blob: 68b390dd8d164034fb18edb4da9ec7df0f44a7fb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:typed_data' show Uint8List;
import 'dart:io' show File;
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/parser/parser.dart'
show ClassMemberParser, Parser;
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/scanner/utf8_bytes_scanner.dart'
show Utf8BytesScanner;
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/scanner/token.dart' show Token;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/util/direct_parser_ast_helper.dart'
DirectParserASTContent getAST(List<int> rawBytes, {bool includeBody: true}) {
Uint8List bytes = new Uint8List(rawBytes.length + 1);
bytes.setRange(0, rawBytes.length, rawBytes);
Utf8BytesScanner scanner =
new Utf8BytesScanner(bytes, includeComments: false);
Token firstToken = scanner.tokenize();
if (firstToken == null) {
throw "firstToken is null";
DirectParserASTListener listener = new DirectParserASTListener();
Parser parser;
if (includeBody) {
parser = new Parser(listener);
} else {
parser = new ClassMemberParser(listener);
main(List<String> args) {
File f = new File(args[0]);
Uint8List data = f.readAsBytesSync();
DirectParserASTContent ast = getAST(data);
if (args.length > 1 && args[1] == "--benchmark") {
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch()..start();
int numRuns = 100;
for (int i = 0; i < numRuns; i++) {
DirectParserASTContent ast2 = getAST(data);
if (ast.what != ast2.what) {
throw "Not the same result every time";
print("First $numRuns took ${stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds} ms "
"(i.e. ${stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds / numRuns}ms/iteration)");
stopwatch = new Stopwatch()..start();
numRuns = 2500;
for (int i = 0; i < numRuns; i++) {
DirectParserASTContent ast2 = getAST(data);
if (ast.what != ast2.what) {
throw "Not the same result every time";
print("Next $numRuns took ${stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds} ms "
"(i.e. ${stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds / numRuns}ms/iteration)");
} else {
class DirectParserASTListener extends AbstractDirectParserASTListener {
void seen(
String what, DirectParserASTType type, Map<String, Object> arguments) {
switch (type) {
case DirectParserASTType.BEGIN:
case DirectParserASTType.HANDLE:
// This just adds stuff.
data.add(new DirectParserASTContent(what, type, arguments));
case DirectParserASTType.DONE:
// This shouldn't be seen. It's artificial.
throw new StateError("Saw type 'DONE'");
case DirectParserASTType.END:
// End should gobble up everything until the corresponding begin (which
// should be the latest begin).
int beginIndex;
for (int i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (data[i].type == DirectParserASTType.BEGIN) {
beginIndex = i;
if (beginIndex == null) {
throw "Couldn't find a begin for $what. Has:\n"
"${ => "${e.what}: ${e.type}").join("\n")}";
String begin = data[beginIndex].what;
String end = what;
if (begin == end) {
// Exact match.
} else if (end == "TopLevelDeclaration" &&
(begin == "ExtensionDeclarationPrelude" ||
begin == "ClassOrNamedMixinApplicationPrelude" ||
begin == "TopLevelMember" ||
begin == "UncategorizedTopLevelDeclaration")) {
// endTopLevelDeclaration is started by one of
// beginExtensionDeclarationPrelude,
// beginClassOrNamedMixinApplicationPrelude
// beginTopLevelMember or beginUncategorizedTopLevelDeclaration.
} else if (begin == "Method" &&
(end == "ClassConstructor" ||
end == "ClassMethod" ||
end == "ExtensionConstructor" ||
end == "ExtensionMethod" ||
end == "MixinConstructor" ||
end == "MixinMethod")) {
// beginMethod is ended by one of endClassConstructor, endClassMethod,
// endExtensionMethod, endMixinConstructor or endMixinMethod.
} else if (begin == "Fields" &&
(end == "TopLevelFields" ||
end == "ClassFields" ||
end == "MixinFields" ||
end == "ExtensionFields")) {
// beginFields is ended by one of endTopLevelFields, endMixinFields or
// endExtensionFields.
} else if (begin == "ForStatement" && end == "ForIn") {
// beginForStatement is ended by either endForStatement or endForIn.
} else if (begin == "FactoryMethod" &&
(end == "ClassFactoryMethod" ||
end == "MixinFactoryMethod" ||
end == "ExtensionFactoryMethod")) {
// beginFactoryMethod is ended by either endClassFactoryMethod,
// endMixinFactoryMethod or endExtensionFactoryMethod.
} else if (begin == "ForControlFlow" && (end == "ForInControlFlow")) {
// beginForControlFlow is ended by either endForControlFlow or
// endForInControlFlow.
} else if (begin == "IfControlFlow" && (end == "IfElseControlFlow")) {
// beginIfControlFlow is ended by either endIfControlFlow or
// endIfElseControlFlow.
} else if (begin == "AwaitExpression" &&
(end == "InvalidAwaitExpression")) {
// beginAwaitExpression is ended by either endAwaitExpression or
// endInvalidAwaitExpression.
} else if (begin == "YieldStatement" &&
(end == "InvalidYieldStatement")) {
// beginYieldStatement is ended by either endYieldStatement or
// endInvalidYieldStatement.
} else {
throw "Unknown combination: begin$begin and end$end";
List<DirectParserASTContent> content = data.sublist(beginIndex);
data.length = beginIndex;
data.add(new DirectParserASTContent(
what, DirectParserASTType.DONE, arguments)
..content = content);
void reportVarianceModifierNotEnabled(Token variance) {
throw new UnimplementedError();
Uri get uri => throw new UnimplementedError();
void logEvent(String name) {
throw new UnimplementedError();