blob: 7a66011ce9e66955362e9268cc8f8d58f452e579 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/src/edit/nnbd_migration/offset_mapper.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/utilities_general.dart';
/// The migration information associated with a single library.
class LibraryInfo {
/// The information about the units in the library. The information about the
/// defining compilation unit is always first.
final List<UnitInfo> units;
/// Initialize a newly created library.
/// A location to which a user might want to navigate.
class NavigationTarget {
/// The file containing the anchor.
final String filePath;
/// The offset of the anchor.
final int offset;
/// The length of the anchor.
final int length;
/// Initialize a newly created anchor.
NavigationTarget(this.filePath, this.offset, this.length);
int get hashCode => JenkinsSmiHash.hash3(filePath.hashCode, offset, length);
bool operator ==(other) {
return other is NavigationTarget &&
other.filePath == filePath &&
other.offset == offset &&
other.length == length;
/// An additional detail related to a region.
class RegionDetail {
/// A textual description of the detail.
final String description;
/// The location associated with the detail, such as the location of an
/// argument that's assigned to a parameter.
final NavigationTarget target;
/// Initialize a newly created detail.
/// A description of an explanation associated with a region of code that was
/// modified.
class RegionInfo {
/// The offset to the beginning of the region.
final int offset;
/// The length of the region.
final int length;
/// The explanation to be displayed for the region.
final String explanation;
/// Details that further explain why a change was made.
final List<RegionDetail> details;
/// Initialize a newly created region.
RegionInfo(this.offset, this.length, this.explanation, this.details);
/// The migration information associated with a single compilation unit.
class UnitInfo {
/// The absolute and normalized path of the unit.
final String path;
/// The content of unit.
String content;
/// The information about the regions that have an explanation associated with
/// them. The offsets in these regions are offsets into the post-edit content.
final List<RegionInfo> regions = [];
/// The navigation targets that are located in this file. The offsets in these
/// targets are offsets into the pre-edit content.
final Set<NavigationTarget> targets = {};
/// The object used to map the pre-edit offsets in the navigation targets to
/// the post-edit offsets in the [content].
OffsetMapper offsetMapper = OffsetMapper.identity;
/// Initialize a newly created unit.