blob: a12abd9f52df079ec3c004b843b9501712bf73a9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Testing Bigints with and without intrinsics.
// VMOptions=--intrinsify --no-enable-asserts
// VMOptions=--intrinsify --enable-asserts
// VMOptions=--no-intrinsify --enable-asserts
// VMOptions=--optimization-counter-threshold=5 --no-background-compilation
// VMOptions=--dwarf_stack_traces --no-retain_function_objects --no-retain_code_objects
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
import 'dart:math' show pow;
main() {
// Test integers.
for (int i = 0; i < 63; i++) {
var n = pow(2, i) as int;
testInt(-n - 1);
testInt(-n + 1);
testInt(n - 1);
testInt(n + 1);
double dPow(num x, num exponent) => pow(x, exponent) as double;
// Test doubles.
testDouble(-0.0, 0.0);
for (double d in [
dPow(2.0, 30) - 1,
dPow(2.0, 30),
dPow(2.0, 31) - 1,
dPow(2.0, 31),
dPow(2.0, 31) + 1,
dPow(2.0, 32) - 1,
dPow(2.0, 32),
dPow(2.0, 32) + 1,
dPow(2.0, 52) - 1,
dPow(2.0, 52),
dPow(2.0, 52) + 1,
dPow(2.0, 53) - 1,
dPow(2.0, 53),
]) {
for (int p = 0; p < 1024; p++) {
var value = (d * pow(2.0, p)); // Valid integer value.
if (!value.isFinite) break;
Expect.equals(, new BigInt.from(0.5));
Expect.equals(, new BigInt.from(1.5));
Expect.throws(() => new BigInt.from(double.infinity));
Expect.throws(() => new BigInt.from(-double.infinity));
Expect.throws(() => new BigInt.from(double.nan));
testInt(int n) {
var bigint = new BigInt.from(n);
Expect.equals(n, bigint.toInt());
// If the integers are inexact (e.g. > 2^53 when represented by doubles as
// when compiled to JavaScript numbers) then the 'toString' might be rounded
// to the nearest equivalent 'nicer looking' number.
if (n == n + 1 || n == n - 1) return;
Expect.equals("$n", "$bigint");
testDouble(double input, [double? expectation]) {
var bigint = new BigInt.from(input);
Expect.equals(expectation ?? input, bigint.toDouble());