| # Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| # for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| # BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js ] |
| class_test: Fail |
| statements_test: Fail |
| typed_locals_test: Fail |
| no_such_method_test: Fail # Wrong Invocation.memberName. |
| constant_javascript_semantics4_test: Fail, OK |
| mirrors_used_closure_test: Fail # Issue 17939 |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $checked ] |
| variable_type_test/03: Fail, OK |
| variable_type_test/01: Fail, OK |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $fast_startup ] |
| 21666_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| 23056_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| closure_type_reflection2_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| closure_type_reflection_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| deferred/deferred_mirrors1_lib: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| deferred/deferred_mirrors1_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| deferred/deferred_mirrors2_lazy: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| deferred/deferred_mirrors2_lib3: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| deferred/deferred_mirrors2_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| inference_nsm_mirrors_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| invalid_annotation2_test/none: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| invalid_annotation2_test/01: Pass # mirrors not supported, passes for the wrong reason |
| lookup_map/dead_entry_through_mirrors_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| lookup_map/live_entry_through_mirrors_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| lookup_map/live_entry_through_mirrors_used_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| mirror_enqueuer_regression_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| mirror_invalid_field_access2_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| mirror_invalid_field_access3_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| mirror_invalid_field_access4_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| mirror_invalid_field_access_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| mirror_invalid_invoke2_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| mirror_invalid_invoke3_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| mirror_invalid_invoke_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| mirror_printer_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| mirror_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| mirror_type_inference_field2_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| mirror_type_inference_field_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| mirror_type_inference_function_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| mirrors_declarations_filtering_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| mirrors_used_closure_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| mirrors_used_metatargets_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| mirrors_used_native_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| mirrors_used_warning2_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| mirrors_used_warning_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| no_such_method_mirrors_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| reflect_native_types_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && ($runtime == d8 || $runtime == chrome || $runtime == drt) ] |
| bound_closure_interceptor_type_test: Fail, Pass # v8 issue 3084. https://code.google.com/p/v8/issues/detail?id=3084 |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $mode == debug ] |
| operator_test: Skip |
| string_interpolation_test: Skip |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == chromeOnAndroid ] |
| no_such_method_mirrors_test: Pass, Slow # TODO(kasperl): Please triage. |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == none ] |
| *: Fail, Pass # TODO(ahe): Triage these tests. |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $minified ] |
| to_string_test: Fail # Issue 7179. |
| runtime_type_test: Fail, OK # Tests extected output of Type.toString(). |
| code_motion_exception_test: Skip # Requires unminified operator names. |
| mirrors_used_warning_test/minif: Fail, OK # Tests warning that minified code will be broken. |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == safari ] |
| deferred_fail_and_retry_worker_test: Timeout # Issue 22106 |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && ($runtime == drt || $runtime == ff || $runtime == safari || $runtime == jsshell) ] |
| code_motion_exception_test: Skip # Required V8 specific format of JavaScript errors. |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && ($runtime == drt || $runtime == ff || $runtime == safari || $runtime == safarimobilesim || $runtime == chrome || $runtime == chromeOnAndroid) ] |
| isolate2_test/01: Fail # Issue 14458. |
| |
| [ $runtime == jsshell ] |
| timer_test: Fail # Issue 7728. |
| |
| [ $runtime == none ] |
| timer_negative_test: Fail, OK # A negative runtime test. |
| bailout8_test: Fail, OK # Mismatch in thrown exception. |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == d8 && $system == windows ] |
| deferred/*: Pass,RuntimeError # Issue 17458 |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $csp ] |
| deferred_fail_and_retry_test: SkipByDesign # Uses eval to simulate failed loading. |
| deferred_fail_and_retry_worker_test: SkipByDesign # Uses eval to simulate failed loading. |
| deferred_custom_loader_test: SkipByDesign # Issue 25683 |
| |
| [ $compiler == none && $runtime == vm ] |
| invalid_annotation_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError, OK # vm is lazy |
| lookup_map/dead_entry_through_mirrors_test: SkipByDesign # Test for tree-shaking, vm never tree-shakes |
| unconditional_dartio_import_test: SkipByDesign # dart2js only test |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js ] |
| big_allocation_expression_test: Crash # Issue 24635 |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == chrome && $system == windows ] |
| class_test: Pass, Slow # Issue 25940 |
| consistent_codeUnitAt_error_test: Pass, Slow # Issue 25940 |
| closure_capture3_test: Pass, Slow # Issue 25940 |
| deferred_split_test: Pass, Slow # Issue 25940 |
| closure_capture5_test: Pass, Slow # Issue 25940 |
| conditional_test: Pass, Slow # Issue 25940 |
| constant_javascript_semantics2_test: Pass, Slow # Issue 25940 |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == ff && $system == windows ] |
| consistent_index_error_string_test: Pass, Slow # Issue 25940 |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js ] |
| mirror_printer_test: Pass, Slow # Issue 25940, 16473 |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $dart2js_with_kernel ] |
| big_allocation_expression_test: Pass # Issue 27394 |
| 21666_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| 23486_test/02: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| bailout_on_continue_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| closure_type_reflection2_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| closure_type_reflection_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| deferred/deferred_constant3_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| deferred/deferred_function_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| deferred/deferred_mirrors2_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| first_class_types_hashcode_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| generics_factories_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| generics_is_check1_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| inference_super_set_call_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| invalid_annotation2_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| invalid_annotation2_test/none: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| invalid_annotation_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| is_check_instanceof_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| lookup_map/dead_entry_through_mirrors_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| lookup_map/generic_type_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| lookup_map/live_entry_through_mirrors_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| lookup_map/live_entry_through_mirrors_used_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| many_fields_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mirror_enqueuer_regression_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mirror_invalid_field_access2_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mirror_invalid_field_access3_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mirror_invalid_field_access4_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mirror_invalid_field_access_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mirror_invalid_invoke2_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mirror_invalid_invoke3_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mirror_invalid_invoke_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mirror_printer_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mirror_printer_test/none: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mirror_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mirror_type_inference_field2_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mirror_type_inference_field_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mirror_type_inference_function_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mirrors_declarations_filtering_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mirrors_used_closure_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mirrors_used_metatargets_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mirrors_used_native_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| reflect_native_types_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| runtime_type_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| type_argument_factory_nocrash_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| typevariable_substitution_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $dart2js_with_kernel && $host_checked ] |
| regress/4562_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |