blob: da24abaff0592f467932894aeed74fc92112ef18 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library summary_resynthesizer;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/standard_ast_factory.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/handle.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/member.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source_io.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/testing/ast_test_factory.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/testing/token_factory.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/format.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/idl.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/summary_sdk.dart';
* Implementation of [ElementResynthesizer] used when resynthesizing an element
* model from summaries.
abstract class SummaryResynthesizer extends ElementResynthesizer {
* Source factory used to convert URIs to [Source] objects.
final SourceFactory sourceFactory;
* Cache of [Source] objects that have already been converted from URIs.
final Map<String, Source> _sources = <String, Source>{};
* The [TypeProvider] used to obtain SDK types during resynthesis.
TypeProvider _typeProvider;
* Indicates whether the summary should be resynthesized assuming strong mode
* semantics.
final bool strongMode;
* Map of compilation units resynthesized from summaries. The two map keys
* are the first two elements of the element's location (the library URI and
* the compilation unit URI).
final Map<String, Map<String, CompilationUnitElementImpl>>
_resynthesizedUnits = <String, Map<String, CompilationUnitElementImpl>>{};
* Map of top level elements resynthesized from summaries. The three map
* keys are the first three elements of the element's location (the library
* URI, the compilation unit URI, and the name of the top level declaration).
final Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, Element>>> _resynthesizedElements =
<String, Map<String, Map<String, Element>>>{};
* Map of libraries which have been resynthesized from summaries. The map
* key is the library URI.
final Map<String, LibraryElement> _resynthesizedLibraries =
<String, LibraryElement>{};
AnalysisContext context, this.sourceFactory, this.strongMode)
: super(context) {
* Number of libraries that have been resynthesized so far.
int get resynthesisCount => _resynthesizedLibraries.length;
* The [TypeProvider] used to obtain SDK types during resynthesis.
TypeProvider get typeProvider => _typeProvider;
Element getElement(ElementLocation location) {
List<String> components = location.components;
String libraryUri = components[0];
// Resynthesize locally.
if (components.length == 1) {
return getLibraryElement(libraryUri);
} else if (components.length == 2) {
Map<String, CompilationUnitElement> libraryMap =
if (libraryMap == null) {
libraryMap = _resynthesizedUnits[libraryUri];
assert(libraryMap != null);
String unitUri = components[1];
CompilationUnitElement element = libraryMap[unitUri];
if (element == null) {
throw new Exception('Unit element not found in summary: $location');
return element;
} else if (components.length == 3 || components.length == 4) {
String unitUri = components[1];
// Prepare elements-in-units in the library.
Map<String, Map<String, Element>> unitsInLibrary =
if (unitsInLibrary == null) {
unitsInLibrary = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Element>>();
_resynthesizedElements[libraryUri] = unitsInLibrary;
// Prepare elements in the unit.
Map<String, Element> elementsInUnit = unitsInLibrary[unitUri];
if (elementsInUnit == null) {
// Prepare the CompilationUnitElementImpl.
Map<String, CompilationUnitElementImpl> libraryMap =
if (libraryMap == null) {
libraryMap = _resynthesizedUnits[libraryUri];
assert(libraryMap != null);
CompilationUnitElementImpl unitElement = libraryMap[unitUri];
// Fill elements in the unit map.
if (unitElement != null) {
elementsInUnit = new HashMap<String, Element>();
void putElement(Element e) {
String id =
e is PropertyAccessorElementImpl ? e.identifier :;
elementsInUnit[id] = e;
unitsInLibrary[unitUri] = elementsInUnit;
// Get the element.
Element element = elementsInUnit[components[2]];
if (element != null && components.length == 4) {
String name = components[3];
Element parentElement = element;
if (parentElement is ClassElement) {
if (name.endsWith('?')) {
element =
parentElement.getGetter(name.substring(0, name.length - 1));
} else if (name.endsWith('=')) {
element =
parentElement.getSetter(name.substring(0, name.length - 1));
} else if (name.isEmpty) {
element = parentElement.unnamedConstructor;
} else {
element = parentElement.getField(name) ??
parentElement.getMethod(name) ??
} else {
// The only elements that are currently retrieved using 4-component
// locations are class members.
throw new StateError(
'4-element locations not supported for ${element.runtimeType}');
if (element == null) {
throw new Exception('Element not found in summary: $location');
return element;
} else {
throw new UnimplementedError(location.toString());
* Get the [LibraryElement] for the given [uri], resynthesizing it if it
* hasn't been resynthesized already.
LibraryElement getLibraryElement(String uri) {
return _resynthesizedLibraries.putIfAbsent(uri, () {
LinkedLibrary serializedLibrary = getLinkedSummary(uri);
Source librarySource = _getSource(uri);
if (serializedLibrary == null) {
LibraryElementImpl libraryElement =
new LibraryElementImpl(context, '', -1, 0);
libraryElement.isSynthetic = true;
CompilationUnitElementImpl unitElement =
new CompilationUnitElementImpl(librarySource.shortName);
libraryElement.definingCompilationUnit = unitElement;
unitElement.source = librarySource;
unitElement.librarySource = librarySource;
libraryElement.publicNamespace = new Namespace({});
libraryElement.exportNamespace = new Namespace({});
return libraryElement;
UnlinkedUnit unlinkedSummary = getUnlinkedSummary(uri);
if (unlinkedSummary == null) {
throw new StateError('Unable to find unlinked summary: $uri');
List<UnlinkedUnit> serializedUnits = <UnlinkedUnit>[unlinkedSummary];
for (String part in serializedUnits[0] {
Source partSource = sourceFactory.resolveUri(librarySource, part);
if (partSource == null) {
} else {
String partAbsUri = partSource.uri.toString();
serializedUnits.add(getUnlinkedSummary(partAbsUri) ??
new UnlinkedUnitBuilder(codeRange: new CodeRangeBuilder()));
_LibraryResynthesizer libraryResynthesizer = new _LibraryResynthesizer(
this, serializedLibrary, serializedUnits, librarySource);
LibraryElement library = libraryResynthesizer.buildLibrary();
_resynthesizedUnits[uri] = libraryResynthesizer.resynthesizedUnits;
return library;
* Return the [LinkedLibrary] for the given [uri] or `null` if it could not
* be found. Caller has already checked that `parent.hasLibrarySummary(uri)`
* returns `false`.
LinkedLibrary getLinkedSummary(String uri);
* Return the [UnlinkedUnit] for the given [uri] or `null` if it could not
* be found. Caller has already checked that `parent.hasLibrarySummary(uri)`
* returns `false`.
UnlinkedUnit getUnlinkedSummary(String uri);
* Return `true` if this resynthesizer can provide summaries of the libraries
* with the given [uri]. Caller has already checked that
* `parent.hasLibrarySummary(uri)` returns `false`.
bool hasLibrarySummary(String uri);
void _buildTypeProvider() {
var coreLibrary = getLibraryElement('dart:core') as LibraryElementImpl;
var asyncLibrary = getLibraryElement('dart:async') as LibraryElementImpl;
SummaryTypeProvider summaryTypeProvider = new SummaryTypeProvider();
_typeProvider = summaryTypeProvider;
* Get the [Source] object for the given [uri].
Source _getSource(String uri) {
return _sources.putIfAbsent(uri, () => sourceFactory.forUri(uri));
* Builder of [Expression]s from [UnlinkedExpr]s.
class _ConstExprBuilder {
final _UnitResynthesizer resynthesizer;
final ElementImpl context;
final UnlinkedExpr uc;
int intPtr = 0;
int doublePtr = 0;
int stringPtr = 0;
int refPtr = 0;
final List<Expression> stack = <Expression>[];
_ConstExprBuilder(this.resynthesizer, this.context, this.uc);
* Return the [ConstructorElement] enclosing [context].
ConstructorElement get _enclosingConstructor {
for (Element e = context; e != null; e = e.enclosingElement) {
if (e is ConstructorElement) {
return e;
throw new StateError(
'Unable to find the enclosing constructor of $context');
Expression build() {
if (!uc.isValidConst) {
return AstTestFactory.identifier3(r'$$invalidConstExpr$$');
for (UnlinkedExprOperation operation in uc.operations) {
switch (operation) {
case UnlinkedExprOperation.pushNull:
// bool
case UnlinkedExprOperation.pushFalse:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.pushTrue:
// literals
case UnlinkedExprOperation.pushInt:
int value = uc.ints[intPtr++];
case UnlinkedExprOperation.pushLongInt:
int value = 0;
int count = uc.ints[intPtr++];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
int next = uc.ints[intPtr++];
value = value << 32 | next;
case UnlinkedExprOperation.pushDouble:
double value = uc.doubles[doublePtr++];
case UnlinkedExprOperation.makeSymbol:
String component = uc.strings[stringPtr++];
// String
case UnlinkedExprOperation.pushString:
String value = uc.strings[stringPtr++];
case UnlinkedExprOperation.concatenate:
int count = uc.ints[intPtr++];
List<InterpolationElement> elements = <InterpolationElement>[];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
Expression expr = _pop();
InterpolationElement element = _newInterpolationElement(expr);
elements.insert(0, element);
// binary
case UnlinkedExprOperation.equal:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.notEqual:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.and:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.or:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.bitXor:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.bitAnd:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.bitOr:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.bitShiftLeft:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.bitShiftRight:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.add:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.subtract:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.multiply:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.divide:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.floorDivide:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.modulo:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.greater:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.greaterEqual:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.less:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.lessEqual:
// prefix
case UnlinkedExprOperation.complement:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.negate:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.not:
// conditional
case UnlinkedExprOperation.conditional:
Expression elseExpr = _pop();
Expression thenExpr = _pop();
Expression condition = _pop();
condition, thenExpr, elseExpr));
// invokeMethodRef
case UnlinkedExprOperation.invokeMethodRef:
// containers
case UnlinkedExprOperation.makeUntypedList:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.makeTypedList:
TypeAnnotation itemType = _newTypeName();
case UnlinkedExprOperation.makeUntypedMap:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.makeTypedMap:
TypeAnnotation keyType = _newTypeName();
TypeAnnotation valueType = _newTypeName();
.typeArgumentList(<TypeAnnotation>[keyType, valueType]));
case UnlinkedExprOperation.pushReference:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.extractProperty:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.invokeConstructor:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.pushParameter:
String name = uc.strings[stringPtr++];
SimpleIdentifier identifier = AstTestFactory.identifier3(name);
identifier.staticElement = _enclosingConstructor.parameters
.firstWhere((parameter) => == name,
orElse: () => throw new StateError(
'Unable to resolve constructor parameter: $name'));
case UnlinkedExprOperation.ifNull:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.await:
Expression expression = _pop();
case UnlinkedExprOperation.pushSuper:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.pushThis:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.assignToRef:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.assignToProperty:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.assignToIndex:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.extractIndex:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.invokeMethod:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.cascadeSectionBegin:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.cascadeSectionEnd:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.typeCast:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.typeCheck:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.throwException:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.pushLocalFunctionReference:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.pushError:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.pushTypedAbstract:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.pushUntypedAbstract:
throw new UnimplementedError(
'Unexpected $operation in a constant expression.');
return stack.single;
List<Expression> _buildArguments() {
List<Expression> arguments;
int numNamedArgs = uc.ints[intPtr++];
int numPositionalArgs = uc.ints[intPtr++];
int numArgs = numNamedArgs + numPositionalArgs;
arguments = _removeTopItems(numArgs);
// add names to the named arguments
for (int i = 0; i < numNamedArgs; i++) {
String name = uc.strings[stringPtr++];
int index = numPositionalArgs + i;
arguments[index] =
AstTestFactory.namedExpression2(name, arguments[index]);
return arguments;
* Build the identifier sequence (a single or prefixed identifier, or a
* property access) corresponding to the given reference [info].
Expression _buildIdentifierSequence(_ReferenceInfo info) {
Expression enclosing;
if (info.enclosing != null) {
enclosing = _buildIdentifierSequence(info.enclosing);
Element element = info.element;
if (element == null && == 'length') {
element = _getStringLengthElement();
if (enclosing == null) {
return AstTestFactory.identifier3( = element;
if (enclosing is SimpleIdentifier) {
SimpleIdentifier identifier = AstTestFactory.identifier3(
..staticElement = element;
return AstTestFactory.identifier(enclosing, identifier);
SimpleIdentifier property = AstTestFactory.identifier3(
..staticElement = element;
return AstTestFactory.propertyAccess(enclosing, property);
TypeAnnotation _buildTypeAst(DartType type) {
List<TypeAnnotation> argumentNodes;
if (type is ParameterizedType) {
if (!resynthesizer.libraryResynthesizer.typesWithImplicitTypeArguments
.contains(type)) {
List<DartType> typeArguments = type.typeArguments;
argumentNodes = typeArguments.every((a) => a.isDynamic)
? null
TypeName node = AstTestFactory.typeName4(, argumentNodes);
node.type = type;
( as SimpleIdentifier).staticElement = type.element;
return node;
PropertyAccessorElement _getStringLengthElement() =>
InterpolationElement _newInterpolationElement(Expression expr) {
if (expr is SimpleStringLiteral) {
return astFactory.interpolationString(expr.literal, expr.value);
} else {
return astFactory.interpolationExpression(
* Convert the next reference to the [DartType] and return the AST
* corresponding to this type.
TypeAnnotation _newTypeName() {
EntityRef typeRef = uc.references[refPtr++];
DartType type =
resynthesizer.buildType(typeRef, context?.typeParameterContext);
return _buildTypeAst(type);
Expression _pop() => stack.removeLast();
void _push(Expression expr) {
void _pushBinary(TokenType operator) {
Expression right = _pop();
Expression left = _pop();
_push(AstTestFactory.binaryExpression(left, operator, right));
void _pushExtractProperty() {
Expression target = _pop();
String name = uc.strings[stringPtr++];
SimpleIdentifier propertyNode = AstTestFactory.identifier3(name);
// Only String.length property access can be potentially resolved.
if (name == 'length') {
propertyNode.staticElement = _getStringLengthElement();
_push(AstTestFactory.propertyAccess(target, propertyNode));
void _pushInstanceCreation() {
EntityRef ref = uc.references[refPtr++];
_ReferenceInfo info = resynthesizer.getReferenceInfo(ref.reference);
// prepare ConstructorElement
TypeName typeNode;
String constructorName;
ConstructorElement constructorElement;
if (info.element != null) {
if (info.element is ConstructorElement) {
constructorName =;
} else if (info.element is ClassElement) {
constructorName = null;
} else {
List<Expression> arguments = _buildArguments();
SimpleIdentifier name = AstTestFactory.identifier3(;
name.staticElement = info.element;
name.setProperty(ARGUMENT_LIST, AstTestFactory.argumentList(arguments));
InterfaceType definingType = resynthesizer._createConstructorDefiningType(
context?.typeParameterContext, info, ref.typeArguments);
constructorElement =
resynthesizer._getConstructorForInfo(definingType, info);
typeNode = _buildTypeAst(definingType);
} else {
if (info.enclosing != null) {
if (info.enclosing.enclosing != null) {
PrefixedIdentifier typeName = AstTestFactory.identifier5(,;
typeName.prefix.staticElement = info.enclosing.enclosing.element;
typeName.identifier.staticElement = info.enclosing.element;
typeName.identifier.staticType = info.enclosing.type;
typeNode = AstTestFactory.typeName3(typeName);
typeNode.type = info.enclosing.type;
constructorName =;
} else if (info.enclosing.element != null) {
SimpleIdentifier typeName =
typeName.staticElement = info.enclosing.element;
typeName.staticType = info.enclosing.type;
typeNode = AstTestFactory.typeName3(typeName);
typeNode.type = info.enclosing.type;
constructorName =;
} else {
typeNode = AstTestFactory.typeName3(
constructorName = null;
} else {
typeNode = AstTestFactory.typeName4(;
// prepare arguments
List<Expression> arguments = _buildArguments();
// create ConstructorName
ConstructorName constructorNode;
if (constructorName != null) {
constructorNode =
AstTestFactory.constructorName(typeNode, constructorName); = constructorElement;
} else {
constructorNode = AstTestFactory.constructorName(typeNode, null);
constructorNode.staticElement = constructorElement;
// create InstanceCreationExpression
InstanceCreationExpression instanceCreation = AstTestFactory
.instanceCreationExpression(Keyword.CONST, constructorNode, arguments);
instanceCreation.staticElement = constructorElement;
void _pushInvokeMethodRef() {
List<Expression> arguments = _buildArguments();
EntityRef ref = uc.references[refPtr++];
_ReferenceInfo info = resynthesizer.getReferenceInfo(ref.reference);
Expression node = _buildIdentifierSequence(info);
TypeArgumentList typeArguments;
int numTypeArguments = uc.ints[intPtr++];
if (numTypeArguments > 0) {
List<TypeAnnotation> typeNames =
new List<TypeAnnotation>(numTypeArguments);
for (int i = 0; i < numTypeArguments; i++) {
typeNames[i] = _newTypeName();
typeArguments = AstTestFactory.typeArgumentList(typeNames);
if (node is SimpleIdentifier) {
} else {
throw new UnimplementedError('For ${node?.runtimeType}: $node');
void _pushList(TypeArgumentList typeArguments) {
int count = uc.ints[intPtr++];
List<Expression> elements = <Expression>[];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
elements.insert(0, _pop());
_push(AstTestFactory.listLiteral2(Keyword.CONST, typeArguments, elements));
void _pushMap(TypeArgumentList typeArguments) {
int count = uc.ints[intPtr++];
List<MapLiteralEntry> entries = <MapLiteralEntry>[];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
Expression value = _pop();
Expression key = _pop();
entries.insert(0, AstTestFactory.mapLiteralEntry2(key, value));
_push(AstTestFactory.mapLiteral(Keyword.CONST, typeArguments, entries));
void _pushPrefix(TokenType operator) {
Expression operand = _pop();
_push(AstTestFactory.prefixExpression(operator, operand));
void _pushReference() {
EntityRef ref = uc.references[refPtr++];
_ReferenceInfo info = resynthesizer.getReferenceInfo(ref.reference);
Expression node = _buildIdentifierSequence(info);
List<Expression> _removeTopItems(int count) {
int start = stack.length - count;
int end = stack.length;
List<Expression> items = stack.getRange(start, end).toList();
stack.removeRange(start, end);
return items;
* Local function element representing the initializer for a variable that has
* been resynthesized from a summary. The actual element won't be constructed
* until it is requested. But properties [context] and [enclosingElement] can
* be used without creating the actual element.
class _DeferredInitializerElement extends FunctionElementHandle {
* The variable element containing this element.
final VariableElement enclosingElement;
_DeferredInitializerElement(this.enclosingElement) : super(null, null);
FunctionElement get actualElement => enclosingElement.initializer;
AnalysisContext get context => enclosingElement.context;
ElementLocation get location => actualElement.location;
* Local function element that has been resynthesized from a summary. The
* actual element won't be constructed until it is requested. But properties
* [context] and [enclosingElement] can be used without creating the actual
* element.
class _DeferredLocalFunctionElement extends FunctionElementHandle {
* The executable element containing this element.
final ExecutableElement enclosingElement;
* The index of this function within [ExecutableElement.functions].
final int _localIndex;
_DeferredLocalFunctionElement(this.enclosingElement, this._localIndex)
: super(null, null);
FunctionElement get actualElement {
ExecutableElement enclosingElement = this.enclosingElement;
if (enclosingElement is PropertyAccessorElement &&
enclosingElement.isSynthetic) {
return enclosingElement.variable.initializer;
} else {
return enclosingElement.functions[_localIndex];
AnalysisContext get context => enclosingElement.context;
ElementLocation get location => actualElement.location;
* Local variable element that has been resynthesized from a summary. The
* actual element won't be constructed until it is requested. But properties
* [context] and [enclosingElement] can be used without creating the actual
* element.
class _DeferredLocalVariableElement extends LocalVariableElementHandle {
* The executable element containing this element.
final ExecutableElement enclosingElement;
* The index of this variable within [ExecutableElement.localVariables].
final int _localIndex;
_DeferredLocalVariableElement(this.enclosingElement, this._localIndex)
: super(null, null);
LocalVariableElement get actualElement =>
AnalysisContext get context => enclosingElement.context;
ElementLocation get location => actualElement.location;
* An instance of [_LibraryResynthesizer] is responsible for resynthesizing the
* elements in a single library from that library's summary.
class _LibraryResynthesizer {
* The [SummaryResynthesizer] which is being used to obtain summaries.
final SummaryResynthesizer summaryResynthesizer;
* Linked summary of the library to be resynthesized.
final LinkedLibrary linkedLibrary;
* Unlinked compilation units constituting the library to be resynthesized.
final List<UnlinkedUnit> unlinkedUnits;
* [Source] object for the library to be resynthesized.
final Source librarySource;
* The URI of [librarySource].
String libraryUri;
* Indicates whether [librarySource] is the `dart:core` library.
bool isCoreLibrary;
* The resynthesized library.
LibraryElementImpl library;
* Map of compilation unit elements that have been resynthesized so far. The
* key is the URI of the compilation unit.
final Map<String, CompilationUnitElementImpl> resynthesizedUnits =
<String, CompilationUnitElementImpl>{};
* Types with implicit type arguments, which are the same as type parameter
* bounds (in strong mode), or `dynamic` (in spec mode).
final Set<DartType> typesWithImplicitTypeArguments =
new Set<DartType>.identity();
_LibraryResynthesizer(this.summaryResynthesizer, this.linkedLibrary,
this.unlinkedUnits, this.librarySource) {
libraryUri = librarySource.uri.toString();
isCoreLibrary = libraryUri == 'dart:core';
* Resynthesize a [NamespaceCombinator].
NamespaceCombinator buildCombinator(UnlinkedCombinator serializedCombinator) {
if (serializedCombinator.shows.isNotEmpty) {
return new ShowElementCombinatorImpl.forSerialized(serializedCombinator);
} else {
return new HideElementCombinatorImpl.forSerialized(serializedCombinator);
* Build an [ElementHandle] referring to the entity referred to by the given
* [exportName].
ElementHandle buildExportName(LinkedExportName exportName) {
String name =;
if (exportName.kind == ReferenceKind.topLevelPropertyAccessor &&
!name.endsWith('=')) {
name += '?';
ElementLocationImpl location = new ElementLocationImpl.con3(
exportName.dependency, exportName.unit, name));
switch (exportName.kind) {
case ReferenceKind.classOrEnum:
return new ClassElementHandle(summaryResynthesizer, location);
case ReferenceKind.typedef:
return new FunctionTypeAliasElementHandle(
summaryResynthesizer, location);
case ReferenceKind.topLevelFunction:
return new FunctionElementHandle(summaryResynthesizer, location);
case ReferenceKind.topLevelPropertyAccessor:
return new PropertyAccessorElementHandle(
summaryResynthesizer, location);
case ReferenceKind.constructor:
case ReferenceKind.function:
case ReferenceKind.propertyAccessor:
case ReferenceKind.method:
case ReferenceKind.prefix:
case ReferenceKind.unresolved:
case ReferenceKind.variable:
// Should never happen. Exported names never refer to import prefixes,
// and they always refer to defined top-level entities.
throw new StateError('Unexpected export name kind: ${exportName.kind}');
return null;
* Build the export namespace for the library by aggregating together its
* [publicNamespace] and [exportNames].
Namespace buildExportNamespace(
Namespace publicNamespace, List<LinkedExportName> exportNames) {
HashMap<String, Element> definedNames = new HashMap<String, Element>();
// Start by populating all the public names from [publicNamespace].
publicNamespace.definedNames.forEach((String name, Element element) {
definedNames[name] = element;
// Add all the names from [exportNames].
for (LinkedExportName exportName in exportNames) {
definedNames.putIfAbsent(, () => buildExportName(exportName));
return new Namespace(definedNames);
* Main entry point. Resynthesize the [LibraryElement] and return it.
LibraryElement buildLibrary() {
// Create LibraryElementImpl.
bool hasName = unlinkedUnits[0].libraryName.isNotEmpty;
library = new LibraryElementImpl.forSerialized(
hasName ? unlinkedUnits[0].libraryNameOffset : -1,
new _LibraryResynthesizerContext(this),
// Create the defining unit.
_UnitResynthesizer definingUnitResynthesizer =
createUnitResynthesizer(0, librarySource, null);
CompilationUnitElementImpl definingUnit = definingUnitResynthesizer.unit;
library.definingCompilationUnit = definingUnit;
definingUnit.source = librarySource;
definingUnit.librarySource = librarySource;
// Create parts.
List<_UnitResynthesizer> partResynthesizers = <_UnitResynthesizer>[];
UnlinkedUnit unlinkedDefiningUnit = unlinkedUnits[0];
assert( + 1 ==
for (int i = 1; i < linkedLibrary.units.length; i++) {
_UnitResynthesizer partResynthesizer = buildPart(
definingUnitResynthesizer,[i - 1],[i - 1],
if (partResynthesizer != null) {
} = => r.unit).toList();
// Populate units.
for (_UnitResynthesizer partResynthesizer in partResynthesizers) {
// Create the synthetic element for `loadLibrary`.
// Until the client received dart:core and dart:async, we cannot do this,
// because the TypeProvider is not fully initialized. So, it is up to the
// Dart SDK client to initialize TypeProvider and finish the dart:core and
// dart:async libraries creation.
if ( != 'dart.core' && != 'dart.async') {
// Done.
return library;
* Create a [_UnitResynthesizer] that will resynthesize the part with the
* given [uri]. Return `null` if the [uri] is invalid.
_UnitResynthesizer buildPart(_UnitResynthesizer definingUnitResynthesizer,
String uri, UnlinkedPart partDecl, int unitNum) {
Source unitSource =
summaryResynthesizer.sourceFactory.resolveUri(librarySource, uri);
if (unitSource == null) {
return null;
_UnitResynthesizer partResynthesizer =
createUnitResynthesizer(unitNum, unitSource, partDecl);
CompilationUnitElementImpl partUnit = partResynthesizer.unit;
partUnit.uriOffset = partDecl.uriOffset;
partUnit.uriEnd = partDecl.uriEnd;
partUnit.source = unitSource;
partUnit.librarySource = librarySource;
partUnit.uri = uri;
return partResynthesizer;
* Set up data structures for deserializing a compilation unit.
_UnitResynthesizer createUnitResynthesizer(
int unitNum, Source unitSource, UnlinkedPart unlinkedPart) {
LinkedUnit linkedUnit = linkedLibrary.units[unitNum];
UnlinkedUnit unlinkedUnit = unlinkedUnits[unitNum];
return new _UnitResynthesizer(
this, unlinkedUnit, linkedUnit, unitSource, unlinkedPart);
* Build the components of an [ElementLocationImpl] for the entity in the
* given [unit] of the dependency located at [dependencyIndex], and having
* the given [name].
List<String> getReferencedLocationComponents(
int dependencyIndex, int unit, String name) {
if (dependencyIndex == 0) {
String referencedLibraryUri = libraryUri;
String partUri;
if (unit != 0) {
String uri = unlinkedUnits[0][unit - 1];
Source partSource =
summaryResynthesizer.sourceFactory.resolveUri(librarySource, uri);
partUri = partSource.uri.toString();
} else {
partUri = referencedLibraryUri;
return <String>[referencedLibraryUri, partUri, name];
LinkedDependency dependency = linkedLibrary.dependencies[dependencyIndex];
Source referencedLibrarySource = summaryResynthesizer.sourceFactory
.resolveUri(librarySource, dependency.uri);
String referencedLibraryUri = referencedLibrarySource.uri.toString();
String partUri;
if (unit != 0) {
String uri =[unit - 1];
Source partSource =
summaryResynthesizer.sourceFactory.resolveUri(librarySource, uri);
partUri = partSource.uri.toString();
} else {
partUri = referencedLibraryUri;
return <String>[referencedLibraryUri, partUri, name];
* Remember the absolute URI to the corresponding unit mapping.
void rememberUriToUnit(_UnitResynthesizer unitResynthesized) {
CompilationUnitElementImpl unit = unitResynthesized.unit;
String absoluteUri = unit.source.uri.toString();
resynthesizedUnits[absoluteUri] = unit;
* Implementation of [LibraryResynthesizerContext] for [_LibraryResynthesizer].
class _LibraryResynthesizerContext implements LibraryResynthesizerContext {
final _LibraryResynthesizer resynthesizer;
LinkedLibrary get linkedLibrary => resynthesizer.linkedLibrary;
LibraryElement buildExportedLibrary(String relativeUri) {
return _getLibraryByRelativeUri(relativeUri);
Namespace buildExportNamespace() {
LibraryElementImpl library = resynthesizer.library;
return resynthesizer.buildExportNamespace(
library.publicNamespace, resynthesizer.linkedLibrary.exportNames);
LibraryElement buildImportedLibrary(int dependency) {
String depUri = resynthesizer.linkedLibrary.dependencies[dependency].uri;
return _getLibraryByRelativeUri(depUri);
Namespace buildPublicNamespace() {
LibraryElementImpl library = resynthesizer.library;
return new NamespaceBuilder().createPublicNamespaceForLibrary(library);
FunctionElement findEntryPoint() {
LibraryElementImpl library = resynthesizer.library;
Element entryPoint =
if (entryPoint is FunctionElement) {
return entryPoint;
return null;
void patchTopLevelAccessors() {
LibraryElementImpl library = resynthesizer.library;
LibraryElementHandle _getLibraryByRelativeUri(String depUri) {
Source source = resynthesizer.summaryResynthesizer.sourceFactory
.resolveUri(resynthesizer.librarySource, depUri);
if (source == null) {
return null;
String absoluteUri = source.uri.toString();
return new LibraryElementHandle(resynthesizer.summaryResynthesizer,
new ElementLocationImpl.con3(<String>[absoluteUri]));
* Data structure used during resynthesis to record all the information that is
* known about how to resynthesize a single entry in [LinkedUnit.references]
* (and its associated entry in [UnlinkedUnit.references], if it exists).
class _ReferenceInfo {
* The [_LibraryResynthesizer] which is being used to obtain summaries.
final _LibraryResynthesizer libraryResynthesizer;
* The enclosing [_ReferenceInfo], or `null` for top-level elements.
final _ReferenceInfo enclosing;
* The name of the entity referred to by this reference.
final String name;
* Is `true` if the [element] can be used as a declared type.
final bool isDeclarableType;
* The element referred to by this reference, or `null` if there is no
* associated element (e.g. because it is a reference to an undefined
* entity).
final Element element;
* If this reference refers to a non-generic type, the type it refers to.
* Otherwise `null`.
DartType type;
* The number of type parameters accepted by the entity referred to by this
* reference, or zero if it doesn't accept any type parameters.
final int numTypeParameters;
* Create a new [_ReferenceInfo] object referring to an element called [name]
* via the element handle [element], and having [numTypeParameters] type
* parameters.
* For the special types `dynamic` and `void`, [specialType] should point to
* the type itself. Otherwise, pass `null` and the type will be computed
* when appropriate.
DartType specialType,
this.numTypeParameters) {
if (specialType != null) {
type = specialType;
} else {
type = _buildType(true, 0, (_) => DynamicTypeImpl.instance, const []);
* Build a [DartType] corresponding to the result of applying some type
* arguments to the entity referred to by this [_ReferenceInfo]. The type
* arguments are retrieved by calling [getTypeArgument].
* If [implicitFunctionTypeIndices] is not empty, a [DartType] should be
* created which refers to a function type implicitly defined by one of the
* element's parameters. [implicitFunctionTypeIndices] is interpreted as in
* [EntityRef.implicitFunctionTypeIndices].
* If the entity referred to by this [_ReferenceInfo] is not a type, `null`
* is returned.
DartType buildType(bool instantiateToBoundsAllowed, int numTypeArguments,
DartType getTypeArgument(int i), List<int> implicitFunctionTypeIndices) {
DartType result =
(numTypeParameters == 0 && implicitFunctionTypeIndices.isEmpty)
? type
: _buildType(instantiateToBoundsAllowed, numTypeArguments,
getTypeArgument, implicitFunctionTypeIndices);
if (result == null) {
return DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
return result;
* If this reference refers to a type, build a [DartType]. Otherwise return
* `null`. If [numTypeArguments] is the same as the [numTypeParameters],
* the type is instantiated with type arguments returned by [getTypeArgument],
* otherwise it is instantiated with type parameter bounds (if strong mode),
* or with `dynamic` type arguments.
* If [implicitFunctionTypeIndices] is not null, a [DartType] should be
* created which refers to a function type implicitly defined by one of the
* element's parameters. [implicitFunctionTypeIndices] is interpreted as in
* [EntityRef.implicitFunctionTypeIndices].
DartType _buildType(bool instantiateToBoundsAllowed, int numTypeArguments,
DartType getTypeArgument(int i), List<int> implicitFunctionTypeIndices) {
ElementHandle element = this.element; // To allow type promotion
if (element is ClassElementHandle) {
List<DartType> typeArguments = null;
// If type arguments are specified, use them.
// Otherwise, delay until they are requested.
if (numTypeParameters == 0) {
return element.type;
} else if (numTypeArguments == numTypeParameters) {
typeArguments = _buildTypeArguments(numTypeArguments, getTypeArgument);
InterfaceTypeImpl type =
new InterfaceTypeImpl.elementWithNameAndArgs(element, name, () {
if (typeArguments == null) {
if (libraryResynthesizer.summaryResynthesizer.strongMode &&
instantiateToBoundsAllowed) {
InterfaceType instantiatedToBounds = libraryResynthesizer
.instantiateToBounds(element.type) as InterfaceType;
return instantiatedToBounds.typeArguments;
} else {
return new List<DartType>.filled(
numTypeParameters, DynamicTypeImpl.instance);
return typeArguments;
// Mark the type as having implicit type arguments, so that we don't
// attempt to request them during constant expression resynthesizing.
if (typeArguments == null) {
// Done.
return type;
} else if (element is FunctionTypedElement) {
if (element is FunctionTypeAliasElementHandle) {
List<DartType> typeArguments;
if (numTypeArguments == numTypeParameters) {
typeArguments =
_buildTypeArguments(numTypeArguments, getTypeArgument);
} else if (libraryResynthesizer.summaryResynthesizer.strongMode &&
instantiateToBoundsAllowed) {
FunctionType instantiatedToBounds = libraryResynthesizer
.instantiateToBounds(element.type) as FunctionType;
typeArguments = instantiatedToBounds.typeArguments;
} else {
typeArguments = new List<DartType>.filled(
numTypeParameters, DynamicTypeImpl.instance);
return new FunctionTypeImpl.elementWithNameAndArgs(
element, name, typeArguments, numTypeParameters != 0);
} else {
FunctionTypedElementComputer computer;
if (implicitFunctionTypeIndices.isNotEmpty) {
numTypeArguments = numTypeParameters;
computer = () {
FunctionTypedElement element = this.element;
for (int index in implicitFunctionTypeIndices) {
element = element.parameters[index].type.element;
return element;
} else {
// For a type that refers to a generic executable, the type arguments are
// not supposed to include the arguments to the executable itself.
numTypeArguments = enclosing?.numTypeParameters ?? 0;
computer = () => this.element as FunctionTypedElement;
// TODO(paulberry): Is it a bug that we have to pass `false` for
// isInstantiated?
return new DeferredFunctionTypeImpl(computer, null,
_buildTypeArguments(numTypeArguments, getTypeArgument), false);
} else {
return null;
* Build a list of type arguments having length [numTypeArguments] where each
* type argument is obtained by calling [getTypeArgument].
List<DartType> _buildTypeArguments(
int numTypeArguments, DartType getTypeArgument(int i)) {
List<DartType> typeArguments = const <DartType>[];
if (numTypeArguments != 0) {
typeArguments = new List<DartType>(numTypeArguments);
for (int i = 0; i < numTypeArguments; i++) {
typeArguments[i] = getTypeArgument(i);
return typeArguments;
class _ResynthesizerContext implements ResynthesizerContext {
final _UnitResynthesizer _unitResynthesizer;
bool get isStrongMode => _unitResynthesizer.summaryResynthesizer.strongMode;
ElementAnnotationImpl buildAnnotation(ElementImpl context, UnlinkedExpr uc) {
return _unitResynthesizer.buildAnnotation(context, uc);
Expression buildExpression(ElementImpl context, UnlinkedExpr uc) {
return _unitResynthesizer._buildConstExpression(context, uc);
UnitExplicitTopLevelAccessors buildTopLevelAccessors() {
return _unitResynthesizer.buildUnitExplicitTopLevelAccessors();
UnitExplicitTopLevelVariables buildTopLevelVariables() {
return _unitResynthesizer.buildUnitExplicitTopLevelVariables();
TopLevelInferenceError getTypeInferenceError(int slot) {
return _unitResynthesizer.getTypeInferenceError(slot);
bool inheritsCovariant(int slot) {
return _unitResynthesizer.parametersInheritingCovariant.contains(slot);
bool isInConstCycle(int slot) {
return _unitResynthesizer.constCycles.contains(slot);
ConstructorElement resolveConstructorRef(
TypeParameterizedElementMixin typeParameterContext, EntityRef entry) {
return _unitResynthesizer._getConstructorForEntry(
typeParameterContext, entry);
DartType resolveLinkedType(
int slot, TypeParameterizedElementMixin typeParameterContext) {
return _unitResynthesizer.buildLinkedType(slot, typeParameterContext);
DartType resolveTypeRef(
EntityRef type, TypeParameterizedElementMixin typeParameterContext,
{bool defaultVoid: false,
bool instantiateToBoundsAllowed: true,
bool declaredType: false}) {
return _unitResynthesizer.buildType(type, typeParameterContext,
defaultVoid: defaultVoid,
instantiateToBoundsAllowed: instantiateToBoundsAllowed,
declaredType: declaredType);
* An instance of [_UnitResynthesizer] is responsible for resynthesizing the
* elements in a single unit from that unit's summary.
class _UnitResynthesizer {
* The [_LibraryResynthesizer] which is being used to obtain summaries.
final _LibraryResynthesizer libraryResynthesizer;
* The [UnlinkedUnit] from which elements are currently being resynthesized.
final UnlinkedUnit unlinkedUnit;
* The [LinkedUnit] from which elements are currently being resynthesized.
final LinkedUnit linkedUnit;
* The [CompilationUnitElementImpl] for the compilation unit currently being
* resynthesized.
CompilationUnitElementImpl unit;
* Map from slot id to the corresponding [EntityRef] object for linked types
* (i.e. propagated and inferred types).
final Map<int, EntityRef> linkedTypeMap = <int, EntityRef>{};
* Set of slot ids corresponding to const constructors that are part of
* cycles.
Set<int> constCycles;
* Set of slot ids corresponding to parameters that inherit `@covariant`
* behavior.
Set<int> parametersInheritingCovariant;
int numLinkedReferences;
int numUnlinkedReferences;
* List of [_ReferenceInfo] objects describing the references in the current
* compilation unit. This list is works as a lazily filled cache, use
* [getReferenceInfo] to get the [_ReferenceInfo] for an index.
List<_ReferenceInfo> referenceInfos;
* The [ResynthesizerContext] for this resynthesize session.
ResynthesizerContext _resynthesizerContext;
_UnitResynthesizer(this.libraryResynthesizer, this.unlinkedUnit,
this.linkedUnit, Source unitSource, UnlinkedPart unlinkedPart) {
_resynthesizerContext = new _ResynthesizerContext(this);
unit = new CompilationUnitElementImpl.forSerialized(
List<int> lineStarts = unlinkedUnit.lineStarts;
if (lineStarts.isEmpty) {
lineStarts = const <int>[0];
unit.lineInfo = new LineInfo(lineStarts);
for (EntityRef t in linkedUnit.types) {
linkedTypeMap[t.slot] = t;
constCycles = linkedUnit.constCycles.toSet();
parametersInheritingCovariant =
numLinkedReferences = linkedUnit.references.length;
numUnlinkedReferences = unlinkedUnit.references.length;
referenceInfos = new List<_ReferenceInfo>(numLinkedReferences);
SummaryResynthesizer get summaryResynthesizer =>
TypeProvider get typeProvider => summaryResynthesizer.typeProvider;
* Build [ElementAnnotationImpl] for the given [UnlinkedExpr].
ElementAnnotationImpl buildAnnotation(ElementImpl context, UnlinkedExpr uc) {
ElementAnnotationImpl elementAnnotation = new ElementAnnotationImpl(unit);
Expression constExpr = _buildConstExpression(context, uc);
if (constExpr is Identifier) {
ArgumentList arguments =
elementAnnotation.element = constExpr.staticElement;
elementAnnotation.annotationAst =
AstTestFactory.annotation2(constExpr, null, arguments);
} else if (constExpr is InstanceCreationExpression) {
elementAnnotation.element = constExpr.staticElement;
Identifier typeName =;
SimpleIdentifier constructorName =;
if (typeName is SimpleIdentifier && constructorName != null) {
// E.g. `@cls.ctor()`. Since `cls.ctor` would have been parsed as
// a PrefixedIdentifier, we need to resynthesize it as one.
typeName = AstTestFactory.identifier(typeName, constructorName);
constructorName = null;
elementAnnotation.annotationAst = AstTestFactory.annotation2(
typeName, constructorName, constExpr.argumentList)
..element = constExpr.staticElement;
} else if (constExpr is PropertyAccess) {
var target = as Identifier;
var propertyName = constExpr.propertyName;
ArgumentList arguments =
elementAnnotation.element = propertyName.staticElement;
elementAnnotation.annotationAst = AstTestFactory.annotation2(
target, propertyName, arguments)
..element = propertyName.staticElement;
} else {
throw new StateError(
'Unexpected annotation type: ${constExpr.runtimeType}');
return elementAnnotation;
* Build an implicit getter for the given [property] and bind it to the
* [property] and to its enclosing element.
PropertyAccessorElementImpl buildImplicitGetter(
PropertyInducingElementImpl property) {
PropertyAccessorElementImpl_ImplicitGetter getter =
new PropertyAccessorElementImpl_ImplicitGetter(property);
getter.enclosingElement = property.enclosingElement;
return getter;
* Build an implicit setter for the given [property] and bind it to the
* [property] and to its enclosing element.
PropertyAccessorElementImpl buildImplicitSetter(
PropertyInducingElementImpl property) {
PropertyAccessorElementImpl_ImplicitSetter setter =
new PropertyAccessorElementImpl_ImplicitSetter(property);
setter.enclosingElement = property.enclosingElement;
return setter;
* Build the appropriate [DartType] object corresponding to a slot id in the
* [LinkedUnit.types] table.
DartType buildLinkedType(
int slot, TypeParameterizedElementMixin typeParameterContext) {
if (slot == 0) {
// A slot id of 0 means there is no [DartType] object to build.
return null;
EntityRef type = linkedTypeMap[slot];
if (type == null) {
// A missing entry in [LinkedUnit.types] means there is no [DartType]
// stored in this slot.
return null;
return buildType(type, typeParameterContext);
* Build a [DartType] object based on a [EntityRef]. This [DartType]
* may refer to elements in other libraries than the library being
* deserialized, so handles are used to avoid having to deserialize other
* libraries in the process.
DartType buildType(
EntityRef type, TypeParameterizedElementMixin typeParameterContext,
{bool defaultVoid: false,
bool instantiateToBoundsAllowed: true,
bool declaredType: false}) {
if (type == null) {
if (defaultVoid) {
return VoidTypeImpl.instance;
} else {
return DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
if (type.paramReference != 0) {
return typeParameterContext.getTypeParameterType(type.paramReference);
} else if (type.entityKind == EntityRefKind.genericFunctionType) {
GenericFunctionTypeElement element =
new GenericFunctionTypeElementImpl.forSerialized(
type, typeParameterContext);
return element.type;
} else if (type.syntheticReturnType != null) {
FunctionElementImpl element =
new FunctionElementImpl_forLUB(unit, typeParameterContext, type);
return element.type;
} else {
DartType getTypeArgument(int i) {
if (i < type.typeArguments.length) {
return buildType(type.typeArguments[i], typeParameterContext,
declaredType: declaredType);
} else {
return DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
_ReferenceInfo referenceInfo = getReferenceInfo(type.reference);
if (declaredType && !referenceInfo.isDeclarableType) {
return DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
return referenceInfo.buildType(
UnitExplicitTopLevelAccessors buildUnitExplicitTopLevelAccessors() {
HashMap<String, TopLevelVariableElementImpl> implicitVariables =
new HashMap<String, TopLevelVariableElementImpl>();
UnitExplicitTopLevelAccessors accessorsData =
new UnitExplicitTopLevelAccessors();
for (UnlinkedExecutable unlinkedExecutable in unlinkedUnit.executables) {
UnlinkedExecutableKind kind = unlinkedExecutable.kind;
if (kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.getter ||
kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.setter) {
// name
String name =;
if (kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.setter) {
name = name.substring(0, name.length - 1);
// create
PropertyAccessorElementImpl accessor =
new PropertyAccessorElementImpl.forSerialized(
unlinkedExecutable, unit);
// implicit variable
TopLevelVariableElementImpl variable = implicitVariables[name];
if (variable == null) {
variable = new TopLevelVariableElementImpl(name, -1);
variable.enclosingElement = unit;
implicitVariables[name] = variable;
variable.isSynthetic = true;
variable.isFinal = kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.getter;
} else {
variable.isFinal = false;
accessor.variable = variable;
// link
if (kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.getter) {
variable.getter = accessor;
} else {
variable.setter = accessor;
return accessorsData;
UnitExplicitTopLevelVariables buildUnitExplicitTopLevelVariables() {
List<UnlinkedVariable> unlinkedVariables = unlinkedUnit.variables;
int numberOfVariables = unlinkedVariables.length;
UnitExplicitTopLevelVariables variablesData =
new UnitExplicitTopLevelVariables(numberOfVariables);
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVariables; i++) {
UnlinkedVariable unlinkedVariable = unlinkedVariables[i];
TopLevelVariableElementImpl element;
if (unlinkedVariable.initializer?.bodyExpr != null &&
unlinkedVariable.isConst) {
element = new ConstTopLevelVariableElementImpl.forSerialized(
unlinkedVariable, unit);
} else {
element = new TopLevelVariableElementImpl.forSerialized(
unlinkedVariable, unit);
variablesData.variables[i] = element;
// implicit accessors
if (!(element.isConst || element.isFinal)) {
return variablesData;
* Return [_ReferenceInfo] with the given [index], lazily resolving it.
_ReferenceInfo getReferenceInfo(int index) {
_ReferenceInfo result = referenceInfos[index];
if (result == null) {
LinkedReference linkedReference = linkedUnit.references[index];
String name;
int containingReference;
if (index < numUnlinkedReferences) {
name = unlinkedUnit.references[index].name;
containingReference = unlinkedUnit.references[index].prefixReference;
} else {
name = linkedUnit.references[index].name;
containingReference = linkedUnit.references[index].containingReference;
_ReferenceInfo enclosingInfo = containingReference != 0
? getReferenceInfo(containingReference)
: null;
Element element;
DartType type;
bool isDeclarableType = false;
int numTypeParameters = linkedReference.numTypeParameters;
if (linkedReference.kind == ReferenceKind.unresolved) {
type = UndefinedTypeImpl.instance;
element = null;
isDeclarableType = true;
} else if (name == 'dynamic') {
type = DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
element = type.element;
isDeclarableType = true;
} else if (name == 'void') {
type = VoidTypeImpl.instance;
element = type.element;
isDeclarableType = true;
} else if (name == '*bottom*') {
type = BottomTypeImpl.instance;
element = null;
isDeclarableType = true;
} else {
List<String> locationComponents;
if (enclosingInfo != null && enclosingInfo.element is ClassElement) {
String identifier = _getElementIdentifier(name, linkedReference.kind);
locationComponents =
} else {
String identifier = _getElementIdentifier(name, linkedReference.kind);
locationComponents =
linkedReference.dependency, linkedReference.unit, identifier);
if (!_resynthesizerContext.isStrongMode &&
locationComponents.length == 3 &&
locationComponents[0] == 'dart:async' &&
locationComponents[2] == 'FutureOr') {
type = typeProvider.dynamicType;
numTypeParameters = 0;
ElementLocation location =
new ElementLocationImpl.con3(locationComponents);
if (enclosingInfo != null) {
numTypeParameters += enclosingInfo.numTypeParameters;
switch (linkedReference.kind) {
case ReferenceKind.classOrEnum:
element = new ClassElementHandle(summaryResynthesizer, location);
isDeclarableType = true;
case ReferenceKind.constructor:
assert(location.components.length == 4);
element =
new ConstructorElementHandle(summaryResynthesizer, location);
case ReferenceKind.method:
assert(location.components.length == 4);
element = new MethodElementHandle(summaryResynthesizer, location);
case ReferenceKind.propertyAccessor:
assert(location.components.length == 4);
element = new PropertyAccessorElementHandle(
summaryResynthesizer, location);
case ReferenceKind.topLevelFunction:
assert(location.components.length == 3);
element = new FunctionElementHandle(summaryResynthesizer, location);
case ReferenceKind.topLevelPropertyAccessor:
element = new PropertyAccessorElementHandle(
summaryResynthesizer, location);
case ReferenceKind.typedef:
element = new FunctionTypeAliasElementHandle(
summaryResynthesizer, location);
isDeclarableType = true;
case ReferenceKind.variable:
Element enclosingElement = enclosingInfo.element;
if (enclosingElement is ExecutableElement) {
element = new _DeferredLocalVariableElement(
enclosingElement, linkedReference.localIndex);
} else {
throw new StateError('Unexpected element enclosing variable:'
' ${enclosingElement.runtimeType}');
case ReferenceKind.function:
Element enclosingElement = enclosingInfo.element;
if (enclosingElement is VariableElement) {
element = new _DeferredInitializerElement(enclosingElement);
} else if (enclosingElement is ExecutableElement) {
element = new _DeferredLocalFunctionElement(
enclosingElement, linkedReference.localIndex);
} else {
throw new StateError('Unexpected element enclosing function:'
' ${enclosingElement.runtimeType}');
case ReferenceKind.prefix:
case ReferenceKind.unresolved:
result = new _ReferenceInfo(libraryResynthesizer, enclosingInfo, name,
isDeclarableType, element, type, numTypeParameters);
referenceInfos[index] = result;
return result;
* Return the error reported during type inference for the given [slot],
* or `null` if there were no error.
TopLevelInferenceError getTypeInferenceError(int slot) {
if (slot == 0) {
return null;
for (TopLevelInferenceError error in linkedUnit.topLevelInferenceErrors) {
if (error.slot == slot) {
return error;
return null;
Expression _buildConstExpression(ElementImpl context, UnlinkedExpr uc) {
return new _ConstExprBuilder(this, context, uc).build();
* Return the defining type for a [ConstructorElement] by applying
* [typeArgumentRefs] to the given linked [info]. Return [DynamicTypeImpl]
* if the [info] is unresolved.
DartType _createConstructorDefiningType(
TypeParameterizedElementMixin typeParameterContext,
_ReferenceInfo info,
List<EntityRef> typeArgumentRefs) {
bool isClass = info.element is ClassElement;
_ReferenceInfo classInfo = isClass ? info : info.enclosing;
if (classInfo == null) {
return DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
List<DartType> typeArguments = typeArgumentRefs
.map((t) => buildType(t, typeParameterContext))
return classInfo.buildType(true, typeArguments.length, (i) {
if (i < typeArguments.length) {
return typeArguments[i];
} else {
return DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
}, const <int>[]);
* Return the [ConstructorElement] corresponding to the given [entry].
ConstructorElement _getConstructorForEntry(
TypeParameterizedElementMixin typeParameterContext, EntityRef entry) {
_ReferenceInfo info = getReferenceInfo(entry.reference);
DartType type = _createConstructorDefiningType(
typeParameterContext, info, entry.typeArguments);
if (type is InterfaceType) {
return _getConstructorForInfo(type, info);
return null;
* Return the [ConstructorElement] corresponding to the given linked [info],
* using the [classType] which has already been computed (e.g. by
* [_createConstructorDefiningType]). Both cases when [info] is a
* [ClassElement] and [ConstructorElement] are supported.
ConstructorElement _getConstructorForInfo(
InterfaceType classType, _ReferenceInfo info) {
ConstructorElement element;
Element infoElement = info.element;
if (infoElement is ConstructorElement) {
element = infoElement;
} else if (infoElement is ClassElement) {
element = infoElement.unnamedConstructor;
if (element != null && info.numTypeParameters != 0) {
return new ConstructorMember(element, classType);
return element;
* If the given [kind] is a top-level or class member property accessor, and
* the given [name] does not end with `=`, i.e. does not denote a setter,
* return the getter identifier by appending `?`.
static String _getElementIdentifier(String name, ReferenceKind kind) {
if (kind == ReferenceKind.topLevelPropertyAccessor ||
kind == ReferenceKind.propertyAccessor) {
if (!name.endsWith('=')) {
return name + '?';
return name;