blob: 4dc1ba7d49dec130b4c20490f08352d57708eca4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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/// Constants for use in metadata annotations to provide hints to dart2js.
/// This is an experimental feature and not expected to be useful except for low
/// level framework authors.
/// Added at sdk version 2.0.0-dev.6.0
library meta_dart2js;
/// An annotation for methods to request that dart2js does not inline the
/// method.
/// import 'package:meta/dart2js.dart' as dart2js;
/// @dart2js.noInline
/// String text() => 'A String of unusual size';
const _NoInline noInline = const _NoInline();
/// An annotation for methods method to request that dart2js always inlines the
/// method.
/// dart2js will attempt to inline the method regardless of its size. Even with
/// this annotation, there are conditions that can prevent dart2js from inlining
/// a method, including complex control flow.
/// import 'package:meta/dart2js.dart' as dart2js;
/// @dart2js.tryInline
/// String bigMethod() {
/// for (int i in "Hello".runes) print(i);
/// }
/// It is an error to use both `@noInline` and `@tryInline` on the same method.
const _TryInline tryInline = const _TryInline();
class _NoInline {
const _NoInline();
class _TryInline {
const _TryInline();