blob: 5f908459dd3486885b08ff68c81169305dc73c05 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart';
// It is hard to visually separate each code's _doc comment_ from its published
// _documentation comment_ when each is written as an end-of-line comment.
// ignore_for_file: slash_for_doc_comments
/// The error codes used for warnings in pubspec files. The convention for this
/// class is for the name of the error code to indicate the problem that caused
/// the error to be generated and for the error message to explain what is wrong
/// and, when appropriate, how the problem can be corrected.
class PubspecWarningCode extends ErrorCode {
* Parameters:
* 0: the path to the asset as given in the file.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an asset list contains a value
// referencing a file that doesn't exist.
// #### Example
// Assuming that the file `doesNotExist.gif` doesn't exist, the following code
// produces this diagnostic because it's listed as an asset:
// ```yaml
// %uri="pubspec.yaml"
// name: example
// flutter:
// assets:
// - doesNotExist.gif
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If the path is correct, then create a file at that path.
// If the path isn't correct, then change the path to match the path of the
// file containing the asset.
static const PubspecWarningCode ASSET_DOES_NOT_EXIST = PubspecWarningCode(
'ASSET_DOES_NOT_EXIST', "The asset file '{0}' doesn't exist.",
correction: "Try creating the file or fixing the path to the file.",
hasPublishedDocs: true);
* Parameters:
* 0: the path to the asset directory as given in the file.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an asset list contains a value
// referencing a directory that doesn't exist.
// #### Example
// Assuming that the directory `assets` doesn't exist, the following code
// produces this diagnostic because it's listed as a directory containing
// assets:
// ```yaml
// %uri="pubspec.yaml"
// name: example
// flutter:
// assets:
// - assets/
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If the path is correct, then create a directory at that path.
// If the path isn't correct, then change the path to match the path of the
// directory containing the assets.
static const PubspecWarningCode ASSET_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST =
"The asset directory '{0}' doesn't exist.",
correction: "Try creating the directory or fixing the path to the "
hasPublishedDocs: true);
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the value of the `asset` key
// isn't a list.
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the value of the assets
// key is a string when a list is expected:
// ```yaml
// %uri="pubspec.yaml"
// name: example
// flutter:
// assets: assets/
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Change the value of the asset list so that it's a list:
// ```yaml
// %uri="pubspec.yaml"
// name: example
// flutter:
// assets:
// - assets/
// ```
static const PubspecWarningCode ASSET_FIELD_NOT_LIST = PubspecWarningCode(
"The value of the 'asset' field is expected to be a list of relative "
"file paths.",
"Try converting the value to be a list of relative file paths.",
hasPublishedDocs: true);
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an asset list contains a value
// that isn't a string.
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the asset list contains
// a map:
// ```yaml
// %uri="pubspec.yaml"
// name: example
// flutter:
// assets:
// - image.gif: true
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Change the asset list so that it only contains valid POSIX-style file
// paths:
// ```yaml
// %uri="pubspec.yaml"
// name: example
// flutter:
// assets:
// - image.gif
// ```
static const PubspecWarningCode ASSET_NOT_STRING = PubspecWarningCode(
'ASSET_NOT_STRING', "Assets are required to be file paths (strings).",
correction: "Try converting the value to be a string.",
hasPublishedDocs: true);
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the value of either the
// `dependencies` or `dev_dependencies` key isn't a map.
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the value of the
// top-level `dependencies` key is a list:
// ```yaml
// %uri="pubspec.yaml"
// name: example
// dependencies:
// - meta
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Use a map as the value of the `dependencies` key:
// ```yaml
// %uri='pubspec.yaml'
// name: example
// dependencies:
// meta: ^1.0.2
// ```
static const PubspecWarningCode DEPENDENCIES_FIELD_NOT_MAP =
"The value of the '{0}' field is expected to be a map.",
correction: "Try converting the value to be a map.",
hasPublishedDocs: true);
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a key is used in a
// `pubspec.yaml` file that was deprecated. Unused keys take up space and
// might imply semantics that are no longer valid.
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the `author` key is no
// longer being used:
// ```dart
// %uri="pubspec.yaml"
// name: example
// author: 'Dash'
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Remove the deprecated key:
// ```dart
// %uri="pubspec.yaml"
// name: example
// ```
static const PubspecWarningCode DEPRECATED_FIELD = PubspecWarningCode(
"The '{0}' field is no longer used and can be removed.",
correction: "Try removing the field.",
hasPublishedDocs: true);
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the value of the `flutter` key
// isn't a map.
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the value of the
// top-level `flutter` key is a string:
// ```yaml
// %uri="pubspec.yaml"
// name: example
// flutter: true
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If you need to specify Flutter-specific options, then change the value to
// be a map:
// ```yaml
// %uri="pubspec.yaml"
// name: example
// flutter:
// uses-material-design: true
// ```
// If you don't need to specify Flutter-specific options, then remove the
// `flutter` key:
// ```yaml
// %uri="pubspec.yaml"
// name: example
// ```
static const PubspecWarningCode FLUTTER_FIELD_NOT_MAP = PubspecWarningCode(
"The value of the 'flutter' field is expected to be a map.",
correction: "Try converting the value to be a map.",
hasPublishedDocs: true);
* Parameters:
* 0: the kind of dependency.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a package under either
// `dependencies` or `dev_dependencies` is not a pub, `git`, or `path` based
// dependency.
// See [Package dependencies]( for
// more information about the kind of dependencies that are supported.
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the dependency on the
// package `transmogrify` is not a pub, `git`, or `path` based dependency:
// ```yaml
// %uri="pubspec.yaml"
// name: example
// dependencies:
// transmogrify:
// hosted:
// name: transmogrify
// url:
// version: ^1.4.0
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If you want to publish your package to ``, then change the
// dependencies to ones that are supported by `pub`.
// If you don't want to publish your package to ``, then add a
// `publish_to: none` entry to mark the package as one that isn't intended to
// be published:
// ```yaml
// %uri="pubspec.yaml"
// name: example
// publish_to: none
// dependencies:
// transmogrify:
// hosted:
// name: transmogrify
// url:
// version: ^1.4.0
// ```
static const PubspecWarningCode INVALID_DEPENDENCY = PubspecWarningCode(
"Publishable packages can't have '{0}' dependencies.",
"Try adding a 'publish_to: none' entry to mark the package as not "
"for publishing or remove the {0} dependency.",
hasPublishedDocs: true);
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when there's no top-level `name` key.
// The `name` key provides the name of the package, which is required.
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the package doesn't
// have a name:
// ```yaml
// %uri="pubspec.yaml"
// dependencies:
// meta: ^1.0.2
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Add the top-level key `name` with a value that's the name of the package:
// ```yaml
// %uri="pubspec.yaml"
// name: example
// dependencies:
// meta: ^1.0.2
// ```
static const PubspecWarningCode MISSING_NAME = PubspecWarningCode(
'MISSING_NAME', "The 'name' field is required but missing.",
correction: "Try adding a field named 'name'.", hasPublishedDocs: true);
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the top-level `name` key has a
// value that isn't a string.
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the value following the
// `name` key is a list:
// ```yaml
// %uri="pubspec.yaml"
// name:
// - example
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Replace the value with a string:
// ```yaml
// %uri="pubspec.yaml"
// name: example
// ```
static const PubspecWarningCode NAME_NOT_STRING = PubspecWarningCode(
"The value of the 'name' field is required to be a string.",
correction: "Try converting the value to be a string.",
hasPublishedDocs: true);
* Parameters:
* 0: the path to the dependency as given in the file.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a dependency has a `path` key
// referencing a directory that doesn't exist.
// #### Example
// Assuming that the directory `doesNotExist` doesn't exist, the following
// code produces this diagnostic because it's listed as the path of a package:
// ```yaml
// %uri="pubspec.yaml"
// name: example
// dependencies:
// local_package:
// path: doesNotExist
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If the path is correct, then create a directory at that path.
// If the path isn't correct, then change the path to match the path to the
// root of the package.
static const PubspecWarningCode PATH_DOES_NOT_EXIST = PubspecWarningCode(
'PATH_DOES_NOT_EXIST', "The path '{0}' doesn't exist.",
"Try creating the referenced path or using a path that exists.",
hasPublishedDocs: true);
* Parameters:
* 0: the path as given in the file.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a dependency has a `path` key
// whose value is a string, but isn't a POSIX-style path.
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the path following the
// `path` key is a Windows path:
// ```yaml
// %uri="pubspec.yaml"
// name: example
// dependencies:
// local_package:
// path: E:\local_package
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Convert the path to a POSIX path.
static const PubspecWarningCode PATH_NOT_POSIX = PubspecWarningCode(
'PATH_NOT_POSIX', "The path '{0}' isn't a POSIX-style path.",
correction: "Try converting the value to a POSIX-style path.",
hasPublishedDocs: true);
* Parameters:
* 0: the path to the dependency as given in the file.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a dependency has a `path` key
// that references a directory that doesn't contain a `pubspec.yaml` file.
// #### Example
// Assuming that the directory `local_package` doesn't contain a file named
// `pubspec.yaml`, the following code produces this diagnostic because it's
// listed as the path of a package:
// ```yaml
// %uri="pubspec.yaml"
// name: example
// dependencies:
// local_package:
// path: local_package
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If the path is intended to be the root of a package, then add a
// `pubspec.yaml` file in the directory:
// ```yaml
// %uri="pubspec.yaml"
// name: local_package
// ```
// If the path is wrong, then replace it with a the correct path.
static const PubspecWarningCode PATH_PUBSPEC_DOES_NOT_EXIST = PubspecWarningCode(
"The directory '{0}' doesn't contain a pubspec.",
"Try creating a pubspec in the referenced directory or using a path that has a pubspec.",
hasPublishedDocs: true);
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the package in the dev_dependency list.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when there's an entry under
// `dev_dependencies` for a package that is also listed under `dependencies`.
// The packages under `dependencies` are available to all of the code in the
// package, so there's no need to also list them under `dev_dependencies`.
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the package `meta` is
// listed under both `dependencies` and `dev_dependencies`:
// ```yaml
// %uri='pubspec.yaml'
// name: example
// dependencies:
// meta: ^1.0.2
// dev_dependencies:
// meta: ^1.0.2
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Remove the entry under `dev_dependencies` (and the `dev_dependencies` key
// if that's the only package listed there):
// ```yaml
// %uri='pubspec.yaml'
// name: example
// dependencies:
// meta: ^1.0.2
// ```
static const PubspecWarningCode UNNECESSARY_DEV_DEPENDENCY =
"The dev dependency on {0} is unnecessary because there is also a "
"normal dependency on that package.",
correction: "Try removing the dev dependency.",
hasPublishedDocs: true);
/// Initialize a newly created warning code to have the given [name],
/// [message] and [correction].
const PubspecWarningCode(String name, String message,
{String? correction, bool hasPublishedDocs = false})
: super(
correction: correction,
message: message,
name: name,
uniqueName: 'PubspecWarningCode.$name',
hasPublishedDocs: hasPublishedDocs,
ErrorSeverity get errorSeverity => ErrorSeverity.WARNING;
ErrorType get type => ErrorType.STATIC_WARNING;