blob: 1e608910cc4036e6b5ea409a9f64dc287bb956bf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/instrumentation.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/nnbd_migration.dart';
/// The instrumentation information gathered from the migration engine.
class InstrumentationInformation {
/// The node used for type sources that are always `null`.
NullabilityNodeInfo always;
/// A map from elements outside of the code being migrated, to the nullability
/// nodes associated with the type of the element.
final Map<Element, DecoratedTypeInfo> externalDecoratedType = {};
/// A map from the graph edges between nullability nodes, to information about
/// the edge that was created and why it was created.
final Map<EdgeInfo, EdgeOriginInfo> edgeOrigin = {};
/// The node used for type sources that are never `null`.
NullabilityNodeInfo never;
/// A list of the steps in the propagation of nullability information through
/// the nullability graph, to report details of the step that was performed
/// and why it was performed.
final List<PropagationInfo> propagationSteps = [];
/// The instrumentation information that is specific to a single source.
final Map<Source, SourceInformation> sourceInformation = {};
/// Initialize a newly created holder of instrumentation information.
/// The instrumentation information gathered from the migration engine that is
/// specific to a single source.
class SourceInformation {
/// A map from the type annotations found in the source code, to the
/// nullability nodes that are associated with that type.
final Map<TypeAnnotation, NullabilityNodeInfo> explicitTypeNullability = {};
/// A map from the fixes that were decided on to the reasons for the fix.
final Map<SingleNullabilityFix, List<FixReasonInfo>> fixes = {};
/// A map from AST nodes that have an implicit return type to the nullability
/// node associated with the implicit return type of the AST node. The node
/// can be an
/// - executable declaration,
/// - function-typed formal parameter declaration,
/// - function type alias declaration,
/// - generic function type, or
/// - function expression.
final Map<AstNode, DecoratedTypeInfo> implicitReturnType = {};
/// A map from AST nodes that have an implicit type to the nullability node
/// associated with the implicit type of the AST node. The node can be a
/// - formal parameter,
/// - declared identifier, or
/// - variable in a variable declaration list.
final Map<AstNode, DecoratedTypeInfo> implicitType = {};
/// Called whenever the migration engine encounters an AST node with implicit
/// type arguments, to report the nullability nodes associated with the
/// implicit type arguments of the AST node.
/// A map from AST nodes that have implicit type arguments to the nullability
/// nodes associated with the implicit type arguments of the AST node. The
/// node can be a
/// - constructor redirection,
/// - function expression invocation,
/// - method invocation,
/// - instance creation expression,
/// - list/map/set literal, or
/// - type annotation.
final Map<AstNode, List<DecoratedTypeInfo>> implicitTypeArguments = {};
/// Initialize a newly created holder of instrumentation information that is
/// specific to a single source.