blob: 9bc7a54ede772f7d359e8448be0a5c017dfe803d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.collection;
* Helper class which implements complex [Map] operations
* in term of basic ones ([Map.keys], [Map.operator []],
* [Map.operator []=] and [Map.remove].) Not all methods are
* necessary to implement each particular operation.
class Maps {
static bool containsValue(Map map, value) {
for (final v in map.values) {
if (value == v) {
return true;
return false;
static bool containsKey(Map map, key) {
for (final k in map.keys) {
if (key == k) {
return true;
return false;
static putIfAbsent(Map map, key, ifAbsent()) {
if (map.containsKey(key)) {
return map[key];
final v = ifAbsent();
map[key] = v;
return v;
static clear(Map map) {
for (final k in map.keys.toList()) {
static forEach(Map map, void f(key, value)) {
for (final k in map.keys) {
f(k, map[k]);
static Iterable getValues(Map map) {
return => map[key]);
static int length(Map map) => map.keys.length;
static bool isEmpty(Map map) => map.keys.isEmpty;
static bool isNotEmpty(Map map) => map.keys.isNotEmpty;
// A list to identify cyclic maps during toString() calls.
static List _toStringList = new List();
* Returns a string representing the specified map. The returned string
* looks like this: [:'{key0: value0, key1: value1, ... keyN: valueN}':].
* The value returned by its [toString] method is used to represent each
* key or value.
* If the map collection contains a reference to itself, either
* directly as a key or value, or indirectly through other collections
* or maps, the contained reference is rendered as [:'{...}':]. This
* prevents the infinite regress that would otherwise occur. So, for example,
* calling this method on a map whose sole entry maps the string key 'me'
* to a reference to the map would return [:'{me: {...}}':].
* A typical implementation of a map's [toString] method will
* simply return the results of this method applied to the collection.
static String mapToString(Map m) {
for (int i = 0; i < _toStringList.length; i++) {
if (identical(_toStringList[i], m)) { return '{...}'; }
var result = new StringBuffer();
try {
bool first = true;
m.forEach((k, v) {
if(!first) {
result.write(', ');
first = false;
result.write(': ');
} finally {
assert(identical(_toStringList.last, m));
return result.toString();
static _id(x) => x;
* Fills a map with key/value pairs computed from [iterable].
* This method is used by Map classes in the named constructor fromIterable.
static void _fillMapWithMappedIterable(Map map, Iterable iterable,
key(element), value(element)) {
if (key == null) key = _id;
if (value == null) value = _id;
for (var element in iterable) {
map[key(element)] = value(element);
* Fills a map by associating the [keys] to [values].
* This method is used by Map classes in the named constructor fromIterables.
static void _fillMapWithIterables(Map map, Iterable keys,
Iterable values) {
Iterator keyIterator = keys.iterator;
Iterator valueIterator = values.iterator;
bool hasNextKey = keyIterator.moveNext();
bool hasNextValue = valueIterator.moveNext();
while (hasNextKey && hasNextValue) {
map[keyIterator.current] = valueIterator.current;
hasNextKey = keyIterator.moveNext();
hasNextValue = valueIterator.moveNext();
if (hasNextKey || hasNextValue) {
throw new ArgumentError("Iterables do not have same length.");