blob: c2dde9894476e7c65e33d85eeb3023c6fd4e63cc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:observatory_2/service_io.dart';
import 'package:observatory_test_package_2/has_part.dart' as test_pkg;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'service_test_common.dart';
import 'test_helper.dart';
const String file = 'package:observatory_test_package_2/has_part.dart';
// print() within fooz()
const int LINE_A = 15;
// print() within barz()
const int LINE_B = 11;
testMain() {
var tests = <IsolateTest>[
(Isolate isolate) async {
// Mark 'package:observatory_test_package_2/has_part.dart' as not debuggable.
await isolate.reload();
Library has_part =
isolate.libraries.firstWhere((Library library) => library.uri == file);
await has_part.load();
expect(has_part.debuggable, true);
// SetBreakpoint before setting library to non-debuggable.
// Breakpoints are allowed to be set (before marking library as
// non-debuggable) but are not hit when running (after marking library
// as non-debuggable).
Script script =
has_part.scripts.firstWhere((Script script) => script.uri == file);
Breakpoint bpt = await isolate.addBreakpoint(script, LINE_A);
print("Breakpoint is $bpt");
expect(bpt, isNotNull);
expect(bpt is Breakpoint, isTrue);
// Set breakpoint and check later that this breakpoint won't be added if
// the library is non-debuggable.
bpt = await isolate.addBreakpoint(script, LINE_B);
print("Breakpoint is $bpt");
expect(bpt, isNotNull);
expect(bpt is Breakpoint, isTrue);
await script.reload();
// Remove breakpoint.
var res = await isolate.removeBreakpoint(bpt);
expect(res.type, 'Success');
var setDebugParams = {
'isDebuggable': false,
Map<String, dynamic> result = await isolate.invokeRpcNoUpgrade(
'setLibraryDebuggable', setDebugParams);
expect(result['type'], 'Success');
await has_part.reload();
expect(has_part.debuggable, false);
print('$has_part is debuggable: ${has_part.debuggable}');
// Breakpoints are not allowed to set on non-debuggable libraries.
try {
await isolate.addBreakpoint(script, LINE_B);
} catch (e) {
expect(e is ServerRpcException, true);
expect(e.code == ServerRpcException.kCannotAddBreakpoint, true);
print("Set Breakpoint to non-debuggable library is not allowed");
main(args) => runIsolateTests(args, tests,
testeeConcurrent: testMain, pause_on_start: true, pause_on_exit: true);