blob: 1fad598c6a490888490cdb488091060c605d2125 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../../../tool/lsp_spec/typescript.dart';
main() {
group('typescript parser', () {
test('parses an interface', () {
final String input = '''
* Some options.
export interface SomeOptions {
* Options used by something.
options?: OptionKind[];
final List<ApiItem> output = extractTypes(input);
expect(output, hasLength(1));
expect(output[0], const TypeMatcher<Interface>());
final Interface interface = output[0];
expect(, equals('SomeOptions'));
expect(interface.comment, equals('Some options.'));
expect(interface.baseTypes, hasLength(0));
expect(interface.members, hasLength(1));
expect(interface.members[0], const TypeMatcher<Field>());
final Field field = interface.members[0];
expect(, equals('options'));
expect(field.comment, equals('''Options used by something.'''));
expect(field.allowsNull, isFalse);
expect(field.allowsUndefined, isTrue);
expect(field.types, hasLength(1));
expect(field.types[0], equals('OptionKind[]'));
test('parses an interface with multiple fields', () {
final String input = '''
export interface SomeOptions {
* Options0 used by something.
options0: any;
* Options1 used by something.
options1: any;
final List<ApiItem> output = extractTypes(input);
expect(output, hasLength(1));
expect(output[0], const TypeMatcher<Interface>());
final Interface interface = output[0];
expect(interface.members, hasLength(2));
[0, 1].forEach((i) {
expect(interface.members[i], const TypeMatcher<Field>());
final Field field = interface.members[i];
expect(, equals('options$i'));
expect(field.comment, equals('''Options$i used by something.'''));
test('parses an interface with type args', () {
final String input = '''
interface ResponseError<D> {
data?: D;
final List<ApiItem> output = extractTypes(input);
expect(output, hasLength(1));
expect(output[0], const TypeMatcher<Interface>());
final Interface interface = output[0];
expect(interface.members, hasLength(1));
final Field field = interface.members.first;
expect(field, const TypeMatcher<Field>());
expect(, equals('data'));
expect(field.allowsUndefined, true);
expect(field.allowsNull, false);
expect(field.types, equals(['D']));
test('parses an interface with Arrays in Array<T> format', () {
final String input = '''
export interface RequestMessage {
* The method's params.
params?: Array<any> | object;
final List<ApiItem> output = extractTypes(input);
expect(output, hasLength(1));
expect(output[0], const TypeMatcher<Interface>());
final Interface interface = output[0];
expect(interface.members, hasLength(1));
final Field field = interface.members.first;
expect(field, const TypeMatcher<Field>());
expect(, equals('params'));
expect(field.comment, equals('''The method's params.'''));
expect(field.allowsUndefined, true);
expect(field.allowsNull, false);
expect(field.types, equals(['Array<any>', 'object']));
test('flags nullable undefined values', () {
final String input = '''
export interface A {
canBeBoth?: string | null;
canBeNeither: string;
canBeNull: string | null;
canBeUndefined?: string;
final List<ApiItem> output = extractTypes(input);
final Interface interface = output[0];
expect(interface.members, hasLength(4));
interface.members.forEach((m) => expect(m, const TypeMatcher<Field>()));
final Field canBeBoth = interface.members[0],
canBeNeither = interface.members[1],
canBeNull = interface.members[2],
canBeUndefined = interface.members[3];
expect(canBeNeither.allowsNull, isFalse);
expect(canBeNeither.allowsUndefined, isFalse);
expect(canBeNull.allowsNull, isTrue);
expect(canBeNull.allowsUndefined, isFalse);
expect(canBeUndefined.allowsNull, isFalse);
expect(canBeUndefined.allowsUndefined, isTrue);
expect(canBeBoth.allowsNull, isTrue);
expect(canBeBoth.allowsUndefined, isTrue);
test('formats comments correctly', () {
final String input = '''
* Describes the what this class in lots of words that wrap onto
* multiple lines that will need re-wrapping to format nicely when
* converted into Dart.
* Blank lines should remain in-tact, as should:
* - Indented
* - Things
* Some docs have:
* - List items that are not indented
* Sometimes after a blank line we'll have a note.
* *Note* that something.
export interface A {
a: a;
final List<ApiItem> output = extractTypes(input);
final Interface interface = output[0];
expect(interface.comment, equals('''
Describes the what this class in lots of words that wrap onto multiple lines that will need re-wrapping to format nicely when converted into Dart.
Blank lines should remain in-tact, as should:
- Indented
- Things
Some docs have:
- List items that are not indented
Sometimes after a blank line we'll have a note.
*Note* that something.'''));
test('parses a type alias', () {
final String input = '''
export type DocumentSelector = DocumentFilter[];
final List<ApiItem> output = extractTypes(input);
expect(output, hasLength(1));
expect(output[0], const TypeMatcher<TypeAlias>());
final TypeAlias typeAlias = output[0];
expect(, equals('DocumentSelector'));
expect(typeAlias.baseType, equals('DocumentFilter[]'));
test('parses a namespace of constants', () {
final String input = '''
export namespace ResourceOperationKind {
* Supports creating new files and folders.
export const Create: ResourceOperationKind = 'create';
* Supports deleting existing files and folders.
export const Delete: ResourceOperationKind = 'delete';
* Supports renaming existing files and folders.
export const Rename: ResourceOperationKind = 'rename';
final List<ApiItem> output = extractTypes(input);
expect(output, hasLength(1));
expect(output[0], const TypeMatcher<Namespace>());
final Namespace namespace = output[0];
expect(namespace.members, hasLength(3));
namespace.members.forEach((m) => expect(m, const TypeMatcher<Const>()));
final Const create = namespace.members[0],
delete = namespace.members[1],
rename = namespace.members[2];
expect(, equals('Create'));
expect(create.type, equals('ResourceOperationKind'));
create.comment, equals('Supports creating new files and folders.'));
expect(, equals('Rename'));
expect(rename.type, equals('ResourceOperationKind'));
equals('Supports renaming existing files and folders.'));
expect(, equals('Delete'));
expect(delete.type, equals('ResourceOperationKind'));
equals('Supports deleting existing files and folders.'));