blob: 80e4958fac1402e61c9cd1c08174d333b6d7cda3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
main() {
List<int?> list1 = <int?>[1, 2, 3];
List<int?> list2 = const <int?>[4, 5];
List<String?> list3 = <String?>[];
Set<int?> set1 = new Set<int?>();
Set set2 = new Set();
Expect.equals(2, list1.firstWhere((x) => x!.isEven));
Expect.equals(1, list1.firstWhere((x) => x!.isOdd));
Expect.throwsStateError(() => list1.firstWhere((x) => x! > 3));
Expect.equals(null, list1.firstWhere((x) => x! > 3, orElse: () => null));
Expect.equals(499, list1.firstWhere((x) => x! > 3, orElse: () => 499));
Expect.equals(4, list2.firstWhere((x) => x!.isEven));
Expect.equals(5, list2.firstWhere((x) => x!.isOdd));
Expect.throwsStateError(() => list2.firstWhere((x) => x == 0));
Expect.equals(null, list2.firstWhere((x) => false, orElse: () => null));
Expect.equals(499, list2.firstWhere((x) => false, orElse: () => 499));
Expect.throwsStateError(() => list3.firstWhere((x) => x == 0));
Expect.throwsStateError(() => list3.firstWhere((x) => true));
Expect.equals(null, list3.firstWhere((x) => true, orElse: () => null));
Expect.equals("str", list3.firstWhere((x) => false, orElse: () => "str"));
Expect.equals(12, set1.firstWhere((x) => x!.isEven));
var odd = set1.firstWhere((x) => x!.isOdd);
Expect.isTrue(odd == 11 || odd == 13);
Expect.throwsStateError(() => set1.firstWhere((x) => false));
Expect.equals(null, set1.firstWhere((x) => false, orElse: () => null));
Expect.equals(499, set1.firstWhere((x) => false, orElse: () => 499));
Expect.throwsStateError(() => set2.firstWhere((x) => false));
Expect.throwsStateError(() => set2.firstWhere((x) => true));
Expect.equals(null, set2.firstWhere((x) => true, orElse: () => null));
Expect.equals(499, set2.firstWhere((x) => false, orElse: () => 499));