blob: 9f19a7f5fb3c8d5cc4e02d85e399811a7a8171d9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library analyzer.src.dart.error.hint_codes;
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
* The hints and coding recommendations for best practices which are not
* mentioned in the Dart Language Specification.
class HintCode extends ErrorCode {
* When an abstract supertype member is referenced with `super` as its target,
* it cannot be overridden, so it is always a runtime error.
* Parameters:
* 0: the display name for the kind of the referenced element
* 1: the name of the referenced element
static const HintCode ABSTRACT_SUPER_MEMBER_REFERENCE = const HintCode(
"The {0} '{1}' is always abstract in the supertype.");
* This hint is generated anywhere where the
* [StaticWarningCode.ARGUMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE] would have been generated,
* if we used propagated information for the warnings.
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the actual argument type
* 1: the name of the expected type
static const HintCode ARGUMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE = const HintCode(
"The argument type '{0}' can't be assigned to the parameter type '{1}'.");
* When the target expression uses '?.' operator, it can be `null`, so all the
* subsequent invocations should also use '?.' operator.
static const HintCode CAN_BE_NULL_AFTER_NULL_AWARE = const HintCode(
"The target expression uses '?.', so its value can be null.",
"Replace the '.' with a '?.' in the invocation.");
* Dead code is code that is never reached, this can happen for instance if a
* statement follows a return statement.
static const HintCode DEAD_CODE = const HintCode(
"Dead code.",
"Try removing the code, or "
"fixing the code before it so that it can be reached.");
* Dead code is code that is never reached. This case covers cases where the
* user has catch clauses after `catch (e)` or `on Object catch (e)`.
static const HintCode DEAD_CODE_CATCH_FOLLOWING_CATCH = const HintCode(
"Dead code: catch clauses after a 'catch (e)' or "
"an 'on Object catch (e)' are never reached.",
"Try reordering the catch clauses so that they can be reached, or "
"removing the unreachable catch clauses.");
* Dead code is code that is never reached. This case covers cases where the
* user has an on-catch clause such as `on A catch (e)`, where a supertype of
* `A` was already caught.
* Parameters:
* 0: name of the subtype
* 1: name of the supertype
static const HintCode DEAD_CODE_ON_CATCH_SUBTYPE = const HintCode(
"Dead code: this on-catch block will never be executed because '{0}' is "
"a subtype of '{1}' and hence will have been caught above.",
"Try reordering the catch clauses so that this block can be reached, or "
"removing the unreachable catch clause.");
* Deprecated members should not be invoked or used.
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the member
static const HintCode DEPRECATED_MEMBER_USE = const HintCode(
"'{0}' is deprecated and shouldn't be used.",
"Try replacing the use of the deprecated member with the replacement.");
* Users should not create a class named `Function` anymore.
static const HintCode DEPRECATED_FUNCTION_CLASS_DECLARATION = const HintCode(
"Declaring a class named 'Function' is deprecated.",
"Try renaming the class.");
* `Function` should not be extended anymore.
static const HintCode DEPRECATED_EXTENDS_FUNCTION = const HintCode(
"Extending 'Function' is deprecated.",
"Try removing 'Function' from the 'extends' clause.");
* `Function` should not be mixed in anymore.
static const HintCode DEPRECATED_MIXIN_FUNCTION = const HintCode(
"Mixing in 'Function' is deprecated.",
"Try removing 'Function' from the 'with' clause.");
* Hint to use the ~/ operator.
static const HintCode DIVISION_OPTIMIZATION = const HintCode(
"The operator x ~/ y is more efficient than (x / y).toInt().",
"Try re-writing the expression to use the '~/' operator.");
* Duplicate imports.
static const HintCode DUPLICATE_IMPORT = const HintCode('DUPLICATE_IMPORT',
"Duplicate import.", "Try removing all but one import of the library.");
* It is a bad practice for a source file in a package "lib" directory
* hierarchy to traverse outside that directory hierarchy. For example, a
* source file in the "lib" directory should not contain a directive such as
* `import '../web/some.dart'` which references a file outside the lib
* directory.
const HintCode(
"A file in the 'lib' directory shouldn't import a file outside the "
"'lib' directory.",
"Try removing the import, or "
"moving the imported file inside the 'lib' directory.");
* It is a bad practice for a source file ouside a package "lib" directory
* hierarchy to traverse into that directory hierarchy. For example, a source
* file in the "web" directory should not contain a directive such as
* `import '../lib/some.dart'` which references a file inside the lib
* directory.
const HintCode(
"A file outside the 'lib' directory shouldn't reference a file "
"inside the 'lib' directory using a relative path.",
"Try using a package: URI instead.");
* Deferred libraries shouldn't define a top level function 'loadLibrary'.
const HintCode(
"The library '{0}' defines a top-level function named 'loadLibrary' "
"which is hidden by deferring this library.",
"Try changing the import to not be deferred, or "
"rename the function in the imported library.");
* This hint is generated anywhere where the
* [StaticTypeWarningCode.INVALID_ASSIGNMENT] would have been generated, if we
* used propagated information for the warnings.
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the right hand side type
* 1: the name of the left hand side type
static const HintCode INVALID_ASSIGNMENT = const HintCode(
"A value of type '{0}' can't be assigned to a variable of type '{1}'.",
"Try changing the type of the variable, or "
"casting the right-hand type to '{1}'.");
* This hint is generated anywhere a @factory annotation is associated with
* anything other than a method.
static const HintCode INVALID_FACTORY_ANNOTATION = const HintCode(
"Only methods can be annotated as factories.");
* This hint is generated anywhere a @factory annotation is associated with
* a method that does not declare a return type.
static const HintCode INVALID_FACTORY_METHOD_DECL = const HintCode(
"Factory method '{0}' must have a return type.");
* This hint is generated anywhere a @factory annotation is associated with
* a non-abstract method that can return anything other than a newly allocated
* object.
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the method
static const HintCode INVALID_FACTORY_METHOD_IMPL = const HintCode(
"Factory method '{0}' doesn't return a newly allocated object.");
* This hint is generated anywhere an @immutable annotation is associated with
* anything other than a class.
static const HintCode INVALID_IMMUTABLE_ANNOTATION = const HintCode(
"Only classes can be annotated as being immutable.");
* Generic Method DEP: number of type parameters must match.
* <>
* Parameters:
* 0: the number of type parameters in the method
* 1: the number of type parameters in the overridden method
* 2: the name of the class where the overridden method is declared
static const HintCode INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE_TYPE_PARAMETERS = const HintCode(
"The method has {0} type parameters, but it is overriding a method "
"with {1} type parameters from '{2}'.",
"Try changing the number of type parameters so that they are the same.");
* Generic Method DEP: bounds of type parameters must be compatible.
* <>
* Parameters:
* 0: the type parameter name
* 1: the type parameter bound
* 2: the overridden type parameter name
* 3: the overridden type parameter bound
* 4: the name of the class where the overridden method is declared
const HintCode(
"The type parameter '{0}' extends '{1}', but that is stricter than "
"'{2}' extends '{3}' in the overridden method from '{4}'.",
"Try changing the bounds on the type parameters so that they are compatible.");
* This hint is generated anywhere where a member annotated with `@protected`
* is used outside an instance member of a subclass.
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the member
* 1: the name of the defining class
static const HintCode INVALID_USE_OF_PROTECTED_MEMBER = const HintCode(
"The member '{0}' can only be used within instance members of subclasses "
"of '{1}'.");
* Hint for the `x is double` type checks.
static const HintCode IS_DOUBLE = const HintCode(
"When compiled to JS, this test might return true when the left hand "
"side is an int.",
"Try testing for 'num' instead.");
* Hint for the `x is int` type checks.
static const HintCode IS_INT = const HintCode(
"When compiled to JS, this test might return true when the left hand "
"side is a double.",
"Try testing for 'num' instead.");
* Hint for the `x is! double` type checks.
static const HintCode IS_NOT_DOUBLE = const HintCode(
"When compiled to JS, this test might return false when the left hand "
"side is an int.",
"Try testing for 'num' instead.");
* Hint for the `x is! int` type checks.
static const HintCode IS_NOT_INT = const HintCode(
"When compiled to JS, this test might return false when the left hand "
"side is a double.",
"Try testing for 'num' instead.");
* Generate a hint for an element that is annotated with `@JS(...)` whose
* library declaration is not similarly annotated.
static const HintCode MISSING_JS_LIB_ANNOTATION = const HintCode(
"The @JS() annotation can only be used if it is also declared on the "
"library directive.",
"Try adding the annotation to the library directive.");
* Generate a hint for a constructor, function or method invocation where a
* required parameter is missing.
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the parameter
static const HintCode MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAM = const HintCode(
'MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAM', "The parameter '{0}' is required.");
* Generate a hint for a constructor, function or method invocation where a
* required parameter is missing.
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the parameter
* 1: message details
static const HintCode MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAM_WITH_DETAILS = const HintCode(
"The parameter '{0}' is required. {1}.");
* Generate a hint for methods or functions that have a return type, but do
* not have a non-void return statement on all branches. At the end of methods
* or functions with no return, Dart implicitly returns `null`, avoiding these
* implicit returns is considered a best practice.
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the declared return type
static const HintCode MISSING_RETURN = const HintCode(
"This function declares a return type of '{0}', but doesn't end with a "
"return statement.",
"Try adding a return statement, or changing the return type to 'void'.");
* Generate a hint for classes that inherit from classes annotated with
* `@immutable` but that are not immutable.
static const HintCode MUST_BE_IMMUTABLE = const HintCode(
"This class inherits from a class marked as @immutable, "
"and therefore should be immutable (all instance fields must be final).");
* Generate a hint for methods that override methods annotated `@mustCallSuper`
* that do not invoke the overridden super method.
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the class declaring the overridden method
static const HintCode MUST_CALL_SUPER = const HintCode(
"This method overrides a method annotated as @mustCallSuper in '{0}', "
"but does not invoke the overridden method.");
* A condition in a control flow statement could evaluate to `null` because it
* uses the null-aware '?.' operator.
static const HintCode NULL_AWARE_IN_CONDITION = const HintCode(
"The value of the '?.' operator can be 'null', which isn't appropriate "
"in a condition.",
"Try replacing the '?.' with a '.', testing the left-hand side for null if "
* Hint for classes that override equals, but not hashCode.
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the current class
static const HintCode OVERRIDE_EQUALS_BUT_NOT_HASH_CODE = const HintCode(
"The class '{0}' overrides 'operator==', but not 'get hashCode'.",
"Try implementing 'hashCode'.");
* A getter with the override annotation does not override an existing getter.
static const HintCode OVERRIDE_ON_NON_OVERRIDING_GETTER = const HintCode(
"Getter doesn't override an inherited getter.",
"Try updating this class to match the superclass, or "
"removing the override annotation.");
* A field with the override annotation does not override a getter or setter.
static const HintCode OVERRIDE_ON_NON_OVERRIDING_FIELD = const HintCode(
"Field doesn't override an inherited getter or setter.",
"Try updating this class to match the superclass, or "
"removing the override annotation.");
* A method with the override annotation does not override an existing method.
static const HintCode OVERRIDE_ON_NON_OVERRIDING_METHOD = const HintCode(
"Method doesn't override an inherited method.",
"Try updating this class to match the superclass, or "
"removing the override annotation.");
* A setter with the override annotation does not override an existing setter.
static const HintCode OVERRIDE_ON_NON_OVERRIDING_SETTER = const HintCode(
"Setter doesn't override an inherited setter.",
"Try updating this class to match the superclass, or "
"removing the override annotation.");
* It is a bad practice for a package import to reference anything outside the
* given package, or more generally, it is bad practice for a package import
* to contain a "..". For example, a source file should not contain a
* directive such as `import 'package:foo/../some.dart'`.
static const HintCode PACKAGE_IMPORT_CONTAINS_DOT_DOT = const HintCode(
"A package import shouldn't contain '..'.");
* Type checks of the type `x is! Null` should be done with `x != null`.
static const HintCode TYPE_CHECK_IS_NOT_NULL = const HintCode(
"Tests for non-null should be done with '!= null'.",
"Try replacing the 'is! Null' check with '!= null'.");
* Type checks of the type `x is Null` should be done with `x == null`.
static const HintCode TYPE_CHECK_IS_NULL = const HintCode(
"Tests for null should be done with '== null'.",
"Try replacing the 'is Null' check with '== null'.");
* This hint is generated anywhere where the
* [StaticTypeWarningCode.UNDEFINED_GETTER] or
* [StaticWarningCode.UNDEFINED_GETTER] would have been generated, if we used
* propagated information for the warnings.
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the getter
* 1: the name of the enclosing type where the getter is being looked for
static const HintCode UNDEFINED_GETTER = const HintCode(
"The getter '{0}' isn't defined for the class '{1}'.",
"Try defining a getter or field named '{0}', or invoke a different getter.");
* An undefined name hidden in an import or export directive.
static const HintCode UNDEFINED_HIDDEN_NAME = const HintCode(
"The library '{0}' doesn't export a member with the hidden name '{1}'.",
"Try removing the name from the list of hidden members.");
* This hint is generated anywhere where the
* [StaticTypeWarningCode.UNDEFINED_METHOD] would have been generated, if we
* used propagated information for the warnings.
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the method that is undefined
* 1: the resolved type name that the method lookup is happening on
static const HintCode UNDEFINED_METHOD = const HintCode(
"The method '{0}' isn't defined for the class '{1}'.",
"Try correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or "
"defining a method named '{0}'.");
* This hint is generated anywhere where the
* [StaticTypeWarningCode.UNDEFINED_OPERATOR] would have been generated, if we
* used propagated information for the warnings.
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the operator
* 1: the name of the enclosing type where the operator is being looked for
static const HintCode UNDEFINED_OPERATOR = const HintCode(
"The operator '{0}' isn't defined for the class '{1}'.",
"Try defining the operator '{0}'.");
* This hint is generated anywhere where the
* [StaticTypeWarningCode.UNDEFINED_SETTER] or
* [StaticWarningCode.UNDEFINED_SETTER] would have been generated, if we used
* propagated information for the warnings.
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the setter
* 1: the name of the enclosing type where the setter is being looked for
static const HintCode UNDEFINED_SETTER = const HintCode(
"The setter '{0}' isn't defined for the class '{1}'.",
"Try defining a setter or field named '{0}', or invoke a different setter.");
* An undefined name shown in an import or export directive.
static const HintCode UNDEFINED_SHOWN_NAME = const HintCode(
"The library '{0}' doesn't export a member with the shown name '{1}'.",
"Try removing the name from the list of shown members.");
* Unnecessary cast.
static const HintCode UNNECESSARY_CAST = const HintCode(
'UNNECESSARY_CAST', "Unnecessary cast.", "Try removing the cast.");
* Unnecessary `noSuchMethod` declaration.
static const HintCode UNNECESSARY_NO_SUCH_METHOD = const HintCode(
"Unnecessary 'noSuchMethod' declaration.",
"Try removing the declaration of 'noSuchMethod'.");
* Unnecessary type checks, the result is always false.
static const HintCode UNNECESSARY_TYPE_CHECK_FALSE = const HintCode(
"Unnecessary type check, the result is always false.",
"Try correcting the type check, or removing the type check.");
* Unnecessary type checks, the result is always true.
static const HintCode UNNECESSARY_TYPE_CHECK_TRUE = const HintCode(
"Unnecessary type check, the result is always true.",
"Try correcting the type check, or removing the type check.");
* Unused catch exception variables.
static const HintCode UNUSED_CATCH_CLAUSE = const HintCode(
"The exception variable '{0}' isn't used, so the 'catch' clause can be removed.",
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Split this error code so that we can differentiate
// between removing the catch clause and replacing the catch clause with
// an on clause.
"Try removing the catch clause.");
* Unused catch stack trace variables.
static const HintCode UNUSED_CATCH_STACK = const HintCode(
"The stack trace variable '{0}' isn't used and can be removed.",
"Try removing the stack trace variable, or using it.");
* See [Modifier.IS_USED_IN_LIBRARY].
static const HintCode UNUSED_ELEMENT = const HintCode('UNUSED_ELEMENT',
"The {0} '{1}' isn't used.", "Try removing the declaration of '{1}'.");
* Unused fields are fields which are never read.
static const HintCode UNUSED_FIELD = const HintCode(
"The value of the field '{0}' isn't used.",
"Try removing the field, or using it.");
* Unused imports are imports which are never used.
static const HintCode UNUSED_IMPORT = const HintCode(
'UNUSED_IMPORT', "Unused import.", "Try removing the import directive.");
* Unused local variables are local variables which are never read.
static const HintCode UNUSED_LOCAL_VARIABLE = const HintCode(
"The value of the local variable '{0}' isn't used.",
"Try removing the variable, or using it.");
* Unused shown names are names shown on imports which are never used.
static const HintCode UNUSED_SHOWN_NAME = const HintCode(
"The name {0} is shown, but not used.",
"Try removing the name from the list of shown members.");
* Hint for cases where the source expects a method or function to return a
* non-void result, but the method or function signature returns void.
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the method or function that returns void
static const HintCode USE_OF_VOID_RESULT = const HintCode(
"The result of '{0}' is being used, even though it is declared to be 'void'.");
* It will be a static type warning if <i>m</i> is not a generic method with
* exactly <i>n</i> type parameters.
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the method being referenced (<i>G</i>)
* 1: the number of type parameters that were declared
* 2: the number of type arguments provided
static const HintCode WRONG_NUMBER_OF_TYPE_ARGUMENTS_METHOD = const HintCode(
"The method '{0}' is declared with {1} type parameters, "
"but {2} type arguments were given.",
"Try adjusting the number of type arguments.");
* Initialize a newly created error code to have the given [name]. The message
* associated with the error will be created from the given [message]
* template. The correction associated with the error will be created from the
* given [correction] template.
const HintCode(String name, String message, [String correction])
: super(name, message, correction);
ErrorSeverity get errorSeverity => ErrorType.HINT.severity;
ErrorType get type => ErrorType.HINT;