blob: ccfe2ea0883035a478f29b1d8b06551e1cb6501f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library front_end.compiler_options;
import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/byte_store.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/base/performance_logger.dart';
import 'package:kernel/target/targets.dart' show Target;
import '../fasta/fasta_codes.dart' show LocatedMessage;
import '../fasta/severity.dart' show Severity;
import 'compilation_message.dart';
import 'file_system.dart';
import 'standard_file_system.dart';
/// Callback used to report errors encountered during compilation.
typedef void ErrorHandler(CompilationMessage error);
typedef void ProblemHandler(LocatedMessage problem, Severity severity,
String formatted, int line, int column);
/// Front-end options relevant to compiler back ends.
/// Not intended to be implemented or extended by clients.
class CompilerOptions {
/// The URI of the root of the Dart SDK (typically a "file:" URI).
/// If `null`, the SDK will be searched for using
/// [Platform.resolvedExecutable] as a starting point.
Uri sdkRoot;
/// Uri to a platform libraries specification file.
/// A libraries specification file is a JSON file that describes how to map
/// `dart:*` libraries to URIs in the underlying [fileSystem]. See
/// `package:front_end/src/base/libraries_specification.dart` for details on
/// the format.
/// If a value is not specified and `compileSdk = true`, the compiler will
/// infer at a default location under [sdkRoot], typically under
/// `lib/libraries.json`.
Uri librariesSpecificationUri;
/// Callback to which compilation errors should be delivered.
/// By default, when no callback is provided, the compiler will report
/// messages on the console and will throw when fatal errors are discovered.
ErrorHandler onError;
ProblemHandler onProblem;
/// Whether messages should be reported using the compiler's internal
/// reporting mechanism.
/// If no [onError] handler is provided, the default is true. If an [onError]
/// handler is provided, the default is false. Setting this to true will
/// ensure that error messages are printed in the console and that fatal
/// errors cause an exception.
// TODO(sigmund): add also an API for formatting errors and provide a default
// formatter. This way user can configure error style in the console and in
// generated code that contains error messages.
bool reportMessages;
/// URI of the ".packages" file (typically a "file:" URI).
/// If `null`, the ".packages" file will be found via the standard
/// package_config search algorithm.
/// If the URI's path component is empty (e.g. `new Uri()`), no packages file
/// will be used.
Uri packagesFileUri;
/// URIs of input summary files (excluding the SDK summary; typically these
/// will be "file:" URIs).
/// These files should be summary files generated by this package (and not the
/// similarly named summary files from `package:analyzer`.)
/// Summaries may be provided in any order, but they should be acyclic and
/// closed: any libraries that they reference should be defined in either one
/// of [inputSummaries] or [sdkSummary].
List<Uri> inputSummaries = [];
/// URIs of other kernel programs to link.
/// Commonly used to link the code for the SDK libraries that was compiled
/// separately. For example, dart2js needs to link the SDK so it can
/// optimize and tree-shake the code for the application, whereas the VM
/// always embeds the SDK internally and doesn't need it as part of the
/// program.
/// The programs provided here should be closed and acyclic: any libraries
/// that they reference should be defined in a program in [linkedDependencies]
/// or any of the [inputSummaries] or [sdkSummary].
List<Uri> linkedDependencies = [];
/// URI of the SDK summary file (typically a "file:" URI).
/// This should should be a summary previosly generated by this package (and
/// not the similarly named summary files from `package:analyzer`.)
/// If `null` and [compileSdk] is false, the SDK summary will be searched for
/// at a default location within [sdkRoot].
Uri sdkSummary;
/// The declared variables for use by configurable imports and constant
/// evaluation.
Map<String, String> declaredVariables;
/// The [FileSystem] which should be used by the front end to access files.
/// All file system access performed by the front end goes through this
/// mechanism, with one exception: if no value is specified for
/// [packagesFileUri], the packages file is located using the actual physical
/// file system. TODO(paulberry): fix this.
FileSystem fileSystem = StandardFileSystem.instance;
/// The byte storage to access serialized data.
ByteStore byteStore = new NullByteStore();
/// The logger to report compilation progress.
PerformanceLog logger = new PerformanceLog(new StringBuffer());
/// Whether to generate code for the SDK.
/// By default the front end resolves programs using a prebuilt SDK summary.
/// When this option is `true`, [sdkSummary] must be null.
bool compileSdk = false;
/// Whether the compiler should read files that are discovered as
/// dependencies, or only access the files listed explicitly.
/// This option has different defaults depending on the API.
/// For modular APIs like `kernelForBuildUnit` and `summaryFor` the default
/// behavior is `false`. These APIs want to ensure that builds are hermetic,
/// where all files that will be compiled are listed explicitly and all other
/// dependencies are covered by summary files.
/// For whole-program APIs like `kernelForProgram`, this option is true by
/// default, so they can treat any dependency that is not described in a
/// summary as if it was explicitly listed as an input.
bool chaseDependencies;
/// Whether to interpret Dart sources in strong-mode.
bool strongMode = true;
/// Patch files to apply on the core libraries for a specific target platform.
/// Keys in the map are the name of the library with no `dart:` prefix, for
/// example:
/// {'core': [
/// 'file:///location/of/core/patch_file1.dart',
/// 'file:///location/of/core/patch_file2.dart',
/// ]}
/// The values can be either absolute or relative URIs. Absolute URIs are read
/// directly, while relative URIs are resolved from the [sdkRoot].
// TODO(sigmund): provide also a flag to load this data from a file (like
// libraries.json)
Map<String, List<Uri>> targetPatches = {};
/// The target platform that will consume the compiled code.
/// Used to provide platform-specific details to the compiler like:
/// * the set of libraries are part of a platform's SDK (e.g. dart:html for
/// dart2js, dart:ui for flutter).
/// * what kernel transformations should be applied to the program
/// (async/await, mixin inlining, etc).
/// * how to deal with non-standard features like `native` extensions.
/// If not specified, the default target is the VM.
Target target;
/// Whether to show verbose messages (mainly for debugging and performance
/// tracking).
/// Messages are printed on stdout.
// TODO(sigmund): improve the diagnotics API to provide mechanism to intercept
// verbose data (Issue #30056)
bool verbose = false;
/// Whether to run extra verification steps to validate that compiled programs
/// are well formed.
/// Errors are reported via the [onError] callback.
// TODO(sigmund): ensure we don't print errors to stdout (Issue #30056)
bool verify = false;
/// Whether to dump generated programs in a text format (also mainly for
/// debugging).
/// Dumped data is printed in stdout.
bool debugDump = false;
/// Whether to set the exit code to non-zero if any problem (including
/// warning, etc.) is encountered during compilation.
bool setExitCodeOnProblem = false;
/// Whether to embed the input sources in generated kernel programs.
/// The kernel `Program` API includes a `uriToSource` map field that is used
/// to embed the entire contents of the source files. This part of the kernel
/// API is in flux and it is not necessary for some tools. Today it is used
/// for translating error locations and stack traces in the VM.
// TODO(sigmund): change the default.
bool embedSourceText = true;
/// Whether the compiler should throw as soon as it encounters a
/// compilation error.
/// Typically used by developers to debug internals of the compiler.
bool throwOnErrorsForDebugging = false;
/// Whether the compiler should throw as soon as it encounters a
/// compilation warning.
/// Typically used by developers to debug internals of the compiler.
bool throwOnWarningsForDebugging = false;
/// Whether the compiler should throw as soon as it encounters a
/// compilation nit.
/// Typically used by developers to debug internals of the compiler.
bool throwOnNitsForDebugging = false;