blob: 40d57a6c50b25ab27179035fa8220c470433ceb9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Runner V8 script for testing dart2wasm, takes ".wasm" files as arguments.
// Run as follows:
// $> d8 --experimental-wasm-gc --experimental-wasm-nn-locals --wasm-gc-js-interop run_wasm.js -- <dart_module>.wasm [<ffi_module>.wasm]
// If an FFI module is specified, it will be instantiated first, and its
// exports will be supplied as imports to the Dart module under the 'ffi'
// module name.
function stringFromDartString(string) {
var length = dartInstance.exports.$stringLength(string);
var array = new Array(length);
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
array[i] = dartInstance.exports.$stringRead(string, i);
return String.fromCharCode(...array);
function stringToDartString(string) {
var length = string.length;
var range = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
range |= string.codePointAt(i);
if (range < 256) {
var dartString = dartInstance.exports.$stringAllocate1(length);
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
dartInstance.exports.$stringWrite1(dartString, i, string.codePointAt(i));
return dartString;
} else {
var dartString = dartInstance.exports.$stringAllocate2(length);
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
dartInstance.exports.$stringWrite2(dartString, i, string.charCodeAt(i));
return dartString;
// Converts a Dart List to a JS array. Any Dart objects will be converted, but
// this will be cheap for JSValues.
function arrayFromDartList(constructor, list) {
var length = dartInstance.exports.$listLength(list);
var array = new constructor(length);
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
array[i] = dartInstance.exports.$listRead(list, i);
return array;
function dataViewFromDartByteData(byteData, byteLength) {
var dataView = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(byteLength));
for (var i = 0; i < byteLength; i++) {
dataView.setUint8(i, dartInstance.exports.$byteDataGetUint8(byteData, i));
return dataView;
// A special symbol attached to functions that wrap Dart functions.
var jsWrappedDartFunctionSymbol = Symbol("JSWrappedDartFunction");
// Imports for printing and event loop
var dart2wasm = {
printToConsole: function(string) {
scheduleCallback: function(milliseconds, closure) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, milliseconds);
getCurrentStackTrace: function() {
// [Error] should be supported in most browsers.
// A possible future optimization we could do is to just save the
// `Error` object here, and stringify the stack trace when it is
// actually used.
let stackString = new Error().stack.toString();
// We remove the last three lines of the stack trace to prevent including
// `Error`, `getCurrentStackTrace`, and `StackTrace.current` in the
// stack trace.
let userStackString = stackString.split('\n').slice(3).join('\n');
return stringToDartString(userStackString);
int8ArrayFromDartInt8List: function(list) {
return arrayFromDartList(Int8Array, list);
uint8ArrayFromDartUint8List: function(list) {
return arrayFromDartList(Uint8Array, list);
uint8ClampedArrayFromDartUint8ClampedList: function(list) {
return arrayFromDartList(Uint8ClampedArray, list);
int16ArrayFromDartInt16List: function(list) {
return arrayFromDartList(Int16Array, list);
uint16ArrayFromDartUint16List: function(list) {
return arrayFromDartList(Uint16Array, list);
int32ArrayFromDartInt32List: function(list) {
return arrayFromDartList(Int32Array, list);
uint32ArrayFromDartUint32List: function(list) {
return arrayFromDartList(Uint32Array, list);
float32ArrayFromDartFloat32List: function(list) {
return arrayFromDartList(Float32Array, list);
float64ArrayFromDartFloat64List: function(list) {
return arrayFromDartList(Float64Array, list);
dataViewFromDartByteData: function(byteData, byteLength) {
return dataViewFromDartByteData(byteData, byteLength);
arrayFromDartList: function(list) {
return arrayFromDartList(Array, list);
stringFromDartString: stringFromDartString,
stringToDartString: stringToDartString,
wrapDartFunction: function(dartFunction, exportFunctionName) {
var wrapped = function (...args) {
return dartInstance.exports[`${exportFunctionName}`](
wrapped.dartFunction = dartFunction;
wrapped[jsWrappedDartFunctionSymbol] = true;
return wrapped;
objectLength: function(o) {
return o.length;
objectReadIndex: function(o, i) {
return o[i];
unwrapJSWrappedDartFunction: function(o) {
return o.dartFunction;
isJSUndefined: function(o) {
return o === undefined;
isJSBoolean: function(o) {
return typeof o === "boolean";
isJSNumber: function(o) {
return typeof o === "number";
isJSBigInt: function(o) {
return typeof o === "bigint";
isJSString: function(o) {
return typeof o === "string";
isJSSymbol: function(o) {
return typeof o === "symbol";
isJSFunction: function(o) {
return typeof o === "function";
isJSInt8Array: function(o) {
return o instanceof Int8Array;
isJSUint8Array: function(o) {
return o instanceof Uint8Array;
isJSUint8ClampedArray: function(o) {
return o instanceof Uint8ClampedArray;
isJSInt16Array: function(o) {
return o instanceof Int16Array;
isJSUint16Array: function(o) {
return o instanceof Uint16Array;
isJSInt32Array: function(o) {
return o instanceof Int32Array;
isJSUint32Array: function(o) {
return o instanceof Uint32Array;
isJSFloat32Array: function(o) {
return o instanceof Float32Array;
isJSFloat64Array: function(o) {
return o instanceof Float64Array;
isJSArrayBuffer: function(o) {
return o instanceof ArrayBuffer;
isJSDataView: function(o) {
return o instanceof DataView;
isJSArray: function(o) {
return o instanceof Array;
isJSWrappedDartFunction: function(o) {
return typeof o === "function" &&
o[jsWrappedDartFunctionSymbol] === true;
isJSObject: function(o) {
return o instanceof Object;
roundtrip: function (o) {
// This function exists as a hook for the native JS -> Wasm type
// conversion rules. The Dart runtime will overload variants of this
// function with the necessary return type to trigger the desired
// coercion.
return o;
newObject: function() {
return {};
globalThis: function() {
return globalThis;
getProperty: function(object, name) {
return object[name];
hasProperty: function(object, name) {
return name in object;
setProperty: function(object, name, value) {
return object[name] = value;
callMethodVarArgs: function(object, name, args) {
return object[name].apply(object, args);
callConstructorVarArgs: function(constructor, args) {
// Apply bind to the constructor. We pass `null` as the first argument
// to `bind.apply` because this is `bind`'s unused context
// argument(`new` will explicitly create a new context).
var factoryFunction = constructor.bind.apply(constructor, [null, ...args]);
return new factoryFunction();
getTimeZoneNameForSeconds: function(secondsSinceEpoch) {
var date = new Date(secondsSinceEpoch * 1000);
var match = /\((.*)\)/.exec(date.toString());
if (match == null) {
// This should never happen on any recent browser.
return '';
return stringToDartString(match[1]);
getTimeZoneOffsetInSeconds: function(secondsSinceEpoch) {
return new Date(secondsSinceEpoch * 1000).getTimezoneOffset() * 60;
jsonEncode: function(s) {
return stringToDartString(JSON.stringify(stringFromDartString(s)));
toUpperCase: function(string) {
return stringToDartString(stringFromDartString(string).toUpperCase());
toLowerCase: function(string) {
return stringToDartString(stringFromDartString(string).toLowerCase());
isWindows: function() {
return typeof process != undefined && == "[object process]" &&
process.platform == "win32";
getCurrentUri: function() {
// On browsers return `globalThis.location.href`
if (globalThis.location != null) {
return stringToDartString(globalThis.location.href);
return null;
stringify: function(o) {
return stringToDartString(String(o));
doubleToString: function(v) {
return stringToDartString(v.toString());
toFixed: function(double, digits) {
return stringToDartString(double.toFixed(digits));
toExponential: function(double, fractionDigits) {
return stringToDartString(double.toExponential(fractionDigits));
toPrecision: function(double, precision) {
return stringToDartString(double.toPrecision(precision));
parseDouble: function(source) {
// Notice that JS parseFloat accepts garbage at the end of the string.
// Accept only:
// - [+/-]NaN
// - [+/-]Infinity
// - a Dart double literal
// We do allow leading or trailing whitespace.
var jsSource = stringFromDartString(source);
if (!/^\s*[+-]?(?:Infinity|NaN|(?:\.\d+|\d+(?:\.\d*)?)(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?)\s*$/.test(jsSource)) {
return NaN;
return parseFloat(jsSource);
function instantiate(filename, imports) {
// Create a Wasm module from the binary wasm file.
var bytes = readbuffer(filename);
var module = new WebAssembly.Module(bytes);
return new WebAssembly.Instance(module, imports);
// Import from the global scope.
var importObject = (typeof window !== 'undefined')
? window
// Is an FFI module specified?
if (arguments.length > 1) {
// instantiate FFI module
var ffiInstance = instantiate(arguments[1], {});
// Make its exports available as imports under the 'ffi' module name
importObject.ffi = ffiInstance.exports;
// Instantiate the Dart module, importing from the global scope.
var dartInstance = instantiate(arguments[0], importObject);
var result = dartInstance.exports.main();
if (result) console.log(result);