blob: b2b3b49b10c6b8382eec3a608b7916e943e0a375 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/macros/executor_shared/remote_instance.dart';
import '../api.dart';
import '../executor_shared/introspection_impls.dart';
import '../executor_shared/protocol.dart';
import '../executor_shared/response_impls.dart';
import '../executor_shared/serialization.dart';
import '../executor.dart';
/// Returns an instance of [_IsolatedMacroExecutor].
/// This is the only public api exposed by this library.
Future<MacroExecutor> start() async => new _IsolatedMacroExecutor();
/// A [MacroExecutor] implementation which spawns a separate isolate for each
/// macro that is loaded. Each of these is wrapped in its own
/// [_SingleIsolatedMacroExecutor] which requests are delegated to.
/// This implementation requires precompiled kernel files when loading macros,
/// (you must pass a `precompiledKernelUri` to [loadMacro]).
/// Spawned isolates are not ran in the same isolate group, so objects are
/// serialized between isolates.
class _IsolatedMacroExecutor implements MacroExecutor {
/// Individual executors indexed by [MacroClassIdentifier] or
/// [MacroInstanceIdentifier].
final _executors = <Object, _SingleIsolatedMacroExecutor>{};
Future<String> buildAugmentationLibrary(
Iterable<MacroExecutionResult> macroResults) {
// TODO: implement buildAugmentationLibrary
throw new UnimplementedError();
void close() {
for (_SingleIsolatedMacroExecutor executor in _executors.values) {
Future<MacroExecutionResult> executeDeclarationsPhase(
MacroInstanceIdentifier macro,
DeclarationImpl declaration,
TypeResolver typeResolver,
ClassIntrospector classIntrospector) =>
macro, declaration, typeResolver, classIntrospector);
Future<MacroExecutionResult> executeDefinitionsPhase(
MacroInstanceIdentifier macro,
DeclarationImpl declaration,
TypeResolver typeResolver,
ClassIntrospector classIntrospector,
TypeDeclarationResolver typeDeclarationResolver) =>
_executors[macro]!.executeDefinitionsPhase(macro, declaration,
typeResolver, classIntrospector, typeDeclarationResolver);
Future<MacroExecutionResult> executeTypesPhase(
MacroInstanceIdentifier macro, DeclarationImpl declaration) =>
_executors[macro]!.executeTypesPhase(macro, declaration);
Future<MacroInstanceIdentifier> instantiateMacro(
MacroClassIdentifier macroClass,
String constructor,
Arguments arguments) async {
_SingleIsolatedMacroExecutor executor = _executors[macroClass]!;
MacroInstanceIdentifier instance =
await executor.instantiateMacro(macroClass, constructor, arguments);
_executors[instance] = executor;
return instance;
Future<MacroClassIdentifier> loadMacro(Uri library, String name,
{Uri? precompiledKernelUri}) async {
if (precompiledKernelUri == null) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
'This environment requires a non-null `precompiledKernelUri` to be '
'passed when loading macros.');
MacroClassIdentifier identifier =
new MacroClassIdentifierImpl(library, name);
_SingleIsolatedMacroExecutor executor =
await _SingleIsolatedMacroExecutor.start(
library, name, precompiledKernelUri);
_executors[identifier] = executor;
return identifier;
class _SingleIsolatedMacroExecutor extends MacroExecutor {
/// The stream on which we receive responses.
final Stream<Object> messageStream;
/// The send port where we should send requests.
final SendPort sendPort;
/// A function that should be invoked when shutting down this executor
/// to perform any necessary cleanup.
final void Function() onClose;
/// A map of response completers by request id.
final responseCompleters = <int, Completer<Response>>{};
/// We need to know which serialization zone to deserialize objects in, so
/// that we read them from the correct cache. Each request creates its own
/// zone which it stores here by ID and then responses are deserialized in
/// the same zone.
static final serializationZones = <int, Zone>{};
/// Incrementing identifier for the serialization zone ids.
static int _nextSerializationZoneId = 0;
{required this.onClose,
required this.messageStream,
required this.sendPort}) {
messageStream.listen((message) {
withSerializationMode(SerializationMode.server, () {
JsonDeserializer deserializer =
new JsonDeserializer(message as List<Object?>);
// Every object starts with a zone ID which dictates the zone in which
// we should deserialize the message.
int zoneId = deserializer.expectNum();
Zone zone = serializationZones[zoneId]!; async {
MessageType messageType =
switch (messageType) {
case MessageType.response:
SerializableResponse response =
new SerializableResponse.deserialize(deserializer, zoneId);
Completer<Response>? completer =
if (completer == null) {
throw new StateError(
'Got a response for an unrecognized request id '
case MessageType.resolveTypeRequest:
ResolveTypeRequest request =
new ResolveTypeRequest.deserialize(deserializer, zoneId);
SerializableResponse response = new SerializableResponse(
response: new RemoteInstanceImpl(
id: RemoteInstance.uniqueId,
await (request.typeResolver.instance as TypeResolver)
responseType: MessageType.staticType,
serializationZoneId: zoneId);
JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();
case MessageType.isExactlyTypeRequest:
IsExactlyTypeRequest request =
new IsExactlyTypeRequest.deserialize(deserializer, zoneId);
StaticType leftType = request.leftType.instance as StaticType;
StaticType rightType = request.leftType.instance as StaticType;
SerializableResponse response = new SerializableResponse(
new BooleanValue(await leftType.isExactly(rightType)),
responseType: MessageType.boolean,
serializationZoneId: zoneId);
JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();
case MessageType.isSubtypeOfRequest:
IsExactlyTypeRequest request =
new IsExactlyTypeRequest.deserialize(deserializer, zoneId);
StaticType leftType = request.leftType.instance as StaticType;
StaticType rightType = request.leftType.instance as StaticType;
SerializableResponse response = new SerializableResponse(
new BooleanValue(await leftType.isSubtypeOf(rightType)),
responseType: MessageType.boolean,
serializationZoneId: zoneId);
JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();
throw new StateError('Unexpected message type $messageType');
static Future<_SingleIsolatedMacroExecutor> start(
Uri library, String name, Uri precompiledKernelUri) async {
ReceivePort receivePort = new ReceivePort();
Isolate isolate =
await Isolate.spawnUri(precompiledKernelUri, [], receivePort.sendPort);
Completer<SendPort> sendPortCompleter = new Completer();
StreamController<Object> messageStreamController =
new StreamController(sync: true);
receivePort.listen((message) {
if (!sendPortCompleter.isCompleted) {
sendPortCompleter.complete(message as SendPort);
} else {
return new _SingleIsolatedMacroExecutor(
onClose: () {
sendPort: await sendPortCompleter.future);
void close() => onClose();
/// These calls are handled by the higher level executor.
Future<String> buildAugmentationLibrary(
Iterable<MacroExecutionResult> macroResults) =>
throw new StateError('Unreachable');
Future<MacroExecutionResult> executeDeclarationsPhase(
MacroInstanceIdentifier macro,
DeclarationImpl declaration,
TypeResolver typeResolver,
ClassIntrospector classIntrospector) {
// TODO: implement executeDeclarationsPhase
throw new UnimplementedError();
Future<MacroExecutionResult> executeDefinitionsPhase(
MacroInstanceIdentifier macro,
DeclarationImpl declaration,
TypeResolver typeResolver,
ClassIntrospector classIntrospector,
TypeDeclarationResolver typeDeclarationResolver) =>
_sendRequest((zoneId) => new ExecuteDefinitionsPhaseRequest(
new RemoteInstanceImpl(
instance: typeResolver, id: RemoteInstance.uniqueId),
new RemoteInstanceImpl(
instance: classIntrospector, id: RemoteInstance.uniqueId),
new RemoteInstanceImpl(
instance: typeDeclarationResolver, id: RemoteInstance.uniqueId),
serializationZoneId: zoneId));
Future<MacroExecutionResult> executeTypesPhase(
MacroInstanceIdentifier macro, Declaration declaration) {
// TODO: implement executeTypesPhase
throw new UnimplementedError();
Future<MacroInstanceIdentifier> instantiateMacro(
MacroClassIdentifier macroClass,
String constructor,
Arguments arguments) =>
_sendRequest((zoneId) => new InstantiateMacroRequest(
macroClass, constructor, arguments,
serializationZoneId: zoneId));
/// These calls are handled by the higher level executor.
Future<MacroClassIdentifier> loadMacro(Uri library, String name,
{Uri? precompiledKernelUri}) =>
throw new StateError('Unreachable');
/// Creates a [Request] with a given serialization zone ID, and handles the
/// response, casting it to the expected type or throwing the error provided.
Future<T> _sendRequest<T>(Request Function(int) requestFactory) =>
withSerializationMode(SerializationMode.server, () async {
int zoneId = _nextSerializationZoneId++;
serializationZones[zoneId] = Zone.current;
Request request = requestFactory(zoneId);
JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();
// It is our responsibility to add the zone ID header.
Completer<Response> completer = new Completer<Response>();
responseCompleters[] = completer;
try {
Response response = await completer.future;
T? result = response.response as T?;
if (result != null) return result;
throw new RemoteException(
response.error!.toString(), response.stackTrace);
} finally {
// Clean up the zone after the request is done.