blob: 72f2e38e6845219678e21e7eca8e7dc6e21bf922 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Tools for manipulating HTML during code generation of analyzer and analysis
* server.
library analyzer.src.codegen.html;
import 'package:html/dom.dart' as dom;
* Make a deep copy of the given HTML nodes.
List<dom.Node> cloneHtmlNodes(List<dom.Node> nodes) => node) => node.clone(true)).toList();
* Return true if the given iterable contains only whitespace text nodes.
bool containsOnlyWhitespace(Iterable<dom.Node> nodes) {
for (dom.Node node in nodes) {
if (!isWhitespaceNode(node)) {
return false;
return true;
* Get the text contents of the element, ignoring all markup.
String innerText(dom.Element parent) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
void recurse(dom.Element parent) {
for (dom.Node child in parent.nodes) {
if (child is dom.Text) {
} else if (child is dom.Element) {
return buffer.toString();
* Return true if the given node is a text node containing only whitespace, or
* a comment.
bool isWhitespaceNode(dom.Node node) {
if (node is dom.Element) {
return false;
} else if (node is dom.Text) {
return node.text.trim().isEmpty;
// Treat all other types of nodes (e.g. comments) as whitespace.
return true;
* Create an HTML element with the given name, attributes, and child nodes.
dom.Element makeElement(
String name, Map<dynamic, String> attributes, List<dom.Node> children) {
dom.Element result = new dom.Element.tag(name);
for (dom.Node child in children) {
return result;
* Mixin class for generating HTML.
class HtmlGenerator {
List<dom.Node> _html;
* Add the given [node] to the HTML output.
void add(dom.Node node) {
* Add the given [nodes] to the HTML output.
void addAll(Iterable<dom.Node> nodes) {
for (dom.Node node in nodes) {
* Execute [callback], collecting any code that is output using [write],
* [writeln], [add], [addAll] or [element], and return the result as a list
* of HTML nodes.
List<dom.Node> collectHtml(void callback()) {
List<dom.Node> oldHtml = _html;
try {
_html = <dom.Node>[];
if (callback != null) {
return _html;
} finally {
_html = oldHtml;
* Execute [callback], wrapping its output in an element with the given
* [name] and [attributes].
void element(String name, Map<dynamic, String> attributes,
[void callback()]) {
add(makeElement(name, attributes, collectHtml(callback)));
* Output text without ending the current line.
void write(String text) {
_html.add(new dom.Text(text));
* Output text, ending the current line.
void writeln([Object obj = '']) {