blob: 42d65443ea8bd9cd40e8247fab3629c9908e60a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Verify semantics of the ??= operator, including order of operations, by
// keeping track of the operations performed.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
import "if_null_assignment_helper.dart" as h;
bad() {'Should not be executed');
var xGetValue = null;
get x {
var tmp = xGetValue;
xGetValue = null;
return tmp;
void set x(value) {
var yGetValue = null;
get y {
var tmp = yGetValue;
yGetValue = null;
return tmp;
void set y(value) {
var zGetValue = null;
get z {
var tmp = zGetValue;
zGetValue = null;
return tmp;
void set z(value) {
var fValue = null;
f() {
var tmp = fValue;
fValue = null;
return tmp;
void check(expectedValue, f(), expectedOperations) {
Expect.equals(expectedValue, f());
Expect.listEquals(expectedOperations, h.operations);
h.operations = [];
void checkThrows(expectedException, f(), expectedOperations) {
Expect.throws(f, expectedException);
Expect.listEquals(expectedOperations, h.operations);
h.operations = [];
noMethod(e) => e is NoSuchMethodError;
class C {
final String s;
String toString() => s;
static var xGetValue = null;
static get x {
var tmp = xGetValue;
xGetValue = null;
return tmp;
static void set x(value) {
var vGetValue = null;
get v {
var tmp = vGetValue;
vGetValue = null;
return tmp;
void set v(value) {
var indexGetValue = null;
operator [](index) {
var tmp = indexGetValue;
indexGetValue = null;
return tmp;
void operator []=(index, value) {
final finalOne = 1;
final finalNull = null;
void instanceTest() {
// v ??= e is equivalent to ((x) => x == null ? v = e : x)(v)
vGetValue = 1; check(1, () => v ??= bad(), ['$s.v']); //# 01: ok
yGetValue = 1; check(1, () => v ??= y, ['$s.v', 'y', '$s.v=1']); //# 02: ok
check(1, () => finalOne ??= bad(), []); //# 03: static type warning
yGetValue = 1; checkThrows(noMethod, () => finalNull ??= y, ['y']); //# 04: static type warning
class D extends C {
D(String s) : super(s);
get v => bad();
void set v(value) {
void derivedInstanceTest() {
// super.v ??= e is equivalent to
// ((x) => x == null ? super.v = e : x)(super.v)
vGetValue = 1; check(1, () => super.v ??= bad(), ['$s.v']); //# 05: ok
yGetValue = 1; check(1, () => super.v ??= y, ['$s.v', 'y', '$s.v=1']); //# 06: ok
main() {
// Make sure the "none" test fails if "??=" is not implemented. This makes
// status files easier to maintain.
var _;
_ ??= null;
new C('c').instanceTest();
new D('d').derivedInstanceTest();
// v ??= e is equivalent to ((x) => x == null ? v = e : x)(v)
xGetValue = 1; check(1, () => x ??= bad(), ['x']); //# 07: ok
yGetValue = 1; check(1, () => x ??= y, ['x', 'y', 'x=1']); //# 08: ok
h.xGetValue = 1; check(1, () => h.x ??= bad(), ['h.x']); //# 09: ok
yGetValue = 1; check(1, () => h.x ??= y, ['h.x', 'y', 'h.x=1']); //# 10: ok
{ var l = 1; check(1, () => l ??= bad(), []); } //# 11: ok
{ var l; yGetValue = 1; check(1, () => l ??= y, ['y']); Expect.equals(1, l); } //# 12: ok
{ final l = 1; check(1, () => l ??= bad(), []); } //# 13: static type warning
{ final l = null; yGetValue = 1; checkThrows(noMethod, () => l ??= y, ['y']); } //# 14: static type warning
check(C, () => C ??= bad(), []); //# 15: static type warning
h ??= null; //# 29: compile-time error
h[0] ??= null; //# 30: compile-time error
// C.v ??= e is equivalent to ((x) => x == null ? C.v = e : x)(C.v)
C.xGetValue = 1; check(1, () => C.x ??= bad(), ['C.x']); //# 16: ok
yGetValue = 1; check(1, () => C.x ??= y, ['C.x', 'y', 'C.x=1']); //# 17: ok
h.C.xGetValue = 1; check(1, () => h.C.x ??= bad(), ['h.C.x']); //# 18: ok
yGetValue = 1; check(1, () => h.C.x ??= y, ['h.C.x', 'y', 'h.C.x=1']); //# 19: ok
// e1.v ??= e2 is equivalent to
// ((x) => ((y) => y == null ? x.v = e2 : y)(x.v))(e1)
xGetValue = new C('x'); xGetValue.vGetValue = 1; //# 20: ok
check(1, () => x.v ??= bad(), ['x', 'x.v']); // //# 20: continued
xGetValue = new C('x'); yGetValue = 1; // //# 21: ok
check(1, () => x.v ??= y, ['x', 'x.v', 'y', 'x.v=1']); //# 21: continued
fValue = new C('f()'); fValue.vGetValue = 1; // //# 22: ok
check(1, () => f().v ??= bad(), ['f()', 'f().v']); //# 22: continued
fValue = new C('f()'); yGetValue = 1; // //# 23: ok
check(1, () => f().v ??= y, ['f()', 'f().v', 'y', 'f().v=1']); //# 23: continued
// e1[e2] ??= e3 is equivalent to
// ((a, i) => ((x) => x == null ? a[i] = e3 : x)(a[i]))(e1, e2)
xGetValue = new C('x'); yGetValue = 1; xGetValue.indexGetValue = 2; //# 24: ok
check(2, () => x[y] ??= bad(), ['x', 'y', 'x[1]']); // //# 24: continued
xGetValue = new C('x'); yGetValue = 1; zGetValue = 2; // //# 25: ok
check(2, () => x[y] ??= z, ['x', 'y', 'x[1]', 'z', 'x[1]=2']); //# 25: continued
// e1?.v ??= e2 is equivalent to ((x) => x == null ? null : x.v ??= e2)(e1).
check(null, () => x?.v ??= bad(), ['x']); //# 26: ok
xGetValue = new C('x'); xGetValue.vGetValue = 1; //# 27: ok
check(1, () => x?.v ??= bad(), ['x', 'x.v']); // //# 27: continued
xGetValue = new C('x'); yGetValue = 1; // //# 28: ok
check(1, () => x?.v ??= y, ['x', 'x.v', 'y', 'x.v=1']); //# 28: continued
// C?.v ??= e2 is equivalent to C.v ??= e2.
C.xGetValue = 1; // //# 29: ok
check(1, () => C?.x ??= bad(), ['C.x']); //# 29: continued
h.C.xgetValue = 1; // //# 30: ok
check(1, () => h.c?.x ??= bad(), ['h.C.x']); //# 30: continued
yGetValue = 1; // //# 31: ok
check(1, () => C?.x ??= y, ['C.x', 'y', 'C.x=1']); //# 31: continued
yGetValue = 1; // //# 32: ok
check(1, () => h.C?.x ??= y, ['h.C.x', 'y', 'h.C.x=1']); //# 32: continued