| // Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| import 'dart:async'; |
| |
| import 'package:analysis_server/src/context_manager.dart'; |
| import 'package:analysis_server/src/plugin/notification_manager.dart'; |
| import 'package:analysis_server/src/utilities/null_string_sink.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/instrumentation/instrumentation.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/source/error_processor.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/src/context/builder.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/src/context/context_root.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/byte_store.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/driver.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/file_state.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/performance_logger.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/restricted_analysis_context.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/session.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/sdk.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source_io.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/src/services/lint.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/summary_file_builder.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/src/test_utilities/mock_sdk.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/src/test_utilities/resource_provider_mixin.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/src/util/glob.dart'; |
| import 'package:linter/src/rules.dart'; |
| import 'package:linter/src/rules/avoid_as.dart'; |
| import 'package:path/path.dart' as path; |
| import 'package:test/test.dart'; |
| import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart'; |
| import 'package:watcher/watcher.dart'; |
| |
| import 'src/plugin/plugin_manager_test.dart'; |
| |
| main() { |
| defineReflectiveSuite(() { |
| defineReflectiveTests(AbstractContextManagerTest); |
| defineReflectiveTests(ContextManagerWithNewOptionsTest); |
| defineReflectiveTests(ContextManagerWithOldOptionsTest); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| /// Wrapper around the test package's `fail` function. |
| /// |
| /// Unlike the test package's `fail` function, this function is not annotated |
| /// with @alwaysThrows, so we can call it at the top of a test method without |
| /// causing the rest of the method to be flagged as dead code. |
| void _fail(String message) { |
| fail(message); |
| } |
| |
| @reflectiveTest |
| class AbstractContextManagerTest extends ContextManagerTest { |
| void test_contextsInAnalysisRoot_nestedContext() { |
| String subProjPath = join(projPath, 'subproj'); |
| Folder subProjFolder = resourceProvider.newFolder(subProjPath); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(join(subProjPath, 'pubspec.yaml'), 'contents'); |
| String subProjFilePath = join(subProjPath, 'file.dart'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(subProjFilePath, 'contents'); |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| // Make sure that there really are contexts for both the main project and |
| // the subproject. |
| Folder projectFolder = resourceProvider.getFolder(projPath); |
| ContextInfo projContextInfo = manager.getContextInfoFor(projectFolder); |
| expect(projContextInfo, isNotNull); |
| expect(projContextInfo.folder, projectFolder); |
| ContextInfo subProjContextInfo = manager.getContextInfoFor(subProjFolder); |
| expect(subProjContextInfo, isNotNull); |
| expect(subProjContextInfo.folder, subProjFolder); |
| expect(projContextInfo.analysisDriver, |
| isNot(equals(subProjContextInfo.analysisDriver))); |
| // Check that getDriversInAnalysisRoot() works. |
| List<AnalysisDriver> drivers = |
| manager.getDriversInAnalysisRoot(projectFolder); |
| expect(drivers, isNotNull); |
| expect(drivers, hasLength(2)); |
| expect(drivers, contains(projContextInfo.analysisDriver)); |
| expect(drivers, contains(subProjContextInfo.analysisDriver)); |
| } |
| |
| @failingTest |
| test_embedder_added() async { |
| // NoSuchMethodError: The getter 'apiSignature' was called on null. |
| // Receiver: null |
| // Tried calling: apiSignature |
| // dart:core Object.noSuchMethod |
| // package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/driver.dart 460:20 AnalysisDriver.configure |
| // package:analysis_server/src/context_manager.dart 1043:16 ContextManagerImpl._checkForPackagespecUpdate |
| // package:analysis_server/src/context_manager.dart 1553:5 ContextManagerImpl._handleWatchEvent |
| //return super.test_embedder_added(); |
| _fail('NoSuchMethodError'); |
| // Create files. |
| String libPath = '$projPath/${ContextManagerTest.LIB_NAME}'; |
| newFile('$libPath/main.dart'); |
| newFile('$libPath/nope.dart'); |
| String embedderPath = '$projPath/embedder'; |
| newFile('$embedderPath/entry.dart'); |
| String embedderSrcPath = '$projPath/embedder/src'; |
| newFile('$embedderSrcPath/part.dart'); |
| |
| // Setup _embedder.yaml. |
| newFile('$libPath/_embedder.yaml', content: r''' |
| embedded_libs: |
| "dart:foobar": "../embedder/entry.dart" |
| "dart:typed_data": "../embedder/src/part" |
| '''); |
| |
| Folder projectFolder = resourceProvider.newFolder(projPath); |
| |
| // NOTE that this is Not in our package path yet. |
| |
| // Setup context. |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| await pumpEventQueue(); |
| // Confirm that one driver / context was created. |
| List<AnalysisDriver> drivers = |
| manager.getDriversInAnalysisRoot(projectFolder); |
| expect(drivers, isNotNull); |
| expect(drivers, hasLength(1)); |
| |
| // No embedded libs yet. |
| expect(sourceFactory.forUri('dart:typed_data'), isNull); |
| |
| // Add .packages file that introduces a dependency with embedded libs. |
| newFile('$projPath/.packages', content: r''' |
| test_pack:lib/'''); |
| |
| await pumpEventQueue(); |
| |
| // Confirm that we still have just one driver / context. |
| drivers = manager.getDriversInAnalysisRoot(projectFolder); |
| expect(drivers, isNotNull); |
| expect(drivers, hasLength(1)); |
| |
| // Embedded lib should be defined now. |
| expect(sourceFactory.forUri('dart:typed_data'), isNotNull); |
| } |
| |
| test_embedder_packagespec() async { |
| // Create files. |
| String libPath = '$projPath/${ContextManagerTest.LIB_NAME}'; |
| newFile('$libPath/main.dart'); |
| newFile('$libPath/nope.dart'); |
| String sdkExtPath = '$projPath/sdk_ext'; |
| newFile('$sdkExtPath/entry.dart'); |
| String sdkExtSrcPath = '$projPath/sdk_ext/src'; |
| newFile('$sdkExtSrcPath/part.dart'); |
| // Setup _embedder.yaml. |
| newFile('$libPath/_embedder.yaml', content: r''' |
| embedded_libs: |
| "dart:foobar": "../sdk_ext/entry.dart" |
| "dart:typed_data": "../sdk_ext/src/part" |
| '''); |
| // Setup .packages file |
| newFile('$projPath/.packages', content: r''' |
| test_pack:lib/'''); |
| // Setup context. |
| |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| await pumpEventQueue(); |
| // Confirm that one context was created. |
| int count = manager |
| .numberOfContextsInAnalysisRoot(resourceProvider.newFolder(projPath)); |
| expect(count, equals(1)); |
| var source = sourceFactory.forUri('dart:foobar'); |
| expect(source, isNotNull); |
| expect(source.fullName, convertPath('/my/proj/sdk_ext/entry.dart')); |
| // We can't find dart:core because we didn't list it in our |
| // embedded_libs map. |
| expect(sourceFactory.forUri('dart:core'), isNull); |
| // We can find dart:typed_data because we listed it in our |
| // embedded_libs map. |
| expect(sourceFactory.forUri('dart:typed_data'), isNotNull); |
| } |
| |
| void test_isInAnalysisRoot_excluded() { |
| // prepare paths |
| String project = convertPath('/project'); |
| String excludedFolder = convertPath('$project/excluded'); |
| // set roots |
| resourceProvider.newFolder(project); |
| resourceProvider.newFolder(excludedFolder); |
| manager.setRoots( |
| <String>[project], <String>[excludedFolder], <String, String>{}); |
| // verify |
| expect(manager.isInAnalysisRoot(convertPath('$excludedFolder/test.dart')), |
| isFalse); |
| } |
| |
| void test_isInAnalysisRoot_inNestedContext() { |
| String subProjPath = join(projPath, 'subproj'); |
| Folder subProjFolder = resourceProvider.newFolder(subProjPath); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(join(subProjPath, 'pubspec.yaml'), 'contents'); |
| String subProjFilePath = join(subProjPath, 'file.dart'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(subProjFilePath, 'contents'); |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| // Make sure that there really is a context for the subproject. |
| ContextInfo subProjContextInfo = manager.getContextInfoFor(subProjFolder); |
| expect(subProjContextInfo, isNotNull); |
| expect(subProjContextInfo.folder, subProjFolder); |
| // Check that isInAnalysisRoot() works. |
| expect(manager.isInAnalysisRoot(subProjFilePath), isTrue); |
| } |
| |
| void test_isInAnalysisRoot_inRoot() { |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| expect(manager.isInAnalysisRoot('$projPath/test.dart'), isTrue); |
| } |
| |
| void test_isInAnalysisRoot_notInRoot() { |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| expect(manager.isInAnalysisRoot('/test.dart'), isFalse); |
| } |
| |
| test_packagesFolder_areAnalyzed() { |
| // create a context with a pubspec.yaml file |
| String pubspecPath = join(projPath, 'pubspec.yaml'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(pubspecPath, 'pubspec'); |
| // create a file in the "packages" folder |
| String filePath1 = join(projPath, 'packages', 'file1.dart'); |
| File file1 = resourceProvider.newFile(filePath1, 'contents'); |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| expect(callbacks.currentFilePaths, unorderedEquals([file1.path])); |
| String filePath2 = join(projPath, 'packages', 'file2.dart'); |
| File file2 = resourceProvider.newFile(filePath2, 'contents'); |
| return pumpEventQueue().then((_) { |
| expect(callbacks.currentFilePaths, |
| unorderedEquals([file1.path, file2.path])); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| test_path_filter() async { |
| // Setup context. |
| Folder root = resourceProvider.newFolder(projPath); |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| expect(callbacks.currentFilePaths, isEmpty); |
| // Set ignore patterns for context. |
| ContextInfo rootInfo = manager.getContextInfoFor(root); |
| manager.setIgnorePatternsForContext( |
| rootInfo, ['sdk_ext/**', 'lib/ignoreme.dart']); |
| // Start creating files. |
| newFile('$projPath/${ContextManagerImpl.PUBSPEC_NAME}'); |
| String libPath = '$projPath/${ContextManagerTest.LIB_NAME}'; |
| newFile('$libPath/main.dart'); |
| newFile('$libPath/ignoreme.dart'); |
| String sdkExtPath = '$projPath/sdk_ext'; |
| newFile('$sdkExtPath/entry.dart'); |
| String sdkExtSrcPath = '$projPath/sdk_ext/src'; |
| newFile('$sdkExtSrcPath/part.dart'); |
| // Pump event loop so new files are discovered and added to context. |
| await pumpEventQueue(); |
| // Verify that ignored files were ignored. |
| Iterable<String> filePaths = callbacks.currentFilePaths; |
| expect(filePaths, hasLength(1)); |
| expect(filePaths, contains(convertPath('/my/proj/lib/main.dart'))); |
| } |
| |
| test_refresh_folder_with_packagespec() { |
| // create a context with a .packages file |
| String packagespecFile = join(projPath, '.packages'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(packagespecFile, ''); |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| return pumpEventQueue().then((_) { |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextRoots, unorderedEquals([projPath])); |
| callbacks.now++; |
| manager.refresh(null); |
| return pumpEventQueue().then((_) { |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextRoots, unorderedEquals([projPath])); |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextTimestamps[projPath], callbacks.now); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| // TODO(paulberry): This test only tests PackagesFileDisposition. |
| // Once http://dartbug.com/23909 is fixed, add a test for sdk extensions |
| // and PackageMapDisposition. |
| test_refresh_folder_with_packagespec_subfolders() { |
| // Create a folder with no .packages file, containing two subfolders with |
| // .packages files. |
| String subdir1Path = join(projPath, 'subdir1'); |
| String subdir2Path = join(projPath, 'subdir2'); |
| String packagespec1Path = join(subdir1Path, '.packages'); |
| String packagespec2Path = join(subdir2Path, '.packages'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(packagespec1Path, ''); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(packagespec2Path, ''); |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| return pumpEventQueue().then((_) { |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextRoots, |
| unorderedEquals([subdir1Path, subdir2Path, projPath])); |
| callbacks.now++; |
| manager.refresh(null); |
| return pumpEventQueue().then((_) { |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextRoots, |
| unorderedEquals([subdir1Path, subdir2Path, projPath])); |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextTimestamps[projPath], callbacks.now); |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextTimestamps[subdir1Path], callbacks.now); |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextTimestamps[subdir2Path], callbacks.now); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| test_refresh_folder_with_pubspec() { |
| // create a context with a pubspec.yaml file |
| String pubspecPath = join(projPath, 'pubspec.yaml'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(pubspecPath, 'pubspec'); |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| return pumpEventQueue().then((_) { |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextRoots, unorderedEquals([projPath])); |
| callbacks.now++; |
| manager.refresh(null); |
| return pumpEventQueue().then((_) { |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextRoots, unorderedEquals([projPath])); |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextTimestamps[projPath], callbacks.now); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| test_refresh_folder_with_pubspec_subfolders() { |
| // Create a folder with no pubspec.yaml, containing two subfolders with |
| // pubspec.yaml files. |
| String subdir1Path = join(projPath, 'subdir1'); |
| String subdir2Path = join(projPath, 'subdir2'); |
| String pubspec1Path = join(subdir1Path, 'pubspec.yaml'); |
| String pubspec2Path = join(subdir2Path, 'pubspec.yaml'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(pubspec1Path, 'pubspec'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(pubspec2Path, 'pubspec'); |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| return pumpEventQueue().then((_) { |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextRoots, |
| unorderedEquals([subdir1Path, subdir2Path, projPath])); |
| callbacks.now++; |
| manager.refresh(null); |
| return pumpEventQueue().then((_) { |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextRoots, |
| unorderedEquals([subdir1Path, subdir2Path, projPath])); |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextTimestamps[projPath], callbacks.now); |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextTimestamps[subdir1Path], callbacks.now); |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextTimestamps[subdir2Path], callbacks.now); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| test_refresh_oneContext() { |
| // create two contexts with pubspec.yaml files |
| String pubspecPath = join(projPath, 'pubspec.yaml'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(pubspecPath, 'pubspec1'); |
| |
| String proj2Path = convertPath('/my/proj2'); |
| resourceProvider.newFolder(proj2Path); |
| String pubspec2Path = join(proj2Path, 'pubspec.yaml'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(pubspec2Path, 'pubspec2'); |
| |
| List<String> roots = <String>[projPath, proj2Path]; |
| manager.setRoots(roots, <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| return pumpEventQueue().then((_) { |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextRoots, unorderedEquals(roots)); |
| int then = callbacks.now; |
| callbacks.now++; |
| manager.refresh([resourceProvider.getResource(proj2Path)]); |
| return pumpEventQueue().then((_) { |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextRoots, unorderedEquals(roots)); |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextTimestamps[projPath], then); |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextTimestamps[proj2Path], callbacks.now); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| test_sdk_ext_packagespec() async { |
| // Create files. |
| String libPath = '$projPath/${ContextManagerTest.LIB_NAME}'; |
| newFile('$libPath/main.dart'); |
| newFile('$libPath/nope.dart'); |
| String sdkExtPath = '$projPath/sdk_ext'; |
| newFile('$sdkExtPath/entry.dart'); |
| String sdkExtSrcPath = '$projPath/sdk_ext/src'; |
| newFile('$sdkExtSrcPath/part.dart'); |
| // Setup sdk extension mapping. |
| newFile('$libPath/_sdkext', content: r''' |
| { |
| "dart:foobar": "../sdk_ext/entry.dart" |
| } |
| '''); |
| // Setup .packages file |
| newFile('$projPath/.packages', content: r''' |
| test_pack:lib/'''); |
| // Setup context. |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| // Confirm that one context was created. |
| int count = manager |
| .numberOfContextsInAnalysisRoot(resourceProvider.newFolder(projPath)); |
| expect(count, equals(1)); |
| var source = sourceFactory.forUri('dart:foobar'); |
| expect(source.fullName, equals(convertPath('/my/proj/sdk_ext/entry.dart'))); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_addFolderWithDartFile() { |
| String filePath = resourceProvider.pathContext.join(projPath, 'foo.dart'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(filePath, 'contents'); |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| // verify |
| Iterable<String> filePaths = callbacks.currentFilePaths; |
| expect(filePaths, hasLength(1)); |
| expect(filePaths, contains(filePath)); |
| List<AnalysisDriver> drivers = |
| manager.getDriversInAnalysisRoot(resourceProvider.newFolder(projPath)); |
| expect(drivers, hasLength(1)); |
| expect(drivers[0], isNotNull); |
| Source result = sourceFactory.forUri('dart:async'); |
| expect(result, isNotNull); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_addFolderWithDartFileInSubfolder() { |
| String filePath = join(projPath, 'foo', 'bar.dart'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(filePath, 'contents'); |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| // verify |
| Iterable<String> filePaths = callbacks.currentFilePaths; |
| expect(filePaths, hasLength(1)); |
| expect(filePaths, contains(filePath)); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_addFolderWithDummyLink() { |
| String filePath = join(projPath, 'foo.dart'); |
| resourceProvider.newDummyLink(filePath); |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| // verify |
| expect(callbacks.currentFilePaths, isEmpty); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_addFolderWithNestedPackageSpec() { |
| String examplePath = |
| convertPath('$projPath/${ContextManagerTest.EXAMPLE_NAME}'); |
| String libPath = convertPath('$projPath/${ContextManagerTest.LIB_NAME}'); |
| |
| newFile('$projPath/${ContextManagerImpl.PACKAGE_SPEC_NAME}'); |
| newFile('$libPath/main.dart'); |
| newFile('$examplePath/${ContextManagerImpl.PACKAGE_SPEC_NAME}'); |
| newFile('$examplePath/example.dart'); |
| |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextRoots, hasLength(2)); |
| |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextRoots, contains(projPath)); |
| Iterable<Source> projSources = callbacks.currentFileSources(projPath); |
| expect(projSources, hasLength(1)); |
| expect(projSources.first.uri.toString(), |
| (new Uri.file(join(libPath, 'main.dart')).toString())); |
| |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextRoots, contains(examplePath)); |
| Iterable<Source> exampleSources = callbacks.currentFileSources(examplePath); |
| expect(exampleSources, hasLength(1)); |
| expect(exampleSources.first.uri.toString(), |
| (new Uri.file(join(examplePath, 'example.dart')).toString())); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_addFolderWithNestedPubspec() { |
| String examplePath = |
| convertPath('$projPath/${ContextManagerTest.EXAMPLE_NAME}'); |
| String libPath = convertPath('$projPath/${ContextManagerTest.LIB_NAME}'); |
| |
| newFile('$projPath/${ContextManagerImpl.PUBSPEC_NAME}'); |
| newFile('$projPath/${ContextManagerImpl.PACKAGE_SPEC_NAME}', |
| content: 'proj:lib/'); |
| newFile('$libPath/main.dart'); |
| newFile('$examplePath/${ContextManagerImpl.PUBSPEC_NAME}'); |
| newFile('$examplePath/example.dart'); |
| |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextRoots, hasLength(2)); |
| |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextRoots, contains(projPath)); |
| Iterable<Source> projSources = callbacks.currentFileSources(projPath); |
| expect(projSources, hasLength(1)); |
| expect(projSources.first.uri.toString(), 'package:proj/main.dart'); |
| |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextRoots, contains(examplePath)); |
| Iterable<Source> exampleSources = callbacks.currentFileSources(examplePath); |
| expect(exampleSources, hasLength(1)); |
| expect(exampleSources.first.uri.toString(), |
| (new Uri.file('$examplePath/example.dart').toString())); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_addFolderWithoutPubspec() { |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| // verify |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextRoots, unorderedEquals([projPath])); |
| expect(callbacks.currentFilePaths, hasLength(0)); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_addFolderWithPackagespec() { |
| String packagespecPath = join(projPath, '.packages'); |
| var testLib = convertPath('/home/somebody/.pub/cache/unittest-0.9.9/lib'); |
| var testLibUri = resourceProvider.pathContext.toUri(testLib); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(packagespecPath, 'unittest:$testLibUri'); |
| String libPath = '$projPath/${ContextManagerTest.LIB_NAME}'; |
| File mainFile = newFile('$libPath/main.dart'); |
| Source source = mainFile.createSource(); |
| |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| |
| // verify |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextRoots, unorderedEquals([projPath])); |
| expect(callbacks.currentFilePaths, hasLength(1)); |
| |
| // smoketest resolution |
| Source resolvedSource = |
| sourceFactory.resolveUri(source, 'package:unittest/unittest.dart'); |
| expect(resolvedSource, isNotNull); |
| expect(resolvedSource.fullName, convertPath('$testLib/unittest.dart')); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_addFolderWithPackagespecAndPackageRoot() { |
| // The package root should take priority. |
| String packagespecPath = join(projPath, '.packages'); |
| var testLib = convertPath('/home/somebody/.pub/cache/unittest-0.9.9/lib'); |
| var testLibUri = resourceProvider.pathContext.toUri(testLib); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(packagespecPath, 'unittest:$testLibUri'); |
| String packageRootPath = '/package/root/'; |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], |
| <String, String>{projPath: packageRootPath}); |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextRoots, unorderedEquals([projPath])); |
| _checkPackageRoot(projPath, packageRootPath); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_addFolderWithPubspec() { |
| String pubspecPath = join(projPath, 'pubspec.yaml'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(pubspecPath, 'pubspec'); |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| // verify |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextRoots, unorderedEquals([projPath])); |
| expect(callbacks.currentFilePaths, hasLength(0)); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_addFolderWithPubspec_andPackagespec() { |
| String pubspecPath = join(projPath, 'pubspec.yaml'); |
| String packagespecPath = join(projPath, '.packages'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(pubspecPath, 'pubspec'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(packagespecPath, ''); |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| // verify |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([projPath]); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_addFolderWithPubspecAndLib() { |
| String binPath = '$projPath/${ContextManagerTest.BIN_NAME}'; |
| String libPath = '$projPath/${ContextManagerTest.LIB_NAME}'; |
| String srcPath = '$libPath/${ContextManagerTest.SRC_NAME}'; |
| String testPath = '$projPath/${ContextManagerTest.TEST_NAME}'; |
| |
| newFile('$projPath/${ContextManagerImpl.PUBSPEC_NAME}'); |
| newFile('$projPath/${ContextManagerImpl.PACKAGE_SPEC_NAME}', |
| content: 'proj:lib/'); |
| String appPath = newFile('$binPath/app.dart').path; |
| newFile('$libPath/main.dart'); |
| newFile('$srcPath/internal.dart'); |
| String testFilePath = newFile('$testPath/main_test.dart').path; |
| |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| Iterable<Source> sources = callbacks.currentFileSources(projPath); |
| |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextRoots, unorderedEquals([projPath])); |
| expect(sources, hasLength(4)); |
| List<String> uris = |
| sources.map((Source source) => source.uri.toString()).toList(); |
| expect(uris, contains((new Uri.file(appPath)).toString())); |
| expect(uris, contains('package:proj/main.dart')); |
| expect(uris, contains('package:proj/src/internal.dart')); |
| expect(uris, contains((new Uri.file(testFilePath)).toString())); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_addFolderWithPubspecAndPackagespecFolders() { |
| // prepare paths |
| String root = convertPath('/root'); |
| String rootFile = convertPath('$root/root.dart'); |
| String subProjectA = convertPath('$root/sub/aaa'); |
| String subProjectB = convertPath('$root/sub/sub2/bbb'); |
| String subProjectA_file = convertPath('$subProjectA/bin/a.dart'); |
| String subProjectB_file = convertPath('$subProjectB/bin/b.dart'); |
| // create files |
| newFile('$subProjectA/pubspec.yaml', content: 'pubspec'); |
| newFile('$subProjectB/pubspec.yaml', content: 'pubspec'); |
| newFile('$subProjectA/.packages'); |
| newFile('$subProjectB/.packages'); |
| |
| newFile(rootFile, content: 'library root;'); |
| newFile(subProjectA_file, content: 'library a;'); |
| newFile(subProjectB_file, content: 'library b;'); |
| |
| // set roots |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[root], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([root, subProjectA, subProjectB]); |
| // verify files |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(root, [rootFile]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(subProjectA, [subProjectA_file]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(subProjectB, [subProjectB_file]); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_addFolderWithPubspecFolders() { |
| // prepare paths |
| String root = convertPath('/root'); |
| String rootFile = convertPath('$root/root.dart'); |
| String projectA = convertPath('$root/sub/aaa'); |
| String projectALib = convertPath('$root/sub/aaa/lib'); |
| String subProjectA_file = convertPath('$projectA/bin/a.dart'); |
| String projectB = convertPath('$root/sub/sub2/bbb'); |
| String projectBLib = convertPath('$root/sub/sub2/bbb/lib'); |
| String subProjectB_file = convertPath('$projectB/bin/b.dart'); |
| // create files |
| newFile('$projectA/${ContextManagerImpl.PUBSPEC_NAME}'); |
| newFile('$projectA/${ContextManagerImpl.PACKAGE_SPEC_NAME}', |
| content: 'foo:lib/'); |
| newFile('$projectB/${ContextManagerImpl.PUBSPEC_NAME}'); |
| newFile('$projectB/${ContextManagerImpl.PACKAGE_SPEC_NAME}', |
| content: 'bar:lib/'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(rootFile, 'library root;'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(subProjectA_file, 'library a;'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(subProjectB_file, 'library b;'); |
| // set roots |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[root], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([root, projectA, projectB]); |
| // verify files |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(root, [rootFile]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(projectA, [subProjectA_file]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(projectB, [subProjectB_file]); |
| // verify package maps |
| expect(_packageMap(root), isEmpty); |
| expect( |
| _packageMap(projectA), |
| equals({ |
| 'foo': [resourceProvider.getFolder(projectALib)] |
| })); |
| expect( |
| _packageMap(projectB), |
| equals({ |
| 'bar': [resourceProvider.getFolder(projectBLib)] |
| })); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_addPackageRoot() { |
| String packagePathFoo = convertPath('/package1/foo'); |
| String packageRootPath = convertPath('/package2/foo'); |
| newFile('$projPath/${ContextManagerImpl.PACKAGE_SPEC_NAME}', |
| content: 'foo:file:///package1/foo'); |
| Folder packageFolder = resourceProvider.newFolder(packagePathFoo); |
| List<String> includedPaths = <String>[projPath]; |
| List<String> excludedPaths = <String>[]; |
| manager.setRoots(includedPaths, excludedPaths, <String, String>{}); |
| expect( |
| _currentPackageMap, |
| equals({ |
| 'foo': [packageFolder] |
| })); |
| manager.setRoots(includedPaths, excludedPaths, |
| <String, String>{projPath: packageRootPath}); |
| _checkPackageRoot(projPath, equals(packageRootPath)); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_changePackageRoot() { |
| String packageRootPath1 = '/package1'; |
| String packageRootPath2 = '/package2'; |
| List<String> includedPaths = <String>[projPath]; |
| List<String> excludedPaths = <String>[]; |
| manager.setRoots(includedPaths, excludedPaths, |
| <String, String>{projPath: packageRootPath1}); |
| _checkPackageRoot(projPath, equals(packageRootPath1)); |
| manager.setRoots(includedPaths, excludedPaths, |
| <String, String>{projPath: packageRootPath2}); |
| _checkPackageRoot(projPath, equals(packageRootPath2)); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_exclude_newRoot_withExcludedFile() { |
| // prepare paths |
| String project = convertPath('/project'); |
| String file1 = convertPath('$project/file1.dart'); |
| String file2 = convertPath('$project/file2.dart'); |
| // create files |
| resourceProvider.newFile(file1, '// 1'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(file2, '// 2'); |
| // set roots |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[project], <String>[file1], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([project]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(project, [file2]); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_exclude_newRoot_withExcludedFolder() { |
| // prepare paths |
| String project = convertPath('/project'); |
| String folderA = convertPath('$project/aaa'); |
| String folderB = convertPath('$project/bbb'); |
| String fileA = convertPath('$folderA/a.dart'); |
| String fileB = convertPath('$folderB/b.dart'); |
| // create files |
| resourceProvider.newFile(fileA, 'library a;'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(fileB, 'library b;'); |
| // set roots |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[project], <String>[folderB], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([project]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(project, [fileA]); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_exclude_sameRoot_addExcludedFile() { |
| // prepare paths |
| String project = convertPath('/project'); |
| String file1 = convertPath('$project/file1.dart'); |
| String file2 = convertPath('$project/file2.dart'); |
| // create files |
| resourceProvider.newFile(file1, '// 1'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(file2, '// 2'); |
| // set roots |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[project], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([project]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(project, [file1, file2]); |
| // exclude "2" |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[project], <String>[file2], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([project]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(project, [file1]); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_exclude_sameRoot_addExcludedFolder() { |
| // prepare paths |
| String project = convertPath('/project'); |
| String folderA = convertPath('$project/aaa'); |
| String folderB = convertPath('$project/bbb'); |
| String fileA = convertPath('$folderA/a.dart'); |
| String fileB = convertPath('$folderB/b.dart'); |
| // create files |
| resourceProvider.newFile(fileA, 'library a;'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(fileB, 'library b;'); |
| // initially both "aaa/a" and "bbb/b" are included |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[project], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([project]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(project, [fileA, fileB]); |
| // exclude "bbb/" |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[project], <String>[folderB], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([project]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(project, [fileA]); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_exclude_sameRoot_removeExcludedFile() { |
| // prepare paths |
| String project = convertPath('/project'); |
| String file1 = convertPath('$project/file1.dart'); |
| String file2 = convertPath('$project/file2.dart'); |
| // create files |
| resourceProvider.newFile(file1, '// 1'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(file2, '// 2'); |
| // set roots |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[project], <String>[file2], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([project]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(project, [file1]); |
| // stop excluding "2" |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[project], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([project]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(project, [file1, file2]); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_exclude_sameRoot_removeExcludedFile_inFolder() { |
| // prepare paths |
| String project = convertPath('/project'); |
| String file1 = convertPath('$project/bin/file1.dart'); |
| String file2 = convertPath('$project/bin/file2.dart'); |
| // create files |
| resourceProvider.newFile(file1, '// 1'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(file2, '// 2'); |
| // set roots |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[project], <String>[file2], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([project]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(project, [file1]); |
| // stop excluding "2" |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[project], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([project]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(project, [file1, file2]); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_exclude_sameRoot_removeExcludedFolder() { |
| // prepare paths |
| String project = convertPath('/project'); |
| String folderA = convertPath('$project/aaa'); |
| String folderB = convertPath('$project/bbb'); |
| String fileA = convertPath('$folderA/a.dart'); |
| String fileB = convertPath('$folderB/b.dart'); |
| // create files |
| resourceProvider.newFile(fileA, 'library a;'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(fileB, 'library b;'); |
| // exclude "bbb/" |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[project], <String>[folderB], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([project]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(project, [fileA]); |
| // stop excluding "bbb/" |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[project], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([project]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(project, [fileA, fileB]); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_ignoreDocFolder() { |
| String project = convertPath('/project'); |
| String fileA = convertPath('$project/foo.dart'); |
| String fileB = convertPath('$project/lib/doc/bar.dart'); |
| String fileC = convertPath('$project/doc/bar.dart'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(fileA, ''); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(fileB, ''); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(fileC, ''); |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[project], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([project]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(project, [fileA, fileB]); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_nested_includedByOuter_innerFirst() { |
| String project = convertPath('/project'); |
| String projectPubspec = convertPath('$project/pubspec.yaml'); |
| String example = convertPath('$project/example'); |
| String examplePubspec = convertPath('$example/pubspec.yaml'); |
| // create files |
| resourceProvider.newFile(projectPubspec, 'name: project'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(examplePubspec, 'name: example'); |
| manager |
| .setRoots(<String>[example, project], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| // verify |
| { |
| ContextInfo rootInfo = manager.rootInfo; |
| expect(rootInfo.children, hasLength(1)); |
| { |
| ContextInfo projectInfo = rootInfo.children[0]; |
| expect(projectInfo.folder.path, project); |
| expect(projectInfo.children, hasLength(1)); |
| { |
| ContextInfo exampleInfo = projectInfo.children[0]; |
| expect(exampleInfo.folder.path, example); |
| expect(exampleInfo.children, isEmpty); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextRoots, unorderedEquals([project, example])); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_nested_includedByOuter_outerPubspec() { |
| String project = convertPath('/project'); |
| String projectPubspec = convertPath('$project/pubspec.yaml'); |
| String example = convertPath('$project/example'); |
| // create files |
| resourceProvider.newFile(projectPubspec, 'name: project'); |
| resourceProvider.newFolder(example); |
| manager |
| .setRoots(<String>[project, example], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| // verify |
| { |
| ContextInfo rootInfo = manager.rootInfo; |
| expect(rootInfo.children, hasLength(1)); |
| { |
| ContextInfo projectInfo = rootInfo.children[0]; |
| expect(projectInfo.folder.path, project); |
| expect(projectInfo.children, isEmpty); |
| } |
| } |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextRoots, unorderedEquals([project])); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_nested_includedByOuter_twoPubspecs() { |
| String project = convertPath('/project'); |
| String projectPubspec = convertPath('$project/pubspec.yaml'); |
| String example = convertPath('$project/example'); |
| String examplePubspec = convertPath('$example/pubspec.yaml'); |
| // create files |
| resourceProvider.newFile(projectPubspec, 'name: project'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(examplePubspec, 'name: example'); |
| manager |
| .setRoots(<String>[project, example], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| // verify |
| { |
| ContextInfo rootInfo = manager.rootInfo; |
| expect(rootInfo.children, hasLength(1)); |
| { |
| ContextInfo projectInfo = rootInfo.children[0]; |
| expect(projectInfo.folder.path, project); |
| expect(projectInfo.children, hasLength(1)); |
| { |
| ContextInfo exampleInfo = projectInfo.children[0]; |
| expect(exampleInfo.folder.path, example); |
| expect(exampleInfo.children, isEmpty); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextRoots, unorderedEquals([project, example])); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_newFolderWithPackageRoot() { |
| String packageRootPath = '/package'; |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], |
| <String, String>{projPath: packageRootPath}); |
| _checkPackageRoot(projPath, equals(packageRootPath)); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_newlyAddedFoldersGetProperPackageMap() { |
| String packagePath = convertPath('/package/foo'); |
| newFile('$projPath/${ContextManagerImpl.PACKAGE_SPEC_NAME}', |
| content: 'foo:file:///package/foo'); |
| Folder packageFolder = resourceProvider.newFolder(packagePath); |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| expect( |
| _currentPackageMap, |
| equals({ |
| 'foo': [packageFolder] |
| })); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_noContext_excludedFolder() { |
| // prepare paths |
| String project = convertPath('/project'); |
| String excludedFolder = convertPath('$project/excluded'); |
| String excludedPubspec = convertPath('$excludedFolder/pubspec.yaml'); |
| // create files |
| resourceProvider.newFile(excludedPubspec, 'name: ignore-me'); |
| // set "/project", and exclude "/project/excluded" |
| manager.setRoots( |
| <String>[project], <String>[excludedFolder], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([project]); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_noContext_inDotFolder() { |
| String pubspecPath = join(projPath, '.pub', 'pubspec.yaml'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(pubspecPath, 'name: test'); |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| // verify |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextRoots, hasLength(1)); |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextRoots, contains(projPath)); |
| expect(callbacks.currentFilePaths, hasLength(0)); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_packageResolver() { |
| String filePath = join(projPath, 'lib', 'foo.dart'); |
| newFile('$projPath/${ContextManagerImpl.PACKAGE_SPEC_NAME}', |
| content: 'foo:lib/'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(filePath, 'contents'); |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| |
| var drivers = |
| manager.getDriversInAnalysisRoot(resourceProvider.newFolder(projPath)); |
| expect(drivers, hasLength(1)); |
| expect(drivers[0], isNotNull); |
| Source result = sourceFactory.forUri('package:foo/foo.dart'); |
| expect(result.fullName, filePath); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_packagesFolder_hasContext() { |
| String pubspecPath = join(projPath, 'packages', 'pubspec.yaml'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(pubspecPath, 'name: test'); |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| // verify |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextRoots, hasLength(2)); |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextRoots, contains(projPath)); |
| expect(callbacks.currentFilePaths, hasLength(0)); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_pathContainsDotFile() { |
| // If the path to a file (relative to the context root) contains a folder |
| // whose name begins with '.', then the file is ignored. |
| String project = convertPath('/project'); |
| String fileA = convertPath('$project/foo.dart'); |
| String fileB = convertPath('$project/.pub/bar.dart'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(fileA, ''); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(fileB, ''); |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[project], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([project]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(project, [fileA]); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_removeFolderWithoutPubspec() { |
| // add one root - there is a context |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextRoots, hasLength(1)); |
| // set empty roots - no contexts |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextRoots, hasLength(0)); |
| expect(callbacks.currentFilePaths, hasLength(0)); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_removeFolderWithPackagespec() { |
| // create a pubspec |
| String pubspecPath = join(projPath, '.packages'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(pubspecPath, ''); |
| // add one root - there is a context |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| expect(manager.changeSubscriptions, hasLength(1)); |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextRoots, hasLength(1)); |
| // set empty roots - no contexts |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| expect(manager.changeSubscriptions, hasLength(0)); |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextRoots, hasLength(0)); |
| expect(callbacks.currentFilePaths, hasLength(0)); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_removeFolderWithPackagespecFolder() { |
| // prepare paths |
| String projectA = convertPath('/projectA'); |
| String projectB = convertPath('/projectB'); |
| String subProjectA = convertPath('$projectA/sub'); |
| String subProjectB = convertPath('$projectB/sub'); |
| String projectA_file = convertPath('$projectA/a.dart'); |
| String projectB_file = convertPath('$projectB/a.dart'); |
| String subProjectA_pubspec = convertPath('$subProjectA/.packages'); |
| String subProjectB_pubspec = convertPath('$subProjectB/.packages'); |
| String subProjectA_file = convertPath('$subProjectA/bin/sub_a.dart'); |
| String subProjectB_file = convertPath('$subProjectB/bin/sub_b.dart'); |
| // create files |
| resourceProvider.newFile(projectA_file, '// a'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(projectB_file, '// b'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(subProjectA_pubspec, ''); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(subProjectB_pubspec, ''); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(subProjectA_file, '// sub-a'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(subProjectB_file, '// sub-b'); |
| // set roots |
| manager |
| .setRoots(<String>[projectA, projectB], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks |
| .assertContextPaths([projectA, subProjectA, projectB, subProjectB]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(projectA, [projectA_file]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(projectB, [projectB_file]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(subProjectA, [subProjectA_file]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(subProjectB, [subProjectB_file]); |
| // remove "projectB" |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projectA], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([projectA, subProjectA]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(projectA, [projectA_file]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(subProjectA, [subProjectA_file]); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_removeFolderWithPubspec() { |
| // create a pubspec |
| String pubspecPath = join(projPath, 'pubspec.yaml'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(pubspecPath, 'pubspec'); |
| // add one root - there is a context |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextRoots, hasLength(1)); |
| // set empty roots - no contexts |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextRoots, hasLength(0)); |
| expect(callbacks.currentFilePaths, hasLength(0)); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_removeFolderWithPubspecFolder() { |
| // prepare paths |
| String projectA = convertPath('/projectA'); |
| String projectB = convertPath('/projectB'); |
| String subProjectA = convertPath('$projectA/sub'); |
| String subProjectB = convertPath('$projectB/sub'); |
| String projectA_file = convertPath('$projectA/a.dart'); |
| String projectB_file = convertPath('$projectB/a.dart'); |
| String subProjectA_pubspec = convertPath('$subProjectA/pubspec.yaml'); |
| String subProjectB_pubspec = convertPath('$subProjectB/pubspec.yaml'); |
| String subProjectA_file = convertPath('$subProjectA/bin/sub_a.dart'); |
| String subProjectB_file = convertPath('$subProjectB/bin/sub_b.dart'); |
| // create files |
| resourceProvider.newFile(projectA_file, '// a'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(projectB_file, '// b'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(subProjectA_pubspec, 'pubspec'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(subProjectB_pubspec, 'pubspec'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(subProjectA_file, '// sub-a'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(subProjectB_file, '// sub-b'); |
| // set roots |
| manager |
| .setRoots(<String>[projectA, projectB], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks |
| .assertContextPaths([projectA, subProjectA, projectB, subProjectB]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(projectA, [projectA_file]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(projectB, [projectB_file]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(subProjectA, [subProjectA_file]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(subProjectB, [subProjectB_file]); |
| // remove "projectB" |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projectA], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([projectA, subProjectA]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(projectA, [projectA_file]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(subProjectA, [subProjectA_file]); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_removePackageRoot() { |
| String packagePathFoo = convertPath('/package1/foo'); |
| String packageRootPath = convertPath('/package2/foo'); |
| Folder packageFolder = resourceProvider.newFolder(packagePathFoo); |
| newFile('$projPath/${ContextManagerImpl.PACKAGE_SPEC_NAME}', |
| content: 'foo:file:///package1/foo'); |
| List<String> includedPaths = <String>[projPath]; |
| List<String> excludedPaths = <String>[]; |
| manager.setRoots(includedPaths, excludedPaths, |
| <String, String>{projPath: packageRootPath}); |
| _checkPackageRoot(projPath, equals(packageRootPath)); |
| manager.setRoots(includedPaths, excludedPaths, <String, String>{}); |
| expect( |
| _currentPackageMap, |
| equals({ |
| 'foo': [packageFolder] |
| })); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_rootPathContainsDotFile() { |
| // If the path to the context root itself contains a folder whose name |
| // begins with '.', then that is not sufficient to cause any files in the |
| // context to be ignored. |
| String project = convertPath('/.pub/project'); |
| String fileA = convertPath('$project/foo.dart'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(fileA, ''); |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[project], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([project]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(project, [fileA]); |
| } |
| |
| test_watch_addDummyLink() { |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| // empty folder initially |
| expect(callbacks.currentFilePaths, isEmpty); |
| // add link |
| String filePath = join(projPath, 'foo.dart'); |
| resourceProvider.newDummyLink(filePath); |
| // the link was ignored |
| return pumpEventQueue().then((_) { |
| expect(callbacks.currentFilePaths, isEmpty); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| test_watch_addFile() { |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| // empty folder initially |
| expect(callbacks.currentFilePaths, hasLength(0)); |
| // add file |
| String filePath = join(projPath, 'foo.dart'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(filePath, 'contents'); |
| // the file was added |
| return pumpEventQueue().then((_) { |
| Iterable<String> filePaths = callbacks.currentFilePaths; |
| expect(filePaths, hasLength(1)); |
| expect(filePaths, contains(filePath)); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| test_watch_addFile_excluded() { |
| // prepare paths |
| String project = convertPath('/project'); |
| String folderA = convertPath('$project/aaa'); |
| String folderB = convertPath('$project/bbb'); |
| String fileA = convertPath('$folderA/a.dart'); |
| String fileB = convertPath('$folderB/b.dart'); |
| // create files |
| resourceProvider.newFile(fileA, 'library a;'); |
| // set roots |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[project], <String>[folderB], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([project]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(project, [fileA]); |
| // add a file, ignored as excluded |
| resourceProvider.newFile(fileB, 'library b;'); |
| return pumpEventQueue().then((_) { |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([project]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(project, [fileA]); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| test_watch_addFile_inDocFolder_inner() { |
| // prepare paths |
| String project = convertPath('/project'); |
| String fileA = convertPath('$project/a.dart'); |
| String fileB = convertPath('$project/lib/doc/b.dart'); |
| // create files |
| resourceProvider.newFile(fileA, ''); |
| // set roots |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[project], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([project]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(project, [fileA]); |
| // add a "lib/doc" file, it is not ignored |
| resourceProvider.newFile(fileB, ''); |
| return pumpEventQueue().then((_) { |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([project]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(project, [fileA, fileB]); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| test_watch_addFile_inDocFolder_topLevel() { |
| // prepare paths |
| String project = convertPath('/project'); |
| String fileA = convertPath('$project/a.dart'); |
| String fileB = convertPath('$project/doc/b.dart'); |
| // create files |
| resourceProvider.newFile(fileA, ''); |
| // set roots |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[project], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([project]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(project, [fileA]); |
| // add a "doc" file, it is ignored |
| resourceProvider.newFile(fileB, ''); |
| return pumpEventQueue().then((_) { |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([project]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(project, [fileA]); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| test_watch_addFile_pathContainsDotFile() async { |
| // If a file is added and the path to it (relative to the context root) |
| // contains a folder whose name begins with '.', then the file is ignored. |
| String project = convertPath('/project'); |
| String fileA = convertPath('$project/foo.dart'); |
| String fileB = convertPath('$project/.pub/bar.dart'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(fileA, ''); |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[project], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([project]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(project, [fileA]); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(fileB, ''); |
| await pumpEventQueue(); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([project]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(project, [fileA]); |
| } |
| |
| test_watch_addFile_rootPathContainsDotFile() async { |
| // If a file is added and the path to the context contains a folder whose |
| // name begins with '.', then the file is not ignored. |
| String project = convertPath('/.pub/project'); |
| String fileA = convertPath('$project/foo.dart'); |
| String fileB = convertPath('$project/bar/baz.dart'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(fileA, ''); |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[project], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([project]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(project, [fileA]); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(fileB, ''); |
| await pumpEventQueue(); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([project]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(project, [fileA, fileB]); |
| } |
| |
| test_watch_addFileInSubfolder() { |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| // empty folder initially |
| expect(callbacks.currentFilePaths, hasLength(0)); |
| // add file in subfolder |
| String filePath = join(projPath, 'foo', 'bar.dart'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(filePath, 'contents'); |
| // the file was added |
| return pumpEventQueue().then((_) { |
| Iterable<String> filePaths = callbacks.currentFilePaths; |
| expect(filePaths, hasLength(1)); |
| expect(filePaths, contains(filePath)); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| test_watch_addPackagespec_toRoot() { |
| // prepare paths |
| String root = convertPath('/root'); |
| String rootFile = convertPath('$root/root.dart'); |
| String rootPackagespec = convertPath('$root/.packages'); |
| // create files |
| resourceProvider.newFile(rootFile, 'library root;'); |
| // set roots |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[root], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([root]); |
| // verify files |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(root, [rootFile]); |
| // add packagespec - still just one root |
| resourceProvider.newFile(rootPackagespec, ''); |
| return pumpEventQueue().then((_) { |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([root]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(root, [rootFile]); |
| // TODO(pquitslund): verify that a new source factory is created -- |
| // likely this will need to happen in a corresponding ServerContextManagerTest. |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| test_watch_addPackagespec_toSubFolder() { |
| // prepare paths |
| String root = convertPath('/root'); |
| String rootFile = convertPath('$root/root.dart'); |
| String subProject = convertPath('$root/sub/aaa'); |
| String subPubspec = convertPath('$subProject/.packages'); |
| String subFile = convertPath('$subProject/bin/a.dart'); |
| // create files |
| resourceProvider.newFile(rootFile, 'library root;'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(subFile, 'library a;'); |
| // set roots |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[root], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([root]); |
| // verify files |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(root, [rootFile, subFile]); |
| // add .packages |
| resourceProvider.newFile(subPubspec, ''); |
| return pumpEventQueue().then((_) { |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([root, subProject]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(root, [rootFile]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(subProject, [subFile]); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| test_watch_addPackagespec_toSubFolder_ofSubFolder() { |
| // prepare paths |
| String root = convertPath('/root'); |
| String rootFile = convertPath('$root/root.dart'); |
| String subProject = convertPath('$root/sub'); |
| String subPubspec = convertPath('$subProject/.packages'); |
| String subFile = convertPath('$subProject/bin/sub.dart'); |
| String subSubPubspec = convertPath('$subProject/subsub/.packages'); |
| // create files |
| resourceProvider.newFile(rootFile, 'library root;'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(subPubspec, ''); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(subFile, 'library sub;'); |
| // set roots |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[root], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([root, subProject]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(root, [rootFile]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(subProject, [subFile]); |
| // add pubspec - ignore, because is already in a packagespec-based context |
| resourceProvider.newFile(subSubPubspec, ''); |
| return pumpEventQueue().then((_) { |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([root, subProject]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(root, [rootFile]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(subProject, [subFile]); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| test_watch_addPackagespec_toSubFolder_withPubspec() { |
| // prepare paths |
| String root = convertPath('/root'); |
| String rootFile = convertPath('$root/root.dart'); |
| String subProject = convertPath('$root/sub/aaa'); |
| String subPackagespec = convertPath('$subProject/.packages'); |
| String subPubspec = convertPath('$subProject/pubspec.yaml'); |
| String subFile = convertPath('$subProject/bin/a.dart'); |
| // create files |
| resourceProvider.newFile(subPubspec, 'pubspec'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(rootFile, 'library root;'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(subFile, 'library a;'); |
| // set roots |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[root], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([root, subProject]); |
| // verify files |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(root, [rootFile]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(subProject, [subFile]); |
| |
| // add .packages |
| resourceProvider.newFile(subPackagespec, ''); |
| return pumpEventQueue().then((_) { |
| // Should NOT create another context. |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([root, subProject]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(root, [rootFile]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(subProject, [subFile]); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| test_watch_addPubspec_toRoot() { |
| // prepare paths |
| String root = convertPath('/root'); |
| String rootFile = convertPath('$root/root.dart'); |
| String rootPubspec = convertPath('$root/pubspec.yaml'); |
| // create files |
| resourceProvider.newFile(rootFile, 'library root;'); |
| // set roots |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[root], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([root]); |
| // verify files |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(root, [rootFile]); |
| // add pubspec - still just one root |
| resourceProvider.newFile(rootPubspec, 'pubspec'); |
| return pumpEventQueue().then((_) { |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([root]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(root, [rootFile]); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| test_watch_addPubspec_toSubFolder() { |
| // prepare paths |
| String root = convertPath('/root'); |
| String rootFile = convertPath('$root/root.dart'); |
| String subProject = convertPath('$root/sub/aaa'); |
| String subPubspec = convertPath('$subProject/pubspec.yaml'); |
| String subFile = convertPath('$subProject/bin/a.dart'); |
| // create files |
| resourceProvider.newFile(rootFile, 'library root;'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(subFile, 'library a;'); |
| // set roots |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[root], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([root]); |
| // verify files |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(root, [rootFile, subFile]); |
| // add pubspec |
| resourceProvider.newFile(subPubspec, 'pubspec'); |
| return pumpEventQueue().then((_) { |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([root, subProject]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(root, [rootFile]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(subProject, [subFile]); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| test_watch_addPubspec_toSubFolder_ofSubFolder() { |
| // prepare paths |
| String root = convertPath('/root'); |
| String rootFile = convertPath('$root/root.dart'); |
| String subProject = convertPath('$root/sub'); |
| String subPubspec = convertPath('$subProject/pubspec.yaml'); |
| String subFile = convertPath('$subProject/bin/sub.dart'); |
| String subSubPubspec = convertPath('$subProject/subsub/pubspec.yaml'); |
| // create files |
| resourceProvider.newFile(rootFile, 'library root;'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(subPubspec, 'pubspec'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(subFile, 'library sub;'); |
| // set roots |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[root], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([root, subProject]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(root, [rootFile]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(subProject, [subFile]); |
| // add pubspec - ignore, because is already in a pubspec-based context |
| resourceProvider.newFile(subSubPubspec, 'pubspec'); |
| return pumpEventQueue().then((_) { |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([root, subProject]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(root, [rootFile]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(subProject, [subFile]); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| test_watch_deleteFile() { |
| String filePath = join(projPath, 'foo.dart'); |
| // add root with a file |
| File file = resourceProvider.newFile(filePath, 'contents'); |
| Folder projFolder = file.parent; |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| // the file was added |
| Iterable<String> filePaths = callbacks.currentFilePaths; |
| expect(filePaths, hasLength(1)); |
| expect(filePaths, contains(filePath)); |
| expect(file.exists, isTrue); |
| expect(projFolder.exists, isTrue); |
| // delete the file |
| resourceProvider.deleteFile(filePath); |
| return pumpEventQueue().then((_) { |
| expect(file.exists, isFalse); |
| expect(projFolder.exists, isTrue); |
| expect(callbacks.currentFilePaths, hasLength(0)); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| test_watch_deleteFolder() { |
| String filePath = join(projPath, 'foo.dart'); |
| // add root with a file |
| File file = resourceProvider.newFile(filePath, 'contents'); |
| Folder projFolder = file.parent; |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| // the file was added |
| Iterable<String> filePaths = callbacks.currentFilePaths; |
| expect(filePaths, hasLength(1)); |
| expect(filePaths, contains(filePath)); |
| expect(file.exists, isTrue); |
| expect(projFolder.exists, isTrue); |
| // delete the folder |
| resourceProvider.deleteFolder(projPath); |
| return pumpEventQueue().then((_) { |
| expect(file.exists, isFalse); |
| expect(projFolder.exists, isFalse); |
| expect(callbacks.currentFilePaths, hasLength(0)); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| test_watch_deletePackagespec_fromRoot() { |
| // prepare paths |
| String root = convertPath('/root'); |
| String rootPubspec = convertPath('$root/.packages'); |
| String rootFile = convertPath('$root/root.dart'); |
| // create files |
| resourceProvider.newFile(rootPubspec, ''); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(rootFile, 'library root;'); |
| // set roots |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[root], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([root]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(root, [rootFile]); |
| // delete the pubspec |
| resourceProvider.deleteFile(rootPubspec); |
| return pumpEventQueue().then((_) { |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([root]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(root, [rootFile]); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| test_watch_deletePackagespec_fromSubFolder() { |
| // prepare paths |
| String root = convertPath('/root'); |
| String rootFile = convertPath('$root/root.dart'); |
| String subProject = convertPath('$root/sub/aaa'); |
| String subPubspec = convertPath('$subProject/.packages'); |
| String subFile = convertPath('$subProject/bin/a.dart'); |
| // create files |
| resourceProvider.newFile(subPubspec, ''); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(rootFile, 'library root;'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(subFile, 'library a;'); |
| // set roots |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[root], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([root, subProject]); |
| // verify files |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(root, [rootFile]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(subProject, [subFile]); |
| // delete the pubspec |
| resourceProvider.deleteFile(subPubspec); |
| return pumpEventQueue().then((_) { |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([root]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(root, [rootFile, subFile]); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| test_watch_deletePackagespec_fromSubFolder_withPubspec() { |
| // prepare paths: |
| // |
| // root |
| // root.dart |
| // sub |
| // aaa |
| // .packages |
| // pubspec.yaml |
| // bin |
| // a.dart |
| // |
| String root = convertPath('/root'); |
| String rootFile = convertPath('$root/root.dart'); |
| String subProject = convertPath('$root/sub/aaa'); |
| String subPackagespec = convertPath('$subProject/.packages'); |
| String subPubspec = convertPath('$subProject/pubspec.yaml'); |
| String subFile = convertPath('$subProject/bin/a.dart'); |
| // create files |
| resourceProvider.newFile(subPackagespec, ''); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(subPubspec, 'pubspec'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(rootFile, 'library root;'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(subFile, 'library a;'); |
| // set roots |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[root], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([root, subProject]); |
| // verify files |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(root, [rootFile]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(subProject, [subFile]); |
| // delete the packagespec |
| resourceProvider.deleteFile(subPackagespec); |
| return pumpEventQueue().then((_) { |
| // Should NOT merge |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([root, subProject]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(subProject, [subFile]); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| test_watch_deletePubspec_fromRoot() { |
| // prepare paths |
| String root = convertPath('/root'); |
| String rootPubspec = convertPath('$root/pubspec.yaml'); |
| String rootFile = convertPath('$root/root.dart'); |
| // create files |
| resourceProvider.newFile(rootPubspec, 'pubspec'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(rootFile, 'library root;'); |
| // set roots |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[root], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([root]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(root, [rootFile]); |
| // delete the pubspec |
| resourceProvider.deleteFile(rootPubspec); |
| return pumpEventQueue().then((_) { |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([root]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(root, [rootFile]); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| test_watch_deletePubspec_fromSubFolder() { |
| // prepare paths |
| String root = convertPath('/root'); |
| String rootFile = convertPath('$root/root.dart'); |
| String subProject = convertPath('$root/sub/aaa'); |
| String subPubspec = convertPath('$subProject/pubspec.yaml'); |
| String subFile = convertPath('$subProject/bin/a.dart'); |
| // create files |
| resourceProvider.newFile(subPubspec, 'pubspec'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(rootFile, 'library root;'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(subFile, 'library a;'); |
| // set roots |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[root], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([root, subProject]); |
| // verify files |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(root, [rootFile]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(subProject, [subFile]); |
| // delete the pubspec |
| resourceProvider.deleteFile(subPubspec); |
| return pumpEventQueue().then((_) { |
| callbacks.assertContextPaths([root]); |
| callbacks.assertContextFiles(root, [rootFile, subFile]); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| test_watch_modifyFile() { |
| String filePath = join(projPath, 'foo.dart'); |
| // add root with a file |
| resourceProvider.newFile(filePath, 'contents'); |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| // the file was added |
| Iterable<String> filePaths = callbacks.currentFilePaths; |
| expect(filePaths, hasLength(1)); |
| expect(filePaths, contains(filePath)); |
| // TODO(brianwilkerson) Test when the file was modified |
| // update the file |
| callbacks.now++; |
| resourceProvider.modifyFile(filePath, 'new contents'); |
| return pumpEventQueue().then((_) { |
| // TODO(brianwilkerson) Test when the file was modified |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| test_watch_modifyPackagespec() { |
| String packagesPath = convertPath('$projPath/.packages'); |
| String filePath = convertPath('$projPath/bin/main.dart'); |
| |
| resourceProvider.newFile(packagesPath, ''); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(filePath, 'library main;'); |
| |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| |
| Iterable<String> filePaths = callbacks.currentFilePaths; |
| expect(filePaths, hasLength(1)); |
| expect(filePaths, contains(filePath)); |
| expect(_currentPackageMap, isEmpty); |
| |
| // update .packages |
| callbacks.now++; |
| resourceProvider.modifyFile(packagesPath, 'main:./lib/'); |
| return pumpEventQueue().then((_) { |
| // verify new package info |
| expect(_currentPackageMap.keys, unorderedEquals(['main'])); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Verify that package URI's for source files in [path] will be resolved |
| * using a package root matching [expectation]. |
| */ |
| void _checkPackageRoot(String path, expectation) { |
| // TODO(brianwilkerson) Figure out how to test this. Possibly by comparing |
| // the contents of the package map (although that approach doesn't work at |
| // the moment). |
| // FolderDisposition disposition = callbacks.currentContextDispositions[path]; |
| // expect(disposition.packageRoot, expectation); |
| // TODO(paulberry): we should also verify that the package map itself is |
| // correct. See dartbug.com/23909. |
| } |
| } |
| |
| abstract class ContextManagerTest with ResourceProviderMixin { |
| /** |
| * The name of the 'bin' directory. |
| */ |
| static const String BIN_NAME = 'bin'; |
| |
| /** |
| * The name of the 'example' directory. |
| */ |
| static const String EXAMPLE_NAME = 'example'; |
| |
| /** |
| * The name of the 'lib' directory. |
| */ |
| static const String LIB_NAME = 'lib'; |
| |
| /** |
| * The name of the 'src' directory. |
| */ |
| static const String SRC_NAME = 'src'; |
| |
| /** |
| * The name of the 'test' directory. |
| */ |
| static const String TEST_NAME = 'test'; |
| |
| ContextManagerImpl manager; |
| |
| TestContextManagerCallbacks callbacks; |
| |
| UriResolver packageResolver = null; |
| |
| String projPath = null; |
| |
| AnalysisError missing_return = |
| new AnalysisError(null, 0, 1, HintCode.MISSING_RETURN, [ |
| ['x'] |
| ]); |
| |
| AnalysisError invalid_assignment_error = |
| new AnalysisError(null, 0, 1, StaticTypeWarningCode.INVALID_ASSIGNMENT, [ |
| ['x'], |
| ['y'] |
| ]); |
| |
| AnalysisError unused_local_variable = |
| new AnalysisError(null, 0, 1, HintCode.UNUSED_LOCAL_VARIABLE, [ |
| ['x'] |
| ]); |
| |
| List<Glob> get analysisFilesGlobs { |
| List<String> patterns = <String>[ |
| '**/*.${AnalysisEngine.SUFFIX_DART}', |
| '**/*.${AnalysisEngine.SUFFIX_HTML}', |
| '**/*.${AnalysisEngine.SUFFIX_HTM}', |
| '**/${AnalysisEngine.ANALYSIS_OPTIONS_FILE}', |
| '**/${AnalysisEngine.ANALYSIS_OPTIONS_YAML_FILE}' |
| ]; |
| return patterns |
| .map((pattern) => new Glob(path.posix.separator, pattern)) |
| .toList(); |
| } |
| |
| AnalysisOptions get analysisOptions => callbacks.analysisOptions; |
| |
| List<ErrorProcessor> get errorProcessors => analysisOptions.errorProcessors; |
| |
| List<Linter> get lints => analysisOptions.lintRules; |
| |
| SourceFactory get sourceFactory => callbacks.sourceFactory; |
| |
| Map<String, List<Folder>> get _currentPackageMap => _packageMap(projPath); |
| |
| /** |
| * TODO(brianwilkerson) This doesn't add the strong mode processor when using |
| * the new analysis driver. |
| */ |
| ErrorProcessor getProcessor(AnalysisError error) => errorProcessors |
| .firstWhere((ErrorProcessor p) => p.appliesTo(error), orElse: () => null); |
| |
| void processRequiredPlugins() { |
| registerLintRules(); |
| } |
| |
| UriResolver providePackageResolver(Folder folder) => packageResolver; |
| |
| void setUp() { |
| processRequiredPlugins(); |
| projPath = convertPath('/my/proj'); |
| resourceProvider.newFolder(projPath); |
| // Create an SDK in the mock file system. |
| new MockSdk(generateSummaryFiles: true, resourceProvider: resourceProvider); |
| DartSdkManager sdkManager = new DartSdkManager(convertPath('/sdk'), true); |
| manager = new ContextManagerImpl( |
| resourceProvider, |
| sdkManager, |
| providePackageResolver, |
| analysisFilesGlobs, |
| InstrumentationService.NULL_SERVICE, |
| new AnalysisOptionsImpl()); |
| PerformanceLog logger = new PerformanceLog(new NullStringSink()); |
| AnalysisDriverScheduler scheduler = new AnalysisDriverScheduler(logger); |
| callbacks = new TestContextManagerCallbacks( |
| resourceProvider, sdkManager, logger, scheduler); |
| manager.callbacks = callbacks; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Verify that package URI's for source files in [path] will be resolved |
| * using a package root matching [expectation]. |
| */ |
| void _checkPackageRoot(String path, expectation) { |
| // TODO(brianwilkerson) Figure out how to test this. Possibly by comparing |
| // the contents of the package map (although that approach doesn't work at |
| // the moment). |
| // FolderDisposition disposition = callbacks.currentContextDispositions[path]; |
| // expect(disposition.packageRoot, expectation); |
| // TODO(paulberry): we should also verify that the package map itself is |
| // correct. See dartbug.com/23909. |
| } |
| |
| Map<String, List<Folder>> _packageMap(String contextPath) { |
| Folder folder = resourceProvider.getFolder(contextPath); |
| ContextInfo info = manager.getContextInfoFor(folder); |
| return info.analysisDriver.sourceFactory?.packageMap; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @reflectiveTest |
| class ContextManagerWithNewOptionsTest extends ContextManagerWithOptionsTest { |
| String get optionsFileName => AnalysisEngine.ANALYSIS_OPTIONS_YAML_FILE; |
| |
| @failingTest |
| test_analysis_options_parse_failure() async { |
| // We have lost the ability to detect errors of this form. |
| return super.test_analysis_options_parse_failure(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @reflectiveTest |
| class ContextManagerWithOldOptionsTest extends ContextManagerWithOptionsTest { |
| String get optionsFileName => AnalysisEngine.ANALYSIS_OPTIONS_FILE; |
| } |
| |
| abstract class ContextManagerWithOptionsTest extends ContextManagerTest { |
| String get optionsFileName; |
| |
| void deleteOptionsFile() { |
| deleteFile('$projPath/$optionsFileName'); |
| } |
| |
| test_analysis_options_file_delete() async { |
| // Setup analysis options |
| newFile('$projPath/$optionsFileName', content: r''' |
| embedded_libs: |
| "dart:foobar": "../sdk_ext/entry.dart" |
| analyzer: |
| errors: |
| unused_local_variable: false |
| linter: |
| rules: |
| - camel_case_types |
| '''); |
| |
| // Setup context. |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| await pumpEventQueue(); |
| |
| // Verify options were set. |
| expect(errorProcessors, hasLength(1)); |
| expect(lints, hasLength(1)); |
| |
| // Remove options. |
| deleteOptionsFile(); |
| await pumpEventQueue(); |
| |
| // Verify defaults restored. |
| expect(errorProcessors, isEmpty); |
| expect(lints, isEmpty); |
| } |
| |
| @failingTest |
| test_analysis_options_file_delete_with_embedder() async { |
| // This fails because the ContextBuilder doesn't pick up the strongMode |
| // flag from the embedder.yaml file. |
| // Setup _embedder.yaml. |
| String libPath = '$projPath/${ContextManagerTest.LIB_NAME}'; |
| newFile('$libPath/_embedder.yaml', content: r''' |
| analyzer: |
| language: |
| enablePreviewDart2: true |
| errors: |
| missing_return: false |
| linter: |
| rules: |
| - avoid_as |
| '''); |
| |
| // Setup .packages file |
| newFile('$projPath/.packages', content: r''' |
| test_pack:lib/'''); |
| |
| // Setup analysis options |
| newFile('$projPath/$optionsFileName', content: r''' |
| analyzer: |
| errors: |
| unused_local_variable: false |
| linter: |
| rules: |
| - camel_case_types |
| '''); |
| |
| // Setup context. |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| await pumpEventQueue(); |
| |
| // Verify options were set. |
| expect(errorProcessors, hasLength(2)); |
| expect(lints, hasLength(2)); |
| |
| // Remove options. |
| deleteOptionsFile(); |
| await pumpEventQueue(); |
| |
| // Verify defaults restored. |
| expect(lints, hasLength(1)); |
| expect(lints.first, const TypeMatcher<AvoidAs>()); |
| expect(errorProcessors, hasLength(1)); |
| expect(getProcessor(missing_return).severity, isNull); |
| } |
| |
| test_analysis_options_include() async { |
| // Create files. |
| String libPath = '$projPath/${ContextManagerTest.LIB_NAME}'; |
| newFile('$libPath/main.dart'); |
| String sdkExtPath = '$projPath/sdk_ext'; |
| newFile('$sdkExtPath/entry.dart'); |
| String sdkExtSrcPath = '$projPath/sdk_ext/src'; |
| newFile('$sdkExtSrcPath/part.dart'); |
| // Setup analysis options file which includes another options file. |
| newFile('$projPath/$optionsFileName', content: r''' |
| include: other_options.yaml |
| '''); |
| newFile('$projPath/other_options.yaml', content: r''' |
| analyzer: |
| errors: |
| unused_local_variable: false |
| linter: |
| rules: |
| - camel_case_types |
| '''); |
| // Setup context. |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| await pumpEventQueue(); |
| // Verify options were set. |
| expect(errorProcessors, hasLength(1)); |
| expect(lints, hasLength(1)); |
| expect(lints[0].name, 'camel_case_types'); |
| } |
| |
| test_analysis_options_include_package() async { |
| // Create files. |
| String libPath = '$projPath/${ContextManagerTest.LIB_NAME}'; |
| newFile('$libPath/main.dart'); |
| String sdkExtPath = '$projPath/sdk_ext'; |
| newFile('$sdkExtPath/entry.dart'); |
| String sdkExtSrcPath = '$projPath/sdk_ext/src'; |
| newFile('$sdkExtSrcPath/part.dart'); |
| // Setup package |
| String booLibPosixPath = '/my/pkg/boo/lib'; |
| newFile('$booLibPosixPath/other_options.yaml', content: r''' |
| analyzer: |
| errors: |
| unused_local_variable: false |
| linter: |
| rules: |
| - camel_case_types |
| '''); |
| // Setup analysis options file which includes another options file. |
| newFile('$projPath/${ContextManagerImpl.PACKAGE_SPEC_NAME}', |
| content: 'boo:$booLibPosixPath\n'); |
| newFile('$projPath/$optionsFileName', content: r''' |
| include: package:boo/other_options.yaml |
| '''); |
| // Setup context. |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| await pumpEventQueue(); |
| // Verify options were set. |
| expect(errorProcessors, hasLength(1)); |
| expect(lints, hasLength(1)); |
| expect(lints[0].name, 'camel_case_types'); |
| } |
| |
| test_analysis_options_parse_failure() async { |
| // Create files. |
| String libPath = '$projPath/${ContextManagerTest.LIB_NAME}'; |
| newFile('$libPath/main.dart'); |
| String sdkExtPath = '$projPath/sdk_ext'; |
| newFile('$sdkExtPath/entry.dart'); |
| String sdkExtSrcPath = '$projPath/sdk_ext/src'; |
| newFile('$sdkExtSrcPath/part.dart'); |
| // Setup analysis options file with ignore list. |
| String optionsFilePath = newFile('$projPath/$optionsFileName', content: r''' |
| ; |
| ''').path; |
| // Setup context. |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| |
| // Check that an error was produced. |
| TestNotificationManager notificationManager = callbacks.notificationManager; |
| var errors = notificationManager.recordedErrors; |
| expect(errors, hasLength(1)); |
| expect(errors[errors.keys.first][optionsFilePath], hasLength(1)); |
| } |
| |
| test_deleteRoot_hasAnalysisOptions() async { |
| newFile('$projPath/$optionsFileName'); |
| |
| // Add the root. |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| await pumpEventQueue(); |
| |
| // Remove the root, with the analysis options file. |
| // No exceptions. |
| resourceProvider.deleteFolder(projPath); |
| await pumpEventQueue(); |
| } |
| |
| @failingTest |
| test_embedder_options() async { |
| // This fails because the ContextBuilder doesn't pick up the strongMode |
| // flag from the embedder.yaml file. |
| // Create files. |
| String libPath = '$projPath/${ContextManagerTest.LIB_NAME}'; |
| String sdkExtPath = '$projPath/sdk_ext'; |
| newFile('$projPath/test', content: 'test.dart'); |
| newFile('$sdkExtPath/entry.dart'); |
| var synchronousSession = SynchronousSession(analysisOptions, null); |
| List<int> bytes = new SummaryBuilder( |
| [], RestrictedAnalysisContext(synchronousSession, null)) |
| .build(); |
| newFileWithBytes('$projPath/sdk.ds', bytes); |
| // Setup _embedder.yaml. |
| newFile('$libPath/_embedder.yaml', content: r''' |
| embedded_libs: |
| "dart:foobar": "../sdk_ext/entry.dart" |
| analyzer: |
| strong-mode: true |
| errors: |
| missing_return: false |
| linter: |
| rules: |
| - avoid_as |
| '''); |
| // Setup .packages file |
| newFile('$projPath/.packages', content: r''' |
| test_pack:lib/'''); |
| |
| // Setup analysis options |
| newFile('$projPath/$optionsFileName', content: r''' |
| analyzer: |
| exclude: |
| - 'test/**' |
| errors: |
| unused_local_variable: false |
| linter: |
| rules: |
| - camel_case_types |
| '''); |
| |
| // Setup context. |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| await pumpEventQueue(); |
| |
| // Confirm that one context was created. |
| int count = manager |
| .numberOfContextsInAnalysisRoot(resourceProvider.newFolder(projPath)); |
| expect(count, equals(1)); |
| |
| // Verify options. |
| // * from `_embedder.yaml`: |
| // TODO(brianwilkerson) Figure out what to use in place of 'strongMode'. |
| // expect(analysisOptions.strongMode, isTrue); |
| |
| // * verify tests are excluded |
| expect( |
| callbacks.currentContextFilePaths[projPath].keys, |
| unorderedEquals( |
| ['/my/proj/sdk_ext/entry.dart', '/my/proj/$optionsFileName'])); |
| |
| // Verify filter setup. |
| expect(errorProcessors, hasLength(2)); |
| |
| // * (embedder.) |
| expect(getProcessor(missing_return).severity, isNull); |
| |
| // * (options.) |
| expect(getProcessor(unused_local_variable).severity, isNull); |
| |
| // Verify lints. |
| var lintNames = lints.map((lint) => lint.name); |
| |
| expect( |
| lintNames, |
| unorderedEquals([ |
| 'avoid_as' /* embedder */, |
| 'camel_case_types' /* options */ |
| ])); |
| |
| // Sanity check embedder libs. |
| var source = sourceFactory.forUri('dart:foobar'); |
| expect(source, isNotNull); |
| expect(source.fullName, '/my/proj/sdk_ext/entry.dart'); |
| } |
| |
| test_error_filter_analysis_option() async { |
| // Create files. |
| newFile('$projPath/$optionsFileName', content: r''' |
| analyzer: |
| errors: |
| unused_local_variable: ignore |
| '''); |
| // Setup context. |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| |
| // Verify filter setup. |
| expect(errorProcessors, hasLength(1)); |
| expect(getProcessor(unused_local_variable).severity, isNull); |
| } |
| |
| test_error_filter_analysis_option_multiple_filters() async { |
| // Create files. |
| newFile('$projPath/$optionsFileName', content: r''' |
| analyzer: |
| errors: |
| invalid_assignment: ignore |
| unused_local_variable: error |
| '''); |
| // Setup context. |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| |
| // Verify filter setup. |
| expect(errorProcessors, hasLength(2)); |
| |
| expect(getProcessor(invalid_assignment_error).severity, isNull); |
| expect(getProcessor(unused_local_variable).severity, ErrorSeverity.ERROR); |
| } |
| |
| test_error_filter_analysis_option_synonyms() async { |
| // Create files. |
| newFile('$projPath/$optionsFileName', content: r''' |
| analyzer: |
| errors: |
| unused_local_variable: ignore |
| ambiguous_import: false |
| '''); |
| // Setup context. |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| |
| // Verify filter setup. |
| expect(errorProcessors, isNotNull); |
| expect(errorProcessors, hasLength(2)); |
| } |
| |
| test_error_filter_analysis_option_unpsecified() async { |
| // Create files. |
| newFile('$projPath/$optionsFileName', content: r''' |
| analyzer: |
| # errors: |
| # unused_local_variable: ignore |
| '''); |
| // Setup context. |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| |
| // Verify filter setup. |
| expect(errorProcessors, isEmpty); |
| } |
| |
| test_non_analyzable_files_not_considered() async { |
| // Set up project and get a reference to the driver. |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| Folder projectFolder = resourceProvider.newFolder(projPath); |
| var drivers = manager.getDriversInAnalysisRoot(projectFolder); |
| expect(drivers, hasLength(1)); |
| |
| // Add the driver to the manager so that it will receive the events. |
| manager.driverMap[projectFolder] = drivers[0]; |
| |
| // Ensure adding a file that shouldn't be analyzed is not picked up. |
| newFile('$projPath/test.txt'); |
| await pumpEventQueue(); |
| expect(drivers[0].hasFilesToAnalyze, false); |
| |
| // Ensure modifying a file that shouldn't be analyzed is not picked up. |
| modifyFile('$projPath/test.txt', 'new content'); |
| await pumpEventQueue(); |
| expect(drivers[0].hasFilesToAnalyze, false); |
| } |
| |
| @failingTest |
| test_optionsFile_update_strongMode() async { |
| // It appears that this fails because we are not correctly updating the |
| // analysis options in the driver when the file is modified. |
| //return super.test_optionsFile_update_strongMode(); |
| // After a few other changes, the test now times out on my machine, so I'm |
| // disabling it in order to prevent it from being flaky. |
| _fail('Test times out'); |
| var file = resourceProvider.newFile('$projPath/bin/test.dart', r''' |
| main() { |
| var paths = <int>[]; |
| var names = <String>[]; |
| paths.addAll(names.map((s) => s.length)); |
| } |
| '''); |
| resourceProvider.newFile('$projPath/$optionsFileName', r''' |
| analyzer: |
| strong-mode: false |
| '''); |
| // Create the context. |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| await pumpEventQueue(); |
| |
| var result = await callbacks.currentDriver.getResult(file.path); |
| |
| // Not strong mode - both in the context and the SDK context. |
| // AnalysisContext sdkContext = sourceFactory.dartSdk.context; |
| // TODO(brianwilkerson) Figure out whether there is an option other than |
| // 'strongMode' that will apply to the SDK context. |
| // expect(analysisOptions.strongMode, isFalse); |
| // expect(sdkContext.analysisOptions.strongMode, isFalse); |
| expect(result.errors, isEmpty); |
| |
| // Update the options file - turn on 'strong-mode'. |
| resourceProvider.updateFile('$projPath/$optionsFileName', r''' |
| analyzer: |
| strong-mode: true |
| '''); |
| await pumpEventQueue(); |
| |
| // Strong mode - both in the context and the SDK context. |
| result = await callbacks.currentDriver.getResult(file.path); |
| |
| // Not strong mode - both in the context and the SDK context. |
| // sdkContext = sourceFactory.dartSdk.context; |
| // TODO(brianwilkerson) Figure out whether there is an option other than |
| // 'strongMode' that will apply to the SDK context. |
| // expect(analysisOptions.strongMode, isTrue); |
| // expect(sdkContext.analysisOptions.strongMode, isTrue); |
| // The code is strong-mode clean. |
| // Verify that TypeSystem was reset. |
| expect(result.errors, isEmpty); |
| } |
| |
| @failingTest |
| test_path_filter_analysis_option() async { |
| // This fails because we're not analyzing the analysis options file. |
| // Create files. |
| String libPath = '$projPath/${ContextManagerTest.LIB_NAME}'; |
| newFile('$libPath/main.dart'); |
| newFile('$libPath/nope.dart'); |
| String sdkExtPath = '$projPath/sdk_ext'; |
| newFile('$sdkExtPath/entry.dart'); |
| String sdkExtSrcPath = '$projPath/sdk_ext/src'; |
| newFile('$sdkExtSrcPath/part.dart'); |
| // Setup analysis options file with ignore list. |
| newFile('$projPath/$optionsFileName', content: r''' |
| analyzer: |
| exclude: |
| - lib/nope.dart |
| - 'sdk_ext/**' |
| '''); |
| // Setup context. |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| |
| // Verify that analysis options was parsed and the ignore patterns applied. |
| Folder projectFolder = resourceProvider.newFolder(projPath); |
| var drivers = manager.getDriversInAnalysisRoot(projectFolder); |
| expect(drivers, hasLength(1)); |
| AnalysisDriver driver = drivers[0]; |
| expect( |
| driver.addedFiles, |
| unorderedEquals( |
| ['/my/proj/lib/main.dart', '/my/proj/$optionsFileName'])); |
| } |
| |
| test_path_filter_child_contexts_option() async { |
| // Create files. |
| String libPath = '$projPath/${ContextManagerTest.LIB_NAME}'; |
| newFile('$libPath/main.dart'); |
| newFile('$libPath/pubspec.yaml', content: r''' |
| name: foobar |
| '''); |
| String otherLibPath = '$projPath/other_lib'; |
| newFile('$otherLibPath/entry.dart'); |
| newFile('$otherLibPath/pubspec.yaml', content: r''' |
| name: other_lib |
| '''); |
| // Setup analysis options file with ignore list that ignores the 'other_lib' |
| // directory by name. |
| newFile('$projPath/$optionsFileName', content: r''' |
| analyzer: |
| exclude: |
| - 'other_lib' |
| '''); |
| // Setup context. |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| // Verify that the context in other_lib wasn't created and that the |
| // context in lib was created. |
| Folder projectFolder = resourceProvider.newFolder(projPath); |
| var drivers = manager.getDriversInAnalysisRoot(projectFolder); |
| expect(drivers, hasLength(2)); |
| expect(drivers[0].name, equals(convertPath('/my/proj'))); |
| expect(drivers[1].name, equals(convertPath('/my/proj/lib'))); |
| } |
| |
| test_path_filter_recursive_wildcard_child_contexts_option() async { |
| // Create files. |
| String libPath = '$projPath/${ContextManagerTest.LIB_NAME}'; |
| newFile('$libPath/main.dart'); |
| newFile('$libPath/pubspec.yaml', content: r''' |
| name: foobar |
| '''); |
| String otherLibPath = '$projPath/other_lib'; |
| newFile('$otherLibPath/entry.dart'); |
| newFile('$otherLibPath/pubspec.yaml', content: r''' |
| name: other_lib |
| '''); |
| // Setup analysis options file with ignore list that ignores 'other_lib' |
| // and all descendants. |
| newFile('$projPath/$optionsFileName', content: r''' |
| analyzer: |
| exclude: |
| - 'other_lib/**' |
| '''); |
| // Setup context. |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| |
| // Verify that the context in other_lib wasn't created and that the |
| // context in lib was created. |
| Folder projectFolder = resourceProvider.newFolder(projPath); |
| var drivers = manager.getDriversInAnalysisRoot(projectFolder); |
| expect(drivers, hasLength(2)); |
| expect(drivers[0].name, equals(convertPath('/my/proj'))); |
| expect(drivers[1].name, equals(convertPath('/my/proj/lib'))); |
| } |
| |
| test_path_filter_wildcard_child_contexts_option() async { |
| // Create files. |
| String libPath = '$projPath/${ContextManagerTest.LIB_NAME}'; |
| newFile('$libPath/main.dart'); |
| newFile('$libPath/pubspec.yaml', content: r''' |
| name: foobar |
| '''); |
| String otherLibPath = '$projPath/other_lib'; |
| newFile('$otherLibPath/entry.dart'); |
| newFile('$otherLibPath/pubspec.yaml', content: r''' |
| name: other_lib |
| '''); |
| // Setup analysis options file with ignore list that ignores 'other_lib' |
| // and all immediate children. |
| newFile('$projPath/$optionsFileName', content: r''' |
| analyzer: |
| exclude: |
| - 'other_lib/*' |
| '''); |
| // Setup context / driver. |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| |
| Folder projectFolder = resourceProvider.newFolder(projPath); |
| var drivers = manager.getDriversInAnalysisRoot(projectFolder); |
| expect(drivers, hasLength(2)); |
| expect(drivers[0].name, equals(convertPath('/my/proj'))); |
| expect(drivers[1].name, equals(convertPath('/my/proj/lib'))); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_nested_excludedByOuter() { |
| String project = convertPath('/project'); |
| String projectPubspec = convertPath('$project/pubspec.yaml'); |
| String example = convertPath('$project/example'); |
| String examplePubspec = convertPath('$example/pubspec.yaml'); |
| // create files |
| resourceProvider.newFile(projectPubspec, 'name: project'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(examplePubspec, 'name: example'); |
| newFile('$project/$optionsFileName', content: r''' |
| analyzer: |
| exclude: |
| - 'example' |
| '''); |
| manager |
| .setRoots(<String>[project, example], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| // verify |
| { |
| ContextInfo rootInfo = manager.rootInfo; |
| expect(rootInfo.children, hasLength(1)); |
| { |
| ContextInfo projectInfo = rootInfo.children[0]; |
| expect(projectInfo.folder.path, project); |
| expect(projectInfo.children, hasLength(1)); |
| { |
| ContextInfo exampleInfo = projectInfo.children[0]; |
| expect(exampleInfo.folder.path, example); |
| expect(exampleInfo.children, isEmpty); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextRoots, hasLength(2)); |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextRoots, unorderedEquals([project, example])); |
| } |
| |
| void test_setRoots_nested_excludedByOuter_deep() { |
| String a = convertPath('/a'); |
| String c = convertPath('$a/b/c'); |
| String aPubspec = convertPath('$a/pubspec.yaml'); |
| String cPubspec = convertPath('$c/pubspec.yaml'); |
| // create files |
| resourceProvider.newFile(aPubspec, 'name: aaa'); |
| resourceProvider.newFile(cPubspec, 'name: ccc'); |
| newFile('$a/$optionsFileName', content: r''' |
| analyzer: |
| exclude: |
| - 'b**' |
| '''); |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[a, c], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| // verify |
| { |
| ContextInfo rootInfo = manager.rootInfo; |
| expect(rootInfo.children, hasLength(1)); |
| { |
| ContextInfo aInfo = rootInfo.children[0]; |
| expect(aInfo.folder.path, a); |
| expect(aInfo.children, hasLength(1)); |
| { |
| ContextInfo cInfo = aInfo.children[0]; |
| expect(cInfo.folder.path, c); |
| expect(cInfo.children, isEmpty); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextRoots, hasLength(2)); |
| expect(callbacks.currentContextRoots, unorderedEquals([a, c])); |
| } |
| |
| test_watchEvents() async { |
| String libPath = newFolder('$projPath/${ContextManagerTest.LIB_NAME}').path; |
| manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{}); |
| newFile('$libPath/main.dart'); |
| await new Future.delayed(new Duration(milliseconds: 1)); |
| expect(callbacks.watchEvents, hasLength(1)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class TestContextManagerCallbacks extends ContextManagerCallbacks { |
| /** |
| * Source of timestamps stored in [currentContextFilePaths]. |
| */ |
| int now = 0; |
| |
| /** |
| * The analysis driver that was created. |
| */ |
| AnalysisDriver currentDriver; |
| |
| /** |
| * A table mapping paths to the analysis driver associated with that path. |
| */ |
| Map<String, AnalysisDriver> driverMap = <String, AnalysisDriver>{}; |
| |
| /** |
| * Map from context to the timestamp when the context was created. |
| */ |
| Map<String, int> currentContextTimestamps = <String, int>{}; |
| |
| /** |
| * Map from context to (map from file path to timestamp of last event). |
| */ |
| final Map<String, Map<String, int>> currentContextFilePaths = |
| <String, Map<String, int>>{}; |
| |
| /** |
| * A map from the paths of contexts to a set of the sources that should be |
| * explicitly analyzed in those contexts. |
| */ |
| final Map<String, Set<Source>> currentContextSources = |
| <String, Set<Source>>{}; |
| |
| /** |
| * Resource provider used for this test. |
| */ |
| final ResourceProvider resourceProvider; |
| |
| /** |
| * The manager managing the SDKs. |
| */ |
| final DartSdkManager sdkManager; |
| |
| /** |
| * The logger used by the scheduler and the driver. |
| */ |
| final PerformanceLog logger; |
| |
| /** |
| * The scheduler used by the driver. |
| */ |
| final AnalysisDriverScheduler scheduler; |
| |
| /** |
| * The list of `flushedFiles` in the last [removeContext] invocation. |
| */ |
| List<String> lastFlushedFiles; |
| |
| /** |
| * The watch events that have been broadcast. |
| */ |
| List<WatchEvent> watchEvents = <WatchEvent>[]; |
| |
| @override |
| NotificationManager notificationManager = new TestNotificationManager(); |
| |
| TestContextManagerCallbacks( |
| this.resourceProvider, this.sdkManager, this.logger, this.scheduler); |
| |
| /** |
| * Return the current set of analysis options. |
| */ |
| AnalysisOptions get analysisOptions => currentDriver?.analysisOptions; |
| |
| /** |
| * Return the paths to the context roots that currently exist. |
| */ |
| Iterable<String> get currentContextRoots { |
| return currentContextTimestamps.keys; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Return the paths to the files being analyzed in the current context root. |
| */ |
| Iterable<String> get currentFilePaths { |
| if (currentDriver == null) { |
| return <String>[]; |
| } |
| return currentDriver.addedFiles; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Return the current source factory. |
| */ |
| SourceFactory get sourceFactory => currentDriver?.sourceFactory; |
| |
| @override |
| AnalysisDriver addAnalysisDriver( |
| Folder folder, ContextRoot contextRoot, AnalysisOptions options) { |
| String path = folder.path; |
| expect(currentContextRoots, isNot(contains(path))); |
| expect(contextRoot, isNotNull); |
| expect(contextRoot.root, path); |
| currentContextTimestamps[path] = now; |
| |
| ContextBuilder builder = |
| createContextBuilder(folder, options, useSummaries: true); |
| builder.analysisDriverScheduler = scheduler; |
| builder.byteStore = MemoryByteStore(); |
| builder.performanceLog = logger; |
| builder.fileContentOverlay = FileContentOverlay(); |
| currentDriver = builder.buildDriver(contextRoot); |
| |
| driverMap[path] = currentDriver; |
| currentDriver.exceptions.listen((ExceptionResult result) { |
| AnalysisEngine.instance.logger |
| .logError('Analysis failed: ${result.path}', result.exception); |
| }); |
| return currentDriver; |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void afterWatchEvent(WatchEvent event) {} |
| |
| @override |
| void analysisOptionsUpdated(AnalysisDriver driver) {} |
| |
| @override |
| void applyChangesToContext(Folder contextFolder, ChangeSet changeSet) { |
| AnalysisDriver driver = driverMap[contextFolder.path]; |
| if (driver != null) { |
| changeSet.addedSources.forEach((source) { |
| driver.addFile(source.fullName); |
| }); |
| changeSet.changedSources.forEach((source) { |
| driver.changeFile(source.fullName); |
| }); |
| changeSet.removedSources.forEach((source) { |
| driver.removeFile(source.fullName); |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void applyFileRemoved(AnalysisDriver driver, String file) { |
| driver.removeFile(file); |
| } |
| |
| void assertContextFiles(String contextPath, List<String> expectedFiles) { |
| expect(getCurrentFilePaths(contextPath), unorderedEquals(expectedFiles)); |
| } |
| |
| void assertContextPaths(List<String> expected) { |
| expect(currentContextRoots, unorderedEquals(expected)); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void broadcastWatchEvent(WatchEvent event) { |
| watchEvents.add(event); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| ContextBuilder createContextBuilder(Folder folder, AnalysisOptions options, |
| {bool useSummaries = false}) { |
| ContextBuilderOptions builderOptions = new ContextBuilderOptions(); |
| builderOptions.defaultOptions = options; |
| ContextBuilder builder = new ContextBuilder( |
| resourceProvider, sdkManager, null, |
| options: builderOptions); |
| return builder; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Return the paths to the files being analyzed in the current context root. |
| */ |
| Iterable<Source> currentFileSources(String contextPath) { |
| if (currentDriver == null) { |
| return <Source>[]; |
| } |
| AnalysisDriver driver = driverMap[contextPath]; |
| SourceFactory sourceFactory = driver.sourceFactory; |
| return driver.addedFiles.map((String path) { |
| File file = resourceProvider.getFile(path); |
| Source source = file.createSource(); |
| Uri uri = sourceFactory.restoreUri(source); |
| return file.createSource(uri); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Return the paths to the files being analyzed in the current context root. |
| */ |
| Iterable<String> getCurrentFilePaths(String contextPath) { |
| if (currentDriver == null) { |
| return <String>[]; |
| } |
| return driverMap[contextPath].addedFiles; |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void removeContext(Folder folder, List<String> flushedFiles) { |
| String path = folder.path; |
| expect(currentContextRoots, contains(path)); |
| currentContextTimestamps.remove(path); |
| currentContextFilePaths.remove(path); |
| currentContextSources.remove(path); |
| lastFlushedFiles = flushedFiles; |
| } |
| } |