blob: 40cb4b687c5c4aed2a630cc6f38a8d5c59e27d4f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
class A<X, Y, Z> {
shift() => new A<Z, X, Y>();
swap() => new A<Z, Y, X>();
first() => new A<X, X, X>();
last() => new A<Z, Z, Z>();
wrap() => new A<A<X, X, X>, A<Y, Y, Y>, A<Z, Z, Z>>();
class B extends A<U, V, W> {}
class C<T> extends A<U, T, W> {}
class D<X, Y, Z> extends A<Y, Z, X> {}
class U {}
class V {}
class W {}
sameType(a, b) => Expect.equals(a.runtimeType, b.runtimeType);
main() {
A a = new A<U, V, W>();
sameType(new A<W, U, V>(), a.shift());
sameType(new A<W, V, U>(), a.swap());
sameType(new A<U, U, U>(), a.first());
sameType(new A<W, W, W>(), a.last());
sameType(new A<A<U, U, U>, A<V, V, V>, A<W, W, W>>(), a.wrap());
B b = new B();
sameType(new A<A<U, U, U>, A<V, V, V>, A<W, W, W>>(), b.wrap());
C c = new C<V>();
sameType(new A<A<U, U, U>, A<V, V, V>, A<W, W, W>>(), c.wrap());
D d = new D<U, V, W>();
sameType(new A<A<V, V, V>, A<W, W, W>, A<U, U, U>>(), d.wrap());