blob: 61d604e02d0d5e36d3ba35b3b48c5e8d76a7c211 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
import "implicit_const_context_prefix_constructor_named_test.dart" as prefix;
// Test that constructor invocations are constant
// when evaluated in a const context.
class C {
final Object x;
const C.named(this.x);
// Static const.
static const staticConst = prefix.C.named(42);
// Top-level const.
const topConst = prefix.C.named(42);
main() {
const c0 = const prefix.C.named(42); // Explicit const.
// RHS of const local variable.
const c1 = prefix.C.named(42);
// Inside const expression.
var c2 = (const [prefix.C.named(42)])[0]; // List element.
var c3 = (const {prefix.C.named(42): 0}).keys.first; // Map key.
var c4 = (const {0: prefix.C.named(42)}).values.first; // Map value.
var c5 = (const C.named(prefix.C.named(42))).x; // Constructor argument.
Expect.identical(c0, c1);
Expect.identical(c0, c2);
Expect.identical(c0, c3);
Expect.identical(c0, c4);
Expect.identical(c0, c5);
Expect.identical(c0, C.staticConst);
Expect.identical(c0, topConst);
// Switch case expression.
switch (c0) {
case prefix.C.named(42):
default:"Didn't match constant");
// Annotation argument.
// (Cannot check that it's const, just that it's accepted).
var foo = null;
foo; // avoid "unused" hints.