| # Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| # for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| # BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2analyzer ] |
| |
| # Runtime negative test. No static errors or warnings. |
| closure_call_wrong_argument_count_negative_test: skip |
| |
| enum_syntax_test/05: Fail # 21649 |
| enum_syntax_test/06: Fail # 21649 |
| |
| tearoff_basic_test: Skip # Tear-off not supported |
| tearoff_constructor_basic_test: Skip # Tear-off not supported |
| |
| regress_17382_test: Skip # don't care about the static warning. |
| regress_23408_test: Skip # don't care about the static warning. |
| getter_setter_in_lib_test: Fail # issue 23286 |
| |
| # Test issue 12694 (was analyzer issue), (1) when "abstract" is import prefix using it as type is warning; (2) currently analyzer resolves prefix as field (don't ask) |
| built_in_identifier_prefix_test: CompileTimeError # Issue 12694 |
| |
| # TBF: we should check conflicts not only for methods, but for accessors too |
| override_field_test/03: fail |
| method_override7_test/03: Fail # Issue 11496 |
| |
| external_test/21: Fail |
| external_test/24: Fail |
| external_test/25: Fail |
| constructor_duplicate_final_test/03: Fail |
| reify_typevar_static_test/00: MissingCompileTimeError # Issue 21565 |
| |
| multiline_newline_test/01: CompileTimeError # Issue 23888 |
| multiline_newline_test/02: CompileTimeError # Issue 23888 |
| multiline_newline_test/03: CompileTimeError # Issue 23888 |
| multiline_newline_test/04: MissingCompileTimeError # Issue 23888 |
| multiline_newline_test/05: MissingCompileTimeError # Issue 23888 |
| multiline_newline_test/06: MissingCompileTimeError # Issue 23888 |
| |
| # Please add new failing tests before this line. |
| # Section below is for invalid tests. |
| # |
| # |
| |
| ref_before_declaration_test/none: fail # test issue 14879, "P" is not defined |
| bad_initializer2_negative_test: fail # Issue 14880, Analyzer reports compile-time error, but test runner is not satisfied |
| |
| # test issue 11124, It is warning, not error to don't initialize final field |
| field3a_negative_test: Fail # Issue 11124 |
| final_syntax_test/01: Fail # Issue 11124 |
| final_syntax_test/04: Fail # Issue 11124 |
| final_syntax_test/02: Fail # Issue 11124 |
| final_syntax_test/03: Fail # Issue 11124 |
| |
| # Test issue 11545, using not existing constructor name in annotation |
| metadata_test: fail |
| |
| # test issue 11575, classes with abstract members are not marked as abstract |
| get_set_syntax_test/none: fail # Issue 11575 |
| implicit_this_test/none: fail # Issue 11575 |
| interface_test/none: fail # Issue 11575 |
| syntax_test/none: fail # Issue 11575 |
| |
| # test issue 11576 |
| bad_constructor_test/none: fail # Issue 11576 |
| |
| # test issue 11577, has return type for []= |
| cascade_test/none: fail # Issue 11577 |
| |
| # test issue 11578, redirecting factory with not subtype |
| factory5_test/none: fail # Issue 11578 |
| type_variable_bounds_test/none: fail # Issue 11578 |
| type_variable_scope_test/none: fail # Issue 11578 |
| factory_implementation_test/none: fail # Issue 11578 |
| malbounded_redirecting_factory_test/none: fail # Issue 11578 |
| malbounded_redirecting_factory2_test/none: fail # Issue 11578 |
| |
| # test issue 11579, assignment, no setter |
| getter_no_setter_test/none: fail |
| |
| # test issue 11584, positional arguments cannot be used for named parameters |
| compile_time_constant_e_test: fail # Test Issue 11584 |
| |
| # test issue 11585, static warning, not negative test |
| constructor3_negative_test: fail |
| constructor_call_wrong_argument_count_negative_test: fail |
| instance_call_wrong_argument_count_negative_test: fail |
| |
| # test issue 11590, runtime only negative test |
| field_method4_negative_test: fail |
| |
| # test issue 11594, Reference to a not resolve identifier is static warning |
| import_combinators_negative_test: fail |
| interface_static_non_final_fields_negative_test: fail |
| |
| # test issue 11962, it is warning, not error to reference undeclared identifier |
| prefix1_negative_test: fail |
| prefix2_negative_test: fail |
| prefix4_negative_test: fail |
| prefix5_negative_test: fail |
| prefix12_negative_test: fail |
| |
| # test issue 11964, Any use of a malformed type gives rise to a static warning. |
| prefix8_negative_test: fail |
| prefix11_negative_test: fail |
| |
| # test issue 12156, fails only at runtime |
| static_call_wrong_argument_count_negative_test: fail |
| |
| # test issue 12160, not annotated warnings for type variables from static member |
| type_parameter_test/none: fail |
| # test issue 12161, type variable in static, malformed type, static warning |
| type_variable_static_context_negative_test: fail |
| |
| # test issue 12163, unresolved identifier is static warning in static context |
| unresolved_in_factory_negative_test: fail # Issue 12163 |
| unresolved_top_level_var_negative_test: fail # Issue 12163 |
| |
| # test issue 12191, ambiguous import is always warning now |
| prefix3_negative_test: fail # Issue 12191 |
| |
| # test issue 12289, assignment in assert statement |
| type_error_test: fail # Issue 12289 |
| |
| # test issue 12381, It is compile-time error to invoke not existing function |
| issue11724_test: fail # Issue 12381 |
| |
| # test issue 12541; there shouldn't be a static warning |
| static_field_test/01: fail # Issue 12541 |
| static_field_test/02: fail # Issue 12541 |
| static_field_test/03: fail # Issue 12541 |
| static_field_test/04: fail # Issue 12541 |
| |
| # test issue 13916, Looks as no warning should be in this redirecting factory |
| redirecting_factory_infinite_steps_test/01: fail |
| |
| # test issue 14471, has (legitimate) static warning; but not annotated |
| redirecting_factory_default_values_test/none: StaticWarning # Test issue 14471; has (legitimate) static warning; but not annotated |
| |
| # test issue 13956, It is a static type warning if any of the type arguments to k' are not subtypes of the bounds of the corresponding formal type parameters of type. |
| default_factory2_test/none: fail |
| |
| # test issue 14021, it is warning, not an error to reference private (undefined) identifier |
| private_member1_negative_test: fail |
| private_member2_negative_test: fail |
| private_member3_negative_test: fail |
| |
| # test issue 14079 |
| malformed_test/none: fail # test issue 14079, legit warnings for malformed type |
| malformed_test/05: fail # test issue 14079, it is not error, but warning to instantiate malformed type |
| malformed_test/06: fail # test issue 14079, it is not error, but warning to use malformed type in "try-on" clause |
| regress_22438_test: fail # test issue 14079, it is not error, but warning to use malformed type in "try-on" clause |
| |
| # test issue 14228 |
| black_listed_test/none: fail # test issue 14228, warnings are required but not expected |
| |
| # test issue 14410, "typedef C = " is now really illegal syntax |
| mixin_illegal_syntax_test/none: fail |
| |
| # test issue 14736, It is a static warning if a class C declares an instance method named n and has a setter named n=. |
| setter4_test: StaticWarning |
| |
| # test issue 15467 |
| proxy_test/05: StaticWarning # Issue 15467 |
| proxy_test/06: StaticWarning # Issue 15467 |
| proxy3_test/03: StaticWarning # Issue 15467 |
| proxy3_test/04: StaticWarning # Issue 15467 |
| |
| # test issue 18230 |
| factory_redirection_test/02: StaticWarning # Issue 18230 |
| factory_redirection_test/08: StaticWarning # Issue 18230 |
| factory_redirection_test/09: StaticWarning # Issue 18230 |
| factory_redirection_test/10: StaticWarning # Issue 18230 |
| factory_redirection_test/11: StaticWarning # Issue 18230 |
| factory_redirection_test/12: StaticWarning # Issue 18230 |
| factory_redirection_test/13: StaticWarning # Issue 18230 |
| factory_redirection_test/14: StaticWarning # Issue 18230 |
| factory_redirection_test/none: StaticWarning # Issue 18230 |
| |
| # The following tests are currently assumed to be failing because the test is wrong. |
| # |
| application_negative_test: CompileTimeError # Test Issue 14528 |
| bad_constructor_test/05: CompileTimeError # Test Issue 5337 |
| bad_initializer1_negative_test: CompileTimeError # Test Issue 14529 |
| bad_named_constructor_negative_test: CompileTimeError # Test Issue 18693 |
| body_less_constructor_wrong_arg_negative_test: CompileTimeError # Test Issue 18695 |
| empty_block_case_test: StaticWarning # Test Issue 18701 |
| error_stacktrace_test: StaticWarning # Test Issue 18702 |
| |
| const_counter_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| const_optional_args_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| constructor_redirect1_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| constructor_redirect2_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| constructor_setter_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| duplicate_export_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| duplicate_interface_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| export_ambiguous_main_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| extend_type_parameter2_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| extend_type_parameter_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| factory2_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| factory2_test: StaticWarning # Test Issue 18727 |
| factory3_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| factory3_test: StaticWarning # Test Issue 18727 |
| factory4_test: StaticWarning # Test Issue 18727 |
| factory_implementation_test/00: StaticWarning |
| factory_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| factory_redirection_test/01: StaticWarning # Test Issue 11578 |
| factory_redirection_test/03: StaticWarning # Test Issue 11578 |
| factory_redirection_test/05: StaticWarning # Test Issue 11578 |
| factory_redirection_test/06: StaticWarning # Test Issue 11578 |
| factory_return_type_checked_test: StaticWarning # Test Issue 18728 |
| f_bounded_quantification4_test: StaticWarning |
| f_bounded_quantification5_test: StaticWarning |
| field1_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| field2_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| field3_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| field4_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| field5_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| field6a_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| field6_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| function_malformed_result_type_test: StaticWarning |
| function_subtype_bound_closure7_test: StaticWarning |
| function_subtype_checked0_test: StaticWarning |
| function_subtype_closure0_test: StaticWarning |
| function_subtype_closure1_test: StaticWarning |
| function_subtype_factory1_test: StaticWarning |
| function_subtype_inline1_test: StaticWarning |
| function_type2_test: StaticWarning |
| function_type_parameter2_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| function_type_parameter_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| generic_list_checked_test: StaticWarning |
| generics_test: StaticWarning |
| generic_test: StaticWarning |
| getter_declaration_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| getter_no_setter2_test/01: StaticWarning |
| getter_no_setter_test/01: StaticWarning |
| implicit_this_test/02: StaticWarning |
| implied_interface_test: StaticWarning |
| import_combinators_test: StaticWarning |
| import_core_prefix_test: StaticWarning |
| inferrer_this_access_test: StaticWarning |
| inlined_throw_test: StaticWarning |
| instance_method2_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| instance_method_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| instanceof3_test: StaticWarning |
| instantiate_type_variable_test/01: StaticWarning |
| inst_field_initializer1_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| interceptor6_test: StaticWarning |
| interface2_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| interface_inherit_field_test: StaticWarning |
| interface_injection1_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| interface_injection2_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| interface_static_method_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| invocation_mirror_test: StaticWarning |
| is_not_class1_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| is_not_class2_test: StaticWarning |
| is_not_class4_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| isnot_malformed_type_test: StaticWarning |
| issue1363_test: StaticWarning |
| issue1578_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| label2_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| label3_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| label5_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| label6_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| label8_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| label_test: StaticWarning |
| library_ambiguous_test/00: StaticWarning |
| library_ambiguous_test/01: StaticWarning |
| library_ambiguous_test/02: StaticWarning |
| library_ambiguous_test/03: StaticWarning |
| library_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| list_literal2_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| list_literal4_test: StaticWarning |
| list_literal_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| list_test: StaticWarning |
| malbounded_type_cast_test: StaticWarning |
| malbounded_type_cast2_test: StaticWarning |
| malbounded_type_literal_test: StaticWarning |
| malbounded_type_test2_test: StaticWarning |
| malformed_type_test: StaticWarning |
| map_literal2_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| map_literal3_test: StaticWarning |
| map_literal4_test: StaticWarning |
| map_literal6_test: StaticWarning |
| map_literal8_test: StaticWarning |
| map_literal_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| method_override4_test: StaticWarning |
| method_override5_test: StaticWarning |
| method_override6_test: StaticWarning |
| method_override_test: StaticWarning |
| mixin_illegal_static_access_test: StaticWarning |
| mixin_illegal_syntax_test/13: CompileTimeError |
| mixin_type_parameters_mixin_extends_test: StaticWarning |
| mixin_type_parameters_mixin_test: StaticWarning |
| mixin_type_parameters_super_extends_test: StaticWarning |
| mixin_type_parameters_super_test: StaticWarning |
| mixin_with_two_implicit_constructors_test: StaticWarning |
| mixin_invalid_bound_test/none: StaticWarning # legitimate StaticWarning, cannot be annotated |
| mixin_invalid_bound2_test/none: StaticWarning # legitimate StaticWarning, cannot be annotated |
| mixin_super_bound_test: StaticWarning # legitimate StaticWarning, cannot be annotated |
| mixin_super_bound2_test: CompileTimeError # Issue 24478 |
| mixin_super_test: CompileTimeError # Issue 24478 |
| mixin_super_2_test: CompileTimeError # Issue 24478 |
| mixin_super_use_test: CompileTimeError # Issue 24478 |
| mixin_superclass_test: CompileTimeError # Issue 24478 |
| named_constructor_test/01: StaticWarning |
| named_constructor_test/03: StaticWarning |
| named_parameters2_test: StaticWarning |
| named_parameters3_test: StaticWarning |
| named_parameters4_test: StaticWarning |
| named_parameters_test/01: StaticWarning |
| named_parameters_test/02: StaticWarning |
| named_parameters_test/03: StaticWarning |
| named_parameters_test/04: StaticWarning |
| named_parameters_test/05: StaticWarning |
| named_parameters_test/06: StaticWarning |
| named_parameters_test/07: StaticWarning |
| named_parameters_test/08: StaticWarning |
| named_parameters_test/09: StaticWarning |
| named_parameters_test/10: StaticWarning |
| named_parameters_type_test/01: StaticWarning |
| new_expression1_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| new_expression2_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| new_expression3_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| non_const_super_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| non_parameterized_factory2_test: StaticWarning |
| non_parameterized_factory_test: StaticWarning |
| no_such_constructor2_test: StaticWarning |
| no_such_method2_test: StaticWarning |
| no_such_method_dispatcher_test: StaticWarning |
| not_enough_positional_arguments_test/00: StaticWarning |
| not_enough_positional_arguments_test/01: CompileTimeError |
| not_enough_positional_arguments_test/02: StaticWarning |
| not_enough_positional_arguments_test/03: StaticWarning |
| not_enough_positional_arguments_test/05: StaticWarning |
| not_enough_positional_arguments_test/06: StaticWarning |
| not_enough_positional_arguments_test/07: StaticWarning |
| number_identifier_test/08: StaticWarning |
| number_identifier_test/09: StaticWarning |
| on_catch_malformed_type_test: StaticWarning |
| operator1_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| operator2_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| operator_equals_test: StaticWarning |
| optional_named_parameters_test/01: StaticWarning |
| optional_named_parameters_test/02: StaticWarning |
| optional_named_parameters_test/03: StaticWarning |
| optional_named_parameters_test/04: StaticWarning |
| optional_named_parameters_test/05: StaticWarning |
| optional_named_parameters_test/06: StaticWarning |
| optional_named_parameters_test/07: StaticWarning |
| optional_named_parameters_test/08: StaticWarning |
| optional_named_parameters_test/09: StaticWarning |
| override_field_method1_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| override_field_method2_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| override_field_method4_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| override_field_method5_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| parameter_initializer1_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| parameter_initializer2_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| parameter_initializer3_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| parameter_initializer4_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| parameter_initializer5_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| parameter_initializer6_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| parser_quirks_test: StaticWarning |
| part2_test: StaticWarning |
| positional_parameters_type_test/01: StaticWarning |
| prefix13_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| prefix14_test: StaticWarning |
| prefix15_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| prefix15_test: StaticWarning |
| prefix16_test: StaticWarning |
| prefix17_test: StaticWarning |
| prefix18_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| prefix22_test: StaticWarning |
| prefix23_test: StaticWarning |
| prefix7_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| property_field_override_test: StaticWarning |
| redirecting_factory_incompatible_signature_test: StaticWarning |
| regress_13494_test: StaticWarning |
| return_type_test: StaticWarning |
| script1_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| script2_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| setter_declaration2_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| setter_declaration_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| setter_no_getter_call_test/01: StaticWarning |
| source_self_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| static_initializer_type_error_test: StaticWarning |
| string_escape4_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| string_interpolate1_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| string_interpolate2_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| string_interpolate_test: StaticWarning |
| string_interpolation1_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| string_interpolation2_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| string_interpolation3_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| string_interpolation4_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| string_interpolation5_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| string_interpolation6_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| string_test: StaticWarning |
| string_unicode1_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| string_unicode2_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| string_unicode3_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| string_unicode4_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| super_assign_test: StaticWarning |
| super_call4_test: StaticWarning |
| super_getter_setter_test: StaticWarning |
| super_operator_index5_test: StaticWarning |
| super_operator_index6_test: StaticWarning |
| super_operator_index7_test: StaticWarning |
| super_operator_index8_test: StaticWarning |
| super_operator_test: StaticWarning |
| super_setter_test: StaticWarning |
| switch1_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| switch3_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| switch4_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| switch5_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| switch6_test: StaticWarning |
| switch7_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| switch_fallthru_test: StaticWarning |
| test_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| # Note: test is in error but analyzer doesn't notice due to bug #24502 |
| # top_level_non_prefixed_library_test: StaticWarning |
| try_catch4_test: StaticWarning |
| try_catch5_test: StaticWarning |
| type_argument_in_super_type_test: StaticWarning |
| typed_selector2_test: StaticWarning |
| type_variable_identifier_expression_test: StaticWarning |
| type_variable_scope2_test: StaticWarning |
| type_variable_conflict2_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError |
| type_variable_conflict2_test/06: MissingCompileTimeError |
| type_variable_conflict2_test/08: MissingCompileTimeError |
| type_variable_conflict2_test/10: MissingCompileTimeError |
| unary_plus_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| unbound_getter_test: StaticWarning |
| unhandled_exception_negative_test: CompileTimeError |
| unresolved_top_level_method_negative_test: StaticWarning |
| vm/debug_break_vm_test/*: Skip |
| vm/debug_break_enabled_vm_test: Skip |
| vm/type_cast_vm_test: StaticWarning |
| vm/type_vm_test: StaticWarning |
| void_type_test: StaticWarning |
| |
| issue13474_test: StaticWarning, OK # Test Issue |
| |
| |
| # The following lines have been left in to quickly switch back to having deferred loading |
| # off by default again. |
| # Deferred loading support, tests marked as failing until support is enabled by default. |
| #deferred_closurize_load_library_test: Pass, Fail |
| #deferred_not_loaded_check_test/*: Pass, Fail |
| #deferred_shadow_load_library_test: Pass, Fail |
| #deferred_constraints_constants_test/*: Pass, Fail |
| #deferred_load_library_wrong_args_test/*: Pass, Fail |
| #deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/*: Pass, Fail |
| #deferred_load_inval_code_test: Pass, Fail |
| #deferred_not_loaded_check_test: Pass, Fail |
| |
| # Issues to be fixed now that type parameters have been fixed |
| # (issues 14221, 15553) |
| factory1_test/00: StaticWarning # Test Issue 18726 |
| factory1_test/01: StaticWarning # Test Issue 18726 |
| factory1_test/none: StaticWarning # Test Issue 18726 |
| generic_closure_test: StaticWarning |
| local_function2_test: StaticWarning |
| redirecting_factory_long_test: StaticWarning |
| |
| # This test uses "const Symbol('_setAt')" |
| vm/reflect_core_vm_test: CompileTimeError |
| |
| # This test is expected to have warnings because of noSuchMethod overriding. |
| regress_12561_test: StaticWarning |
| |
| main_not_a_function_test/01: Fail # Issue 20030 |
| main_test/03: Fail # Issue 20030 |
| no_main_test/01: Fail # Issue 20030 |
| |
| # This test is expected to generate a warning, since it's |
| # intentionally referring to a variable that's not in scope. |
| transitive_private_library_access_test: StaticWarning |