blob: aa9d56ba7426d3f152e0ed86c878f507289804cd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/context/declared_variables.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/listener.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/context/context.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/file_state.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/utilities.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/constant/evaluation.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/constant/utilities.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/pending_error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/declaration_resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/error_verifier.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/services/lint.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/package_bundle_reader.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/task/dart.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/task/strong/checker.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/dependency_walker.dart';
* Analyzer of a single library.
class LibraryAnalyzer {
final AnalysisOptions _analysisOptions;
final DeclaredVariables _declaredVariables;
final SourceFactory _sourceFactory;
final FileSystemState _fsState;
final SummaryDataStore _store;
final FileState _library;
TypeProvider _typeProvider;
AnalysisContextImpl _context;
StoreBasedSummaryResynthesizer _resynthesizer;
LibraryElement _libraryElement;
final Map<FileState, LineInfo> _fileToLineInfo = {};
final Map<FileState, IgnoreInfo> _fileToIgnoreInfo = {};
final Map<FileState, RecordingErrorListener> _errorListeners = {};
final Map<FileState, ErrorReporter> _errorReporters = {};
final List<UsedImportedElements> _usedImportedElementsList = [];
final List<UsedLocalElements> _usedLocalElementsList = [];
final Map<FileState, List<PendingError>> _fileToPendingErrors = {};
final List<ConstantEvaluationTarget> _constants = [];
LibraryAnalyzer(this._analysisOptions, this._declaredVariables,
this._sourceFactory, this._fsState, this._store, this._library);
* Compute analysis results for all units of the library.
Map<FileState, UnitAnalysisResult> analyze() {
Map<FileState, CompilationUnit> units = {};
// Parse all files.
units[_library] = _parse(_library);
for (FileState part in _library.partedFiles) {
units[part] = _parse(part);
// Resolve URIs in directives to corresponding sources.
units.forEach((file, unit) {
_resolveUriBasedDirectives(file, unit);
try {
_resynthesizer = new StoreBasedSummaryResynthesizer(
_context, _sourceFactory, _analysisOptions.strongMode, _store);
_typeProvider = _resynthesizer.typeProvider;
_context.typeProvider = _typeProvider;
_libraryElement = _resynthesizer.getLibraryElement(_library.uriStr);
units.forEach((file, unit) {
_resolveFile(file, unit);
_computePendingMissingRequiredParameters(file, unit);
units.forEach((file, unit) {
_computeVerifyErrors(file, unit);
if (_analysisOptions.hint) {
units.forEach((file, unit) {
var visitor = new GatherUsedLocalElementsVisitor(_libraryElement);
var visitor =
new GatherUsedImportedElementsVisitor(_libraryElement);
units.forEach((file, unit) {
_computeHints(file, unit);
if (_analysisOptions.lint) {
units.forEach((file, unit) {
_computeLints(file, unit);
} finally {
// Return full results.
Map<FileState, UnitAnalysisResult> results = {};
units.forEach((file, unit) {
List<AnalysisError> errors = _getErrorListener(file).errors;
errors = _filterIgnoredErrors(file, errors);
results[file] = new UnitAnalysisResult(file, unit, errors);
return results;
* Compute [_constants] in all units.
void _computeConstants() {
ConstantEvaluationEngine evaluationEngine = new ConstantEvaluationEngine(
_typeProvider, _declaredVariables,
typeSystem: _context.typeSystem);
List<_ConstantNode> nodes = [];
Map<ConstantEvaluationTarget, _ConstantNode> nodeMap = {};
for (ConstantEvaluationTarget constant in _constants) {
var node = new _ConstantNode(evaluationEngine, nodeMap, constant);
nodeMap[constant] = node;
for (_ConstantNode node in nodes) {
if (!node.isEvaluated) {
new _ConstantWalker(evaluationEngine).walk(node);
void _computeHints(FileState file, CompilationUnit unit) {
AnalysisErrorListener errorListener = _getErrorListener(file);
ErrorReporter errorReporter = _getErrorReporter(file);
// Convert the pending errors into actual errors.
for (PendingError pendingError in _fileToPendingErrors[file]) {
new DeadCodeVerifier(errorReporter, typeSystem: _context.typeSystem));
// Dart2js analysis.
if (_analysisOptions.dart2jsHint) {
unit.accept(new Dart2JSVerifier(errorReporter));
InheritanceManager inheritanceManager = new InheritanceManager(
includeAbstractFromSuperclasses: true);
unit.accept(new BestPracticesVerifier(
errorReporter, _typeProvider, _libraryElement, inheritanceManager,
typeSystem: _context.typeSystem));
unit.accept(new OverrideVerifier(errorReporter, inheritanceManager));
new ToDoFinder(errorReporter).findIn(unit);
// Verify imports.
ImportsVerifier verifier = new ImportsVerifier();
// Unused local elements.
UsedLocalElements usedElements =
new UsedLocalElements.merge(_usedLocalElementsList);
UnusedLocalElementsVerifier visitor =
new UnusedLocalElementsVerifier(errorListener, usedElements);
void _computeLints(FileState file, CompilationUnit unit) {
ErrorReporter errorReporter = _getErrorReporter(file);
List<AstVisitor> visitors = <AstVisitor>[];
for (Linter linter in _analysisOptions.lintRules) {
AstVisitor visitor = linter.getVisitor();
if (visitor != null) {
linter.reporter = errorReporter;
if (_analysisOptions.enableTiming) {
visitor = new TimedAstVisitor(visitor, lintRegistry.getTimer(linter));
AstVisitor visitor = new ExceptionHandlingDelegatingAstVisitor(
visitors, ExceptionHandlingDelegatingAstVisitor.logException);
void _computePendingMissingRequiredParameters(
FileState file, CompilationUnit unit) {
// TODO(scheglov) This can be done without "pending" if we resynthesize.
var computer = new RequiredConstantsComputer(file.source);
_fileToPendingErrors[file] = computer.pendingErrors;
void _computeVerifyErrors(FileState file, CompilationUnit unit) {
RecordingErrorListener errorListener = _getErrorListener(file);
if (_analysisOptions.strongMode) {
AnalysisOptionsImpl options = _analysisOptions as AnalysisOptionsImpl;
CodeChecker checker = new CodeChecker(
new StrongTypeSystemImpl(_typeProvider,
implicitCasts: options.implicitCasts,
nonnullableTypes: options.nonnullableTypes),
ErrorReporter errorReporter = _getErrorReporter(file);
// Validate the directives.
_validateUriBasedDirectives(file, unit);
// Use the ConstantVerifier to compute errors.
ConstantVerifier constantVerifier = new ConstantVerifier(
errorReporter, _libraryElement, _typeProvider, _declaredVariables);
// Use the ErrorVerifier to compute errors.
ErrorVerifier errorVerifier = new ErrorVerifier(
new InheritanceManager(_libraryElement),
void _createAnalysisContext() {
AnalysisContextImpl analysisContext =
analysisContext.analysisOptions = _analysisOptions;
analysisContext.sourceFactory = _sourceFactory.clone();
analysisContext.contentCache = new _ContentCacheWrapper(_fsState);
this._context = analysisContext;
* Return a subset of the given [errors] that are not marked as ignored in
* the [file].
List<AnalysisError> _filterIgnoredErrors(
FileState file, List<AnalysisError> errors) {
if (errors.isEmpty) {
return errors;
IgnoreInfo ignoreInfo = _fileToIgnoreInfo[file];
if (!ignoreInfo.hasIgnores) {
return errors;
LineInfo lineInfo = _fileToLineInfo[file];
bool isIgnored(AnalysisError error) {
int errorLine = lineInfo.getLocation(error.offset).lineNumber;
String errorCode =;
// Ignores can be on the line or just preceding the error.
return ignoreInfo.ignoredAt(errorCode, errorLine) ||
ignoreInfo.ignoredAt(errorCode, errorLine - 1);
return errors.where((AnalysisError e) => !isIgnored(e)).toList();
RecordingErrorListener _getErrorListener(FileState file) =>
_errorListeners.putIfAbsent(file, () => new RecordingErrorListener());
ErrorReporter _getErrorReporter(FileState file) {
return _errorReporters.putIfAbsent(file, () {
RecordingErrorListener listener = _getErrorListener(file);
return new ErrorReporter(listener, file.source);
* Return the name of the library that the given part is declared to be a
* part of, or `null` if the part does not contain a part-of directive.
_NameOrSource _getPartLibraryNameOrUri(Source partSource,
CompilationUnit partUnit, List<Directive> directivesToResolve) {
for (Directive directive in partUnit.directives) {
if (directive is PartOfDirective) {
LibraryIdentifier libraryName = directive.libraryName;
if (libraryName != null) {
return new _NameOrSource(, null);
String uri = directive.uri?.stringValue;
if (uri != null) {
Source librarySource = _sourceFactory.resolveUri(partSource, uri);
if (librarySource != null) {
return new _NameOrSource(null, librarySource);
return null;
* Return `true` if the given [source] is a library.
bool _isLibrarySource(Source source) {
String uriStr = source.uri.toString();
return _store.unlinkedMap[uriStr]?.isPartOf == false;
* Return a new parsed unresolved [CompilationUnit].
CompilationUnit _parse(FileState file) {
RecordingErrorListener errorListener = _getErrorListener(file);
String content = file.content;
CompilationUnit unit = file.parse(errorListener);
LineInfo lineInfo = unit.lineInfo;
_fileToLineInfo[file] = lineInfo;
_fileToIgnoreInfo[file] = IgnoreInfo.calculateIgnores(content, lineInfo);
return unit;
void _resolveDirectives(Map<FileState, CompilationUnit> units) {
CompilationUnit definingCompilationUnit = units[_library];
var uriToElement = <Uri, CompilationUnitElement>{};
for (CompilationUnitElement partElement in _libraryElement.units) {
uriToElement[partElement.source.uri] = partElement;
var sourceToUnit = <Source, CompilationUnit>{};
units.forEach((file, unit) {
Source source = file.source;
unit.element = uriToElement[source.uri];
sourceToUnit[source] = unit;
ErrorReporter libraryErrorReporter = _getErrorReporter(_library);
LibraryIdentifier libraryNameNode = null;
bool hasPartDirective = false;
var seenPartSources = new Set<Source>();
var directivesToResolve = <Directive>[];
for (Directive directive in definingCompilationUnit.directives) {
if (directive is LibraryDirective) {
libraryNameNode =;
} else if (directive is ImportDirective) {
for (ImportElement importElement in _libraryElement.imports) {
if (importElement.nameOffset == directive.offset) {
directive.element = importElement;
if (!_isLibrarySource(importElement.importedLibrary.source)) {
ErrorCode errorCode = importElement.isDeferred
: CompileTimeErrorCode.IMPORT_OF_NON_LIBRARY;
errorCode, directive.uri, [directive.uri]);
} else if (directive is ExportDirective) {
for (ExportElement exportElement in _libraryElement.exports) {
if (exportElement.nameOffset == directive.offset) {
directive.element = exportElement;
if (!_isLibrarySource(exportElement.exportedLibrary.source)) {
} else if (directive is PartDirective) {
hasPartDirective = true;
StringLiteral partUri = directive.uri;
Source partSource = directive.uriSource;
CompilationUnit partUnit = sourceToUnit[partSource];
if (partUnit != null) {
directive.element = partUnit.element;
// Validate that the part source is unique in the library.
if (!seenPartSources.add(partSource)) {
CompileTimeErrorCode.DUPLICATE_PART, partUri, [partSource.uri]);
// Validate that the part contains a part-of directive with the same
// name as the library.
if (_context.exists(partSource)) {
_NameOrSource nameOrSource = _getPartLibraryNameOrUri(
partSource, partUnit, directivesToResolve);
if (nameOrSource == null) {
} else {
String name =;
if (name != null) {
if (libraryNameNode != null && != name) {
[, name]);
} else {
Source source = nameOrSource.source;
if (source != _library.source) {
[_library.uriStr, source.uri]);
if (hasPartDirective &&
libraryNameNode == null &&
!_context.analysisOptions.enableUriInPartOf) {
// Resolve the relevant directives to the library element.
for (Directive directive in directivesToResolve) {
directive.element = _libraryElement;
// TODO(scheglov) remove DirectiveResolver class
void _resolveFile(FileState file, CompilationUnit unit) {
RecordingErrorListener errorListener = _getErrorListener(file);
CompilationUnitElement unitElement = unit.element;
Source source = file.source;
// TODO(scheglov) Hack: set types for top-level variables
// Otherwise TypeResolverVisitor will set declared types, and because we
// don't run InferStaticVariableTypeTask, we will stuck with these declared
// types. And we don't need to run this task - resynthesized elements have
// inferred types.
for (var e in unitElement.topLevelVariables) {
if (!e.isSynthetic) {
new DeclarationResolver().resolve(unit, unitElement);
// TODO(scheglov) remove EnumMemberBuilder class
new TypeParameterBoundsResolver(
_typeProvider, _libraryElement, source, errorListener)
unit.accept(new TypeResolverVisitor(
_libraryElement, source, _typeProvider, errorListener));
LibraryScope libraryScope = new LibraryScope(_libraryElement);
unit.accept(new VariableResolverVisitor(
_libraryElement, source, _typeProvider, errorListener,
nameScope: libraryScope));
unit.accept(new PartialResolverVisitor(_libraryElement, source,
_typeProvider, AnalysisErrorListener.NULL_LISTENER));
// Nothing for RESOLVED_UNIT8?
// Nothing for RESOLVED_UNIT9?
// Nothing for RESOLVED_UNIT10?
unit.accept(new ResolverVisitor(
_libraryElement, source, _typeProvider, errorListener));
// Find constants to compute.
ConstantFinder constantFinder = new ConstantFinder();
// Find constant dependencies to compute.
var finder = new ConstantExpressionsDependenciesFinder();
* Return the result of resolve the given [uriContent], reporting errors
* against the [uriLiteral].
Source _resolveUri(FileState file, bool isImport, StringLiteral uriLiteral,
String uriContent) {
UriValidationCode code =
UriBasedDirectiveImpl.validateUri(isImport, uriLiteral, uriContent);
if (code == null) {
try {
} on FormatException {
return null;
return _sourceFactory.resolveUri(file.source, uriContent);
} else if (code == UriValidationCode.URI_WITH_DART_EXT_SCHEME) {
return null;
} else if (code == UriValidationCode.URI_WITH_INTERPOLATION) {
CompileTimeErrorCode.URI_WITH_INTERPOLATION, uriLiteral);
return null;
} else if (code == UriValidationCode.INVALID_URI) {
CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_URI, uriLiteral, [uriContent]);
return null;
return null;
void _resolveUriBasedDirectives(FileState file, CompilationUnit unit) {
for (Directive directive in unit.directives) {
if (directive is UriBasedDirective) {
StringLiteral uriLiteral = directive.uri;
String uriContent = uriLiteral.stringValue?.trim();
directive.uriContent = uriContent;
Source defaultSource = _resolveUri(
file, directive is ImportDirective, uriLiteral, uriContent);
directive.uriSource = defaultSource;
* Check the given [directive] to see if the referenced source exists and
* report an error if it does not.
void _validateUriBasedDirective(
FileState file, UriBasedDirectiveImpl directive) {
Source source = directive.uriSource;
if (source != null) {
if (_context.exists(source)) {
} else {
// Don't report errors already reported by ParseDartTask.resolveDirective
// TODO(scheglov) we don't use this task here
if (directive.validate() != null) {
StringLiteral uriLiteral = directive.uri;
CompileTimeErrorCode errorCode = CompileTimeErrorCode.URI_DOES_NOT_EXIST;
if (_isGenerated(source)) {
errorCode = CompileTimeErrorCode.URI_HAS_NOT_BEEN_GENERATED;
.reportErrorForNode(errorCode, uriLiteral, [directive.uriContent]);
* Check each directive in the given [unit] to see if the referenced source
* exists and report an error if it does not.
void _validateUriBasedDirectives(FileState file, CompilationUnit unit) {
for (Directive directive in unit.directives) {
if (directive is UriBasedDirective) {
_validateUriBasedDirective(file, directive);
* Return `true` if the given [source] refers to a file that is assumed to be
* generated.
static bool _isGenerated(Source source) {
if (source == null) {
return false;
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Generalize this mechanism.
const List<String> suffixes = const <String>[
String fullName = source.fullName;
for (String suffix in suffixes) {
if (fullName.endsWith(suffix)) {
return true;
return false;
* Analysis result for single file.
class UnitAnalysisResult {
final FileState file;
final CompilationUnit unit;
final List<AnalysisError> errors;
UnitAnalysisResult(this.file, this.unit, this.errors);
* [Node] that is used to compute constants in dependency order.
class _ConstantNode extends Node<_ConstantNode> {
final ConstantEvaluationEngine evaluationEngine;
final Map<ConstantEvaluationTarget, _ConstantNode> nodeMap;
final ConstantEvaluationTarget constant;
bool isEvaluated = false;
_ConstantNode(this.evaluationEngine, this.nodeMap, this.constant);
List<_ConstantNode> computeDependencies() {
List<ConstantEvaluationTarget> targets = [];
evaluationEngine.computeDependencies(constant, targets.add);
_ConstantNode _getNode(ConstantEvaluationTarget constant) {
return nodeMap.putIfAbsent(
constant, () => new _ConstantNode(evaluationEngine, nodeMap, constant));
* [DependencyWalker] for computing constants and detecting cycles.
class _ConstantWalker extends DependencyWalker<_ConstantNode> {
final ConstantEvaluationEngine evaluationEngine;
void evaluate(_ConstantNode node) {
node.isEvaluated = true;
void evaluateScc(List<_ConstantNode> scc) {
var constantsInCycle = => node.constant);
for (_ConstantNode node in scc) {
evaluationEngine.generateCycleError(constantsInCycle, node.constant);
node.isEvaluated = true;
* [ContentCache] wrapper around [FileContentOverlay].
class _ContentCacheWrapper implements ContentCache {
final FileSystemState fsState;
void accept(ContentCacheVisitor visitor) {
throw new UnimplementedError();
String getContents(Source source) {
return _getFileForSource(source).content;
bool getExists(Source source) {
return _getFileForSource(source).exists;
int getModificationStamp(Source source) {
return _getFileForSource(source).exists ? 0 : -1;
String setContents(Source source, String contents) {
throw new UnimplementedError();
FileState _getFileForSource(Source source) {
String path = source.fullName;
return fsState.getFileForPath(path);
* Either the name or the source associated with a part-of directive.
class _NameOrSource {
final String name;
final Source source;
_NameOrSource(, this.source);