blob: 17e4208aa906012073d01e8b3033a02feaedf821 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library docgen.models.typedef;
import '../exports/source_mirrors.dart';
import '../library_helpers.dart';
import 'dummy_mirror.dart';
import 'library.dart';
import 'model_helpers.dart';
import 'generic.dart';
import 'parameter.dart';
import 'owned_indexable.dart';
class Typedef extends OwnedIndexable<TypedefMirror> {
final String returnType;
final Map<String, Parameter> parameters;
/// Generic information about the typedef.
final Map<String, Generic> generics;
/// Returns the [Library] for the given [mirror] if it has already been
/// created, else creates it.
factory Typedef(TypedefMirror mirror, Library owningLibrary) {
var aTypedef = getDocgenObject(mirror, owningLibrary);
if (aTypedef is DummyMirror) {
aTypedef = new Typedef._(mirror, owningLibrary);
return aTypedef;
Typedef._(TypedefMirror mirror, Library owningLibrary)
: returnType = getDocgenObject(mirror.referent.returnType).docName,
generics = createGenerics(mirror),
parameters = createParameters(mirror.referent.parameters,
super(mirror, owningLibrary);
Map toMap() {
var map = {
'name': name,
'qualifiedName': qualifiedName,
'comment': comment,
'return': returnType,
'parameters': recurseMap(parameters),
'annotations': => a.toMap()).toList(),
'generics': recurseMap(generics)
// Typedef is displayed on the library page as a class, so a preview is
// added manually
var pre = preview;
if (pre != null) map['preview'] = pre;
return map;
String get typeName => 'typedef';
bool isValidMirror(DeclarationMirror mirror) => mirror is TypedefMirror;