}. The way this is |
| /// encoded in kernel AST are two separate classes with no common superclass |
| /// aside from Statement. If a statement has both `catch` and `finally` |
| /// clauses then it is encoded in kernel as so that the TryCatch is the body |
| /// statement of the TryFinally. To produce more efficient code rather than |
| /// nested try statements, the visitors avoid one potential level of |
| /// recursion. |
| @override |
| void visitTryFinally(ir.TryFinally tryFinally) { |
| TryCatchFinallyBuilder tryBuilder = new TryCatchFinallyBuilder(this); |
| |
| // We do these shenanigans to produce better looking code that doesn't |
| // have nested try statements. |
| if (tryFinally.body is ir.TryCatch) { |
| ir.TryCatch tryCatch = tryFinally.body; |
| tryCatch.body.accept(this); |
| tryBuilder |
| ..closeTryBody() |
| ..buildCatch(tryCatch); |
| } else { |
| tryFinally.body.accept(this); |
| tryBuilder.closeTryBody(); |
| } |
| |
| tryBuilder |
| ..buildFinallyBlock(tryFinally) |
| ..cleanUp(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Class in charge of building try, catch and/or finally blocks. This handles |
| /// the instructions that need to be output and the dominator calculation of |
| /// this sequence of code. |
| class TryCatchFinallyBuilder { |
| HBasicBlock enterBlock; |
| HBasicBlock startTryBlock; |
| HBasicBlock endTryBlock; |
| HBasicBlock startCatchBlock; |
| HBasicBlock endCatchBlock; |
| HBasicBlock startFinallyBlock; |
| HBasicBlock endFinallyBlock; |
| HBasicBlock exitBlock; |
| HTry tryInstruction; |
| HLocalValue exception; |
| KernelSsaBuilder kernelBuilder; |
| |
| SubGraph bodyGraph; |
| SubGraph catchGraph; |
| SubGraph finallyGraph; |
| |
| // The original set of locals that were defined before this try block. |
| // The catch block and the finally block must not reuse the existing locals |
| // handler. None of the variables that have been defined in the body-block |
| // will be used, but for loops we will add (unnecessary) phis that will |
| // reference the body variables. This makes it look as if the variables were |
| // used in a non-dominated block. |
| LocalsHandler originalSavedLocals; |
| |
| TryCatchFinallyBuilder(this.kernelBuilder) { |
| tryInstruction = new HTry(); |
| originalSavedLocals = new LocalsHandler.from(kernelBuilder.localsHandler); |
| enterBlock = kernelBuilder.openNewBlock(); |
| kernelBuilder.close(tryInstruction); |
| |
| startTryBlock = kernelBuilder.graph.addNewBlock(); |
| kernelBuilder.open(startTryBlock); |
| } |
| |
| void _addExitTrySuccessor(successor) { |
| if (successor == null) return; |
| // Iterate over all blocks created inside this try/catch, and |
| // attach successor information to blocks that end with |
| // [HExitTry]. |
| for (int i = startTryBlock.id; i < successor.id; i++) { |
| HBasicBlock block = kernelBuilder.graph.blocks[i]; |
| var last = block.last; |
| if (last is HExitTry) { |
| block.addSuccessor(successor); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void _addOptionalSuccessor(block1, block2) { |
| if (block2 != null) block1.addSuccessor(block2); |
| } |
| |
| /// Helper function to set up basic block successors for try-catch-finally |
| /// sequences. |
| void _setBlockSuccessors() { |
| // Setup all successors. The entry block that contains the [HTry] |
| // has 1) the body, 2) the catch, 3) the finally, and 4) the exit |
| // blocks as successors. |
| enterBlock.addSuccessor(startTryBlock); |
| _addOptionalSuccessor(enterBlock, startCatchBlock); |
| _addOptionalSuccessor(enterBlock, startFinallyBlock); |
| enterBlock.addSuccessor(exitBlock); |
| |
| // The body has either the catch or the finally block as successor. |
| if (endTryBlock != null) { |
| assert(startCatchBlock != null || startFinallyBlock != null); |
| endTryBlock.addSuccessor( |
| startCatchBlock != null ? startCatchBlock : startFinallyBlock); |
| endTryBlock.addSuccessor(exitBlock); |
| } |
| |
| // The catch block has either the finally or the exit block as |
| // successor. |
| endCatchBlock?.addSuccessor( |
| startFinallyBlock != null ? startFinallyBlock : exitBlock); |
| |
| // The finally block has the exit block as successor. |
| endFinallyBlock?.addSuccessor(exitBlock); |
| |
| // If a block inside try/catch aborts (eg with a return statement), |
| // we explicitely mark this block a predecessor of the catch |
| // block and the finally block. |
| _addExitTrySuccessor(startCatchBlock); |
| _addExitTrySuccessor(startFinallyBlock); |
| } |
| |
| /// Build the finally{} clause of a try/{catch}/finally statement. Note this |
| /// does not examine the body of the try clause, only the finally portion. |
| void buildFinallyBlock(ir.TryFinally tryFinally) { |
| kernelBuilder.localsHandler = new LocalsHandler.from(originalSavedLocals); |
| startFinallyBlock = kernelBuilder.graph.addNewBlock(); |
| kernelBuilder.open(startFinallyBlock); |
| tryFinally.finalizer.accept(kernelBuilder); |
| if (!kernelBuilder.isAborted()) { |
| endFinallyBlock = kernelBuilder.close(new HGoto()); |
| } |
| tryInstruction.finallyBlock = startFinallyBlock; |
| finallyGraph = |
| new SubGraph(startFinallyBlock, kernelBuilder.lastOpenedBlock); |
| } |
| |
| void closeTryBody() { |
| // We use a [HExitTry] instead of a [HGoto] for the try block |
| // because it will have multiple successors: the join block, and |
| // the catch or finally block. |
| if (!kernelBuilder.isAborted()) { |
| endTryBlock = kernelBuilder.close(new HExitTry()); |
| } |
| bodyGraph = new SubGraph(startTryBlock, kernelBuilder.lastOpenedBlock); |
| } |
| |
| void buildCatch(ir.TryCatch tryCatch) { |
| kernelBuilder.localsHandler = new LocalsHandler.from(originalSavedLocals); |
| startCatchBlock = kernelBuilder.graph.addNewBlock(); |
| kernelBuilder.open(startCatchBlock); |
| // Note that the name of this local is irrelevant. |
| SyntheticLocal local = new SyntheticLocal( |
| 'exception', kernelBuilder.localsHandler.executableContext); |
| exception = new HLocalValue(local, kernelBuilder.commonMasks.nonNullType); |
| kernelBuilder.add(exception); |
| HInstruction oldRethrowableException = kernelBuilder.rethrowableException; |
| kernelBuilder.rethrowableException = exception; |
| |
| kernelBuilder._pushStaticInvocation( |
| kernelBuilder.astAdapter.exceptionUnwrapper, |
| [exception], |
| kernelBuilder.astAdapter.exceptionUnwrapperType); |
| HInvokeStatic unwrappedException = kernelBuilder.pop(); |
| tryInstruction.exception = exception; |
| int catchesIndex = 0; |
| |
| void pushCondition(ir.Catch catchBlock) { |
| if (catchBlock.guard is! ir.DynamicType) { |
| HInstruction condition = kernelBuilder.buildIsNode( |
| catchBlock.exception, catchBlock.guard, unwrappedException); |
| kernelBuilder.push(condition); |
| } else { |
| kernelBuilder.stack.add(kernelBuilder.graph |
| .addConstantBool(true, kernelBuilder.closedWorld)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void visitThen() { |
| ir.Catch catchBlock = tryCatch.catches[catchesIndex]; |
| catchesIndex++; |
| if (catchBlock.exception != null) { |
| LocalVariableElement exceptionVariable = |
| kernelBuilder.astAdapter.getElement(catchBlock.exception); |
| kernelBuilder.localsHandler |
| .updateLocal(exceptionVariable, unwrappedException); |
| } |
| if (catchBlock.stackTrace != null) { |
| kernelBuilder._pushStaticInvocation( |
| kernelBuilder.astAdapter.traceFromException, |
| [exception], |
| kernelBuilder.astAdapter.traceFromExceptionType); |
| HInstruction traceInstruction = kernelBuilder.pop(); |
| LocalVariableElement traceVariable = |
| kernelBuilder.astAdapter.getElement(catchBlock.stackTrace); |
| kernelBuilder.localsHandler |
| .updateLocal(traceVariable, traceInstruction); |
| } |
| catchBlock.body.accept(kernelBuilder); |
| } |
| |
| void visitElse() { |
| if (catchesIndex >= tryCatch.catches.length) { |
| kernelBuilder.closeAndGotoExit(new HThrow( |
| exception, exception.sourceInformation, |
| isRethrow: true)); |
| } else { |
| // TODO(efortuna): Make SsaBranchBuilder handle kernel elements, and |
| // pass tryCatch in here as the "diagnosticNode". |
| kernelBuilder.handleIf( |
| visitCondition: () { |
| pushCondition(tryCatch.catches[catchesIndex]); |
| }, |
| visitThen: visitThen, |
| visitElse: visitElse); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| ir.Catch firstBlock = tryCatch.catches[catchesIndex]; |
| // TODO(efortuna): Make SsaBranchBuilder handle kernel elements, and then |
| // pass tryCatch in here as the "diagnosticNode". |
| kernelBuilder.handleIf( |
| visitCondition: () { |
| pushCondition(firstBlock); |
| }, |
| visitThen: visitThen, |
| visitElse: visitElse); |
| if (!kernelBuilder.isAborted()) { |
| endCatchBlock = kernelBuilder.close(new HGoto()); |
| } |
| |
| kernelBuilder.rethrowableException = oldRethrowableException; |
| tryInstruction.catchBlock = startCatchBlock; |
| catchGraph = new SubGraph(startCatchBlock, kernelBuilder.lastOpenedBlock); |
| } |
| |
| void cleanUp() { |
| exitBlock = kernelBuilder.graph.addNewBlock(); |
| _setBlockSuccessors(); |
| |
| // Use the locals handler not altered by the catch and finally |
| // blocks. |
| kernelBuilder.localsHandler = originalSavedLocals; |
| kernelBuilder.open(exitBlock); |
| enterBlock.setBlockFlow( |
| new HTryBlockInformation( |
| kernelBuilder.wrapStatementGraph(bodyGraph), |
| exception, |
| kernelBuilder.wrapStatementGraph(catchGraph), |
| kernelBuilder.wrapStatementGraph(finallyGraph)), |
| exitBlock); |
| } |
| } |