blob: 0147ec9bc2cd169403fae22b8368ca09db0a6a2f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/src/cider/rename.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/line_info.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/micro/resolve_file.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../utilities/mock_packages.dart';
import 'cider_service.dart';
void main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class CiderRenameComputerTest extends CiderServiceTest {
late _CorrectionContext _correctionContext;
void setUp() {
void test_canRename_class() async {
var refactor = await _compute(r'''
class ^Old {}
expect(refactor!, 'Old');
expect(refactor.refactoringElement.offset, _correctionContext.offset);
void test_canRename_field() async {
var refactor = await _compute(r'''
class A {
int ^bar;
void foo() {
bar = 5;
expect(refactor!, 'bar');
expect(refactor.refactoringElement.offset, _correctionContext.offset);
void test_canRename_field_static_private() async {
var refactor = await _compute(r'''
class A{
static const ^_val = 1234;
expect(refactor, isNotNull);
expect(refactor!, '_val');
expect(refactor.refactoringElement.offset, _correctionContext.offset);
void test_canRename_function() async {
var refactor = await _compute(r'''
void ^foo() {
expect(refactor!, 'foo');
expect(refactor.refactoringElement.offset, _correctionContext.offset);
void test_canRename_label() async {
var refactor = await _compute(r'''
main() {
while (true) {
continue ^myLabel;
break myLabel;
expect(refactor, isNotNull);
expect(refactor!, 'myLabel');
expect(refactor.refactoringElement.offset, _correctionContext.offset);
void test_canRename_local() async {
var refactor = await _compute(r'''
void foo() {
var ^a = 0; var b = a + 1;
expect(refactor!, 'a');
expect(refactor.refactoringElement.offset, _correctionContext.offset);
void test_canRename_method() async {
var refactor = await _compute(r'''
extension E on int {
void ^foo() {}
expect(refactor!, 'foo');
expect(refactor.refactoringElement.offset, _correctionContext.offset);
void test_canRename_operator() async {
var refactor = await _compute(r'''
class A{
A operator ^+(A other) => this;
expect(refactor, isNull);
void test_canRename_parameter() async {
var refactor = await _compute(r'''
void foo(int ^bar) {
var a = bar + 1;
expect(refactor, isNotNull);
expect(refactor!, 'bar');
expect(refactor.refactoringElement.offset, _correctionContext.offset);
void test_checkName_class() async {
var result = await _checkName(r'''
class ^Old {}
''', 'New');
expect(result!.status.problems.length, 0);
expect(result.oldName, 'Old');
void test_checkName_function() async {
var result = await _checkName(r'''
int ^foo() => 2;
''', 'bar');
expect(result!.status.problems.length, 0);
expect(result.oldName, 'foo');
void test_checkName_local() async {
var result = await _checkName(r'''
void foo() {
var ^a = 0; var b = a + 1;
''', 'bar');
expect(result!.status.problems.length, 0);
expect(result.oldName, 'a');
void test_checkName_local_invalid() async {
var result = await _checkName(r'''
void foo() {
var ^a = 0; var b = a + 1;
''', 'Aa');
expect(result!.status.problems.length, 1);
expect(result.oldName, 'a');
void test_checkName_parameter() async {
var result = await _checkName(r'''
void foo(String ^a) {
var b = a + 1;
''', 'bar');
expect(result!.status.problems.length, 0);
expect(result.oldName, 'a');
void test_checkName_topLevelVariable() async {
var result = await _checkName(r'''
var ^foo;
''', 'bar');
expect(result!.status.problems.length, 0);
expect(result.oldName, 'foo');
void test_checkName_TypeAlias() async {
var result = await _checkName(r'''
typedef ^Foo = void Function();
''', 'Bar');
expect(result!.status.problems.length, 0);
expect(result.oldName, 'Foo');
void test_rename_class() async {
var result = await _rename(r'''
class ^Old implements Other {
Old() {}
Old.named() {}
class Other {
factory Other.a() = Old;
factory Other.b() = Old.named;
void f() {
Old t1 = new Old();
Old t2 = new Old.named();
''', 'New');
expect(result!.matches.length, 1);
expect(result.matches, [
CiderSearchMatch(convertPath('/workspace/dart/test/lib/test.dart'), [
CharacterLocation(1, 7),
CharacterLocation(2, 3),
CharacterLocation(3, 3),
CharacterLocation(6, 23),
CharacterLocation(7, 23),
CharacterLocation(10, 3),
CharacterLocation(10, 16),
CharacterLocation(11, 3),
CharacterLocation(11, 16)
void test_rename_class_flutterWidget() async {
var result = await _rename(r'''
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class ^TestPage extends StatefulWidget {
const TestPage();
State<TestPage> createState() => TestPageState();
class TestPageState extends State<TestPage> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) => throw 0;
''', 'NewPage');
expect(result!.matches.length, 1);
expect(result.matches, [
CiderSearchMatch(convertPath('/workspace/dart/test/lib/test.dart'), [
CharacterLocation(3, 7),
CharacterLocation(4, 9),
CharacterLocation(7, 9),
CharacterLocation(10, 35)
expect(result.flutterWidgetRename != null, isTrue);
expect(result.flutterWidgetRename!.name, 'NewPageState');
expect(result.flutterWidgetRename!.matches, [
[CharacterLocation(7, 36), CharacterLocation(10, 7)])
void test_rename_field() async {
var result = await _rename(r'''
class A{
int get ^x => 5;
void foo() {
var m = A().x;
''', 'y');
expect(result, isNotNull);
expect(result!.matches, [
[CharacterLocation(2, 11), CharacterLocation(6, 15)]),
void test_rename_field_static_private() async {
var result = await _rename(r'''
class A{
static const ^_val = 1234;
void foo() {
''', '_newVal');
expect(result, isNotNull);
expect(result!.matches, [
[CharacterLocation(2, 16), CharacterLocation(6, 11)]),
void test_rename_function() async {
var result = await _rename(r'''
test() {}
^foo() {}
void f() {
''', 'bar');
expect(result!.matches.length, 1);
expect(result.matches, [
CiderSearchMatch(convertPath('/workspace/dart/test/lib/test.dart'), [
CharacterLocation(2, 1),
CharacterLocation(6, 3),
void test_rename_function_imported() async {
var a = newFile2('/workspace/dart/test/lib/a.dart', r'''
foo() {}
await fileResolver.resolve2(path: a.path);
var result = await _rename(r'''
import 'a.dart';
void f() {
''', 'bar');
expect(result!.matches.length, 2);
expect(result.matches, [
CiderSearchMatch(convertPath('/workspace/dart/test/lib/a.dart'), [
CharacterLocation(1, 1),
[CharacterLocation(3, 3)])
void test_rename_local() async {
var result = await _rename(r'''
void foo() {
var ^a = 0; var b = a + 1;
''', 'bar');
expect(result!.matches.length, 1);
[CharacterLocation(2, 7), CharacterLocation(2, 22)]));
void test_rename_parameter() async {
var result = await _rename(r'''
void foo(String ^a) {
var b = a + 1;
''', 'bar');
expect(result!.matches.length, 1);
expect(result.checkName.oldName, 'a');
void test_rename_propertyAccessor() async {
var result = await _rename(r'''
get foo {}
set foo(x) {}
void f() {
^foo = 1;
foo += 2;
''', 'bar');
expect(result!.matches, [
[CharacterLocation(1, 5), CharacterLocation(4, 9)]),
CiderSearchMatch(convertPath('/workspace/dart/test/lib/test.dart'), [
CharacterLocation(2, 5),
CharacterLocation(5, 3),
CharacterLocation(6, 3)
void test_rename_typeAlias_functionType() async {
var result = await _rename(r'''
typedef ^F = void Function();
void f(F a) {}
''', 'bar');
expect(result!.matches, [
[CharacterLocation(1, 9), CharacterLocation(2, 8)])
Future<CheckNameResponse?> _checkName(String content, String newName) async {
var canRename = await CiderRenameComputer(
return canRename?.checkNewName(newName);
Future<CanRenameResponse?> _compute(String content) async {
return CiderRenameComputer(
Future<RenameResponse?> _rename(String content, String newName) async {
var canRename = await CiderRenameComputer(
return canRename?.checkNewName(newName)?.computeRenameRanges2();
void _updateFile(String content) {
var offset = content.indexOf('^');
expect(offset, isPositive, reason: 'Expected to find ^');
expect(content.indexOf('^', offset + 1), -1, reason: 'Expected only one ^');
var lineInfo = LineInfo.fromContent(content);
var location = lineInfo.getLocation(offset);
content = content.substring(0, offset) + content.substring(offset + 1);
newFile2(testPath, content);
_correctionContext = _CorrectionContext(
location.lineNumber - 1,
location.columnNumber - 1,
class _CorrectionContext {
final String content;
final int offset;
final int line;
final int character;
_CorrectionContext(this.content, this.offset, this.line, this.character);