blob: d8d0350e07b16c3c77e6ae045d46d6f14b7a19dd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/edit/fix/fix_code_task.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/edit/fix/non_nullable_fix.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/analysis_context.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/results.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/session.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart' show ResourceProvider;
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/physical_file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/analysis_context_collection.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/util/sdk.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:cli_util/cli_logging.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/api_for_analysis_server/dartfix_listener_interface.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/api_for_analysis_server/driver_provider.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' show Context;
String _pluralize(int count, String single, {String multiple}) {
return count == 1 ? single : (multiple ?? '${single}s');
/// Data structure recording command-line options for the migration tool that
/// have been passed in by the client.
class CommandLineOptions {
static const applyChangesFlag = 'apply-changes';
static const helpFlag = 'help';
static const previewPortOption = 'preview-port';
static const sdkPathOption = 'sdk-path';
static const verboseFlag = 'verbose';
static const webPreviewFlag = 'web-preview';
final bool applyChanges;
final String directory;
final int previewPort;
final String sdkPath;
final bool webPreview;
{@required this.applyChanges,
@required this.previewPort,
@required this.sdkPath,
@required this.webPreview});
/// Command-line API for the migration tool, with additional methods exposed for
/// testing.
class MigrationCli {
/// The name of the executable, for reporting in help messages.
final String binaryName;
/// The SDK path that should be used if none is provided by the user. Used in
/// testing to install a mock SDK.
final String defaultSdkPathOverride;
/// Factory to create an appropriate Logger instance to give feedback to the
/// user. Used in testing to allow user feedback messages to be tested.
final Logger Function(bool isVerbose) loggerFactory;
/// Resource provider that should be used to access the filesystem. Used in
/// testing to redirect to an in-memory filesystem.
final ResourceProvider resourceProvider;
/// Logger instance we use to give feedback to the user.
Logger logger;
/// The result of parsing command-line options.
/*late*/ CommandLineOptions options;
/// The exit code that should be used when the process terminates, or `null`
/// if there is still more work to do.
int exitCode;
{@required this.binaryName,
@visibleForTesting this.loggerFactory = _defaultLoggerFactory,
@visibleForTesting this.defaultSdkPathOverride,
@visibleForTesting ResourceProvider resourceProvider})
: logger = loggerFactory(false),
resourceProvider =
resourceProvider ?? PhysicalResourceProvider.INSTANCE;
Ansi get ansi => logger.ansi;
Context get pathContext => resourceProvider.pathContext;
/// Blocks until an interrupt signal (control-C) is received. Tests may
/// override this method to simulate control-C.
Future<void> blockUntilSignalInterrupt() {
Stream<ProcessSignal> stream =;
return stream.first;
/// Parses and validates command-line arguments, and stores the results in
/// [options].
/// If no additional work should be done (e.g. because the user asked for
/// help, or supplied a bad option), a nonzero value is stored in [exitCode].
void parseCommandLineArgs(List<String> args) {
try {
var argResults = _createParser().parse(args);
var isVerbose = argResults[CommandLineOptions.verboseFlag] as bool;
if (argResults[CommandLineOptions.helpFlag] as bool) {
exitCode = 0;
var rest =;
String migratePath;
if (rest.isEmpty) {
migratePath = Directory.current.path;
} else if (rest.length > 1) {
throw _BadArgException('No more than one path may be specified.');
} else {
migratePath = rest[0];
var applyChanges =
argResults[CommandLineOptions.applyChangesFlag] as bool;
var previewPortRaw =
argResults[CommandLineOptions.previewPortOption] as String;
int previewPort;
try {
previewPort = previewPortRaw == null ? null : int.parse(previewPortRaw);
} on FormatException catch (_) {
throw _BadArgException(
'Invalid value for --${CommandLineOptions.previewPortOption}');
var webPreview = argResults[CommandLineOptions.webPreviewFlag] as bool;
if (applyChanges && webPreview) {
throw _BadArgException('--apply-changes requires --no-web-preview');
options = CommandLineOptions(
applyChanges: applyChanges,
directory: migratePath,
previewPort: previewPort,
sdkPath: argResults[CommandLineOptions.sdkPathOption] as String ??
defaultSdkPathOverride ??
webPreview: webPreview);
if (isVerbose) {
logger = loggerFactory(true);
} on Object catch (exception) {
String message;
if (exception is FormatException) {
message = exception.message;
} else if (exception is _BadArgException) {
message = exception.message;
} else {
message =
'Exception occurred while parsing command-line options: $exception';
exitCode = 1;
/// Runs the full migration process.
void run(List<String> args) async {
if (exitCode != null) return;
// TODO(paulberry): if debugging, create instrumentation log
logger.stdout('Migrating ${}');
// TODO(paulberry): analyze project and report about any errors found
List<String> previewUrls;
NonNullableFix nonNullableFix;
_DartFixListener dartFixListener;
await _withProgress(
'${ansi.emphasized('Generating migration suggestions')}', () async {
var contextCollection = AnalysisContextCollectionImpl(
includedPaths: [],
resourceProvider: resourceProvider,
sdkPath: options.sdkPath);
var context = contextCollection.contexts.single;
var fixCodeProcessor = _FixCodeProcessor(context);
dartFixListener = _DartFixListener(
_DriverProvider(resourceProvider, context.currentSession));
nonNullableFix = NonNullableFix(dartFixListener,
included: [],
preferredPort: options.previewPort,
enablePreview: options.webPreview);
previewUrls = await;
if (options.applyChanges) {
logger.stdout(ansi.emphasized('Applying changes:'));
var allEdits = dartFixListener.sourceChange.edits;
'Applied ${allEdits.length} ${_pluralize(allEdits.length, 'edit')}.');
// Note: do not open the web preview if apply-changes is specified, as we
// currently cannot tell the web preview to disable the "apply migration"
// button.
exitCode = 0;
if (options.webPreview) {
String url = previewUrls.first;
assert(previewUrls.length <= 1,
'Got unexpected extra preview URLs from server');
logger.stdout(ansi.emphasized('View migration results:'));
// TODO(devoncarew): Open a browser automatically.
to see the migration results. Use the interactive web view to review, improve, or apply
the results (alternatively, to apply the results without using the web preview, re-run
the tool with --${CommandLineOptions.applyChangesFlag}).
logger.stdout('When finished with the preview, hit ctrl-c '
'to terminate this process.');
// Block until sigint (ctrl-c).
await blockUntilSignalInterrupt();
} else {
logger.stdout(ansi.emphasized('Summary of changes:'));
logger.stdout('To apply these changes, re-run the tool with '
exitCode = 0;
/// Perform the indicated source edits to the given source, returning the
/// resulting transformed text.
String _applyEdits(SourceFileEdit sourceFileEdit, String source) {
List<SourceEdit> edits = _sortEdits(sourceFileEdit);
return SourceEdit.applySequence(source, edits);
void _applyMigrationSuggestions(List<SourceFileEdit> edits) {
// Apply the changes to disk.
for (SourceFileEdit sourceFileEdit in edits) {
String relPath =
pathContext.relative(sourceFileEdit.file, from:;
int count = sourceFileEdit.edits.length;
logger.stdout(' $relPath ($count ${_pluralize(count, 'change')})');
String source;
var file = resourceProvider.getFile(sourceFileEdit.file);
try {
source = file.readAsStringSync();
} catch (_) {}
if (source == null) {
logger.stdout(' Unable to retrieve source for file.');
} else {
source = _applyEdits(sourceFileEdit, source);
try {
} catch (e) {
logger.stdout(' Unable to write source for file: $e');
ArgParser _createParser({bool hide = true}) {
var parser = ArgParser();
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false,
help: 'Apply the proposed null safety changes to the files on disk.');
abbr: 'h',
'Display this help message. Add --verbose to show hidden options.',
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false);
'Run the preview server on the specified port. If not specified, '
'dynamically allocate a port.');
help: 'The path to the Dart SDK.', hide: hide);
abbr: 'v',
defaultsTo: false,
help: 'Verbose output.',
negatable: false);
defaultsTo: true,
negatable: true,
help: 'Show an interactive preview of the proposed null safety changes '
'in a browser window.\n'
'With --no-web-preview, the proposed changes are instead printed to '
'the console.');
return parser;
void _displayChangeSummary(_DartFixListener migrationResults) {
Map<String, List<_DartFixSuggestion>> fileSuggestions = {};
for (_DartFixSuggestion suggestion in migrationResults.suggestions) {
String file = suggestion.location.file;
fileSuggestions.putIfAbsent(file, () => <_DartFixSuggestion>[]);
// present a diff-like view
for (SourceFileEdit sourceFileEdit in migrationResults.sourceChange.edits) {
String file = sourceFileEdit.file;
String relPath = pathContext.relative(file, from:;
int count = sourceFileEdit.edits.length;
logger.stdout('${ansi.emphasized(relPath)} '
'($count ${_pluralize(count, 'change')}):');
String source;
try {
source = resourceProvider.getFile(file).readAsStringSync();
} catch (_) {}
if (source == null) {
logger.stdout(' (unable to retrieve source for file)');
} else {
// TODO(paulberry): implement this
logger.stdout(' (diff view not yet functional)');
void _showUsage(bool isVerbose) {
logger.stderr('Usage: $binaryName [options...] [<package directory>]');
logger.stderr(_createParser(hide: !isVerbose).usage);
if (!isVerbose) {
.stderr('Run "$binaryName -h -v" for verbose help output, including '
'less commonly used options.');
List<SourceEdit> _sortEdits(SourceFileEdit sourceFileEdit) {
// Sort edits in reverse offset order.
List<SourceEdit> edits = sourceFileEdit.edits.toList();
edits.sort((a, b) {
return b.offset - a.offset;
return edits;
Future<void> _withProgress(String message, FutureOr<void> callback()) async {
var progress = logger.progress(message);
try {
await callback();
progress.finish(showTiming: true);
} finally {
static Logger _defaultLoggerFactory(bool isVerbose) {
var ansi = Ansi(Ansi.terminalSupportsAnsi);
if (isVerbose) {
return Logger.verbose(ansi: ansi);
} else {
return Logger.standard(ansi: ansi);
class _BadArgException implements Exception {
final String message;
class _DartFixListener implements DartFixListenerInterface {
final DriverProvider server;
final SourceChange sourceChange = SourceChange('null safety migration');
final List<_DartFixSuggestion> suggestions = [];
void addDetail(String detail) {
throw UnimplementedError('TODO(paulberry)');
void addEditWithoutSuggestion(Source source, SourceEdit edit) {
sourceChange.addEdit(source.fullName, -1, edit);
void addRecommendation(String description, [Location location]) {
throw UnimplementedError('TODO(paulberry)');
void addSourceFileEdit(
String description, Location location, SourceFileEdit fileEdit) {
throw UnimplementedError('TODO(paulberry)');
void addSuggestion(String description, Location location) {
suggestions.add(_DartFixSuggestion(description, location: location));
class _DartFixSuggestion {
final String description;
final Location location;
_DartFixSuggestion(this.description, {@required this.location});
class _DriverProvider implements DriverProvider {
final ResourceProvider resourceProvider;
final AnalysisSession analysisSession;
_DriverProvider(this.resourceProvider, this.analysisSession);
AnalysisSession getAnalysisSession(String path) => analysisSession;
class _FixCodeProcessor extends Object with FixCodeProcessor {
final AnalysisContext context;
final Set<String> pathsToProcess;
: pathsToProcess = context.contextRoot
.where((s) => s.endsWith('.dart'))
/// Call the supplied [process] function to process each compilation unit.
Future processResources(
Future<void> Function(ResolvedUnitResult result) process) async {
var driver = context.currentSession;
var pathsProcessed = <String>{};
for (var path in pathsToProcess) {
if (pathsProcessed.contains(path)) continue;
switch (await driver.getSourceKind(path)) {
case SourceKind.PART:
// Parts will either be found in a library, below, or if the library
// isn't [isIncluded], will be picked up in the final loop.
case SourceKind.LIBRARY:
var result = await driver.getResolvedLibrary(path);
if (result != null) {
for (var unit in result.units) {
if (pathsToProcess.contains(unit.path) &&
!pathsProcessed.contains(unit.path)) {
await process(unit);
for (var path in pathsToProcess.difference(pathsProcessed)) {
var result = await driver.getResolvedUnit(path);
if (result == null || result.unit == null) {
await process(result);
Future<List<String>> run() async {
// TODO(paulberry): do more things from EditDartFix.runAllTasks
await processResources((ResolvedUnitResult result) async {
// TODO(paulberry): check for errors
if (numPhases > 0) {
await processCodeTasks(0, result);
for (var phase = 1; phase < numPhases; phase++) {
await processResources((ResolvedUnitResult result) async {
await processCodeTasks(phase, result);
await finishCodeTasks();
return nonNullableFixTask.previewUrls;