blob: 76f0c1bbd3a239ef2f31514f4af54934612b8837 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart2js;
class TypeCheckerTask extends CompilerTask {
TypeCheckerTask(Compiler compiler) : super(compiler);
String get name => "Type checker";
static const bool LOG_FAILURES = false;
void check(Node tree, TreeElements elements) {
measure(() {
Visitor visitor =
new TypeCheckerVisitor(compiler, elements, compiler.types);
try {
} on CancelTypeCheckException catch (e) {
// Do not warn about unimplemented features; log message instead.
compiler.log("'${e.node}': ${e.reason}");
class CancelTypeCheckException {
final Node node;
final String reason;
CancelTypeCheckException(this.node, this.reason);
class TypeCheckerVisitor implements Visitor<DartType> {
final Compiler compiler;
final TreeElements elements;
final Types types;
Node lastSeenNode;
DartType expectedReturnType;
ClassElement currentClass;
Link<DartType> cascadeTypes = const Link<DartType>();
DartType intType;
DartType doubleType;
DartType boolType;
DartType stringType;
DartType objectType;
DartType listType;
TypeCheckerVisitor(this.compiler, this.elements, this.types) {
intType = compiler.intClass.computeType(compiler);
doubleType = compiler.doubleClass.computeType(compiler);
boolType = compiler.boolClass.computeType(compiler);
stringType = compiler.stringClass.computeType(compiler);
objectType = compiler.objectClass.computeType(compiler);
listType = compiler.listClass.computeType(compiler);
DartType fail(node, [reason]) {
String message = 'cannot type-check';
if (reason != null) {
message = '$message: $reason';
throw new CancelTypeCheckException(node, message);
reportTypeWarning(Node node, MessageKind kind, [Map arguments = const {}]) {
compiler.reportWarning(node, new TypeWarning(kind, arguments));
// TODO(karlklose): remove these functions.
DartType unhandledStatement() => StatementType.NOT_RETURNING;
DartType unhandledExpression() => types.dynamicType;
DartType analyzeNonVoid(Node node) {
DartType type = analyze(node);
if (type == types.voidType) {
reportTypeWarning(node, MessageKind.VOID_EXPRESSION);
return type;
DartType analyzeWithDefault(Node node, DartType defaultValue) {
return node != null ? analyze(node) : defaultValue;
DartType analyze(Node node) {
if (node == null) {
final String error = 'internal error: unexpected node: null';
if (lastSeenNode != null) {
fail(null, error);
} else {
} else {
lastSeenNode = node;
DartType result = node.accept(this);
// TODO(karlklose): record type?
if (result == null) {
fail(node, 'internal error: type is null');
return result;
* Check if a value of type t can be assigned to a variable,
* parameter or return value of type s.
checkAssignable(Node node, DartType s, DartType t) {
if (!types.isAssignable(s, t)) {
reportTypeWarning(node, MessageKind.NOT_ASSIGNABLE,
{'fromType': s, 'toType': t});
checkCondition(Expression condition) {
checkAssignable(condition, boolType, analyze(condition));
void pushCascadeType(DartType type) {
cascadeTypes = cascadeTypes.prepend(type);
DartType popCascadeType() {
DartType type = cascadeTypes.head;
cascadeTypes = cascadeTypes.tail;
return type;
DartType visitBlock(Block node) {
return analyze(node.statements);
DartType visitCascade(Cascade node) {
return popCascadeType();
DartType visitCascadeReceiver(CascadeReceiver node) {
DartType type = analyze(node.expression);
return type;
DartType visitClassNode(ClassNode node) {
DartType visitMixinApplication(MixinApplication node) {
DartType visitNamedMixinApplication(NamedMixinApplication node) {
DartType visitDoWhile(DoWhile node) {
StatementType bodyType = analyze(node.body);
return bodyType.join(StatementType.NOT_RETURNING);
DartType visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement node) {
return StatementType.NOT_RETURNING;
/** Dart Programming Language Specification: 11.5.1 For Loop */
DartType visitFor(For node) {
analyzeWithDefault(node.initializer, StatementType.NOT_RETURNING);
analyzeWithDefault(node.update, StatementType.NOT_RETURNING);
StatementType bodyType = analyze(node.body);
return bodyType.join(StatementType.NOT_RETURNING);
DartType visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
return StatementType.NOT_RETURNING;
DartType visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) {
DartType type;
DartType returnType;
DartType previousType;
final FunctionElement element = elements[node];
if (Elements.isUnresolved(element)) return types.dynamicType;
if (identical(element.kind, ElementKind.GENERATIVE_CONSTRUCTOR) ||
identical(element.kind, ElementKind.GENERATIVE_CONSTRUCTOR_BODY)) {
type = types.dynamicType;
returnType = types.voidType;
} else {
FunctionType functionType = computeType(element);
returnType = functionType.returnType;
type = functionType;
DartType previous = expectedReturnType;
expectedReturnType = returnType;
if (element.isMember()) currentClass = element.getEnclosingClass();
StatementType bodyType = analyze(node.body);
if (returnType != types.voidType && returnType != types.dynamicType
&& bodyType != StatementType.RETURNING) {
MessageKind kind;
if (bodyType == StatementType.MAYBE_RETURNING) {
kind = MessageKind.MAYBE_MISSING_RETURN;
} else {
kind = MessageKind.MISSING_RETURN;
reportTypeWarning(, kind);
expectedReturnType = previous;
return type;
DartType visitIdentifier(Identifier node) {
if (node.isThis()) {
return currentClass.computeType(compiler);
} else {
// This is an identifier of a formal parameter.
return types.dynamicType;
DartType visitIf(If node) {
StatementType thenType = analyze(node.thenPart);
StatementType elseType = node.hasElsePart ? analyze(node.elsePart)
: StatementType.NOT_RETURNING;
return thenType.join(elseType);
DartType visitLoop(Loop node) {
return unhandledStatement();
DartType lookupMethodType(Node node, ClassElement classElement,
SourceString name) {
Element member = classElement.lookupLocalMember(name);
if (member == null) {
for (Link<DartType> supertypes = classElement.allSupertypes;
!supertypes.isEmpty && member == null;
supertypes = supertypes.tail) {
ClassElement lookupTarget = supertypes.head.element;
member = lookupTarget.lookupLocalMember(name);
if (member != null && member.kind == ElementKind.FUNCTION) {
return computeType(member);
reportTypeWarning(node, MessageKind.METHOD_NOT_FOUND,
{'className':, 'memberName': name});
return types.dynamicType;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Provide the element from which the type came in order
// to give better error messages.
void analyzeArguments(Send send, DartType type) {
Link<Node> arguments = send.arguments;
if (type == null || identical(type, types.dynamicType)) {
while(!arguments.isEmpty) {
arguments = arguments.tail;
} else {
FunctionType funType = type;
Link<DartType> parameterTypes = funType.parameterTypes;
Link<DartType> optionalParameterTypes = funType.optionalParameterTypes;
while (!arguments.isEmpty) {
Node argument = arguments.head;
NamedArgument namedArgument = argument.asNamedArgument();
if (namedArgument != null) {
argument = namedArgument.expression;
SourceString argumentName =;
DartType namedParameterType =
if (namedParameterType == null) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Provide better information on the called
// function.
reportTypeWarning(argument, MessageKind.NAMED_ARGUMENT_NOT_FOUND,
{'argumentName': argumentName});
} else {
checkAssignable(argument, namedParameterType, analyze(argument));
} else {
if (parameterTypes.isEmpty) {
if (optionalParameterTypes.isEmpty) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Provide better information on the
// called function.
reportTypeWarning(argument, MessageKind.ADDITIONAL_ARGUMENT);
} else {
checkAssignable(argument, optionalParameterTypes.head,
optionalParameterTypes = optionalParameterTypes.tail;
} else {
checkAssignable(argument, parameterTypes.head, analyze(argument));
parameterTypes = parameterTypes.tail;
arguments = arguments.tail;
if (!parameterTypes.isEmpty) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Provide better information on the called
// function.
reportTypeWarning(send, MessageKind.MISSING_ARGUMENT,
{'argumentType': parameterTypes.head});
DartType visitSend(Send node) {
Element element = elements[node];
if (Elements.isClosureSend(node, element)) {
// TODO(karlklose): Finish implementation.
return types.dynamicType;
Identifier selector = node.selector.asIdentifier();
String name = selector.source.stringValue;
if (node.isOperator && identical(name, 'is')) {
return boolType;
} else if (node.isOperator) {
final Node firstArgument = node.receiver;
final DartType firstArgumentType = analyze(node.receiver);
final arguments = node.arguments;
final Node secondArgument = arguments.isEmpty ? null : arguments.head;
final DartType secondArgumentType =
analyzeWithDefault(secondArgument, null);
if (identical(name, '+') || identical(name, '=') || identical(name, '-')
|| identical(name, '*') || identical(name, '/') || identical(name, '%')
|| identical(name, '~/') || identical(name, '|') || identical(name, '&')
|| identical(name, '^') || identical(name, '~')|| identical(name, '<<')
|| identical(name, '>>') || identical(name, '[]')) {
return types.dynamicType;
} else if (identical(name, '<') || identical(name, '>') || identical(name, '<=')
|| identical(name, '>=') || identical(name, '==') || identical(name, '!=')
|| identical(name, '===') || identical(name, '!==')) {
return boolType;
} else if (identical(name, '||') || identical(name, '&&') || identical(name, '!')) {
checkAssignable(firstArgument, boolType, firstArgumentType);
if (!arguments.isEmpty) {
// TODO(karlklose): check number of arguments in validator.
checkAssignable(secondArgument, boolType, secondArgumentType);
return boolType;
fail(selector, 'unexpected operator ${name}');
} else if (node.isPropertyAccess) {
if (node.receiver != null) {
// TODO(karlklose): we cannot handle fields.
return unhandledExpression();
if (element == null) return types.dynamicType;
return computeType(element);
} else if (node.isFunctionObjectInvocation) {
fail(node.receiver, 'function object invocation unimplemented');
} else {
FunctionType computeFunType() {
if (node.receiver != null) {
DartType receiverType = analyze(node.receiver);
if (receiverType.element == compiler.dynamicClass) return null;
if (receiverType == null) {
fail(node.receiver, 'receivertype is null');
if (identical(receiverType.element.kind, ElementKind.GETTER)) {
FunctionType getterType = receiverType;
receiverType = getterType.returnType;
ElementKind receiverKind = receiverType.element.kind;
if (identical(receiverKind, ElementKind.TYPEDEF)) {
// TODO(karlklose): handle typedefs.
return null;
if (identical(receiverKind, ElementKind.TYPE_VARIABLE)) {
// TODO(karlklose): handle type variables.
return null;
if (!identical(receiverKind, ElementKind.CLASS)) {
fail(node.receiver, 'unexpected receiver kind: ${receiverKind}');
ClassElement classElement = receiverType.element;
// TODO(karlklose): substitute type arguments.
DartType memberType =
lookupMethodType(selector, classElement, selector.source);
if (identical(memberType.element, compiler.dynamicClass)) return null;
return memberType;
} else {
if (Elements.isUnresolved(element)) {
fail(node, 'unresolved ${node.selector}');
} else if (identical(element.kind, ElementKind.FUNCTION)) {
return computeType(element);
} else if (element.isForeign(compiler)) {
return null;
} else if (identical(element.kind, ElementKind.VARIABLE)
|| identical(element.kind, ElementKind.FIELD)) {
// TODO(karlklose): handle object invocations.
return null;
} else {
fail(node, 'unexpected element kind ${element.kind}');
FunctionType funType = computeFunType();
analyzeArguments(node, funType);
return (funType != null) ? funType.returnType : types.dynamicType;
visitSendSet(SendSet node) {
Identifier selector = node.selector;
final name = node.assignmentOperator.source.stringValue;
if (identical(name, '++') || identical(name, '--')) {
final Element element = elements[node.selector];
final DartType receiverType = computeType(element);
// TODO(karlklose): this should be the return type instead of int.
return node.isPrefix ? intType : receiverType;
} else {
DartType targetType = computeType(elements[node]);
Node value = node.arguments.head;
checkAssignable(value, targetType, analyze(value));
return targetType;
DartType visitLiteralInt(LiteralInt node) {
return intType;
DartType visitLiteralDouble(LiteralDouble node) {
return doubleType;
DartType visitLiteralBool(LiteralBool node) {
return boolType;
DartType visitLiteralString(LiteralString node) {
return stringType;
DartType visitStringJuxtaposition(StringJuxtaposition node) {
return stringType;
DartType visitLiteralNull(LiteralNull node) {
return types.dynamicType;
DartType visitNewExpression(NewExpression node) {
Element element = elements[node.send];
analyzeArguments(node.send, computeType(element));
return analyze(node.send.selector);
DartType visitLiteralList(LiteralList node) {
return listType;
DartType visitNodeList(NodeList node) {
DartType type = StatementType.NOT_RETURNING;
bool reportedDeadCode = false;
for (Link<Node> link = node.nodes; !link.isEmpty; link = link.tail) {
DartType nextType = analyze(link.head);
if (type == StatementType.RETURNING) {
if (!reportedDeadCode) {
reportTypeWarning(link.head, MessageKind.UNREACHABLE_CODE);
reportedDeadCode = true;
} else if (type == StatementType.MAYBE_RETURNING){
if (nextType == StatementType.RETURNING) {
type = nextType;
} else {
type = nextType;
return type;
DartType visitOperator(Operator node) {
fail(node, 'internal error');
/** Dart Programming Language Specification: 11.10 Return */
DartType visitReturn(Return node) {
if (identical(node.getBeginToken().stringValue, 'native')) {
return StatementType.RETURNING;
if (node.isRedirectingFactoryBody) {
// TODO(lrn): Typecheck the body. It must refer to the constructor
// of a subtype.
return StatementType.RETURNING;
final expression = node.expression;
final isVoidFunction = (identical(expectedReturnType, types.voidType));
// Executing a return statement return e; [...] It is a static type warning
// if the type of e may not be assigned to the declared return type of the
// immediately enclosing function.
if (expression != null) {
final expressionType = analyze(expression);
if (isVoidFunction
&& !types.isAssignable(expressionType, types.voidType)) {
reportTypeWarning(expression, MessageKind.RETURN_VALUE_IN_VOID);
} else {
checkAssignable(expression, expectedReturnType, expressionType);
// Let f be the function immediately enclosing a return statement of the
// form 'return;' It is a static warning if both of the following conditions
// hold:
// - f is not a generative constructor.
// - The return type of f may not be assigned to void.
} else if (!types.isAssignable(expectedReturnType, types.voidType)) {
reportTypeWarning(node, MessageKind.RETURN_NOTHING,
{'returnType': expectedReturnType});
return StatementType.RETURNING;
DartType visitThrow(Throw node) {
if (node.expression != null) analyze(node.expression);
return StatementType.RETURNING;
DartType computeType(Element element) {
if (Elements.isUnresolved(element)) return types.dynamicType;
DartType result = element.computeType(compiler);
return (result != null) ? result : types.dynamicType;
DartType visitTypeAnnotation(TypeAnnotation node) {
return elements.getType(node);
visitTypeVariable(TypeVariable node) {
return types.dynamicType;
DartType visitVariableDefinitions(VariableDefinitions node) {
DartType type = analyzeWithDefault(node.type, types.dynamicType);
if (type == types.voidType) {
reportTypeWarning(node.type, MessageKind.VOID_VARIABLE);
type = types.dynamicType;
for (Link<Node> link = node.definitions.nodes; !link.isEmpty;
link = link.tail) {
Node initialization = link.head;
compiler.ensure(initialization is Identifier
|| initialization is Send);
if (initialization is Send) {
DartType initializer = analyzeNonVoid(link.head);
checkAssignable(node, type, initializer);
return StatementType.NOT_RETURNING;
DartType visitWhile(While node) {
StatementType bodyType = analyze(node.body);
Expression cond = node.condition.asParenthesizedExpression().expression;
if (cond.asLiteralBool() != null && cond.asLiteralBool().value == true) {
// If the condition is a constant boolean expression denoting true,
// control-flow always enters the loop body.
// TODO(karlklose): this should be StatementType.RETURNING unless there
// is a break in the loop body that has the loop or a label outside the
// loop as a target.
return bodyType;
} else {
return bodyType.join(StatementType.NOT_RETURNING);
DartType visitParenthesizedExpression(ParenthesizedExpression node) {
return analyze(node.expression);
DartType visitConditional(Conditional node) {
DartType thenType = analyzeNonVoid(node.thenExpression);
DartType elseType = analyzeNonVoid(node.elseExpression);
if (types.isSubtype(thenType, elseType)) {
return thenType;
} else if (types.isSubtype(elseType, thenType)) {
return elseType;
} else {
return objectType;
DartType visitModifiers(Modifiers node) {}
visitStringInterpolation(StringInterpolation node) {
return stringType;
visitStringInterpolationPart(StringInterpolationPart node) {
return stringType;
visitEmptyStatement(EmptyStatement node) {
return StatementType.NOT_RETURNING;
visitBreakStatement(BreakStatement node) {
return StatementType.NOT_RETURNING;
visitContinueStatement(ContinueStatement node) {
return StatementType.NOT_RETURNING;
visitForIn(ForIn node) {
StatementType bodyType = analyze(node.body);
return bodyType.join(StatementType.NOT_RETURNING);
visitLabel(Label node) { }
visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) {
return node.statement.accept(this);
visitLiteralMap(LiteralMap node) {
return unhandledExpression();
visitLiteralMapEntry(LiteralMapEntry node) {
return unhandledExpression();
visitNamedArgument(NamedArgument node) {
return unhandledExpression();
visitSwitchStatement(SwitchStatement node) {
return unhandledStatement();
visitSwitchCase(SwitchCase node) {
return unhandledStatement();
visitCaseMatch(CaseMatch node) {
return unhandledStatement();
visitTryStatement(TryStatement node) {
return unhandledStatement();
visitScriptTag(ScriptTag node) {
return unhandledExpression();
visitCatchBlock(CatchBlock node) {
return unhandledStatement();
visitTypedef(Typedef node) {
return unhandledStatement();
DartType visitNode(Node node) {
compiler.unimplemented('visitNode', node: node);
DartType visitCombinator(Combinator node) {
compiler.unimplemented('visitNode', node: node);
DartType visitExport(Export node) {
compiler.unimplemented('visitNode', node: node);
DartType visitExpression(Expression node) {
compiler.unimplemented('visitNode', node: node);
DartType visitGotoStatement(GotoStatement node) {
compiler.unimplemented('visitNode', node: node);
DartType visitImport(Import node) {
compiler.unimplemented('visitNode', node: node);
DartType visitLibraryName(LibraryName node) {
compiler.unimplemented('visitNode', node: node);
DartType visitLibraryTag(LibraryTag node) {
compiler.unimplemented('visitNode', node: node);
DartType visitLiteral(Literal node) {
compiler.unimplemented('visitNode', node: node);
DartType visitPart(Part node) {
compiler.unimplemented('visitNode', node: node);
DartType visitPartOf(PartOf node) {
compiler.unimplemented('visitNode', node: node);
DartType visitPostfix(Postfix node) {
compiler.unimplemented('visitNode', node: node);
DartType visitPrefix(Prefix node) {
compiler.unimplemented('visitNode', node: node);
DartType visitStatement(Statement node) {
compiler.unimplemented('visitNode', node: node);
DartType visitStringNode(StringNode node) {
compiler.unimplemented('visitNode', node: node);
DartType visitLibraryDependency(LibraryDependency node) {
compiler.unimplemented('visitNode', node: node);