blob: f3e44413d04c28a130e09f5775b3b662de5e1d0c [file] [log] [blame]
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* Overall performance of a code completion operation.
class CompletionPerformance {
final DateTime start = new;
final Map<String, Duration> _startTimes = new Map<String, Duration>();
final Stopwatch _stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
final List<OperationPerformance> operations = <OperationPerformance>[];
String path;
String snippet = '';
int notificationCount = -1;
int suggestionCountFirst = -1;
int suggestionCountLast = -1;
Duration _firstNotification;
CompletionPerformance() {
int get elapsedInMilliseconds =>
operations.isNotEmpty ? operations.last.elapsed.inMilliseconds : 0;
String get suggestionCount {
if (notificationCount < 1) return '';
if (notificationCount == 1) return '$suggestionCountFirst';
return '$suggestionCountFirst, $suggestionCountLast';
void complete([String tag = null]) {
_logDuration(tag ?? 'total time', _stopwatch.elapsed);
void logElapseTime(String tag) {
Duration end = _stopwatch.elapsed;
Duration start = _startTimes[tag];
if (start == null) {
_logDuration(tag, null);
return null;
_logDuration(tag, end - start);
void logFirstNotificationComplete(String tag) {
_firstNotification = _stopwatch.elapsed;
_logDuration(tag, _firstNotification);
void logStartTime(String tag) {
_startTimes[tag] = _stopwatch.elapsed;
void setContentsAndOffset(String contents, int offset) {
snippet = _computeSnippet(contents, offset);
void _logDuration(String tag, Duration elapsed) {
operations.add(new OperationPerformance(tag, elapsed));
static String _computeSnippet(String contents, int offset) {
if (contents == null ||
offset == null ||
offset < 0 ||
contents.length < offset) {
return '???';
int start = offset;
while (start > 0) {
String ch = contents[start - 1];
if (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n') {
int end = offset;
while (end < contents.length) {
String ch = contents[end];
if (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n') {
String prefix = contents.substring(start, offset);
String suffix = contents.substring(offset, end);
return '$prefix^$suffix';
* The performance of an operation when computing code completion.
class OperationPerformance {
* The name of the operation
final String name;
* The elapse time or `null` if undefined.
final Duration elapsed;
OperationPerformance(, this.elapsed);