blob: f6939c03104abed9f196641beb3188444bb11732 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
/// An object that can map the file paths of analyzed files to the file paths of
/// the HTML files used to view the content of those files.
class PathMapper {
/// The resource provider used to map paths.
ResourceProvider provider;
/// The absolute path of the folder that should contain all of the generated
/// HTML files.
final String outputFolder;
/// The root of the package containing the files being migrated.
final String packageRoot;
/// A table mapping the file paths of analyzed files to the file paths of the
/// HTML files used to view the content of those files.
final Map<String, String> pathMap = {};
/// The index to be used when creating the next synthetic file name.
int nextIndex = 1;
/// Initialize a newly created path mapper.
PathMapper(this.provider, this.outputFolder, this.packageRoot);
/// Return the path of the HTML file used to view the content of the analyzed
/// file with the given [path].
String map(String path) {
return pathMap.putIfAbsent(path, () => _computePathFor(path));
/// Return the path of the HTML file corresponding to the Dart file with the
/// given [path].
String _computePathFor(String filePath) {
path.Context context = provider.pathContext;
if (context.isWithin(packageRoot, filePath)) {
String packageParent = context.dirname(packageRoot);
String relative = context.relative(filePath, from: packageParent);
return context.join(
outputFolder, context.setExtension(relative, '.html'));
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Find a better mapping algorithm, that would produce
// a more readable URI. For example, have other packages and the sdk be
// parallel to the directory containing the files for the library being
// migrated.
return context.join(outputFolder, 'f${nextIndex++}.html');