blob: b31e471a9cc33d90d851f047501a0bce8f156906 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart_backend;
class LocalPlaceholder {
final String identifier;
final Set<Node> nodes;
LocalPlaceholder(this.identifier) : nodes = new Set<Node>();
int get hashCode => identifier.hashCode;
String toString() =>
'local_placeholder[id($identifier), nodes($nodes)]';
class FunctionScope {
final Set<String> parameterIdentifiers;
final Set<LocalPlaceholder> localPlaceholders;
: parameterIdentifiers = new Set<String>(),
localPlaceholders = new Set<LocalPlaceholder>();
void registerParameter(Identifier node) {
class ConstructorPlaceholder {
final Node node;
final DartType type;
final bool isRedirectingCall;
ConstructorPlaceholder(this.node, this.type)
: this.isRedirectingCall = false;
: this.type = null, this.isRedirectingCall = true;
class DeclarationTypePlaceholder {
final TypeAnnotation typeNode;
final bool requiresVar;
DeclarationTypePlaceholder(this.typeNode, this.requiresVar);
class SendVisitor extends ResolvedVisitor {
final PlaceholderCollector collector;
get compiler => collector.compiler;
SendVisitor(this.collector, TreeElements elements) : super(elements);
visitOperatorSend(Send node) {}
visitForeignSend(Send node) {}
visitSuperSend(Send node) {
Element element = elements[node];
if (element != null && element.isConstructor()) {
collector.makeRedirectingConstructorPlaceholder(node.selector, element);
} else {
visitDynamicSend(Send node) {
final element = elements[node];
if (element == null || !element.isErroneous()) {
visitClosureSend(Send node) {
final element = elements[node];
if (element != null) {
collector.tryMakeLocalPlaceholder(element, node.selector);
visitGetterSend(Send node) {
final element = elements[node];
// element == null means dynamic property access.
if (element == null) {
} else if (element.isErroneous()) {
} else if (element.isPrefix()) {
// Node is prefix part in case of source 'lib.somesetter = 5;'
} else if (Elements.isStaticOrTopLevel(element)) {
// Unqualified or prefixed top level or static.
collector.makeElementPlaceholder(node.selector, element);
} else if (!element.isTopLevel()) {
if (element.isInstanceMember()) {
} else {
// May get FunctionExpression here in selector
// in case of A(int this.f());
if (node.selector is Identifier) {
collector.tryMakeLocalPlaceholder(element, node.selector);
} else {
assert(node.selector is FunctionExpression);
visitStaticSend(Send node) {
final element = elements[node];
if (Elements.isUnresolved(element)
|| identical(element, compiler.assertMethod)) {
if (element.isConstructor() || element.isFactoryConstructor()) {
// Rename named constructor in redirection position:
// class C { C.named(); C.redirecting() : this.named(); }
if (node.receiver is Identifier
&& node.receiver.asIdentifier().isThis()) {
assert(node.selector is Identifier);
collector.makeRedirectingConstructorPlaceholder(node.selector, element);
collector.makeElementPlaceholder(node.selector, element);
// Another ugly case: <lib prefix>.<top level> is represented as
// receiver: lib prefix, selector: top level.
if (element.isTopLevel() && node.receiver != null) {
// Hack: putting null into map overrides receiver of original node.
internalError(String reason, {Node node}) {
collector.internalError(reason, node: node);
visitTypeReferenceSend(Send node) {
collector.makeElementPlaceholder(node.selector, elements[node]);
class PlaceholderCollector extends Visitor {
final Compiler compiler;
final Set<String> fixedMemberNames; // member names which cannot be renamed.
final Map<Element, ElementAst> elementAsts;
final Set<Node> nullNodes; // Nodes that should not be in output.
final Set<Identifier> unresolvedNodes;
final Map<Element, Set<Node>> elementNodes;
final Map<FunctionElement, FunctionScope> functionScopes;
final Map<LibraryElement, Set<Identifier>> privateNodes;
final List<DeclarationTypePlaceholder> declarationTypePlaceholders;
final Map<String, Set<Identifier>> memberPlaceholders;
final Map<Element, List<ConstructorPlaceholder>> constructorPlaceholders;
Map<String, LocalPlaceholder> currentLocalPlaceholders;
Element currentElement;
FunctionElement topmostEnclosingFunction;
TreeElements treeElements;
LibraryElement get coreLibrary => compiler.coreLibrary;
FunctionElement get entryFunction => compiler.mainApp.find(Compiler.MAIN);
get currentFunctionScope => functionScopes.putIfAbsent(
topmostEnclosingFunction, () => new FunctionScope());
PlaceholderCollector(this.compiler, this.fixedMemberNames, this.elementAsts) :
nullNodes = new Set<Node>(),
unresolvedNodes = new Set<Identifier>(),
elementNodes = new Map<Element, Set<Node>>(),
functionScopes = new Map<FunctionElement, FunctionScope>(),
privateNodes = new Map<LibraryElement, Set<Identifier>>(),
declarationTypePlaceholders = new List<DeclarationTypePlaceholder>(),
memberPlaceholders = new Map<String, Set<Identifier>>(),
constructorPlaceholders =
new Map<Element, List<ConstructorPlaceholder>>();
void collectFunctionDeclarationPlaceholders(
FunctionElement element, FunctionExpression node) {
if (element.isGenerativeConstructor() || element.isFactoryConstructor()) {
DartType type = element.getEnclosingClass().type.asRaw();
makeConstructorPlaceholder(, element, type);
} else if (Elements.isStaticOrTopLevel(element)) {
// Note: this code should only rename private identifiers for class'
// fields/getters/setters/methods. Top-level identifiers are renamed
// just to escape conflicts and that should be enough as we shouldn't
// be able to resolve private identifiers for other libraries.
makeElementPlaceholder(, element);
} else if (element.isMember()) {
if ( is Identifier) {
} else {
void collectFieldDeclarationPlaceholders(Element element, Node node) {
Identifier name = node is Identifier ? node : node.asSend().selector;
if (Elements.isStaticOrTopLevel(element)) {
makeElementPlaceholder(name, element);
} else if (Elements.isInstanceField(element)) {
void collect(Element element) {
this.currentElement = element;
this.topmostEnclosingFunction = null;
final ElementAst elementAst = elementAsts[element];
this.treeElements = elementAst.treeElements;
Node elementNode = elementAst.ast;
if (element is FunctionElement) {
collectFunctionDeclarationPlaceholders(element, elementNode);
} else if (element is VariableListElement) {
VariableDefinitions definitions = elementNode;
for (Node definition in definitions.definitions) {
final definitionElement = treeElements[definition];
// definitionElement == null if variable is actually unused.
if (definitionElement == null) continue;
collectFieldDeclarationPlaceholders(definitionElement, definition);
} else {
assert(element is ClassElement || element is TypedefElement);
currentLocalPlaceholders = new Map<String, LocalPlaceholder>();
compiler.withCurrentElement(element, () {
void tryMakeLocalPlaceholder(Element element, Identifier node) {
bool isOptionalParameter() {
FunctionElement function = element.enclosingElement;
for (Element parameter in function.functionSignature.optionalParameters) {
if (identical(parameter, element)) return true;
return false;
// TODO(smok): Maybe we should rename privates as well, their privacy
// should not matter if they are local vars.
if (node.source.isPrivate()) return;
if (element.isParameter() && isOptionalParameter()) {
} else if (Elements.isLocal(element)) {
void tryMakeMemberPlaceholder(Identifier node) {
assert(node != null);
if (node.source.isPrivate()) return;
if (node is Operator) return;
final identifier = node.source.slowToString();
if (fixedMemberNames.contains(identifier)) return;
identifier, () => new Set<Identifier>()).add(node);
void makeTypePlaceholder(Node node, DartType type) {
if (node is Send) {
// Prefix.
assert(node.receiver is Identifier);
assert(node.selector is Identifier);
node = node.selector;
makeElementPlaceholder(node, type.element);
void makeOmitDeclarationTypePlaceholder(TypeAnnotation type) {
if (type == null) return;
new DeclarationTypePlaceholder(type, false));
void makeVarDeclarationTypePlaceholder(VariableDefinitions node) {
// TODO(smok): Maybe instead of calling this method and
// makeDeclaratioTypePlaceholder have type declaration placeholder
// collector logic in visitVariableDefinitions when resolver becomes better
// and/or catch syntax changes.
if (node.type == null) return;
Element definitionElement = treeElements[node.definitions.nodes.head];
bool requiresVar = !node.modifiers.isFinalOrConst();
new DeclarationTypePlaceholder(node.type, requiresVar));
void makeNullPlaceholder(Node node) {
assert(node is Identifier || node is Send);
void makeElementPlaceholder(Node node, Element element) {
assert(element != null);
if (identical(element, entryFunction)) return;
if (identical(element.getLibrary(), coreLibrary)) return;
if (element.getLibrary().isPlatformLibrary && !element.isTopLevel()) {
if (element == compiler.types.dynamicType.element) {
'Should never make element placeholder for dynamic type element',
node: node);
elementNodes.putIfAbsent(element, () => new Set<Node>()).add(node);
void makePrivateIdentifier(Identifier node) {
assert(node != null);
currentElement.getLibrary(), () => new Set<Identifier>()).add(node);
void makeUnresolvedPlaceholder(Node node) {
void makeLocalPlaceholder(Identifier identifier) {
LocalPlaceholder getLocalPlaceholder() {
String name = identifier.source.slowToString();
return currentLocalPlaceholders.putIfAbsent(name, () {
LocalPlaceholder localPlaceholder = new LocalPlaceholder(name);
return localPlaceholder;
void makeConstructorPlaceholder(Node node, Element element, DartType type) {
assert(type != null);
.putIfAbsent(element, () => <ConstructorPlaceholder>[])
.add(new ConstructorPlaceholder(node, type));
void makeRedirectingConstructorPlaceholder(Node node, Element element) {
.putIfAbsent(element, () => <ConstructorPlaceholder>[])
.add(new ConstructorPlaceholder.redirectingCall(node));
void internalError(String reason, {Node node}) {
compiler.cancel(reason, node: node);
void unreachable() { internalError('Unreachable case'); }
visit(Node node) => (node == null) ? null : node.accept(this);
visitNode(Node node) { node.visitChildren(this); } // We must go deeper.
visitNewExpression(NewExpression node) {
Send send = node.send;
InterfaceType type = treeElements.getType(node);
assert(type != null);
Element constructor = treeElements[send];
assert(constructor != null);
assert(send.receiver == null);
if (constructor is !ErroneousElement) {
makeConstructorPlaceholder(node.send.selector, constructor, type);
// TODO(smok): Should this be in visitNamedArgument?
// Field names can be exposed as names of optional arguments, e.g.
// class C {
// final field;
// C([this.field]);
// }
// Do not forget to rename them as well.
FunctionElement constructorFunction = constructor;
Link<Element> optionalParameters =
for (final argument in send.argumentsNode) {
NamedArgument named = argument.asNamedArgument();
if (named == null) continue;
Identifier name =;
String nameAsString = name.source.slowToString();
for (final parameter in optionalParameters) {
if (identical(parameter.kind, ElementKind.FIELD_PARAMETER)) {
if ( == nameAsString) {
} else {
visitSend(Send send) {
new SendVisitor(this, treeElements).visitSend(send);
visitSendSet(SendSet send) {
Element element = treeElements[send];
if (Elements.isErroneousElement(element)) {
// Complicated case: constructs like receiver.selector++ can resolve
// to ErroneousElement. Fortunately, receiver.selector still
// can be resoved via treeElements[send.selector], that's all
// that is needed to rename the construct properly.
element = treeElements[send.selector];
if (element == null) {
if (send.receiver != null) tryMakeMemberPlaceholder(send.selector);
} else if (!element.isErroneous()) {
if (Elements.isStaticOrTopLevel(element)) {
// TODO(smok): Worth investigating why sometimes we get getter/setter
// here and sometimes abstract field.
assert(element is VariableElement || element.isAccessor()
|| element.isAbstractField() || element.isFunction());
makeElementPlaceholder(send.selector, element);
} else {
assert(send.selector is Identifier);
if (Elements.isInstanceField(element)) {
} else {
tryMakeLocalPlaceholder(element, send.selector);
visitIdentifier(Identifier identifier) {
if (identifier.source.isPrivate()) makePrivateIdentifier(identifier);
static bool isPlainTypeName(TypeAnnotation typeAnnotation) {
if (typeAnnotation.typeName is !Identifier) return false;
if (typeAnnotation.typeArguments == null) return true;
if (typeAnnotation.typeArguments.length == 0) return true;
return false;
static bool isDynamicType(TypeAnnotation typeAnnotation) {
if (!isPlainTypeName(typeAnnotation)) return false;
String name = typeAnnotation.typeName.asIdentifier().source.slowToString();
// TODO( Removed deprecated Dynamic keyword support.
return name == 'Dynamic' || name == 'dynamic';
visitTypeAnnotation(TypeAnnotation node) {
// Poor man generic variables resolution.
// TODO(antonm): get rid of it once resolver can deal with it.
TypeDeclarationElement typeDeclarationElement;
if (currentElement is TypeDeclarationElement) {
typeDeclarationElement = currentElement;
} else {
typeDeclarationElement = currentElement.getEnclosingClass();
if (typeDeclarationElement != null && isPlainTypeName(node)
&& tryResolveAndCollectTypeVariable(
typeDeclarationElement, node.typeName)) {
// We call [resolveReturnType] to allow having 'void'.
final type = compiler.resolveReturnType(currentElement, node);
if (type is InterfaceType || type is TypedefType) {
// TODO(antonm): is there a better way to detect unresolved types?
// Corner case: dart:core type with a prefix.
// Most probably there are some additional problems with
// coreLibPrefix.topLevels.
if (!identical(type.element, compiler.types.dynamicType.element)) {
makeTypePlaceholder(node.typeName, type);
} else {
if (!isDynamicType(node)) makeUnresolvedPlaceholder(node.typeName);
// Visit only type arguments, otherwise in case of lib.Class type
// annotation typeName is Send and we go to visitGetterSend, as a result
// "Class" is added to member placeholders.
visitVariableDefinitions(VariableDefinitions node) {
// Collect only local placeholders.
for (Node definition in node.definitions.nodes) {
Element definitionElement = treeElements[definition];
// definitionElement may be null if we're inside variable definitions
// of a function that is a parameter of another function.
// TODO(smok): Fix this when resolver correctly deals with
// such cases.
if (definitionElement == null) continue;
if (definition is Send) {
// May get FunctionExpression here in definition.selector
// in case of A(int this.f());
if (definition.selector is Identifier) {
if (identical(definitionElement.kind, ElementKind.FIELD_PARAMETER)) {
} else {
tryMakeLocalPlaceholder(definitionElement, definition.selector);
} else {
assert(definition.selector is FunctionExpression);
if (identical(definitionElement.kind, ElementKind.FIELD_PARAMETER)) {
} else if (definition is Identifier) {
tryMakeLocalPlaceholder(definitionElement, definition);
} else if (definition is FunctionExpression) {
// Skip, it will be processed in visitFunctionExpression.
} else {
internalError('Unexpected definition structure $definition');
visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) {
bool isKeyword(Identifier id) =>
id != null && Keyword.keywords[id.source.slowToString()] != null;
Element element = treeElements[node];
// May get null here in case of A(int this.f());
if (element != null) {
// Rename only local functions.
if (topmostEnclosingFunction == null) {
topmostEnclosingFunction = element;
if (!identical(element, currentElement)) {
if ( != null) {
assert( is Identifier);
// Make sure we don't omit return type of methods which names are
// identifiers, because the following works fine:
// int interface() => 1;
// But omitting 'int' makes VM unhappy.
// TODO(smok): Remove it when is fixed.
if ( == null || !isKeyword( {
void collectFunctionParameters(NodeList parameters) {
if (parameters == null) return;
for (Node parameter in parameters.nodes) {
if (parameter is NodeList) {
// Optional parameter list.
} else {
assert(parameter is VariableDefinitions);
visitClassNode(ClassNode node) {
ClassElement classElement = currentElement;
makeElementPlaceholder(, classElement);
if (node.defaultClause != null) {
// Can't just visit class node's default clause because of the bug in the
// resolver, it just crashes when it meets type variable.
DartType defaultType = classElement.defaultClass;
assert(defaultType != null);
makeTypePlaceholder(node.defaultClause.typeName, defaultType);
bool tryResolveAndCollectTypeVariable(
TypeDeclarationElement typeDeclaration, Identifier name) {
// Hack for case when interface and default class are in different
// libraries, try to resolve type variable to default class type arg.
// Example:
// lib1: interface I<K> default C<K> {...}
// lib2: class C<K> {...}
if (typeDeclaration is ClassElement
&& (typeDeclaration as ClassElement).defaultClass != null) {
typeDeclaration = (typeDeclaration as ClassElement).defaultClass.element;
// Another poor man type resolution.
// Find this variable in enclosing type declaration parameters.
for (DartType type in typeDeclaration.typeVariables) {
if ( == name.source.slowToString()) {
makeTypePlaceholder(name, type);
return true;
return false;
visitTypeVariable(TypeVariable node) {
assert(currentElement is TypedefElement || currentElement is ClassElement);
visitTypedef(Typedef node) {
assert(currentElement is TypedefElement);
makeElementPlaceholder(, currentElement);
visitBlock(Block node) {
for (Node statement in node.statements.nodes) {
if (statement is VariableDefinitions) {