blob: d4cd68905182bae57b2440a9df2b8f1cf0f47a6b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/analysis_context.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/features.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/utilities.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/line_info.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/byte_store.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/driver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/session.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dartdoc/dartdoc_directive_info.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/utilities_dart.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/api_signature.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/format.dart' as idl;
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/idl.dart' as idl;
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/link.dart' as graph
show DependencyWalker, Node;
import 'package:analyzer/src/util/comment.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/util/file_paths.dart' as file_paths;
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:convert/convert.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
/// A top-level public declaration.
class Declaration {
final List<Declaration> children;
final int codeLength;
final int codeOffset;
final String? defaultArgumentListString;
final List<int>? defaultArgumentListTextRanges;
final String? docComplete;
final String? docSummary;
final bool isAbstract;
final bool isConst;
final bool isDeprecated;
final bool isFinal;
final bool isStatic;
final DeclarationKind kind;
final LineInfo lineInfo;
final int locationOffset;
final String locationPath;
final int locationStartColumn;
final int locationStartLine;
final String name;
final String? parameters;
final List<String>? parameterNames;
final List<String>? parameterTypes;
final Declaration? parent;
final int? requiredParameterCount;
final String? returnType;
final String? typeParameters;
final List<String> _relevanceTagsInFile;
List<String> _relevanceTagsInLibrary = const [];
Uri? _locationLibraryUri;
required this.children,
required this.codeLength,
required this.codeOffset,
required this.defaultArgumentListString,
required this.defaultArgumentListTextRanges,
required this.docComplete,
required this.docSummary,
required this.isAbstract,
required this.isConst,
required this.isDeprecated,
required this.isFinal,
required this.isStatic,
required this.kind,
required this.lineInfo,
required this.locationOffset,
required this.locationPath,
required this.locationStartColumn,
required this.locationStartLine,
required this.parameters,
required this.parameterNames,
required this.parameterTypes,
required this.parent,
required List<String> relevanceTagsInFile,
required this.requiredParameterCount,
required this.returnType,
required this.typeParameters,
}) : _relevanceTagsInFile = relevanceTagsInFile;
Uri? get locationLibraryUri => _locationLibraryUri;
List<String> get relevanceTags => [
String toString() {
return '($kind, $name)';
/// A kind of a top-level declaration.
enum DeclarationKind {
/// The context in which completions happens, so declarations are collected.
class DeclarationsContext {
final DeclarationsTracker _tracker;
/// The analysis context for this context. Declarations from all files in
/// the root are included into completion, even in 'lib/src' folders.
final AnalysisContext _analysisContext;
/// Packages in the analysis context.
/// Packages are sorted so that inner packages are before outer.
final List<_Package> _packages = [];
/// The list of paths of all files inside the context.
final List<String> _contextPathList = [];
/// The list of paths of all SDK libraries.
final List<String> _sdkLibraryPathList = [];
/// The combined information about all of the dartdoc directives in this
/// context.
final DartdocDirectiveInfo _dartdocDirectiveInfo = DartdocDirectiveInfo();
/// Map of path prefixes to lists of paths of files from dependencies
/// (both libraries and parts, we don't know at the time when we fill this
/// map) that libraries with paths starting with these prefixes can access.
/// The path prefix keys are sorted so that the longest keys are first.
final Map<String, List<String>> _pathPrefixToDependencyPathList = {};
/// The set of paths of already checked known files, some of which were
/// added to [_knownPathList]. For example we skip non-API files.
final Set<String> _knownPathSet = <String>{};
/// The list of paths of files known to this context - from the context
/// itself, from direct dependencies, from indirect dependencies.
/// We include libraries from this list only when actual context dependencies
/// are not known. Dependencies are always know for Pub packages, but are
/// currently never known for Bazel packages.
final List<String> _knownPathList = [];
DeclarationsContext(this._tracker, this._analysisContext);
/// Return the combined information about all of the dartdoc directives in
/// this context.
DartdocDirectiveInfo get dartdocDirectiveInfo => _dartdocDirectiveInfo;
/// The set of features that are globally enabled for this context.
FeatureSet get featureSet {
return _analysisContext.analysisOptions.contextFeatures;
AnalysisDriver get _analysisDriver {
var session = _analysisContext.currentSession as AnalysisSessionImpl;
// ignore: deprecated_member_use_from_same_package
return session.getDriver();
/// Return libraries that are available to the file with the given [path].
/// With `Pub`, files below the `pubspec.yaml` file can access libraries
/// of packages listed as `dependencies`, and files in the `test` directory
/// can in addition access libraries of packages listed as `dev_dependencies`.
/// With `Bazel` sets of accessible libraries are specified explicitly by
/// the client using [setDependencies].
Libraries getLibraries(String path) {
var sdkLibraries = <Library>[];
_addLibrariesWithPaths(sdkLibraries, _sdkLibraryPathList);
var dependencyLibraries = <Library>[];
for (var entry in _pathPrefixToDependencyPathList.entries) {
var pathPrefix = entry.key;
if (path.startsWith(pathPrefix)) {
var pathList = entry.value;
_addLibrariesWithPaths(dependencyLibraries, pathList);
if (_pathPrefixToDependencyPathList.isEmpty) {
var contextPathList = <String>[];
if (!_analysisContext.contextRoot.workspace.isBazel) {
_Package? package;
for (var candidatePackage in _packages) {
if (candidatePackage.contains(path)) {
package = candidatePackage;
if (package != null) {
var containingFolder = package.folderInRootContaining(path);
if (containingFolder != null) {
for (var contextPath in _contextPathList) {
// `lib/` can see only libraries in `lib/`.
// `test/` can see libraries in `lib/` and in `test/`.
if (package.containsInLib(contextPath) ||
containingFolder.contains(contextPath)) {
} else {
// Not in a package, include all libraries of the context.
contextPathList = _contextPathList;
} else {
// In bazel workspaces, consider declarations from the entire context
contextPathList = _contextPathList;
var contextLibraries = <Library>[];
excludingLibraryOfPath: path,
return Libraries(sdkLibraries, dependencyLibraries, contextLibraries);
/// Set dependencies for path prefixes in this context.
/// The map [pathPrefixToPathList] specifies the list of paths of libraries
/// and directories with libraries that are accessible to the files with
/// paths that start with the path that is the key in the map. The longest
/// (so most specific) key will be used, each list of paths is complete, and
/// is not combined with any enclosing locations.
/// For `Pub` packages this method is invoked automatically, because their
/// dependencies, described in `pubspec.yaml` files, and can be automatically
/// included. This method is useful for `Bazel` contexts, where dependencies
/// are specified externally, in form of `BUILD` files.
/// New dependencies will replace any previously set dependencies for this
/// context.
/// Every path in the list must be absolute and normalized.
void setDependencies(Map<String, List<String>> pathPrefixToPathList) {
var rootFolder = _analysisContext.contextRoot.root;
_pathPrefixToDependencyPathList.removeWhere((pathPrefix, _) {
return rootFolder.isOrContains(pathPrefix);
var sortedPrefixes = pathPrefixToPathList.keys.toList();
sortedPrefixes.sort((a, b) {
return b.compareTo(a);
for (var pathPrefix in sortedPrefixes) {
var pathList = pathPrefixToPathList[pathPrefix];
var files = <String>[];
for (var path in pathList!) {
var resource = _tracker._resourceProvider.getResource(path);
_scheduleDependencyResource(files, resource);
_pathPrefixToDependencyPathList[pathPrefix] = files;
void _addContextFile(String path) {
if (!_contextPathList.contains(path)) {
/// Add known libraries, other then in the context itself, or the SDK.
void _addKnownLibraries(List<Library> libraries) {
var contextPathSet = _contextPathList.toSet();
var sdkPathSet = _sdkLibraryPathList.toSet();
for (var path in _knownPathList) {
if (contextPathSet.contains(path) || sdkPathSet.contains(path)) {
var file = _tracker._pathToFile[path];
if (file != null && file.isLibrary) {
var library = _tracker._idToLibrary[];
if (library != null) {
void _addLibrariesWithPaths(List<Library> libraries, List<String> pathList,
{String? excludingLibraryOfPath}) {
var excludedFile = _tracker._pathToFile[excludingLibraryOfPath];
var excludedLibraryPath = (excludedFile?.library ?? excludedFile)?.path;
for (var path in pathList) {
if (path == excludedLibraryPath) continue;
var file = _tracker._pathToFile[path];
if (file != null && file.isLibrary) {
var library = _tracker._idToLibrary[];
if (library != null) {
/// Traverse the folders of this context and fill [_packages]; use
/// `pubspec.yaml` files to set `Pub` dependencies.
void _findPackages() {
var pathContext = _tracker._resourceProvider.pathContext;
var pubPathPrefixToPathList = <String, List<String>>{};
for (var path in _analysisContext.contextRoot.analyzedFiles()) {
if (file_paths.isBazelBuild(pathContext, path)) {
var file = _tracker._resourceProvider.getFile(path);
var packageFolder = file.parent2;
} else if (file_paths.isPubspecYaml(pathContext, path)) {
var file = _tracker._resourceProvider.getFile(path);
var dependencies = _parsePubspecDependencies(file);
var libPaths = _resolvePackageNamesToLibPaths(dependencies.lib);
var devPaths = _resolvePackageNamesToLibPaths(;
var packageFolder = file.parent2;
var packagePath = packageFolder.path;
pubPathPrefixToPathList[packagePath] = [
var libPath = pathContext.join(packagePath, 'lib');
pubPathPrefixToPathList[libPath] = libPaths;
_packages.sort((a, b) {
var aRoot = a.root.path;
var bRoot = b.root.path;
return bRoot.compareTo(aRoot);
bool _isLibSrcPath(String path) {
var parts = _tracker._resourceProvider.pathContext.split(path);
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length - 1; ++i) {
if (parts[i] == 'lib' && parts[i + 1] == 'src') return true;
return false;
List<String> _resolvePackageNamesToLibPaths(List<String> packageNames) {
return packageNames
String? _resolvePackageNameToLibPath(String packageName) {
try {
var uri = Uri.parse('package:$packageName/ref.dart');
var path = _resolveUri(uri);
if (path == null) return null;
return _tracker._resourceProvider.pathContext.dirname(path);
} on FormatException {
return null;
String? _resolveUri(Uri uri) {
var uriConverter = _analysisContext.currentSession.uriConverter;
return uriConverter.uriToPath(uri);
Uri? _restoreUri(String path) {
var uriConverter = _analysisContext.currentSession.uriConverter;
return uriConverter.pathToUri(path);
void _scheduleContextFiles() {
var contextFiles = _analysisContext.contextRoot.analyzedFiles();
for (var path in contextFiles) {
_tracker._addFile(this, path);
void _scheduleDependencyFolder(List<String> files, Folder folder) {
if (_isLibSrcPath(folder.path)) return;
try {
for (var resource in folder.getChildren()) {
_scheduleDependencyResource(files, resource);
} on FileSystemException catch (_) {}
void _scheduleDependencyResource(List<String> files, Resource resource) {
if (resource is File) {
_tracker._addFile(this, resource.path);
} else if (resource is Folder) {
_scheduleDependencyFolder(files, resource);
void _scheduleKnownFiles() {
for (var path in _analysisDriver.knownFiles) {
if (_knownPathSet.add(path)) {
if (!path.contains(r'/lib/src/') && !path.contains(r'\lib\src\')) {
_tracker._addFile(this, path);
void _scheduleSdkLibraries() {
var sdk = _analysisDriver.sourceFactory.dartSdk!;
for (var uriStr in sdk.uris) {
if (!uriStr.startsWith('dart:_')) {
var uri = Uri.parse(uriStr);
var path = _resolveUri(uri);
if (path != null) {
_tracker._addFile(this, path);
static _PubspecDependencies _parsePubspecDependencies(File pubspecFile) {
var dependencies = <String>[];
var devDependencies = <String>[];
try {
var fileContent = pubspecFile.readAsStringSync();
var document = loadYamlDocument(fileContent);
var contents = document.contents;
if (contents is YamlMap) {
var dependenciesNode = contents.nodes['dependencies'];
if (dependenciesNode is YamlMap) {
dependencies = dependenciesNode.keys.whereType<String>().toList();
var devDependenciesNode = contents.nodes['dev_dependencies'];
if (devDependenciesNode is YamlMap) {
devDependencies =
} catch (_) {}
return _PubspecDependencies(dependencies, devDependencies);
/// Tracker for top-level declarations across multiple analysis contexts
/// and their dependencies.
class DeclarationsTracker {
final ByteStore _byteStore;
final ResourceProvider _resourceProvider;
final Map<AnalysisContext, DeclarationsContext> _contexts = {};
final Map<String, _File> _pathToFile = {};
final Map<Uri, _File> _uriToFile = {};
final Map<int, Library> _idToLibrary = {};
final _changesController = _StreamController<LibraryChange>();
/// The list of changed file paths.
final List<String> _changedPaths = [];
/// The list of files scheduled for processing. It may include parts and
/// libraries, but parts are ignored when we detect them.
final List<_ScheduledFile> _scheduledFiles = [];
/// The time when known files were last pulled.
DateTime _whenKnownFilesPulled = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(0);
DeclarationsTracker(this._byteStore, this._resourceProvider);
/// Return all known libraries.
Iterable<Library> get allLibraries {
return _idToLibrary.values;
/// The stream of changes to the set of libraries used by the added contexts.
Stream<LibraryChange> get changes =>;
/// Return `true` if there is scheduled work to do, as a result of adding
/// new contexts, or changes to files.
bool get hasWork {
var now =;
if (now.difference(_whenKnownFilesPulled).inSeconds > 1) {
_whenKnownFilesPulled = now;
return _changedPaths.isNotEmpty || _scheduledFiles.isNotEmpty;
/// Add the [analysisContext], so that its libraries are reported via the
/// [changes] stream, and return the [DeclarationsContext] that can be used
/// to set additional dependencies and request libraries available to this
/// context.
DeclarationsContext addContext(AnalysisContext analysisContext) {
if (_contexts.containsKey(analysisContext)) {
throw StateError('The analysis context has already been added.');
var declarationsContext = DeclarationsContext(this, analysisContext);
_contexts[analysisContext] = declarationsContext;
return declarationsContext;
/// The file with the given [path] was changed - added, updated, or removed.
/// The [path] must be absolute and normalized.
/// Usually causes [hasWork] to return `true`, so that [doWork] should
/// be invoked to send updates to [changes] that reflect changes to the
/// library of the file, and other libraries that export it.
void changeFile(String path) {
if (!path.endsWith('.dart')) return;
/// Discard the [analysisContext], but don't discard any libraries that it
/// might have in its dependencies.
void discardContext(AnalysisContext analysisContext) {
/// Discard all contexts and libraries, notify the [changes] stream that
/// these libraries are removed.
void discardContexts() {
var libraryIdList = _idToLibrary.keys.toList();
_changesController.add(LibraryChange._([], libraryIdList));
/// Do a single piece of work.
/// The client should call this method until [hasWork] returns `false`.
/// This would mean that all previous changes have been processed, and
/// updates scheduled to be delivered via the [changes] stream.
void doWork() {
if (_changedPaths.isNotEmpty) {
var path = _changedPaths.removeLast();
if (_scheduledFiles.isNotEmpty) {
var scheduledFile = _scheduledFiles.removeLast();
var file = _getFileByPath(scheduledFile.context, [], scheduledFile.path)!;
if (!file.isLibrary) return;
if (file.isSent) {
} else {
file.isSent = true;
if (file.exportedDeclarations == null) {
assert(file.exportedDeclarations != null);
var library = Library._(,
file.exportedDeclarations ?? const [],
_idToLibrary[] = library;
LibraryChange._([library], []),
/// Return the context associated with the given [analysisContext], or `null`
/// if there is none.
DeclarationsContext? getContext(AnalysisContext analysisContext) {
return _contexts[analysisContext];
/// Return the library with the given [id], or `null` if there is none.
Library? getLibrary(int id) {
return _idToLibrary[id];
/// Pull known files into [DeclarationsContext]s.
/// This is a temporary support for Bazel repositories, because IDEA
/// does not yet give us dependencies for them.
void pullKnownFiles() {
for (var context in _contexts.values) {
void _addFile(DeclarationsContext context, String path) {
if (path.endsWith('.dart')) {
_scheduledFiles.add(_ScheduledFile(context, path));
/// TODO(scheglov) Remove after fixing
void _addPathOrUri(List<String> pathOrUriList, String path, Uri uri) {
pathOrUriList.add('(uri: $uri, path: $path)');
if (pathOrUriList.length > 200) {
throw StateError('Suspected cycle. $pathOrUriList');
/// Compute exported declarations for the given [libraries].
void _computeExportedDeclarations(Set<_File> libraries) {
var walker = _LibraryWalker();
for (var library in libraries) {
if (library.isLibrary && library.exportedDeclarations == null) {
assert(library.exportedDeclarations != null);
DeclarationsContext? _findContextOfPath(String path) {
// Prefer the context in which the path is analyzed.
for (var context in _contexts.values) {
if (context._analysisContext.contextRoot.isAnalyzed(path)) {
return context;
// The path must have the URI with one of the supported URI schemes.
for (var context in _contexts.values) {
var uri = context._restoreUri(path);
if (uri != null) {
if (uri.isScheme('dart') || uri.isScheme('package')) {
return context;
return null;
_File? _getFileByPath(
DeclarationsContext context, List<String> partOrUriList, String path) {
var file = _pathToFile[path];
if (file == null) {
var uri = context._restoreUri(path);
if (uri != null) {
file = _File(this, path, uri);
_pathToFile[path] = file;
_uriToFile[uri] = file;
_addPathOrUri(partOrUriList, path, uri);
file.refresh(context, partOrUriList);
return file;
_File? _getFileByUri(
DeclarationsContext context, List<String> partOrUriList, Uri uri) {
var file = _uriToFile[uri];
if (file != null) {
return file;
var path = context._resolveUri(uri);
if (path == null) {
return null;
try {
path = _resolveLinks(path);
} on FileSystemException {
// Not existing file, or the link target.
file = _pathToFile[path];
if (file != null) {
return file;
file = _File(this, path!, uri);
_pathToFile[path] = file;
_uriToFile[uri] = file;
_addPathOrUri(partOrUriList, path, uri);
file.refresh(context, partOrUriList);
return file;
/// Recursively invalidate exported declarations of the given [library]
/// and libraries that export it.
void _invalidateExportedDeclarations(Set<_File> libraries, _File library) {
if (libraries.add(library)) {
library.exportedDeclarations = null;
for (var exporter in library.directExporters) {
_invalidateExportedDeclarations(libraries, exporter);
void _performChangeFile(String path) {
var containingContext = _findContextOfPath(path);
if (containingContext == null) return;
var file = _getFileByPath(containingContext, [], path);
if (file == null) return;
var wasLibrary = file.isLibrary;
var oldLibrary = wasLibrary ? file : file.library;
file.refresh(containingContext, []);
var isLibrary = file.isLibrary;
var newLibrary = isLibrary ? file : file.library;
var invalidatedLibraries = <_File>{};
var notLibraries = <_File>[];
if (wasLibrary) {
if (isLibrary) {
_invalidateExportedDeclarations(invalidatedLibraries, file);
} else {
if (newLibrary != null) {
newLibrary.refresh(containingContext, []);
_invalidateExportedDeclarations(invalidatedLibraries, newLibrary);
} else {
if (oldLibrary != null) {
oldLibrary.refresh(containingContext, []);
_invalidateExportedDeclarations(invalidatedLibraries, oldLibrary);
if (newLibrary != null && newLibrary != oldLibrary) {
newLibrary.refresh(containingContext, []);
_invalidateExportedDeclarations(invalidatedLibraries, newLibrary);
var changedLibraries = <Library>[];
var removedLibraries = <int>[];
for (var libraryFile in invalidatedLibraries) {
if (libraryFile.exists) {
var library = Library._(,
libraryFile.exportedDeclarations ?? const [],
_idToLibrary[] = library;
} else {
for (var file in notLibraries) {
LibraryChange._(changedLibraries, removedLibraries),
/// Return the [path] with resolved file system links.
String _resolveLinks(String path) {
var resource = _resourceProvider.getFile(path);
resource = resource.resolveSymbolicLinksSync() as File;
return resource.path;
class Libraries {
final List<Library> sdk;
final List<Library> dependencies;
final List<Library> context;
Libraries(this.sdk, this.dependencies, this.context);
/// A library with declarations.
class Library {
/// The unique identifier of a library with the given [path].
final int id;
/// The path to the file that defines this library.
final String path;
/// The URI of the library.
final Uri uri;
/// Is `true` if the library has `@deprecated` annotation, so it probably
/// deprecated. But we don't actually resolve the annotation, so it might be
/// a false positive.
final bool isDeprecated;
/// All public declaration that the library declares or (re)exports.
final List<Declaration> declarations;
Library._(, this.path, this.uri, this.isDeprecated, this.declarations);
String get uriStr => '$uri';
String toString() {
return '(id: $id, uri: $uri, path: $path)';
/// A change to the set of libraries and their declarations.
class LibraryChange {
/// The list of new or changed libraries.
final List<Library> changed;
/// The list of identifier of libraries that are removed, either because
/// the corresponding files were removed, or because none of the contexts
/// has these libraries as dependencies, so that they cannot be used anymore.
final List<int> removed;
LibraryChange._(this.changed, this.removed);
class RelevanceTags {
static List<String>? _forDeclaration(String uriStr, Declaration declaration) {
switch (declaration.kind) {
case DeclarationKind.CLASS:
case DeclarationKind.CLASS_TYPE_ALIAS:
case DeclarationKind.ENUM:
case DeclarationKind.MIXIN:
case DeclarationKind.FUNCTION_TYPE_ALIAS:
var name =;
return <String>['$uriStr::$name'];
case DeclarationKind.CONSTRUCTOR:
var className = declaration.parent!.name;
return <String>['$uriStr::$className'];
case DeclarationKind.ENUM_CONSTANT:
var enumName = declaration.parent!.name;
return <String>['$uriStr::$enumName'];
return null;
static List<String>? _forExpression(Expression? expression) {
if (expression is BooleanLiteral) {
return const ['dart:core::bool'];
} else if (expression is DoubleLiteral) {
return const ['dart:core::double'];
} else if (expression is IntegerLiteral) {
return const ['dart:core::int'];
} else if (expression is StringLiteral) {
return const ['dart:core::String'];
} else if (expression is ListLiteral) {
return const ['dart:core::List'];
} else if (expression is SetOrMapLiteral) {
if (expression.isMap) {
return const ['dart:core::Map'];
} else if (expression.isSet) {
return const ['dart:core::Set'];
return null;
class _DeclarationStorage {
static const fieldDocMask = 1 << 0;
static const fieldParametersMask = 1 << 1;
static const fieldReturnTypeMask = 1 << 2;
static const fieldTypeParametersMask = 1 << 3;
static Declaration fromIdl(String path, LineInfo lineInfo,
Declaration? parent, idl.AvailableDeclaration d) {
var fieldMask = d.fieldMask;
var hasDoc = fieldMask & fieldDocMask != 0;
var hasParameters = fieldMask & fieldParametersMask != 0;
var hasReturnType = fieldMask & fieldReturnTypeMask != 0;
var hasTypeParameters = fieldMask & fieldTypeParametersMask != 0;
var kind = kindFromIdl(d.kind);
var relevanceTags = d.relevanceTags.toList();
var children = <Declaration>[];
var declaration = Declaration(
children: children,
codeLength: d.codeLength,
codeOffset: d.codeOffset,
defaultArgumentListString: d.defaultArgumentListString.isNotEmpty
? d.defaultArgumentListString
: null,
defaultArgumentListTextRanges: d.defaultArgumentListTextRanges.isNotEmpty
? d.defaultArgumentListTextRanges.toList()
: null,
docComplete: hasDoc ? d.docComplete : null,
docSummary: hasDoc ? d.docSummary : null,
isAbstract: d.isAbstract,
isConst: d.isConst,
isDeprecated: d.isDeprecated,
isFinal: d.isFinal,
isStatic: d.isStatic,
kind: kind,
lineInfo: lineInfo,
locationOffset: d.locationOffset,
locationPath: path,
locationStartColumn: d.locationStartColumn,
locationStartLine: d.locationStartLine,
parameters: hasParameters ? d.parameters : null,
parameterNames: hasParameters ? d.parameterNames.toList() : null,
parameterTypes: hasParameters ? d.parameterTypes.toList() : null,
parent: parent,
relevanceTagsInFile: relevanceTags,
requiredParameterCount: hasParameters ? d.requiredParameterCount : null,
returnType: hasReturnType ? d.returnType : null,
typeParameters: hasTypeParameters ? d.typeParameters : null,
for (var childIdl in d.children) {
var child = fromIdl(path, lineInfo, declaration, childIdl);
return declaration;
static DeclarationKind kindFromIdl(idl.AvailableDeclarationKind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case idl.AvailableDeclarationKind.CLASS:
return DeclarationKind.CLASS;
case idl.AvailableDeclarationKind.CLASS_TYPE_ALIAS:
return DeclarationKind.CLASS_TYPE_ALIAS;
case idl.AvailableDeclarationKind.CONSTRUCTOR:
return DeclarationKind.CONSTRUCTOR;
case idl.AvailableDeclarationKind.ENUM:
return DeclarationKind.ENUM;
case idl.AvailableDeclarationKind.ENUM_CONSTANT:
return DeclarationKind.ENUM_CONSTANT;
case idl.AvailableDeclarationKind.EXTENSION:
return DeclarationKind.EXTENSION;
case idl.AvailableDeclarationKind.FIELD:
return DeclarationKind.FIELD;
case idl.AvailableDeclarationKind.FUNCTION:
return DeclarationKind.FUNCTION;
case idl.AvailableDeclarationKind.FUNCTION_TYPE_ALIAS:
return DeclarationKind.FUNCTION_TYPE_ALIAS;
case idl.AvailableDeclarationKind.GETTER:
return DeclarationKind.GETTER;
case idl.AvailableDeclarationKind.METHOD:
return DeclarationKind.METHOD;
case idl.AvailableDeclarationKind.MIXIN:
return DeclarationKind.MIXIN;
case idl.AvailableDeclarationKind.SETTER:
return DeclarationKind.SETTER;
case idl.AvailableDeclarationKind.VARIABLE:
return DeclarationKind.VARIABLE;
throw StateError('Unknown kind: $kind');
static idl.AvailableDeclarationKind kindToIdl(DeclarationKind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case DeclarationKind.CLASS:
return idl.AvailableDeclarationKind.CLASS;
case DeclarationKind.CLASS_TYPE_ALIAS:
return idl.AvailableDeclarationKind.CLASS_TYPE_ALIAS;
case DeclarationKind.CONSTRUCTOR:
return idl.AvailableDeclarationKind.CONSTRUCTOR;
case DeclarationKind.ENUM:
return idl.AvailableDeclarationKind.ENUM;
case DeclarationKind.ENUM_CONSTANT:
return idl.AvailableDeclarationKind.ENUM_CONSTANT;
case DeclarationKind.EXTENSION:
return idl.AvailableDeclarationKind.EXTENSION;
case DeclarationKind.FIELD:
return idl.AvailableDeclarationKind.FIELD;
case DeclarationKind.FUNCTION:
return idl.AvailableDeclarationKind.FUNCTION;
case DeclarationKind.FUNCTION_TYPE_ALIAS:
return idl.AvailableDeclarationKind.FUNCTION_TYPE_ALIAS;
case DeclarationKind.GETTER:
return idl.AvailableDeclarationKind.GETTER;
case DeclarationKind.METHOD:
return idl.AvailableDeclarationKind.METHOD;
case DeclarationKind.MIXIN:
return idl.AvailableDeclarationKind.MIXIN;
case DeclarationKind.SETTER:
return idl.AvailableDeclarationKind.SETTER;
case DeclarationKind.VARIABLE:
return idl.AvailableDeclarationKind.VARIABLE;
throw StateError('Unknown kind: $kind');
static idl.AvailableDeclarationBuilder toIdl(Declaration d) {
var fieldMask = 0;
if (d.docComplete != null) {
fieldMask |= fieldDocMask;
if (d.parameters != null) {
fieldMask |= fieldParametersMask;
if (d.returnType != null) {
fieldMask |= fieldReturnTypeMask;
if (d.typeParameters != null) {
fieldMask |= fieldTypeParametersMask;
var idlKind = kindToIdl(d.kind);
return idl.AvailableDeclarationBuilder(
defaultArgumentListString: d.defaultArgumentListString,
defaultArgumentListTextRanges: d.defaultArgumentListTextRanges,
codeOffset: d.codeOffset,
codeLength: d.codeLength,
docComplete: d.docComplete,
docSummary: d.docSummary,
fieldMask: fieldMask,
isAbstract: d.isAbstract,
isConst: d.isConst,
isDeprecated: d.isDeprecated,
isFinal: d.isFinal,
isStatic: d.isStatic,
kind: idlKind,
locationOffset: d.locationOffset,
locationStartColumn: d.locationStartColumn,
locationStartLine: d.locationStartLine,
parameters: d.parameters,
parameterNames: d.parameterNames,
parameterTypes: d.parameterTypes,
relevanceTags: d._relevanceTagsInFile,
requiredParameterCount: d.requiredParameterCount,
returnType: d.returnType,
typeParameters: d.typeParameters,
class _DefaultArguments {
final String text;
final List<int> ranges;
_DefaultArguments(this.text, this.ranges);
class _Export {
final Uri uri;
final List<_ExportCombinator> combinators;
_File? file;
_Export(this.uri, this.combinators);
Iterable<Declaration> filter(List<Declaration> declarations) {
return declarations.where((d) {
var name =;
for (var combinator in combinators) {
if (combinator.shows.isNotEmpty) {
if (!combinator.shows.contains(name)) return false;
if (combinator.hides.isNotEmpty) {
if (combinator.hides.contains(name)) return false;
return true;
class _ExportCombinator {
final List<String> shows;
final List<String> hides;
_ExportCombinator(this.shows, this.hides);
class _File {
/// The version of data format, should be incremented on every format change.
static const int DATA_VERSION = 16;
/// The next value for [id].
static int _nextId = 0;
final DeclarationsTracker tracker;
final int id = _nextId++;
final String path;
final Uri uri;
bool exists = false;
late List<int> lineStarts;
late LineInfo lineInfo;
bool isLibrary = false;
bool isLibraryDeprecated = false;
List<_Export> exports = [];
List<_Part> parts = [];
/// If this file is a part, the containing library.
_File? library;
/// If this file is a library, libraries that export it.
List<_File> directExporters = [];
List<Declaration> fileDeclarations = [];
List<Declaration>? libraryDeclarations = [];
List<Declaration>? exportedDeclarations;
List<String> templateNames = [];
List<String> templateValues = [];
/// If `true`, then this library has already been sent to the client.
bool isSent = false;
_File(this.tracker, this.path, this.uri);
String get uriStr => uri.toString();
void refresh(DeclarationsContext context, List<String> partOrUriList) {
var resource = tracker._resourceProvider.getFile(path);
int modificationStamp;
try {
modificationStamp = resource.modificationStamp;
exists = true;
} catch (e) {
modificationStamp = -1;
exists = false;
// When a file changes, its modification stamp changes.
String pathKey;
var pathKeyBuilder = ApiSignature();
pathKey = pathKeyBuilder.toHex() + '.declarations_content';
// With Bazel multiple workspaces might be copies of the same workspace,
// and have files with the same content, but with different paths.
// So, we use the content hash to reuse their declarations without parsing.
String? content;
String? contentKey;
var contentHashBytes = tracker._byteStore.get(pathKey);
if (contentHashBytes == null) {
content = _readContent(resource);
var contentHashBuilder = ApiSignature();
contentHashBytes = contentHashBuilder.toByteList();
tracker._byteStore.put(pathKey, contentHashBytes);
contentKey = hex.encode(contentHashBytes) + '.declarations';
var bytes = tracker._byteStore.get(contentKey);
if (bytes == null) {
content ??= _readContent(resource);
CompilationUnit unit = _parse(context.featureSet, content);
.addTemplateNamesAndValues(templateNames, templateValues);
} else {
.addTemplateNamesAndValues(templateNames, templateValues);
// Resolve exports and parts.
for (var export in exports) {
export.file = _fileForRelativeUri(context, partOrUriList, export.uri);
for (var part in parts) {
part.file = _fileForRelativeUri(context, partOrUriList, part.uri);
exports.removeWhere((e) => e.file == null);
parts.removeWhere((e) => e.file == null);
// Set back pointers.
for (var export in exports) {
var file = export.file;
if (file != null) {
var directExporters = file.directExporters;
if (!directExporters.contains(this)) {
for (var part in parts) {
var file = part.file;
if (file != null) {
file.library = this;
file.isLibrary = false;
// Compute library declarations.
if (isLibrary) {
libraryDeclarations = <Declaration>[];
for (var part in parts) {
var file = part.file;
if (file != null) {
void _buildFileDeclarations(CompilationUnit unit) {
lineInfo = unit.lineInfo!;
lineStarts = lineInfo.lineStarts;
isLibrary = true;
exports = [];
fileDeclarations = [];
libraryDeclarations = null;
exportedDeclarations = null;
templateNames = [];
templateValues = [];
for (var astDirective in unit.directives) {
if (astDirective is ExportDirective) {
var uri = _uriFromAst(astDirective.uri);
if (uri == null) continue;
var combinators = <_ExportCombinator>[];
for (var astCombinator in astDirective.combinators) {
if (astCombinator is ShowCombinator) {
combinators.add(_ExportCombinator( =>,
const [],
} else if (astCombinator is HideCombinator) {
const [], =>,
exports.add(_Export(uri, combinators));
} else if (astDirective is LibraryDirective) {
isLibraryDeprecated = _hasDeprecatedAnnotation(astDirective);
} else if (astDirective is PartDirective) {
var uri = _uriFromAst(astDirective.uri);
if (uri == null) continue;
} else if (astDirective is PartOfDirective) {
isLibrary = false;
int codeOffset = 0;
int codeLength = 0;
void setCodeRange(AstNode node) {
if (node is VariableDeclaration) {
var variables = node.parent as VariableDeclarationList;
var i = variables.variables.indexOf(node);
codeOffset = (i == 0 ? variables.parent! : node).offset;
codeLength = node.end - codeOffset;
} else {
codeOffset = node.offset;
codeLength = node.length;
String? docComplete;
String? docSummary;
void setDartDoc(AnnotatedNode node) {
var docComment = node.documentationComment;
if (docComment != null) {
var rawText = getCommentNodeRawText(docComment);
docComplete = getDartDocPlainText(rawText);
docSummary = getDartDocSummary(docComplete);
} else {
docComplete = null;
docSummary = null;
Declaration? addDeclaration({
String? defaultArgumentListString,
List<int>? defaultArgumentListTextRanges,
bool isAbstract = false,
bool isConst = false,
bool isDeprecated = false,
bool isFinal = false,
bool isStatic = false,
required DeclarationKind kind,
required Identifier name,
String? parameters,
List<String>? parameterNames,
List<String>? parameterTypes,
Declaration? parent,
required List<String> relevanceTags,
int? requiredParameterCount,
String? returnType,
String? typeParameters,
}) {
if (Identifier.isPrivateName( {
return null;
var locationOffset = name.offset;
var lineLocation = lineInfo.getLocation(locationOffset);
var declaration = Declaration(
children: <Declaration>[],
codeLength: codeLength,
codeOffset: codeOffset,
defaultArgumentListString: defaultArgumentListString,
defaultArgumentListTextRanges: defaultArgumentListTextRanges,
docComplete: docComplete,
docSummary: docSummary,
isAbstract: isAbstract,
isConst: isConst,
isDeprecated: isDeprecated,
isFinal: isFinal,
isStatic: isStatic,
kind: kind,
lineInfo: lineInfo,
locationOffset: locationOffset,
locationPath: path,
locationStartColumn: lineLocation.columnNumber,
locationStartLine: lineLocation.lineNumber,
parameters: parameters,
parameterNames: parameterNames,
parameterTypes: parameterTypes,
parent: parent,
relevanceTagsInFile: relevanceTags,
requiredParameterCount: requiredParameterCount,
returnType: returnType,
typeParameters: typeParameters,
if (parent != null) {
} else {
return declaration;
for (var node in unit.declarations) {
var isDeprecated = _hasDeprecatedAnnotation(node);
var hasConstructor = false;
void addClassMembers(Declaration parent, bool parentIsAbstract,
List<ClassMember> members) {
for (var classMember in members) {
isDeprecated = _hasDeprecatedAnnotation(classMember);
if (classMember is ConstructorDeclaration &&
(!parentIsAbstract || classMember.factoryKeyword != null)) {
var parameters = classMember.parameters;
var defaultArguments = _computeDefaultArguments(parameters);
var isConst = classMember.constKeyword != null;
var constructorName =;
constructorName ??= SimpleIdentifierImpl(
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Should we be passing in `isConst`?
defaultArgumentListString: defaultArguments?.text,
defaultArgumentListTextRanges: defaultArguments?.ranges,
isDeprecated: isDeprecated,
kind: DeclarationKind.CONSTRUCTOR,
name: constructorName,
parameters: parameters.toSource(),
parameterNames: _getFormalParameterNames(parameters),
parameterTypes: _getFormalParameterTypes(parameters),
parent: parent,
relevanceTags: [
if (isConst) 'ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR+const'
hasConstructor = true;
} else if (classMember is FieldDeclaration) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Why are we creating declarations for
// instance members?
var isStatic = classMember.isStatic;
var isConst = classMember.fields.isConst;
var isFinal = classMember.fields.isFinal;
for (var field in classMember.fields.variables) {
isConst: isConst,
isDeprecated: isDeprecated,
isFinal: isFinal,
isStatic: isStatic,
kind: DeclarationKind.FIELD,
parent: parent,
relevanceTags: [
if (isConst) 'ElementKind.FIELD+const',
returnType: _getTypeAnnotationString(classMember.fields.type),
} else if (classMember is MethodDeclaration) {
var isStatic = classMember.isStatic;
var parameters = classMember.parameters;
if (classMember.isGetter) {
isDeprecated: isDeprecated,
isStatic: isStatic,
kind: DeclarationKind.GETTER,
parent: parent,
relevanceTags: ['ElementKind.FIELD'],
returnType: _getTypeAnnotationString(classMember.returnType),
} else if (classMember.isSetter && parameters != null) {
isDeprecated: isDeprecated,
isStatic: isStatic,
kind: DeclarationKind.SETTER,
parameters: parameters.toSource(),
parameterNames: _getFormalParameterNames(parameters),
parameterTypes: _getFormalParameterTypes(parameters),
parent: parent,
relevanceTags: ['ElementKind.FIELD'],
} else if (parameters != null) {
var defaultArguments = _computeDefaultArguments(parameters);
defaultArgumentListString: defaultArguments?.text,
defaultArgumentListTextRanges: defaultArguments?.ranges,
isDeprecated: isDeprecated,
isStatic: isStatic,
kind: DeclarationKind.METHOD,
parameters: parameters.toSource(),
parameterNames: _getFormalParameterNames(parameters),
parameterTypes: _getFormalParameterTypes(parameters),
parent: parent,
relevanceTags: ['ElementKind.METHOD'],
returnType: _getTypeAnnotationString(classMember.returnType),
typeParameters: classMember.typeParameters?.toSource(),
if (node is ClassDeclaration) {
var classDeclaration = addDeclaration(
isAbstract: node.isAbstract,
isDeprecated: isDeprecated,
kind: DeclarationKind.CLASS,
relevanceTags: ['ElementKind.CLASS'],
if (classDeclaration == null) continue;
classDeclaration, classDeclaration.isAbstract, node.members);
if (!hasConstructor) {
children: [],
codeLength: codeLength,
codeOffset: codeOffset,
defaultArgumentListString: null,
defaultArgumentListTextRanges: null,
docComplete: null,
docSummary: null,
isAbstract: false,
isConst: false,
isDeprecated: false,
isFinal: false,
isStatic: false,
kind: DeclarationKind.CONSTRUCTOR,
locationOffset: -1,
locationPath: path,
name: '',
lineInfo: lineInfo,
locationStartColumn: 0,
locationStartLine: 0,
parameters: '()',
parameterNames: [],
parameterTypes: [],
parent: classDeclaration,
relevanceTagsInFile: ['ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR'],
requiredParameterCount: 0,
typeParameters: null,
} else if (node is ClassTypeAlias) {
isDeprecated: isDeprecated,
kind: DeclarationKind.CLASS_TYPE_ALIAS,
relevanceTags: ['ElementKind.CLASS'],
} else if (node is EnumDeclaration) {
var enumDeclaration = addDeclaration(
isDeprecated: isDeprecated,
kind: DeclarationKind.ENUM,
relevanceTags: ['ElementKind.ENUM'],
if (enumDeclaration == null) continue;
for (var constant in node.constants) {
var isDeprecated = _hasDeprecatedAnnotation(constant);
isDeprecated: isDeprecated,
kind: DeclarationKind.ENUM_CONSTANT,
parent: enumDeclaration,
relevanceTags: [
} else if (node is ExtensionDeclaration) {
var name =;
if (name != null) {
isDeprecated: isDeprecated,
kind: DeclarationKind.EXTENSION,
name: name,
relevanceTags: ['ElementKind.EXTENSION'],
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Should we be creating declarations for the
// static members of the extension?
} else if (node is FunctionDeclaration) {
var functionExpression = node.functionExpression;
var parameters = functionExpression.parameters;
if (node.isGetter) {
isDeprecated: isDeprecated,
kind: DeclarationKind.GETTER,
relevanceTags: ['ElementKind.FUNCTION'],
returnType: _getTypeAnnotationString(node.returnType),
} else if (node.isSetter && parameters != null) {
isDeprecated: isDeprecated,
kind: DeclarationKind.SETTER,
parameters: parameters.toSource(),
parameterNames: _getFormalParameterNames(parameters),
parameterTypes: _getFormalParameterTypes(parameters),
relevanceTags: ['ElementKind.FUNCTION'],
} else if (parameters != null) {
var defaultArguments = _computeDefaultArguments(parameters);
defaultArgumentListString: defaultArguments?.text,
defaultArgumentListTextRanges: defaultArguments?.ranges,
isDeprecated: isDeprecated,
kind: DeclarationKind.FUNCTION,
parameters: parameters.toSource(),
parameterNames: _getFormalParameterNames(parameters),
parameterTypes: _getFormalParameterTypes(parameters),
relevanceTags: ['ElementKind.FUNCTION'],
returnType: _getTypeAnnotationString(node.returnType),
typeParameters: functionExpression.typeParameters?.toSource(),
} else if (node is GenericTypeAlias) {
var functionType = node.functionType;
if (functionType == null) continue;
var parameters = functionType.parameters;
isDeprecated: isDeprecated,
kind: DeclarationKind.FUNCTION_TYPE_ALIAS,
parameters: parameters.toSource(),
parameterNames: _getFormalParameterNames(parameters),
parameterTypes: _getFormalParameterTypes(parameters),
relevanceTags: ['ElementKind.FUNCTION_TYPE_ALIAS'],
requiredParameterCount: _getFormalParameterRequiredCount(parameters),
returnType: _getTypeAnnotationString(functionType.returnType),
typeParameters: functionType.typeParameters?.toSource(),
} else if (node is FunctionTypeAlias) {
var parameters = node.parameters;
isDeprecated: isDeprecated,
kind: DeclarationKind.FUNCTION_TYPE_ALIAS,
parameters: parameters.toSource(),
parameterNames: _getFormalParameterNames(parameters),
parameterTypes: _getFormalParameterTypes(parameters),
relevanceTags: ['ElementKind.FUNCTION_TYPE_ALIAS'],
requiredParameterCount: _getFormalParameterRequiredCount(parameters),
returnType: _getTypeAnnotationString(node.returnType),
typeParameters: node.typeParameters?.toSource(),
} else if (node is MixinDeclaration) {
var mixinDeclaration = addDeclaration(
isDeprecated: isDeprecated,
kind: DeclarationKind.MIXIN,
relevanceTags: ['ElementKind.MIXIN'],
if (mixinDeclaration == null) continue;
addClassMembers(mixinDeclaration, false, node.members);
} else if (node is TopLevelVariableDeclaration) {
var isConst = node.variables.isConst;
var isFinal = node.variables.isFinal;
for (var variable in node.variables.variables) {
isConst: isConst,
isDeprecated: isDeprecated,
isFinal: isFinal,
kind: DeclarationKind.VARIABLE,
relevanceTags: [
if (isConst) 'ElementKind.TOP_LEVEL_VARIABLE+const',
returnType: _getTypeAnnotationString(node.variables.type),
void _computeRelevanceTags(List<Declaration> declarations) {
for (var declaration in declarations) {
var tags = RelevanceTags._forDeclaration(uriStr, declaration);
declaration._relevanceTagsInLibrary = tags ?? const [];
void _extractDartdocInfoFromUnit(CompilationUnit unit) {
DartdocDirectiveInfo info = DartdocDirectiveInfo();
for (Directive directive in unit.directives) {
var comment = directive.documentationComment;
for (CompilationUnitMember declaration in unit.declarations) {
var comment = declaration.documentationComment;
if (declaration is ClassOrMixinDeclaration) {
for (ClassMember member in declaration.members) {
var comment = member.documentationComment;
} else if (declaration is EnumDeclaration) {
for (EnumConstantDeclaration constant in declaration.constants) {
var comment = constant.documentationComment;
Map<String, String> templateMap = info.templateMap;
for (var entry in templateMap.entries) {
/// Return the [_File] for the given [relative] URI, maybe `null`.
_File? _fileForRelativeUri(
DeclarationsContext context,
List<String> partOrUriList,
Uri relative,
) {
var absoluteUri = resolveRelativeUri(uri, relative);
return tracker._getFileByUri(context, partOrUriList, absoluteUri);
void _putFileDeclarationsToByteStore(String contentKey) {
var builder = idl.AvailableFileBuilder(
lineStarts: lineStarts,
isLibrary: isLibrary,
isLibraryDeprecated: isLibraryDeprecated,
exports: {
return idl.AvailableFileExportBuilder(
uri: e.uri.toString(),
combinators: {
return idl.AvailableFileExportCombinatorBuilder(
shows: c.shows, hides: c.hides);
parts: => p.uri.toString()).toList(),
declarations: {
return _DeclarationStorage.toIdl(d);
directiveInfo: idl.DirectiveInfoBuilder(
templateNames: templateNames, templateValues: templateValues),
var bytes = builder.toBuffer();
tracker._byteStore.put(contentKey, bytes);
void _readFileDeclarationsFromBytes(List<int> bytes) {
var idlFile = idl.AvailableFile.fromBuffer(bytes);
lineStarts = idlFile.lineStarts.toList();
lineInfo = LineInfo(lineStarts);
isLibrary = idlFile.isLibrary;
isLibraryDeprecated = idlFile.isLibraryDeprecated;
exports = {
return _Export(
Uri.parse(e.uri), {
return _ExportCombinator(c.shows.toList(), c.hides.toList());
parts = {
var uri = Uri.parse(e);
return _Part(uri);
fileDeclarations = {
return _DeclarationStorage.fromIdl(path, lineInfo, null, e);
templateNames = idlFile.directiveInfo!.templateNames.toList();
templateValues = idlFile.directiveInfo!.templateValues.toList();
void _setLocationLibraryUri() {
for (var declaration in libraryDeclarations!) {
declaration._locationLibraryUri = uri;
static _DefaultArguments? _computeDefaultArguments(
FormalParameterList parameters) {
var buffer = StringBuffer();
var ranges = <int>[];
for (var parameter in parameters.parameters) {
if (parameter.isRequired ||
(parameter.isNamed && _hasRequiredAnnotation(parameter))) {
if (buffer.isNotEmpty) {
buffer.write(', ');
if (parameter.isNamed) {
buffer.write(': ');
var valueOffset = buffer.length;
var valueLength = buffer.length - valueOffset;
if (buffer.isEmpty) return null;
return _DefaultArguments(buffer.toString(), ranges);
static List<String> _getFormalParameterNames(
FormalParameterList? parameters) {
if (parameters == null) return const <String>[];
var names = <String>[];
for (var parameter in parameters.parameters) {
var name = parameter.identifier?.name ?? '';
return names;
static int? _getFormalParameterRequiredCount(
FormalParameterList? parameters) {
if (parameters == null) return null;
return parameters.parameters
.takeWhile((parameter) => parameter.isRequiredPositional)
static String _getFormalParameterType(FormalParameter parameter) {
if (parameter is DefaultFormalParameter) {
DefaultFormalParameter defaultFormalParameter = parameter;
parameter = defaultFormalParameter.parameter;
if (parameter is SimpleFormalParameter) {
return _getTypeAnnotationString(parameter.type);
return '';
static List<String>? _getFormalParameterTypes(
FormalParameterList? parameters) {
if (parameters == null) return null;
var types = <String>[];
for (var parameter in parameters.parameters) {
var type = _getFormalParameterType(parameter);
return types;
static String _getTypeAnnotationString(TypeAnnotation? typeAnnotation) {
return typeAnnotation?.toSource() ?? '';
/// Return `true` if the [node] is probably deprecated.
static bool _hasDeprecatedAnnotation(AnnotatedNode node) {
for (var annotation in node.metadata) {
var name =;
if (name is SimpleIdentifier) {
if ( == 'deprecated' || == 'Deprecated') {
return true;
return false;
/// Return `true` if the [node] probably has `@required` annotation.
static bool _hasRequiredAnnotation(FormalParameter node) {
for (var annotation in node.metadata) {
var name =;
if (name is SimpleIdentifier) {
if ( == 'required') {
return true;
return false;
static CompilationUnit _parse(FeatureSet featureSet, String content) {
try {
return parseString(
content: content,
featureSet: featureSet,
throwIfDiagnostics: false,
} catch (e) {
return parseString(
content: '',
featureSet: featureSet,
throwIfDiagnostics: false,
static String _readContent(File resource) {
try {
return resource.readAsStringSync();
} catch (e) {
return '';
static Uri? _uriFromAst(StringLiteral astUri) {
if (astUri is SimpleStringLiteral) {
var uriStr = astUri.value.trim();
if (uriStr.isEmpty) return null;
try {
return Uri.parse(uriStr);
} catch (_) {}
return null;
class _LibraryNode extends graph.Node<_LibraryNode> {
final _LibraryWalker walker;
final _File file;
_LibraryNode(this.walker, this.file);
bool get isEvaluated => file.exportedDeclarations != null;
List<_LibraryNode> computeDependencies() {
return file.exports
.map((export) => export.file)
.where((file) => file.isLibrary)
class _LibraryWalker extends graph.DependencyWalker<_LibraryNode> {
final Map<_File, _LibraryNode> nodesOfFiles = {};
void evaluate(_LibraryNode node) {
var file = node.file;
var resultSet = _newDeclarationSet();
for (var export in file.exports) {
var file = export.file;
if (file != null && file.isLibrary) {
var exportedDeclarations = file.exportedDeclarations!;
file.exportedDeclarations = resultSet.toList();
void evaluateScc(List<_LibraryNode> scc) {
for (var node in scc) {
var visitedFiles = <_File>{};
List<Declaration> computeExported(_File file) {
if (file.exportedDeclarations != null) {
return file.exportedDeclarations!;
if (!visitedFiles.add(file)) {
return const [];
var resultSet = _newDeclarationSet();
for (var export in file.exports) {
var file = export.file;
if (file != null) {
var exportedDeclarations = computeExported(file);
return resultSet.toList();
var file = node.file;
file.exportedDeclarations = computeExported(file);
_LibraryNode getNode(_File file) {
return nodesOfFiles.putIfAbsent(file, () => _LibraryNode(this, file));
void walkLibrary(_File file) {
var node = getNode(file);
static Set<Declaration> _newDeclarationSet() {
return HashSet<Declaration>(
hashCode: (e) =>,
equals: (a, b) => ==,
/// Information about a package: `Pub` or `Bazel`.
class _Package {
final Folder root;
final Folder lib;
_Package(this.root) : lib = root.getChildAssumingFolder('lib');
/// Return `true` if the [path] is anywhere in the [root] of the package.
/// Note, that this method does not check if the are nested packages, that
/// might actually contain the [path].
bool contains(String path) {
return root.contains(path);
/// Return `true` if the [path] is in the `lib` folder of this package.
bool containsInLib(String path) {
return lib.contains(path);
/// Return the direct child folder of the root, that contains the [path].
/// So, we can know if the [path] is in `lib/`, or `test/`, or `bin/`.
Folder? folderInRootContaining(String path) {
try {
var children = root.getChildren();
for (var folder in children) {
if (folder is Folder && folder.contains(path)) {
return folder;
} on FileSystemException {
// ignored
return null;
class _Part {
final Uri uri;
_File? file;
/// Normal and dev dependencies specified in a `pubspec.yaml` file.
class _PubspecDependencies {
final List<String> lib;
final List<String> dev;
class _ScheduledFile {
final DeclarationsContext context;
final String path;
_ScheduledFile(this.context, this.path);
/// Wrapper for a [StreamController] and its unique [Stream] instance.
class _StreamController<T> {
final StreamController<T> controller = StreamController<T>();
late final Stream<T> stream;
_StreamController() {
stream =;
void add(T event) {